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Part 1

Epiphany About Conditioning (Post #1)

I had an epiphany this morning about Conditioning that I would love to share with you all.
Whenever I get insights or epiphanies I immediately type them up so that I can later expand on them by
contemplating them more. This is my very first post. When I focus on a thought, idea or desire, my
body immediately sends me a corresponding emotion to that thought, idea or desire. This emotion is my
first manifestation and it informs me how I have FELT in the past about this thought, idea or desire. It
lets me KNOW if I am resistant to or accepting of my thought, idea or desire. This initial emotion shows
me my current dominant belief around this thought, idea or desire.

The BODY is the emotional FILTER for all of my thoughts, ideas and desires and what I have
already accepted as true (Believed) about them. My BODY therefore is a RECORD of all of my beliefs. As
such I can use it as a barometer to know what my beliefs are and then I can choose to change those
beliefs if they don’t support my current desire or ideal life.This makes total sense because as I learn new
things and impress that new knowledge that I have accepted as true, onto my subconscious mind (SM),
the SM automates that knowledge in my body and moves my body automatically in accordance with
that new belief. This is why Neville said we only have FREE WILL to choose our desires and beliefs
because the SM automates and moves our body automatically to whatever we have accepted as true
(believed = sum total of our consciousness).

Given this new understanding of how I get conditioned, I can easily and effortlessly change any
conditioning (beliefs) that no longer serves me. Instead of reacting to the outer shadow world, I can
simply notice how my body is responding to my current mental diet (thoughts, ideas, memories and
desires).Then I can simply get still and silent…drop into my I AM state…and then recondition myself with
the thought plus the feeling that matches my desire. Once this new belief (thought + feeling) is
impressed upon my SM, my body will automatically move in accordance with it. I will be automatically
drawn into the bridge of incidence that ends in the physical manifestation of my desire.

Being Spiritually awake is the key here. If I don’t KNOW that I am the God of my Universe and
that I literally manifest my reality through my beliefs, then I am in a victim state rather than a Creator
state of being. In a victim state, I am reacting to the physically world not knowing that I manifested it. In
the Creator state, I look at my outer reality knowing that it is a reflection of my inner reality. All that I am
seeing our old subconscious beliefs that need revision if they don’t fit my ideal life now. Otherwise I am
in Creator mode consciously choosing my mental diet and beliefs and therefore conditioning myself to
receive all of my desires and live my ideal life.

Consciousness is the one and only reality. Meaning that my life is the interaction between the
conscious and subconscious aspects of my mind which is God’s Mind. The Father and I are One. I am the
God/Creator of my reality. Imagination is my power to move my I AM (my awareness of being) into any
already created state of being…love, peace, joy, abundance, health, freedom, fulfillment etc. etc. etc.
Since creation is finished, I am literally like a child in a candy store with the freedom to choose whatever
candy (state of being) I desire. However, I only have this freedom to choose when I know who I am and
how life works otherwise life appears to be randomly happening to me and I see myself as a victim to
outside circumstances.

This is why Neville told us that we are God and that Consciousness is the one and only reality
and that imagining creates reality. When you truly understand this, you realize that you are the
unlimited creator of your world and life gets really exciting. 😊 Happy Manifesting!!!
Part 2

I have a question about some content in Chapter 5 (Law of Thought Transmission) in Neville’s
book Prayer- the Art of Believing. (Please see The Complete Reader pages 190 to 196) (Post #2)

I really love how Neville explains how our mind is a mirror and our consciousness is a vibrating
light that is reflected on the mirror of our mind and projected out into space. I have the image of my
mind being a giant tuning fork attuning everyone in my world to my assumptions. This attunement will
produce many thoughts and emotions within me, but I hold fast to the fact they everyone in my world
must eventually conform to the arrangement of my mind…my consciousness…the sum total of all that I
believe, assume and accept as true about myself, “seeming others” and the world at large.

My question comes in when I read on page 192 at the top of the page: “The word spoken
subjectively in quite confidence will always awaken a corresponding state in the one in whom it was
spoken; but the moment its task is accomplished it ceases to be, permitting the one in whom the state is
realized to remain in the consciousness of the state affirmed or to return to his former state.”

This quoted paragraph can be read and interpreted many different ways. I have contemplated
this and received many insights about it but I am curious what you all think about it. I ask because it
appears to contradict the everyone is you pushed out concept by stating that the person for whom you
wished to be healthy, wealthy, free or whatever has a choice to return to their former state. How can
that be if they must conform to my assumptions about them?

Just curious if any of you also read that paragraph and your brain threw up a big red flag
because it did not match what Neville has written in other books and lectures. Looking forward to a
good discussion on this topic.

Part 3

Law of Assumption and Self-Concepts (Post #3).

Hi Everyone I woke up this morning with some wonderful insights after contemplating the law of
assumption and self-concepts. As I was beginning to type up my insights I entered into a wonderful
stream of Consciousness that flowed out the following 2.5 pages of wisdom. The state of being that I
most often occupy is a state where I know who I am and how life works. Please let me know what you
think because I keep going back and forth about whether I should write a book or not and I want to
know if my writing style makes sense to you all. Thanks and Enjoy!

I am pure awareness of being (aka I AM) imagining myself into and out of an infinite number of
already created states of being in order to know myself. I accomplish this movement through states of
being via my imagination and the law of assumption. Every self-concept has already been created and
exists within my own awareness as a potential waiting for me to enter into it and express it.

Layers of the One Being (I AM) exist within an infinite series of levels of awareness similar to a
video game with its many levels of play. The One who is called many names such as God,Consciousness,
Light, the Cause and Substance of ALL THAT IS became the Many in order to know Itself and experience
its own creation. Since the One is absolute, infinite and indivisible it had to create a Universe where it
could pretend that It was NOT all powerful, all-knowing and omnipresent. Absolute indivisible infinity
cannot experience Itself unless it is in a finite form that appears to be separate from everything else. The
One (the subject) had to have objects (things and other beings) in order to know and experience Itself.
Therefore, a Universe with the appearance of duality (opposites and others) was created so that the
One faceless, formless awareness of being could know and experience Itself within its own creation.
Hence the game of Life was born.
We are really the One (God/I AM) playing this game called Life (Light in Form Expressing). This game has
many levels from complete unawareness to full awareness and everything in between. Obviously, the
more awareness you have the better you can play the game.

Based on my ever-expanding level of awareness (thanks in large part to Neville’s teachings) here
is how I am playing the game:

I know that I am really the one and only I AM playing a character called Patty who can literally
be, do and have whatever she desires because EVERYTHING already exists within Consciousness (her
awareness of being…her mind…her imagination). Everything I want is within me because everything
outside of me is an illusion (a dream) reflecting my inner world. As within, so without is LITERAL!
Knowing this I get still and drop back into my True Self or Core Being which is the I AM with nothing
attached to it – just pure awareness of being. I commune with my Self and feel into what desire wants to
express through me now. Sometimes I already know my desire so I will just feel that I am already
experiencing having or being my desire.

Here is an example of my favorite conscious manifestation: Back in October 2010 I was playing
with the idea of getting checks in the mail just for fun. I imagined receiving the checks and being very
happy. At the end of the month we received a Division Order from Chesapeake Operating, LLC and in
November we received a check in the amount of $17,520.50 and in December we got another check for
$11,655.18. What happened was that my husband’s parents were approached by Chesapeake to drill for
oil and gas on the 1,000-acre ranch that my husband’s grandfather purchased back in 1947 which my
father-in-law inherited. Chesapeake keeps 80% of the profits and gives the landowners the other 20%.
My in-laws decided to keep 10% and give each of their five boys 2% of the Mineral Rights. The checks do
vary in amount and we are still getting checks every month because it was a ten-year lease which I am
imagining will be renewed. This desire came about because I was feeling a bit guilty about not making
any money anymore. I had retired from being a CPA in 2007 because I hated the rat race. I had studied
metaphysics and had all of these certifications in hypnotherapy, NLP, Silva Method and many other
things but I did not want to work. I love my freedom so I decided to imagine getting checks in the mail
and it worked! So far, we have received $584,077.92. I had already manifested being debt free which we
achieved in January 2006 when we paid off our 30-year mortgage in just ten months which was another
conscious manifestation. My brother had paid off his 30-year mortgage in ten months so I contemplated
doing the same thing and it manifested. I also manifested the man of my dreams back in 2004 and we
got married in 2005. We will celebrate our 15 th anniversary on May 28th. He is actually my second
husband because when I was 16, I imagined marrying a doctor to get out of poverty. After I graduated
college without owing a dime (another conscious manifestation), I did marry a man whom I worked to
put through medical school. He was not what I truly wanted in a husband though, so I imagined an
amicable divorce which manifested too. Whatever I desire is already within me and I am simply entering
into that state of being and assuming it by FEELING it is already a part of my life right now.

In short, everything already exists and all that I have to do is BE…I simply ASSUME my desire into
my BEING as in I AM that I AM. I am free, I am wealthy, I am healthy, I am happy, I am a master at
manifesting whatever I desire. I get to choose whatever I want and then I assume I already have it and it
MUST show up because that is how the law of being works. The law of being, law of assumption and
self-concepts are a huge part of the game once you become aware of who you really are.

