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Tick tick tick, time is flying, it’s the End of 2017 and 2018 is coming

on strong!
Want to have a kick butt, high profitable January while everyone
else is slow? Then Right now is the time to be launching your 2018
Here’s 4 things you need to be doing right now to kick off 2018 full
speed and multiply your sales.

4 End of Year Tips You MUST Start

NOW to Multiply Your Sales in 2018.

1. Have something new, something “blue” to promote. If you’ve had the same list and social
friends you been contacting for years, nothing can ignite those lists better than something fresh and
new to show them. If done well, tapping into the lists of contacts, clients and past clients you already
have can create revenue spikes quickly at very low cost.
a. It could be as simple as a new title, logo or tagline for your current programs – but a fresh new
look can make it electric – and get people responding.
b. Fresh testimonials or case studies can help people to see your programs in a new light.
c. New taglines, fresh graphics or complete new language describing your products and services
can make people take another look and get them to respond.
d. Maybe it’s an entirely new product. We see that many companies are not maximizing their
intellectual properties – ie. They have knowledge, talent or experiences that could be converted
into a new line of products. There could be a ton of revenue being left on the table, right under
your nose, and you’ll never see it. One great way to uncover opportunities – do a brainstorming
session with an outside expert – someone from the outside can help you realize potential
opportunities and make them reality.
2. Automate your Lead Gen and Marketing. From lead generation to social media and even follow
up email systems - automating your marketing can help to multiply your customers exponentially. It’s
easy to fall into a cycle.

You market, create prospects, sell some contracts, then focus on finishing the projects. Cash is flowing,
everyone’s happy until the projects near completion, you realize we need MORE projects. Back to
marketing, selling, etc… It’s a cycle that produce slow growth and flat profits. Automating your
marketing can help to multiply your customers and revenues exponentially.
a. You can increase your reply rate by 250% by automating your outreach and follow up emails
b. Automation keeps your outreach and follow up consistent and nothing gets missed or dropped.
c. Millions in sales per year are missed because of dropped follow up

3. Accept that you are a media company – producing desired content for people to find.

a. …and Stop avoiding Video

b. 51% of buyers are relying more

on content now to research
their buying decisions

c. 95% of respondents are open to

considering vendor content as

d. Video is growing even stronger

by the minute as THE #1
marketing platform that YOUR customers are watching. Who do you know that hasn’t watched
a video in the past month? Day? Hour? Still believe YOUR customers aren’t watching?

i. YouTube has over a billion users — almost one-third of all people on the Internet —
and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate
billions of views.

ii. YouTube overall, and even YouTube on mobile alone, reaches more 18-34 and 18-49
year-olds than any cable network in the U.S.
e. Think about your company as an educational channel. What “programming” are you
producing to entice viewers? Programming can (and must be) written blogs, articles, and
VIDEOS. Educational content is HUGE! Everyone is learning SOMETHING from the internet

i. If you don’t supply the content, someone else will, and YOUR potential customers will
buy from your competition. OUCH! Show people what you know, your personality, your
tips, your case studies and testimonials. You will grab their attention, they will follow
you, and eventually BUY from you.

4. Train an army of Professional Networkers. Go to any one of the 10 networking events

happening in your area today and you will meet some wonderful people – that are really BAD at

a. It’s not their fault, many of them have no training in prospecting customers at events or
tradeshows. Pressing the flesh can be a HUGE source of new prospects, partnerships and

b. Imagine this – an army of sales people (whether it’s 2 or 2000) who are Masters at netwokring,
building relationships, following up and generating endless new leads. With the proper training
it can become reality. Without training it’s wasted time, money and effort that eats away at

Want to hit the ground running in January 2018? Now (in October) is the time to get moving on these four
items. Procrastination has kept good companies from doing great things since the dawn of time. Your
competition is doing these things right now to grab your market share – get moving and January will be

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