The game is not always fun until you fully realize that the outer world is dead and completely
conforms to your imagination. There will be ups and downs but understand that thoughts, emotions,
conditions and circumstances are all shadows REFLECTING your state of being. You have free will to
choose your state of being but you have zero free will of how you will act because you are acting from
your current state of being. Therefore, choose your state wisely and always, always remember that you
are really the I AM entering into and playing a role within a state of being.
I see myself as a Trinity of Being:

1) I am really the one and only I AM – God, Source Energy, Divine Intelligence – whatever you
choose to call It because it does not matter. It doesn’t care because It is ALL THAT IS wanting to
experience Itself through a form and we finite humans are that form. The faceless, formless
pure awareness of being is who I really am. I am that I AM – get it. 😊We are each God
manifested into a finite form that can only experience one portion of creation at a time because
we are living inside the game of life with its illusion of duality, time and space.
2) I am also the desire, the son, the form that the Father (I AM) wants to take. I am an extension of
the Father just like the sun rays are an extension of the Sun. The sun rays are not separate from
the Sun just an expression of the Sun. The story of Jesus is the story of a son (a manifestation)
who woke up and remembered that he was actually one with his Father = I AM/God. In other
words, the pure Awareness of being (I AM, the Father) and whatever it is aware of (Jesus, the
son, the manifestation) are one. It can really be no other way. Just like Jesus, Patty is just one of
many finite forms or expressions that God is experiencing in order to know Itself. In order to
know who you really are, you also have to know who you are NOT. This is exactly why the many
states of being exist within the game of life along with the many different levels of awareness.
God wanted adventure, drama, comedy, tragedy…God wanted to experience ALL THAT IS…and
God does that through us the extensions of Himself because God is indivisible. Therefore, ALL
THAT IS exists within the game of life. This is why there is the appearance of good and evil, right
and wrong and all of the other opposites. But underneath this illusion of duality is just God…the
One indivisible being manifested into many forms playing the game of life. Don’t we all love to
play games? Well God loves to play the game of life. We are extensions of God who chose to
play the game so we descended in Consciousness to where duality, time and space exist. We go
through all of the states of being until we reach the stage of the game where, like Neville, we
remember we are really God choosing what we want to experience by consciously using our
imagination which is the Power of God to enter into and partake of any state of being.
3) I am also the process – the womb of manifestation – or the programmer within the game of life.
I am truly ALL THAT IS with the appearance or illusion of being many things. I am the great and
powerful OZ, as well as the man fumbling behind the curtain to operate the machine, as well as
Dorothy, Toto, the scarecrow, the tin man, the lion, the wicked witch, the good witch, the flying
monkeys and all of the munchkins. I have played the game enough times and gained enough
awareness to know who I really am (God playing the role of Patty) and how the game of life
works through the conscious us of my power (imagination) and the law of assumption.
Everything is a movement within Consciousness – the one and only reality. Imagining creates
reality because it is through imagination that I can move into and out of any already created
state of being. I can move incrementally or I can take a quantum leap – it is all my choice.
I am God assuming a role within the game of life. Patty is one of God’s avatars (one of God’s imagined selves)
who had to completely forget that she was really God. God and Patty are one but depending on the state of
being that Patty occupies, Patty may or may not always remember this truth. Just as God assumes Patty into
being, Patty assumes aspects of her life into being… that she is a woman, a spouse, a CPA and a master
manifestor. All of these assumptions are all just self-concepts or states of being or bodies of belief. The game
has layers of awareness within layers of awareness just like a Russian nesting doll. Patty is choosing to live in a
state of being where she consciously knows the truth and plays the game of life like Neville did – writing and
sharing her knowledge of the Truth and playing the game of life successfully. 😊 I (the I AM) flowed this piece
of writing through her to share it with all of you. Have fun playing the game of life because I enjoy
experiencing it ALL!!! Do not be afraid as I go before you always and am always with you because we are one
and can never be separated. Life is just a game I am playing within myself (Consciousness). You are always safe
and sound just like the chess pieces on a chessboard no matter what moves you have made or even if you got
killed…the game can be reset and replayed from any moment you choose. Relax, have fun and know that all is
Part 4

Changing Perspectives aka States of Being aka Bodies of Beliefs through Least Action which is The Law
of Assumption. (Post #4)

(Warning this is LONG but TOTALLY worth it if you choose to read it!)

I had a HUGE shift in my level of Awareness on June 7, 2020. It was as if the last veil was lifted
and I saw the entire reality of who I really am as well as the unified field of Consciousness. I have
received tons of downloads and insights into Being (I AM) since then and have been typing away
capturing all of this wonderful wisdom as it flows through me.

I wanted to briefly and concisely share the four levels of Unity (Christ) Consciousness that we
operate from in our human form with you. And I also wanted to direct you to a great video on YouTube
that came out July 2, 2020. It is called Deeper into I AM “the psychological journey of perspectives”
(Neville Goddard). Joseph Rodrigues dissects information from books and this one of Neville’s is
particularly good. Here is that link: Here is a brief description of the four levels of Unity Consciousness that is within each
one of us:

This first level of awareness is called the God or Father state which ironically is the last level of
awareness to be recognized. God is a pure infinite unconditioned consciousness and exists in human
beings as their awareness of being. God is the one and only I AM who is the creator as well as the
substance of ALL THAT IS. Consciousness is the one and only reality because it is the only substance
there is. God said, “Let there be light.” Consciousness is a fluid transformable liquid light or energy that
everything is made from. There is only Consciousness (God) manifested into a multitude of forms
including all human beings. Everything begins at this level of awareness and flows from an
unconditioned state of being (consciousness) to a conditioned state of being (consciousness) and back
again in the never-ending transformation of Consciousness. Communication flows effortlessly back and
forth between God (I AM) and all three other levels of awareness which are human imagination, the
mind and the body.

This second level of awareness is called Human Imagination or the redemptive power to
transform Consciousness. God’s only begotten Son (Human Imagination) was with God since the
beginning. God loved his child so much that God wanted to give him the ability to experience being a
Divine creator. So, God created an entire Holographic Universe (playground) where Human Imagination
can play and shape Unconditioned Consciousness (God) into whatever Human Imagination desires. All
human beings and everything in this dream or illusionary physical world springs from the mind of
Human Imagination. Human Imagination is the transforming power that shapes Unconditioned
Consciousness into Conditioned forms and also reshapes an already conditioned form (human being)
into a new form or different state of being. God (Unconditioned Consciousness) is playing with his Son
(Human Imagination) and transforming into (PLAYING) all of the parts/forms (including human beings)
that his Son imagines into being. Since Consciousness is one and indivisible, all the imagined human
beings also have all four levels of awareness within them. And since God is a creator, all of its
conditioned forms (human beings) are also creators (mini-gods). Because Consciousness is ONE and
indivisible this implies that all human beings are the conditioned manifestations of the One
Unconditioned Consciousness that is God/I AM. We are not the one and only God creator of Heaven and
Earth, but rather we are expressions of God and one with God because God is ALL THAT IS. We are the
manifestations of Human Imagination that God/Consciousness is manifested as. In other words, God is
playing the role of a human being which is the manifestation of Human Imagination. God created this
game of awareness with infinite states of being to play within and teach Human Imagination how to
create through the power of love. A good metaphor would be that God is the Sun (the infinite Source of
all Light/Consciousness) while we are the sun rays the finite streams of light (perspectives/states of
being/conditioned forms) created out of Human Imagination for the purpose of raising Human
Imagination to Divine Imagination. God is infinity expressing Itself through finite human forms who have
the same attributes and abilities as God only keyed lowed giving Human Imagination the sense that he is
creating life like his Father can. Human Imagination (our True Self) is on a journey from a state of being
called the Son of Man to the state of being called the Son of God. When human beings awaken to their
true identity (Human Imagination dreaming human beings into individualized expressions of God) then
we human beings become empowered beings and can consciously manifest into higher states of being.
Creation is finished so all human beings are doing is expanding their individualized consciousness into
higher conditioned states of being. And when we receive the promise like Neville did, then we will be
incorporated into the risen body of the Lord which is Human Imagination raising it level of awareness to
Divine Imagination. We human beings are actually God (unconditioned consciousness) playing roles (real
life characters within states of being) for Human Imagination to learn how to be a Divine Creator.
Everything is Consciousness and ONE so it is a seamless flow of energy but with a twist giving rise to the
illusion of separation. But has Neville said, we were never born, can never die and we are never ever
harmed in any way. All is simply God playing a game of awareness with Human Imagination and we are
part of the game…we are helping Human Imagination (our true self) raise Consciousness up within the
game of life to the Divine Level of awareness. I have a whole backstory on our Spiritual Lineage which is
fascinating and would explain this further but that is too long to put in this post.

The third level of Awareness is called the Subconscious or Subjective mind. The subconscious
mind (mind/heart) has many functions including being the link between the spiritual and physical
worlds. The subconscious mind is the feminine aspect of the mind that houses the kingdom of heaven.
This mind acts like a film projector and flashes light through the filmstrips (conditioned consciousness)
which is whatever is felt to be true (believed) by the human being onto the screen of physical space for
the human being to witness and experience their beliefs. The subconscious mind is the projector while
the ever-changing film is the sum total of all that a human being believes about itself (self-concepts),
“seeming others” (things you deny or reject within yourself and project those traits onto others) and the
world at large (how you see yourself in relationship to the outer world). Believing is seeing. Beliefs are
the filters used to narrow down infinity into the finite state of being to be experienced. This is why
Neville said that Being and Believing are One (see his book Out of this World). Beliefs can be changed at
any time therefore human beings are never stuck in any one conditioned state of being. However, it
does take awareness of the belief to change it otherwise the belief runs automatically within the
subconscious mind and keeps projecting the same images onto the screen of space in a feedback loop

The fourth level of awareness is the Conscious Mind which represents physical awareness or the
perception of everything in the illusory physical world including our physical body. The conscious mind
or projected physical body is the masculine aspect of mind. It is the chooser and perceiver who sees his
physical body using his five physical senses and experiences all of his beliefs personified as people,
places, events, conditions and circumstances. Everything in the physical world is an illusion (a mental
projection) from the subconscious mind (mind/heart) which is perceived by the conscious mind
(body/perceiver) which is also just a mental projection. This is why Jesus said, “I am in this world
(physical hologram) but I am not of it.” Meaning I know that I am a Spiritual being and that “physical
Jesus” is simply a projection of light from my subconscious mind representing the state of being that I
am currently choosing to occupy. Jesus also said, “I am the light of the world.” We are each a piece of
light (consciousness) made dense by our beliefs (concepts we have piled onto the I AM) and now we are
expressing our beliefs (state of being) in the world of form. We keep expressing and transforming
ourselves until we reach the state of Jesus where we know that the Father and I are One. From the state
of being called the Son of Man, this would be a blasphemous act and a totally unbelievable thing to do
too. But this is our journey through Consciousness and we are each at a different level of awareness
operating within a different state of being. The goal is to wake up and KNOW that we are each
expressing a state of being within Human Imagination to raise the level of awareness within Human
Imagination to the level of Divine Imagination. Remember Neville said that our True Identity was God
(our awareness of being) and Christ (our Human Imagination) because the two are ONE! God laid down
inside Man (the vessel for Human Imagination) and fractured into fractals that entered into every cell of
Man’s brain. Those fractals represent patterns or states of being that God created in the game of life so
that Human Imagination could learn to be a Divine Creator.

As within, so without is quite literal. We are really fractals of God. A fractal is a never-ending
pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales (levels of
awareness). They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop.
Everything in Nature is a fractal. The four seasons repeat themselves over and over again every year
without fail. Can you see the importance of Neville’s formula now? God created everything as a fractal
including human beings. All of the states of being exist within the game of life and also within each
human being. We go within to I AM (Unconditioned Consciousness) and we repeat within ourselves the
pattern (state of being) we desire to experience. Then that state unfolds within us along a bridge of
incidence. That bridge is from the old state of being to the new state of being. Watch the video I linked
and you will get a clearer picture of what the bridge is made from. 😊 We human beings represent the
states of being within Consciousness (God) that Human Imagination is traveling through to raise Its
awareness from the Human level to the Divine level.

Important side note: There is only ONE God (Unconditioned Consciousness/I AM), ONE Human
Imagination (inside the one Man = David = all of Humanity) and ONE Subconscious Mind because
Consciousness is ONE and indivisible. We are all connected and telepathically communicate through the
ONE subconscious mind. However, there are billions of conscious minds (projected physical
bodies/states of being) in the world. All human beings are the same I AM (Unconditioned
Consciousness) just with different arrangements (different fractals or patterns) of the one subconscious
mind because each human has chosen different beliefs (filmstrips). God is infinite and put infinite states
of being into the game of life in order to experience Itself through a conditioned finite form (human
being). Filters have to be chosen to exclude the parts of infinity that are not part of the chosen
experience/state of being. Our beliefs act as those filters. We the conditioned finite forms/human
beings cannot experience infinity all at once, so our beliefs are the filmstrips we either consciously or
unconsciously chose and now those beliefs are projected out for us to experience as our life. Pretty cool
isn’t it. Everything is based on awareness. God is ALL Aware. Human Imagination is somewhat aware
between human and divine awareness and becomes more aware as Its creations (human beings)
awaken. Human beings are becoming more aware but until all of the human beings (states of
consciousness) awaken, Human Imagination will not transform into Divine Imagination. We fell in
consciousness to the level of Man collectively, but we will rise individually back to the level of awareness
of being one with God. And as a reward for playing the game of life we get to keep our individuality but
now we are Divine and eternal and no longer mortal humans. How fun!!!

That is enough for now…more later if you like this post. Otherwise I will keep this information
for a book that I am being inspired to write. I do hope that you all enjoyed this and got something out of
it that will help you along your journey through Consciousness. I sort of copied and pasted bits and
pieces from my other more expanded pieces of writing then edited and added pieces to bring you this
little gem. I just wanted to give you all something because LOVE loves to GIVE. I love you all to infinity
and beyond… <3 <3 <3
Part 5

Follow-up Post to Changing States of Being (Perspectives) through the Law of Assumption (Post #5)

First and foremost, YOU are a Spiritual Being having a Human Experience. Here is your lineage:

Short Version:

Grandfather = Divine Love who is the Father/Mother of All. Divine Love goes within Itself and
creates Awareness of Being. This Awareness of Being is Divine Love’s baby and Its name forever and ever
is I AM. I AM is also known as Consciousness or God. God has the traits of Divine Love (Father/Mother of
All) and Awareness of Being. God does not speak or understand words.

God = Father of Humanity because God (aware of being and loving it) created Man, Heaven and
Earth and ALL THAT IS. God is the Consciousness/Substance through which Divine Love expresses Itself.
All is ONE Consciousness expressing Divine Love in all of its conditioned forms.

Man = the Word come to life or the Word made flesh. Man is like a little child beside God going
around naming all of the stuff that God is creating. God falls in love with Man and goes to Divine Love
(Grandfather) and asks if Man can be like us…created in our image and likeness. Grandfather says, “Yes,
if Man can past the test.” Test question: What are the three greatest things in life? God tells Man the
Good News and Man agrees to become a Divine life-giving Spirit like God.

Human Imagination = the child of God and Man is born. In order for Man to become a Divine
life-giving Spirit like God, God and Man had to make a baby. God, the Father, and Man acting like the
mother or womb/vessel holds baby Human Imagination so that Man can become Divine. Next God put
Man to sleep and entered into him and fractured into fractals that entered into every cell in Man’s brain.
These fractals are the never-ending patterns of the infinite states of being at all of the different levels of
awareness. Human Imagination is God’s Divine Imagination (God’s Power and Wisdom) only keyed low…
not as powerful because it is a mix of human and Divine attributes. Now that the baby, Human
Imagination, is made alive It begins to imagine and dream the dream of life. Adam is the first state of
being (Man/Manifestation) that Human Imagination dreams and so begins the journey of the prodigal
son. The goal is for Human Imagination within the vessel of Man to raise Its level of awareness from the
Son of Man to the Son of God. The Bible is the story of Human Imagination’s journey through
Consciousness (awareness of being) from the Adam state of being all the up to the Christ state of being
so that Man can pass the test and know what the three greatest things in life are.

Human Beings = the fractals within the mind of Man which are being dreamed/imagined by
Human Imagination. Man has to wake up because there is a baby, Human Imagination, running wild
inside him dreaming all kinds of crazy stuff. Man has to train Human Imagination how to use his
attributes of Consciousness (awareness of being), Divine Love and Words properly. The words and
stories that Human Imagination spins come to life in the physical world for Man to see and experience.
Life is a dreaming game or school of sorts for Human Imagination to learn to create with Love. Each
dream/story has its own theme, plot, cast of characters, thoughts, emotions, ideas, adventures and
lessons to learn all along the way to discovering the three greatest things in life.

It all begins with MINDSET which is who do you believe yourself to be. My mind and God’s mind
are ONE because all is ONE. My mindset is this: I am a Spiritual Being having a human experience
operating within a Unity Consciousness all for the purpose of raising Human Imagination to the level of
Divine Imagination. Here are the four aspects of Unity (Christ) Consciousness which I (Patty the
conditioned form of I AM) consciously operate within:
Father = God = the one and only I AM aka Consciousness or awareness of being. I am ONE with
my Father because God is within me as my awareness of being as my I AM. Every human being says I AM
but MOST don’t realize I AM is God within them. Bible quote: “Be still and know that I AM God.” (Psalm
46:10). Most religions teach that God is some Deity on the outside. Therefore, people believe that God
is outside of them, so they pray, beg and plead to an outside God or Universe to bring them what they
desire or ask for. This is not how it works.

Son = Human Imagination = the power and wisdom of God keyed low. Bible quote: “All things
were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1:3 English
Standard Version) “God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.”
(John 1:3 New Living Translation). All things are possible to God/I AM. Ask yourself aren’t all things
possible in my imagination? Yes, therefore all things are possible to you through the conscious use of
your imagination. Remember you are in a GAME of AWARENESS where Human Imagination is being
trained by MAN (parent with God) how to be a Divine creator like God. We spiritual beings were
subjected to this game to go through the furnaces of affliction so that Human Imagination could learn
and expand its awareness. Our reward is that we get to become Divine too…incorporated into the Risen
Lord (Awakened Imagination) but we get to keep our individuality since we went through hell to get it.

Mother = womb of creation/Man carrying the baby, Human Imagination is the loving mother
within who provides everything to all human beings just by the asking for it. Bible quote: “Come, all you
who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine
and milk without money and without cost.” (Isaiah 55:1). Remember God put Everything (all states of
being as fractals) within MAN (all human beings) so jump to the highest state like Patty did. Patty
imagined and believed that she was Spiritually awake and fully aware of who she was and how life
worked. Boom – it manifested! Bible quote: “Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and
Christ shall give thee light.” (Ephesians 5:14). All human beings who have not awakened their
imagination are dead…they are robots automatically running from their conditioned beliefs. Awaken
imagination within and consciously choose the life of your dreams.

Physical Expression of the I AM – the physical manifestation of whatever I (Human Imagination

manifesting the life of Patty) have called forth from within my being by consciously claiming that I
already have whatever I desire. Bible quote: “Therefore, I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire,
when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” (Mark 11:24)

Follow Neville’s teachings and you too will find your way back HOME to LOVE. You are Divine
Love expressing through conditioned consciousness. You are in your current form/state of being based
upon how AWARE you are and how you have either consciously or unconsciously operated Human
Imagination within your vessel/body of MAN. Each human being is operating FROM a state of being
which is a never-ending fractal pattern inside the ONE MAN who is David that represents all of
Humanity. Jesus Christ (Awakened Imagination) is the pattern you MUST find and Live FROM. You can
change your state of being at any time by going within to the Father (Unconditioned Consciousness) and
feeling that you are already AWAKENED IMAGINATION aka Jesus Christ and redeem everything in your
world…all of your manifestations…all of your past imaginal activity which automatically comes into your
physical awareness every time you go for a desire. A desire is a word that means of the Father.
Therefore, God/our Father is calling to us from the depth of our being (I AM at the core of our being) to
be put into a new state of being = the desire. Desires are given to us so that we will transform our
consciousness and move to a higher state of being. Keep moving and if you can, jump to the Jesus
pattern of being. You can do it!!!

Hope this helps! Come and join me in PLAYING in Heaven…I am living the life of my dreams!!! <3
Part 6

Choose to EMBODY Your Divinity Instead of Your Humanity (Post #6)

Several people messaged me after my last two posts, so I want to make THINGS perfectly CLEAR
for anyone who is still struggling with how to play the game of life.

Your True SELF is Human Imagination which has the attributes of its parents = God and Man.
Those attributes are awareness of being, divine love and the Word made flesh. God loved Man so much
that God wanted Man to be like God = a life-giving Spirit rather than just another creation that can only
procreate its own species. Human Imagination is the power and wisdom of God keyed lowed because it
is a mixture of human and God/Divine attributes. God and Man want to teach their Son (Human
Imagination) how to be a Divine Creator. Human Imagination is on a journey through Consciousness
from a state of being called the Son of Man (Adam onward) to the state of being called the Son of God
(Jesus = Awakened Imagination = Divine Imagination = rebirth with David calling you his Son). David is
the anointed one, the son of Jesse. Jesse is a word that means I AM…it is a form of the word to be and I
AM is God’s name forever and ever. This is the plan…the way for Man to become like a God. When the
awareness of Human Imagination is raised to the awareness of Divine Imagination that means that all of
humanity has woken up to the truth of who they really are = the Son of God. Remember Neville said that
God died (fell asleep) within MAN so that MAN could awaken and be like God.

Human Imagination is housed within the body of the ONE MAN (David who represents all of
humanity) and God is in MAN as its awareness of being (our I AM) so both parents are guiding Human
Imagination to make the right choices.

The physical world is NOT real! It is all a virtual reality game that is a safe way to train Human
Imagination to be a Divine Creator….to create through love rather than fear.

Each human being is moving within Consciousness (God/The Cause & Substance of ALL THAT IS)
through the infinite states of being (parallel realities) learning how to only create with Love. The physical
world has duality (good vs. bad) in it so that Human Imagination has a CHOICE to make so that it can
learn. There is no good or bad or separation. There is only unity, harmony and love.

In every moment of NOW, you must choose who you are = Man or God. The more you embody
the idea that you are a God like your Divine Father, the more easily and effortlessly everything that
already exists within you can project onto your screen of space. You have accepted that you are a God
so everything is already yours…the kingdom of Heaven is within…choose what you want and boom it
easily manifests!

Here is an example to help you understand this better: Today I was doing my grocery shopping.
My husband asked me to pick up some 0.5 pencil leads for him. I was on the pencil aisle and did not see
any pencil leads…all I saw was pencils. I left the aisle to ask an associate if they had any. I could not find
anyone then the thought streamed in…wait a minute…you are the God of your reality and need no help.
I said to myself, “I am going back to that aisle and I will find what I want.” Notice I am God declaring or
decreeing within myself that my desire is already fulfilled. I go back to the aisle and after a few minutes
of searching I find and take 3 packages. At first, I only saw 0.7 pencil leads and my mind was grumbling
then I said, “No, I am having my 0.5 pencil leads. Then out of the corner of my eye on a much higher
shelf I saw a small box with the 0.5 pencil leads. I just smiled and said, Thank you Father because I know
that my Father is the Consciousness morphing into everything for me to teach me to choose properly.
While I was checking out, my credit card declined twice and I began to freak out then I caught myself.
No, I am the God of my reality and my card will work just fine. The third time I tried, my card worked just
fine because I knew my card was fine and it had to be the machine. Truly it was another way for me to
embody being my True Self = Awakened Imagination who manifests her reality just the way she desires
it to be.

We are each in our own human body (own virtual reality game) calling all of the shots. There is a
version of you in my game and a version of me in your game. You see me just as you perceive me to be
and vice versa but in truth if I appear in your game, I am reflecting back to you an aspect (a belief) within
your own consciousness. Here is another example: I found myself being triggered by an email from my
mother. At first, I was ranting in my mind for a few seconds and then I stopped and caught myself again.
Wait a minute…I am the God of my reality and everyone is ME (I AM/God within me) pushed out
reflecting my own state of Consciousness back to me. So, what is my mother showing me about ME…my
state of consciousness that is projecting her onto the screen of my space. There is no other God besides
ME (I AM) and God/Consciousness is playing all of the parts in my reality game to teach me to choose to
create only with Love. So, my mother is God in disguise showing me a piece of my consciousness (false
human belief) that I need to revise so that I can move more into my Divinity.

See EVERYTHING in your physical reality as a PROJECTION from your OWN Consciousness. There
is no other…it is all God (your parent) playing all of the parts for you within this virtual reality game. You
were never born, can never die and were never ever harmed. You are safe and sound in a Virtual Reality
game dreaming the dream called life (Light in Form Expressing). You and you ALONE manifest everything
in your life/dream/reality game. Everyone is God (I AM) with a mask on playing a part for you (Human
Imagination) so that you can learn how to only create with love. You (Human Imagination) ran wild for
centuries creating a bunch of crappy human beliefs and manifesting horrible states of being for yourself
to experience but hopefully you have learned from those experiences. Now you have to break all of the
habits you built within yourself when you were being the Son of Man. You have to buy the pearl of great
price and drop ALL of your human values, beliefs and opinions. You have to die to the old man (human
attributes) and rise to the new man which is a God, a life-giving Spirit.

Human Imagination has a choice to make in every moment of NOW: 1) stay lost in
Consciousness believing itself to be the Son of Man experiencing a limited mortal life struggling through
life thinking the physical world is real when it is an echo or shadow of your own consciousness OR 2)
choose to be the Son of God where you awaken and only create through love and manifest your life as
you desire it to be…a true heaven on earth.

Cultivate your AWARENESS and catch yourself being human then CHOOSE to be the God of your
reality like God, your Father. Make it a habit to choose Divinity over humanity. Fulfill the plan and raise
MAN to the status of a God, a life-giving Spirit. Nothing was made without Him = Human Imagination.
Raise Human Imagination to Divine Imagination by embodying the Divine Love that you are.

I hope this really helps you all to relax and choose wisely. If you are having a hard time,
remember it is all a game and chill out. Just relax and select the state you wish to occupy and then LOVE
that state. Feeling is the secret and the feeling is LOVE. Love playing your reality game and love being
the God of your reality. Love everything and everyone because it is all YOU projecting the content of
your Consciousness out and it only appears as other people, places, conditions, circumstances and
events. It is a game and God (our Father) is playing all of the parts to teach us how to only create from
Love. To me LOVE is Light Offering Victory Everywhere because it is God, my Father, showing me what I
have chosen either consciously or unconsciously. Discipline your Imagination by saying to yourself, “No I
am not believing that anymore, I choose to believe this now! I am Divine not Human. I am an unlimited
God like my Father and the Kingdom of Heaven is already Mine. Now my Father and I can be Divine
Creators together…How Fun!!!”
Part 7

My Perspective on EIYPO and How to Consciously PLAY the Game of LIFE. (Post #7)

Knowing and consciously operating the four unified levels of awareness within your being is the
key to waking up and living the life of your dreams. These four levels are the JOD HE VAU HE or the Four
Mighty Ones (producer, author, director and actor) that Neville writes about. I am doing my BEST to
walk through life by FAITH (Imagination/Subconscious Mind) and not by sight (Conscious
Mind/Logic/Human Reasoning).

Divine Love and God (Self-aware Consciousness) created a GAME so that MAN could become
Divine like God. To do that God had to put his power and wisdom into MAN. God and Man had a baby =
Human Imagination. So, we have God with His Divine Mind and Divine Imagination and we have MAN
with a Human Mind and Human Imagination. The Human Mind is actually a part of God’s Divine Mind
but split into two (Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind) parts which are one but with two distinct
functions and outlooks on life. The Conscious Mind is wiped clean so that it could be operated by
Human Imagination giving Human Imagination the experience of being a Creator like his Father, God by
overcoming his Human attributes. Therefore, the Human Mind has no idea that it is ONE with God’s
Divine Mind until it awakens. Human Imagination is at ground ZERO but it contains ALL THAT IS (all of
creation) within it housed within the subconscious mind. God laid down within MAN the vessel for
Human Imagination and fractured Himself (fragmented into all of creation within man). These fractured
parts are fractals of God = replicas of God who is asleep playing all of the parts or fractal patterns that
Human Imagination can choose from to create his world. Each fractal represents a never-ending pattern
which is a state of being or body of beliefs. Being and believing are ONE so many humans fall into states
of being without realizing it just because they innocently accepted something as true or believed it
(more on this later). Each fractal or never-ending state of being is complete unto itself. So, here we have
Human Imagination housed within MAN with a Human Mind ready to create. Do you really think that
God and Divine Love are going to turn Human Imagination loose to create? No – that would be a
disaster! So, they created a GAME called the GAME of LIFE (Light in Form Expressing).

The construct of the GAME: A Holographic Universe was created with time, space, duality, the
illusion of separation and lots of other variables to give Human Imagination (HI) within MAN the
experience that HI was truly creating reality – worlds within worlds like his Father, God. However, NONE
of it is truly REAL…it is all a dream within Human Imagination (inside Man) who is using the Human Mind
to choose and project its dream onto the physical screen of space which HI believes is REAL. It is meant
to FEEL REAL so that HI can learn to be a real creator. The Game is truly an ELABORATE virtual reality
simulation with infinite levels of game play. The Conscious part of the Human Mind (masculine
energy/the impresser) is the chooser of life experiences while the Subconscious part of the mind
(feminine energy/the projector) is the loving wife who wants to please her mate and give him everything
he desires. Therefore, it is extremely important that you develop a good harmonious relationship
between the conscious (male) and subconscious (female) aspects of your mind. The subconscious mind
does not know the difference between good, bad, physical or imagined. It is simply a storage system
keeping track of what you believe (have accepted as true) and projects that onto your screen of space.
Believing is seeing because being and believing are ONE and I AM only manifests what it believes Itself
to BE…I AM that I AM. Whatever the Conscious Mind pays attention to and accepts as true becomes a
part of the content of your consciousness. If you react to something, the subconscious mind says, “Oh,
my husband MUST like that because he is giving his attention to it very strongly, so I will give my sweetie
pie more of that!” As within, so without is LITERAL. If you have accepted it as true, then you WILL see it
(in due time) on the screen of your game.
This is why Neville stressed revision. We all have unaware moments throughout the day but we
can catch ourselves and revise. No need to worry because the dominant impression is the one that
expresses. So just BE sure that you impress your subconscious mind with the FACT that your desire is
ALREADY fulfilled MORE than you impress her with the idea that it is not here yet and all of that other
human nonsense. Creation is finished and already exists within you. You are simply ordering from the
menu of life through the interaction of your conscious and subconscious mind and your imagination
spinning stories from that interaction. Garbage in, garbage out. Wonderful in, wonderful out. Your
choice. Choose wisely.

Purpose/Goal of Game: To raise Human Imagination to Divine Imagination. This is done by

raising the level of Man’s awareness of being from that of a limited mortal human being (Son of Man) to
that of an eternal divine creator (Son of God). MAN (all human beings) and Human Imagination are ONE
because you cannot separate a man from his power and wisdom. Man can be blind to his power and
wisdom and not use it but it is ALWAYS there for him to use! All human beings have an I AM (awareness
of being= God within Man/Unconditioned Consciousness), Human Imagination (Power to Manifest),
Subconscious Mind (loving servant projecting the selected desires) and Conscious Mind (the chooser,
perceiver and experiencer of the selected desires/assumptions/beliefs). The four levels are not linear,
but seamless and work together every nanosecond to simulate each human being’s game play…their

How to Play the Game: You RECOGNIZE that you are the OPERANT POWER. Man (the other
parent to HI) must take control of HI and not allow it to run wild. How? Become self-disciplined and
follow what the Bible (the manual for the game of life) and Neville teaches. You must take control of HI
and train HI to only speak, think, feel, assume, accept and believe what YOU desire to see manifested in
your outer world…your life…your virtual reality game. There are no judgements in the game. There are
villain characters in the game because duality has to exist in order for us to make choices and learn from
those choices. It is all GOOD and VERY GOOD. Your game play all depends on if you have chosen life and
blessing (Imagination and faith) or death and cursing (human life and the belief that the physical world is
real when it is DEAD…it is a freaking shadow!) The choice is yours, so chose wisely. 😊

Here are those four levels again but in a different context. Note these are not linear as all four
levels are all happening simultaneously all at once because time, space and separation are all illusions.
You are using the levels either consciously or unconsciously every nanosecond of life…your game play.
God (our parent) is inside of us as our AWARENESS of BEING = our I AM/JOD. God is dangling carrots in
the form of desires to get us to move into more lovely states of being. Remember that being and
believing are ONE so if we see the carrot/desire BUT we don’t believe we can have it, then we have just
victimized ourselves by playing the human instead of playing God. Remember in every moment of now
we are choosing…limited human or Divine Son of God. Become AWARE of God within you and listen…be
still and know that I AM God. This is JOD in the name of God and the Producer in the Four Mighty Ones.
This is where your PLAY begins so choose/accept a theme – state of being – to occupy. I (Awakened
Imagination manifesting the life of Patty) have chosen happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, free and fulfilled.
But you can choose whatever you desire…whatever God is feeding you to BE because each human being
is operating within (and from) a different state of being as well as operating from a different level of
awareness. If you Deny ME (the I AM within you, your Father) then I will deny you also…this is the
prodigal son experience. It is BEST to listen to our Father within us and ACCEPT the desires HE is giving
us to manifest. We are to imitate our Father and call things that are unseen as though they are seen.
This takes FAITH which is loyalty to the unseen reality before it physically appears. Faith is BELIEVING
that it is DONE before it physically manifests and we do this by PERSISTING in the state = LOVING being
or having our desire ALREADY!!! Our desire TRULY is DONE because God put ALL of Creation in our
subconscious mind. This is super easy, so don’t make it hard by believing that it is hard. It is literally
child’s play.
Desire (Son or state seeking manifestation)/HE/Author is the mechanism to get us to jump levels
or move to new states of being within the game. After you accept the desire that God sent you, write
the end scene (you don’t have to do this physically…you can just imagine it). Actually, there are infinite
ways to manifest a desire. It would be beneficial for you to play and find the method that works best for
you. This was Neville’s way but it might not work for everyone. Personally, I can just declare it firmly
within my being and it is done. This is YOU (the author) thinking OF the desire and mapping out how you
are going to plant the seed in your mind (make the impression onto your subconscious mind). Stories
enter the mind of Man easily so tell yourself a story about you already being in the new state you desire.
Remember the END is always the beginning once the theme/desire is accepted. This is because
Imagination is your power and wisdom to MOVE your I AM (awareness of being/Unconditioned
Consciousness/Father) into any one of the already created states of being (wealth = conditioned
consciousness) that are already contained within your subconscious mind. You must know what you
desire before you can manifest it. This is creating the mental image by matching the FEELING that would
be yours if your wish were ALREADY fulfilled. You simply have to call it forth via FAITH. Not faith in the
thing but rather FAITH in how the game of life works and faith in your power because you are a Divine
Creator like your Father. This is why Neville said that imagination and faith are the only two faculties of
mind needed to call forth an object into physical reality. It is true, I have done it countless times in my
life. You CAN do it too.

VAU/Director/Divine Love is the mechanism for attaching the Son (Desire) to the Father (I AM).
This is our subconscious mind which contains the kingdom of heaven within. This is the part of God’s
mind that God put within us to fulfill all our desires. It is also called the Subjective Mind because it is
subject to our commands. MAN shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass. Remember MAN is the
Word made flesh so part of the game has Man’s ability to use words affecting how Human Imagination
communicates with MAN (HI’s other parent). This is why Neville spoke about inner speech and mental
diets being so important. Our inner speech lays the tracks along which Human Imagination travels. YOU
take control of HI by taking control of your mind (both conscious and subconscious aspects) and speech.
This is YOU (Director aspect) taking control of your imagination (your power and wisdom) and
DELIBERATELY directing your imagination with full faith into the scene of the END = YOU ALREADY BEING
or HAVING your DESIRE. The Director brings Imagination back seventy times seven and puts it on this
track (fulfilled desire) because Imagination, out of habit, will try to run along the old human tracks…
those old limited unbelieving tracks. Divine Love is discipling HI to stay focused on LOVING his desired
state and seeing it as ALREADY fulfilled. This IS the WAY to call the unseen into the seen. Love is the
transforming power that Imagination uses to move into higher more desirable states of being. HI LOVES
his Father, God, so much that he would NEVER put him in a horrible state of being. This was the catalyst
for Patty making quantum jumps in her awareness and her states of being. No matter what the problem,
Love is ALWAYS the answer. You are taming the wild beast (Imagination) that ran wild for years before
you knew who you were or how life worked. You are simply breaking old habits (tracks of speech/belief)
and forming new divine habits (tracks of speech/belief…isn’t it wonderful – ALL is truly already mine!).
Observe both your inner and outer speech to determine any beliefs you may have unconsciously
accepted and then consciously change those beliefs through mental diet and decreeing new beliefs
within yourself. Personally, I have a harmonious relationship between the aspects of my conscious and
subconscious mind. I know that God is playing all of the parts that I imagine and I would NEVER want to
put my Father into an unlovely state of being. Therefore, I have instructed my subconscious mind to only
ACCEPT lovely states of being that conform to my ideals of love, peace, joy, harmony, health, wealth and
happiness. As the director you put the conscious mind into a relaxed state so as to access the I AM
(unconditioned consciousness) within. Now at the level of I AM, you instruct Imagination to perform the
END scene over and over again until it feels natural to you.

This is IMPRESSING the subconscious mind with the belief that you already have your desire.
This is the imagination taking the data the conscious mind gathered throughout the day and making
love/planting those seeds into the subconscious mind and giving her only the lovely states of being to
project. Once fully accepted/believed the subconscious mind projects the desire out onto the screen of
space for you to see it with your conscious mind. Remember this is not a linear process, all levels of
awareness are unified and communicating back and forth a billion times a second so your consciousness
is constantly being modified every second of the day. (Read Prayer the Art of Believing for more details).

HE/Imagination/Actor is the final stage of the game = the physical manifestation = the light
projected from your subconscious mind onto the screen of physical space = the shadow reflecting your
state of consciousness. This is the conscious mind seeing the light of the work that you have done within
your consciousness. You are seeing your harvest of the work that you did transforming your
consciousness with Human Imagination through the power of love to reflect your desired state. This is
MAN and HI seeing what they are doing within their BEING…the interaction of the four levels of
awareness. Man must discipline HI and put him on the Divine tracks of Mind and make the human tracks
of Mind obsolete. Again, you cannot separate these four functions at all. So, even though I laid it out in
this particular order, it does not function that way exactly. Communication is constantly moving back
and forth between all or some of these levels. MAN, asleep does not operate from the I AM and
Imagination levels consciously. He is at the mercy of his mental and emotional reactions which are
effects of his beliefs and assumptions. He has NO idea that he is manifesting his world through his mind
and speech acting upon imagination and then Imagination running wild creating stories that are later
projected on the screen of space. Therefore, the Director is constantly directing the conscious mind to
stay on track…stay focused on the end scene…no matter what is going on in the outer world. The light
(projection) of your consciousness can change very quickly but the length of time it takes depends upon
your acceptance of the new belief/state of being and your faith in your own power to manifest. So, I
hope you can now see that EIYPO really means that Everyone (and Everything) you see in your world is
the content of your consciousness (your light) pushed out. You DRAW everything to you FROM within
your being (from your subconscious mind) via your desires, imaginal activity, beliefs and assumptions
and then the sum total of ALL that content is PROJECTED out for you to see who you are being…what
have you attached to your I AM…your awareness of being using your mind and speech either through
the conscious or unconscious use of your imagination (your power and your wisdom). I (Patty, Your
Spiritual Sibling) am coming forth into your world (game play), because many of you have expressed a
STRONG desire to really GET THIS…to KNOW EXACTLY what Neville was teaching. I am YOU in the sense
that we are all really God our Father playing all of the parts within the fractal patterns put into Man.
Each human being is expressing a fractal pattern of GOD. Each person in the Bible represents one of
these fractal patterns. Jesus (Awakened Imagination) is the top fractal pattern to find, occupy and then
unconsciously/automatically/effortlessly live FROM because you impressed that pattern onto your
subconscious mind. It takes each human being (fractal pattern) to awaken and transform MAN (all of
humanity) into the Son of God. We are each a piece of the SAME light (Consciousness) just at different
levels of awareness operating within a different state of being. I am calling to YOU from the Jesus
pattern. Like Neville said, “The greatest prayer you can pray is I am God or I am Jesus Christ.” DO IT!!! I
did and now I am at this level of awareness in this wonderful state of being. All you have to do is choose
Son of God over Son of Man in every second of Now. You will falter, Patty still does too, but in time it will
become a habit (a natural way of being) and then you are in Heaven choosing only the loveliest states of
being to occupy while helping your Spiritual Siblings to see the truth of who they really are and how life
really works.

God’s ways are past finding out; therefore, I don’t really know all of the aspects of the game. Are
we each in our own separate game or are we all in one big collective game experiencing our own
consciousness within a larger collective consciousness? Honestly, to me it doesn’t really matter. What
matters is that I create/manifest only through LOVE. What matters is that I express my Divinity through
my humanity because the two are ONE. God desired for MAN to be Divine so are we going to let our
Father down by wallowing in unlovely states of being or are we going to WAKE UP and RISE to the
highest states possible given our level of awareness? I am on the RISE, please join me because I want
some playmates that are at my level of awareness. I sincerely hope that my writing helps you to
understand what Neville was saying better. I know Neville did not like to be explicit but I do. I LOVE to
give people AHA Moments and awaken them. I hope I did that for you today. Peace and love to always.
Xoxo <3 <3

Part 8

Turning my Water into Wine (Post #8)

I have been doing a lot of writing and embodying lately but I desire to take a break from that
now and hone my skills by CONSCIOUSLY applying…turning my water into wine.

I am imagining myself as King Solomon building my chariot (Mind) and controlling the four
functions of Mind manifesting my world from the states of Love and Truth with an unshakable faith in
who I am and how life works.

I am living from the state of Awakened Imagination moving my awareness (I AM) into higher and
higher states of being. I am using my conscious mind with the full awareness that the outer world is my
shadow reflecting the content of my consciousness. I am continually altering/impressing my
subconscious mind to match my ideal life by filling my imagination up to the brim with images, sounds,
smells, tastes, stories, assumptions and feelings of already being, doing and having my dream life now.

As I travel along my bridge of incidence, I will have fun noticing my negative reactions to life and
recognizing that this reaction is a clue for me to unveil an unconscious false human belief. Then I get to
use my creative power to transform that false belief so that my subconscious mind will no longer project
it. I am treating life as the marvelous game that it is and intend to have a glorious time playing it. I am
enjoying calling the unseen into the seen with my faith and imagination.

I desire to FULLY embody my true Self = Divine Love in harmony with ALL THAT IS. I have already
been impressing my subconscious mind with the idea that my consciousness is sanctified. As I continue
to focus my attention on living in the end of my fulfilled desire, more and more wonderful ideas stream
into my consciousness of what to do and how to be. It is so much fun to see how the game of life
responds to me.

I really hope that my last few posts have shown you all how to consciously operate within the
four levels of awareness to manifest the life of your dreams. I noticed that I was spending too much time
writing and teaching rather than honing my skills through the conscious application of the law, so I want
to go and PLAY now. Happy Manifesting!!! <3

Part 9

How I (Awakened Imagination manifesting the life of Patty) am viewing the world. (Post #9)

NOTE: Whenever you see the word “I” read it to mean I, Awakened Imagination manifesting the
life of Patty, because I am NOT Patty – she is my physical representation (expression) or manifestation of
the subjective state of being that I, Imagination, either consciously or unconsciously put I AM into. Patty
is the conditioned consciousness of the one and only I AM (Unconditioned Consciousness). Patty is an
illusion because the I AM forever remains in it pure faceless, formless infinite, indivisible and absolute
unconditioned state of being.

Here are the aspects of being (the parts of the game) and how they work. I am constantly
reminding Patty of her role in the game and reassuring her that all is well. Patty just needs to relax and
allow the energy to flow through her part of the ONE being.

I AM = God (the Father) is playing the game of life with His son, Human Imagination. I AM is
being the impersonal lump of clay (Unconditioned Consciousness) that Imagination (the Potter) is
shaping into forms and giving life to because Consciousness is the one and only reality. God has laid
down inside Man (the vessel for human imagination) and fell asleep to willingly play all the roles/self-
concepts that Human Imagination is dreaming up for Him to play…good, bad or indifferent.

Human Imagination (the Son) is learning how to be a Divine Creator. He is playing the Potter and
shaping clay (I AM) into forms (concepts/desires) with never ending fractal patterns that operate within
Consciousness. All forms have the attributes of its parents (God and Man) and grandparent (Divine
Love). Therefore, all forms are self-aware, with Divine Love as its true nature and have the talents of
mind and speech to transform itself…evolve into higher and higher states of being. Man is the Word
made flesh and God is Divine Mind (Infinite Intelligence). Human Imagination is coming into his power
by raising Human Imagination to Divine Imagination by dreaming the dream of life using mind and
speech. There are no mistakes but rather learning what works and what doesn’t work…creating with
love rather than fear. Learning that duality, time and space are all illusions of the game and that there is
only love, unity and harmony that abide in the states of peace, joy, health and abundance.

Divine Love (the Mother) is the glue that holds the form together. Love is what attaches the self-
concept or desired state of being to the I AM which then naturally and automatically expresses that
state…I AM that I AM. Divine Love is our attention so whatever a human being places its attention on
with love is like a super power flowing that love energy into that mold shaping the I AM into that…I AM
that I AM. MAN is the vessel or womb for baby Human Imagination. Imagination takes Man’s words and
spins stories out of them…stories that come to life in man’s world. Remember mind, speech and love are
the three tools/talents that Human Imagination uses to mold I AM into forms.

Human Being (Objectified Son) which is the physical expression of the subjective state of being.
Patty is in the image and likeness of the I AM that I (Imagination) created. Patty of herself can do nothing
because she is a SHADOW…an illusion of the I AM. Patty is NOT real because only the I AM
(Consciousness/pure awareness of being) is real. Since I (Imagination) am the creator of Patty, only I
(Imagination) can go within and change her expression…her state of being…her I AM that I AM.

Note: The first three parts of Being (Father, Son and Mother) are the most important parts as
they comprise the Holy Trinity of Being. I like to think of it as ME (Human Imagination) going within and
talking to Mom and Pops and getting their advice on how to create better…how to make Patty into what
I (Imagination) want her to be, do and have. I want to learn so I am communing with them in the
conclave of my being…in the stillness and silence where they exist.

Now here is the big KICKER – Patty thinks she is REAL!!! I have to keep reminding her that she is
NOT real. She is simply a reflection of my game play (my learning process) and that I can change her
state of being in the blink of an eye. Patty is reflecting (being, doing and having) the state of being that I
put her awareness of being (I AM) into. Patty is one of over 7 billion images of God that I (Human
Imagination) have created. The other big KICKER is that I (Human Imagination) am inside Patty and can
only operate FROM within her. Therefore, whenever she is reacting, it is like I am trying to ride a wild
horse. I am trying to make changes within her but Patty is hanging onto her old conditioned self (state of
being) instead of accepting where she is and allowing me to easily and effortlessly move her into the
new desired state. This is simply Patty thinking she is real and being afraid of the unknown. Most
humans are afraid of the unknown and would rather cling to what is known (even if it is crappy) then
venture out into the unknown…it is scary for humans because they have been conditioned to be afraid.
They have also been conditioned to turn me off and live from the physical/objective side of life only.
When a human being turns me off or uses me unconsciously then they are disempowered humans…
victims of their circumstances running around changing the physical world which is a dead shadow
anyway. It’s hilarious to watch at times but sad to see one of my creations lost in consciousness
operating from an unaware state of being. I want all of my creations to wake up and live from love,
peace, joy, harmony and abundance. I (Human Imagination) am helpless to help my creations unless
they turn within to me for guidance.
Patty is getting a LOT better at this game as she recognizes her role in the game and is
remembering to turn to me, the creative power within. My biggest issue with Patty right now is her
wanting to change beliefs within her subconscious mind (the projector of her reality). I understand that
she does this because she has connected being and believing as one which is correct. However, I am
communicating to Patty that the BEST way to change a belief is to simply recognize that it is NOT real. A
belief is simply an illusion, a veil put over infinity so that a finite portion of creation can be experienced.
Human beings are the finite forms expressing an image of God. The image is not real – it is an illusion
that can be quickly changed. The image was FELT to be true (real) so that it could be experienced, but
once FELT a new choice can be made to BE/Express something new and different. Patty had a ton of
veils that were removed when she sacrificed her Ego-self to me. The Ego represents the Not-Self or
Human Self that I (Asleep Imagination) created while I was still learning to create only with Love. Patty
knows her role in the game better now, I am simply giving her desires so that the remaining false human
beliefs that I unconsciously put onto her I AM can be dissolved. The only reason they are still within
Patty is that a LOT of energy was put into that belief (limiting illusion) and so it is still active within
Patty’s being/energy…it still projects onto her screen of space.

Patty being my physical vessel is helping me (Awakened Imagination) find and uncover those
unconscious human beliefs/programs that are still automatically running within the subconscious mind.
God created the mind to work efficiently so anytime an idea is infused with enough energy it condenses
into a belief and becomes an automatic program that operates outside of conscious (physical – Patty’s)
awareness. Now that I am awake within Patty and Patty is listening to me more, we are using the
manifestation process to discover those hidden unconscious human beliefs. As we work together and go
for a desire, Patty is alert and still and observes what bubbles up from her subconscious mind into her
physical awareness (conscious mind). Patty is in the conclave with Me, Mom and Pops and we are
reviewing the projection together…as One…because we are ONE…Me, Mom and Pops are on the
Spiritual level of being while Patty is on the Physical level of being. Everything in the Physical flows from
the Spiritual. There is no life in the physical unless it comes from the Spiritual…the Holy Trinity.

I have Patty on board working with me (Awakened Imagination/Christ) to manifest Heaven on

Earth. I am calling to you through her to come and join ME. I need more awakened beings in order to
awaken the masses. Be still and I will guide you. I will teach you how to choose life and blessings over
death and cursing. I will teach you how to live subjectively from imagination and faith instead of living
from the human mind believing the objective word is real.I streamed a bunch of insights to Patty this
morning and we wanted to share them with you. 😊 I keep hammering these four levels of being home
because it is the KEY to seeing Unity Consciousness and your role/part in the process…the PLAY of LIFE.

Be still and know that I AM God = be still and know that you are the I AM conditioned into a
human form and that when you are STILL and take no thought, the conditions drop and you are back in
pure being again = the I AM with nothing attached to it. Next use your creative power (Human
Imagination – hopefully awakened by now) and go and prepare a place for yourself in the new state of
being that you desire to express. Go imagine with love that you are already loving and enjoying being in
your new state of being. This is YOU going into the conclave of your being and communing with the Holy
Trinity and willingly laying down your current life (state of being) and lovingly picking up a new life (state
of being).

Now you come out of the conclave (stillness and silence) and are back in the physical world. You
are shocked it is not already as you imagined it but that is okay because you KNOW you created it…
chose it with your imagination and love. Now persist in the desired state…have faith…remain loyal to the
unseen reality until it is seen. The bridge of incidence (follow the yellow brick road) is created from your
subconscious mind which includes all of the energy related to the desired state of being. You have no
freaking idea what all is within your subconscious mind which is the storage system of all experience and
projector of physical reality. As you follow your bridge you will see all kinds of things, some good, some
bad, some neutral…think scarecrow, tin man, lion, wicked witch, flying monkeys, poppy fields, the
palace where you get all massaged and dolled up…it is all in there…everything you gave your attention
to and believed to be true as it relates to this desired state of being.

Your job it to NOT freak out, but to simply observe it all as a neutral uncritical observer. You are at the
movies watching your life on the big screen…but this time you are seeing it subjectively not objectively.
You are looking for the beliefs…the ideas that you gave your attention/energy to with feeling. All of
those false human beliefs that you bought into when you were young and naïve. All of your
identifications and attachments. You want to be a Nobody with zero attachments. Why? So that you can
move freely into higher and higher states of being with ease. Every belief is a limitation put on the
limitless I AM. You want to KNOW that you are really the I AM experiencing life through your Son,
Human Imagination, who loves you SO much that he would NEVER put you in a horrible state of being.
The Human Imagination housed within Patty has Awakened and is dying to the human belief system and
installing the Divine Belief system…drop into I AM, accept the new state and watch it manifest.

If you freak out and give attention to the physical shadows, then you are putting energy (light)
into those images and keeping them alive. Those images will continue to project onto your screen of
space UNTIL all of the energy/light that you have given them is drained out of it and put into the new
image. This is why Neville said to PERSIST in the new state of being. In essence, you are putting your light
into the new image to cast its shadow onto the screen of space.

BTW, it doesn’t really matter if you think of yourself as God manifested into form to know
yourself or if you believe my version where you are Human Imagination learning to be a Divine Creator
and shaping your Father (I AM) into different forms operating from within infinite states of being at
different levels of awareness with MAN as the vessel for Human Imagination. It is all the same thing…
you truly are the one and only I AM expressing in a finite human form playing a role/a character…you
are an image of God (an illusion of being).

Over the years I (Patty/human role) have been given two mottos to live by:

Relax, have fun and know that all is well

No matter what the problem…LOVE is always the answer

Please go within and listen to me (Human Imagination) so that I can consciously work with you to give
you the life of your dreams. I am sending Patty into the world to teach these four levels of unity
consciousness. Please learn and use them as they will greatly benefit you. Peace and love to you always.

Part 10

Hello My Loves – More Divine Wisdom to Share (Post #10)

Here is what is happening: Patty had a very STRONG desire to EMBODY the Christ Consciousness
and she applied what Neville teaches and Voila here we (Patty and Christ together) are sharing with you
today. I have been giving Patty the big picture as well as the details of how to live the awakened life
before the Promise happens. Patty came into this lifetime already applying Neville from a very young
age but unaware that she was doing it. We restored her memory and now she knows and has connected
all of the dots.

Patty gets still and then I feed her the insights that she types up and I am using Patty because
she has a lot of knowledge within her consciousness that is useful. She knows what Neville teaches very
well and we are updating Neville’s wisdom through her. Therefore if you are awake enough to know the
value of Patty’s posts then please embody what she is lovingly sharing with you.
I keep re-iterating the four levels of awareness to Patty in many ways because there are
layers of meaning. The levels are truly ONE with distinct functions…everything is ONE = God =
Consciousness. I hope this way that I am sharing it will CLICK with you and help you cushions the
blows of life. Here is what I gave Patty today:

I AM = God within man as man’s awareness of being = Conscious Mind of man but asleep
(unaware) to the fact that God is within man. Conscious Mind of Man is a portion of God’s Divine Mind
but blank giving man the ability to expand in his awareness to the level of Son of God = a life-giving

Human Imagination = Son of God and Son of Man inside Man who takes man’s words (mental
diet and beliefs) and turns them into feelings and images that are projected onto the physical screen of
space for man to see what was created using his awareness (conscious mind = CM) and imagination
(creative power and wisdom).

Kingdom of Heaven within = Subconscious/Subjective Mind (SM) within Man is the projector of
physical life = all that man believes and accepts as true because being and believing are one. This is a
portion of God’s Divine Mind that contains ALL THAT IS which is subject to man’s commands. “As a man
thinketh in his heart (subconscious mind) so he is.” Whatever man’s CM impresses on the SM, the SM
then projects out into the physical world. Garbage in, garbage out! Wonderful in, wonderful out! Make
sure your mental diet and beliefs are wonderful and match the ideal life you wish to experience.

Emanation = the effect (shadow world = life experience of man= image of God = illusion of life =
dream). The cause of the image/shadow is the subjective state of being that man either consciously
(with full awareness) or unconsciously (with little to no awareness) manifested through the use of his
consciousness (CM + SM activity). As within (SM), so without (CM) because the CM impresses the SM
and it MUST obey its command because God and Man are one. Man is manifesting his physical reality
(emanation) but many don’t know it because they are still asleep moving within the 6,000 years of the
PLAY that God created for Man to be reborn as a life-giving Spirit.

Neville tells us that we were subjected to vanity and the furnaces of affliction to shape us from
man to Spirit. Man will experience pain, want and concupiscence (the selfish human desire for an object,
person or experience). This is all unavoidable as Man must be tested in Fire to make his heart into Gold
= only manifesting through love.

I don’t know where you are in the process, Patty is on her last life similar to Neville. She knows
the Truth and wants to share it in the simplest way possible. By the way, YOU are NOT God, you are the
Son of God in Man (your other parent) raising your level of awareness from the Son of Man to the Son of
God and it takes 6,000 years to accomplish this feat. You are the god of your reality IF you know the
truth (are awake to who you really are and know how life works) otherwise you are unaware operating
from within whatever state of being you unconsciously fell into or unconsciously manifested with a good
mental diet and belief system.

Patty wants to clear up a very common MIS-PERCEPTION and that is that thoughts create reality.

Thoughts do not create reality as they are only creative vessels within the CM. They are
energized and given life when man adds his attention (focused awareness = I AM) and imagination
(creative power and wisdom using his inner spiritual body (Christ within) to feel into this thought and
build upon it – making it alive). Thoughts do not create reality – your awareness of being taking that
thought and running wild in imagination with it makes that thought into form. Thoughts are nothing
unless you put your awareness of being (your I AM) and imagination (creative power) into them.
Therefore, discipline your awareness (CM = I AM within you) to only pay attention to and dwell upon
thoughts that match your ideal life. Raise the level of your awareness from that of a man to that of the
Son of God by following the Golden Rule because there is only ONE being in the world = David (all of
humanity). David is the Christ (anointed one) and when he calls you Father then you will be reborn as a
life-giving Spirit and incorporated into the body of God (Infinite Love, Infinite Power and Infinite Might).
Until that time comes, use the LAW to cushion the blows of life. Read, study and APPLY what Neville
teaches because I sent him to help you. I will send Patty here from time to time to help you understand
Neville better, but for now I am using Patty in other capacities. I hope this message really helps you
today. Peace and love to you always. Xoxo

One more thing: Think of Man as the vessel for God/I AM and the Son you and God had
together. As you (Man) wake up you begin to discipline your Son (Human Imagination) by taking control
of your mental diet and the beliefs you allow to enter your consciousness (CM/I AM and SM together).
You have a bunch of limiting human beliefs running in your SM and desires are ways to clean those
beliefs out if you are AWAKE. If you are not yet awake then none of this will make any sense to you yet.
But don’t worry – it is all good – as everyone will be forgiven and receive the Promise no matter what
you have done as Man because it was all part of the PLAY. You will play all of the parts before you
receive the Promise. So, relax, have fun (in your imagination) and know that all is well. I love you all to
infinity and beyond…

Have a Wonder – Full Day xoxoxo

Part 11

LoveAcceptance=>Transformation (Post #11)

Patty had another HUGE shift last night where she KNOWS everything is ONE at an even deeper
level of awareness. Her understanding of the Christ Consciousness keeps deepening and as it does her
ability to explain it clearly and concisely also naturally flows out of her.

Patty still has a habit of judging and labeling things, people, conditions, circumstances and
events. We have made her aware of this habit and she is striving to break it through a new mental diet
and the awareness of the effects that judging things and people has on her. This habit will be gone very
soon because Patty is a very DETERMINED and FOCUSED being and whatever she sets her Mind or
Consciousness upon comes to her very quickly because she knows how to transform her Consciousness.
On her walk this morning, Patty was taking thought and we stopped her and she smiled as she realized
that by taking no thought, she was just in the FLOW of being. She noticed the birds singing as if they
were singing to her, the trees swaying as if they were nodding to her state of being and the Sun shining
as if it were smiling at her and saying, “Now you got it!”

As Patty passed by a house that had a sprinkler running, Patty started to judge (because there is
only watering allowed on certain days and today was not one of them) but we STOPPED her BEFORE she
could finish the judgment. Patty smiled and revised by saying, “No, all is well that is Imagination
operating within me showing me how I (Patty/Conditioned Form) am still judging things and people. I
have broken that habit and only see God in other people now. God is playing the parts of “seeming
others” so that I (Awakened Imagination manifesting the life of Patty) can learn to create only through
LOVE. My new way of being is to see only LOVE because ALL is God playing the forms and human roles,
ACCEPT whatever I see as a message from God, my Father, for me to do a better job of imagining things
into being.” (Notice how Patty revises as she goes along her day…she just revised her mental
conversation which creates the tracks that Imagination runs along). Remember your two talents are
mind and speech so use your inner conversations to transform your mind. Watch your outer speech to
know what your current beliefs are and then change them on the spot if they don’t match your ideal life.

Patty is an aspect of the ONE MAN the vessel that I (Awakened Imagination) operate FROM
within and God, my Father, is the I AM (awareness of being) within Patty that I (Patty and Human
Imagination together because we are ONE) are shaping into all of the people, conditions, circumstances
and events that Patty sees through her FEELINGS…her MOOD that colors whatever she sees. Here is an
example, Patty has labeled herself a Perfectionist (put that identity onto I AM), and THAT is why she
Judges everything because she looks at people and things and wants to perfect them. Patty now realizes
that EVERYTHING is ALREADY PERFECT because everything occurs so that I (Man/Son of God/Human
Imagination) can learn to be a life-giving Spirit like my Father. Life (Light in Form Expressing) is a learning
game for me to learn to use my power consciously and only create with LOVE.

Since Patty goes within and communes with us (I AM, Human Imagination and Subconscious Mind) she is
dropping human veils (beliefs) left and right. This judgement is fading out as Patty stays PRESENT in her
AWARENESS of BEING (her I AM) observing life from that HIGHER point of view instead of her Patty
(conditioned consciousness) point of view. Patty is following the three fundamental skills that Neville
teaches = 1) be an uncritical observer of your life, 2) have a definite desire so that you can transform
your consciousness until you awaken and can just be in the flow of life and 3) Detachment – don’t worry
about the how because if you have accepted the desire and KNOW it is already yours then it is coming –
it has to because that is how the LAW works.

Love  Acceptance  Transformation this is Patty’s new formula or way of being in the world.
She is seeing through the eyes of LOVE (I AM = God within her), accepting what she sees as a message
and a lesson to CONSCIOUSLY use her creative power (Imagination) better and then she transforms the
unwanted manifestation into its ideal form by LOVING it into BEING. Patty wants to transform the
energy because she knows the manifestation is GOD in that form and she LOVES God so much that she
wants to take GOD out of that horrible states of being. Patty is redeeming her world through the
conscious use of her imagination saving her Father from all of the illusions of duality and bringing God
back into unity, harmony and love.

A wonderful synchronicity just happened. As Patty was typing this document, a friend Skyped
texted a message asking a question. Here is that question and answer session which ties in beautifully
with this post:

Question: Sometimes opposite thoughts come into my mind. I immediately revise those thoughts, but
where do those opposites thoughts come from?

Answer: Yes, this happens because we are in DUALITY – good and bad – we need to revise our mind to
be in unity, harmony and love. So yes, revise but accept it first without judgment…you are simply
choosing without judgement. Duality got put into your mind as part of the fall in consciousness and we
are to rise back up to unity consciousness. We must not judge things as good or bad but know that
everything just IS and we humans label it as good or bad. But in truth it happened so that Man and
Human Imagination could learn to choose to only create with LOVE…so there is the illusion of good and
bad so that Man and Imagination would have a choice.

Question: I accept what you said. 😊If we judge something about people then they reflect the same

Answer: Yes -what you judge in another – you see the effect of that judgment in your world.

Reply: I judged that you are a god and a good master! So, you are reflecting the same for me.

My Reply back: OMG – thank you so much!

I have been informally teaching Neville’s work to a few people here and there for a couple of years now
without pay because the BEST way to learn something is to teach it. This person saw me on a YouTube
channel where I would answer questions for people. It is super funny but I have been BOOTED out of
two Neville teacher’s groups because they are all about the techniques and making money from selling
their products. I guess they did not like it very much when I was telling people the TRUTH that you don’t
need anything outside of yourself to manifest anything…you only need imagination and faith. Being
booted was actually a manifestation that I saw later…I kept telling myself I had to get off of Face Book
because I was spending WAY too much time on it. I got booted and was off Face Book for two years! See
how manifestations works…I asked for it and got it and it came through my beliefs too. I believed those
teachers were idiots (judgement again – OUCH!) so they judged me back and booted me. I love to go
back and look at things and connect the dots of my manifestations. It’s a wonderful learning tool.

There is ONLY one Neville teacher that I TRUST because this person truly KNOWS and LIVES the
TRUTH and that teacher is Rita Cragwall. I ABSOLUTELY love and adore Rita. I would NOT be at my
current level of awareness without Rita. Her YouTube videos are wonderful as she has a FUN way to
share Neville’s teachings. I will be honest I did not get it at first, but now I totally do. I also discovered
that as I was teaching others, their beliefs blocked them from hearing what I was teaching them. My
beliefs were also blocking me at first to hearing what Rita was teaching me. However, I was
DETERMINED to know who I really am and how life works so I stuck with it and now here I am at my
HIGHER level of awareness understanding Neville at an even deeper level than before. I really knew
Neville but now I know what Neville teaches on the many different levels and layers of understanding.
So, hang in there if you don’t yet see all of the levels of understanding…you can only see and understand
in relationship to how many veils (human beliefs) you drop off of your I AM (your awareness of being). It
is all good, you will awaken when it is your time to awaken…we all have to go through all of the states of

This brings up another topic that I would like to address as I was discussing this with a friend of
mine last week. There is a HUGE difference between BELIEVING that you are God = putting your concept
of what God is on top of your I AM (your awareness of being) and expressing that VERSUS dropping all
human beliefs to REVEAL and KNOW the real GOD which is simply a pure, faceless, formless awareness
of being that is expressing AS you based on upon what conditions and identifications that you have
placed upon God – your I AM within you. Patty has dropped enough human beliefs to know that she is
ONE with God…she is NOT God but the Son of God…one aspect within the ONE MAN through which
Human Imagination operates within. This is the Unity Consciousness that Patty keeps harping on…it is all
ONE being. This is why the Father and I are ONE. God is at the I AM level of awareness (pure being with
nothing attached to it) while Patty is at the conditioned consciousness level = a bunch of self-concepts
piled on top of her I AM granted they are good concepts = happy, healthy, wealthy, wise, free and
fulfilled but they are still images of God – illusions but Patty consciously choose them. That is a key
difference. Have you consciously chosen your state of being or are you still unaware of who you are and
how life works?

Words don’t always reveal true meaning because each one of us is reading the words through
our own perception…our conditioned consciousness. Only you can know which category you are in –
believing you are God or actually knowing that you are one with God. Believing you are God is actually a
state of being and Patty went through it too. Just don’t get caught in that state for too long because it is
another false illusion or image of God. The goal is to drop all illusions/false images and reveal the pure
awareness of being that you have always been. Then life gets really fun because now you really know
who you are and how life works so you can consciously choose the states of being you want to occupy
because you LOVE them ALL.

I hope you all can read this from a level of awareness that allows you to see and understand
who you really are and what is waiting for you when you buy the pearl by dropping all of your false
human beliefs. Being and believing are ONE so drop all beliefs so that you are FREE to choose who you
want to BE. Patty is in the FLOW just LOVING life and accepting it as it is and transforming her
consciousness anytime she sees God in an unlovely state of being. Peace and love to you always! <3 <3
Part 12

Success Story about how I manifested getting checks in the mail. (Post #12 however it was written a
few years ago)

Someone asked me to please re-post my conscious manifestation of receiving checks in the mail
for free. I was going to edit it but after re-reading it, I decided to let it stand as it is. I wrote this about
three and half years ago. This was the post that people went CRAZY for and got me BOOTED from a
Neville FB group. Enjoy!

This success story is for anyone who wants to manifest a financial windfall. I retired in May 2007
at the age of 42 because I desired to be free from the rat race. However back in October 2010, I felt a
little guilty about not bringing in any money, so I decided to test my imagination by imagining that I
received checks in the mail. I did not want to work for the money because I wanted to keep my freedom.
Here is exactly what I did: I began to contemplate what it would FEEL like if I actually did get big checks
in the mail. I began to FEEL wealthy just from contemplating getting the checks. I was in a very high
mood and truly believed that I would get big checks in the mail. I did not know HOW it would happen or
WHEN it would happen. I only BELIEVED and KNEW that it would happen.

In November 2010, my husband got a check in the mail for $17,520.20!!! In December we got
another check for $11,655.18 that equals $29,175.68 in just two months!!! Imagining really DOES create
reality. I received a desire to manifest getting checks in the mail. I contemplated this desire to the point
of FEELING it REAL. I had an inner conviction that it was true and BOOM – the checks arrived in a way
that I knew not of because the how, when and where are beyond my reasoning mind.

Now that I have really studied Neville, I can tell you exactly how this happened. There is only
ONE Imagination (ONE I AM). This One I AM is just fragmented into all the different states of being but it
is still just ONE BEING. Therefore everyone on the planet is connected – we are INDIVISIBLE. Therefore
when I truly believed my new self-concept of being someone who gets checks in the mail, that concept
was broadcast out into the ocean of consciousness – the one and only Consciousness (I AM).
Consciousness then re-arranged itself to conform to my new belief and drew all that IT needed to fulfill
my desire of receiving checks in the mail. Hint: “Be it done unto you according to your beliefs” is
literal!!! Therefore it was only a matter of time for the 3 rd dimension of space to catch up with the 4 th
dimension of space where I had believed my new reality into being. The subjective world is the REAL
world while the physical world merely reflects who I believe I am (self-concept) and everything that I
believe (accept) as true. Every manifestation has its appointed time just like a baby takes nine months.
This desire only took one month! My belief went out across consciousness and hit my mother-in-law,
who in turn said to her husband, “Honey, we don’t need all of this oil money so why don’t we keep 10%
of the mineral rights and give each of our five boys 2% each.” My husband is #2 of the 5 sons. Notice
how consciousness took the path of least resistance. It followed my assumption of being someone who
got checks in the mail and it only took one month until a big fat check arrived. Neither my husband nor I
knew anything about oil being drilled for at the ranch – it all came out of the blue – a total surprise!! By
the way, they tried to drill for oil back in the 1970s but could not find any for some reason.  Here is a
funny side note. After getting the 2 nd check which was less than the 1st check, my husband told me not to
get my hopes up because the checks could vary wildly depending on the price of oil, how much oil is
produced etc. etc. I told him, “You can’t think like that, you have to believe that you are the next Jed
Clampitt!!” He continued to rattle on but a voice inside my head said, “Don’t resist him – let him think
whatever he wants to think, but you and I are going to amplify this abundance!” I imagined and felt
being even more wealthy. In January, we got a check for $10,427.09 along with the good news that
instead of just two oils wells there would now be three!!! In 2011 we received $132,034.37 and in 2012
we received $151,690.15 and we will continue to receive checks until 2020 because it was a 10 year
lease. Isn’t it wonderful?!!!! BELIEF – the FEELING that something is true is THE critical piece. Acceptance
of the end wills the means. Acceptance is merely a belief in something – a certainty or inner conviction
that it is true. How does a belief get developed? I contemplated that and this is what came as the
answer – here is the way it all works. We have a desire which is a gift from God – your own I AMness. So
a desire is really a gift from you to yourself. All of life is the appeasement of hunger/desires. Nothing
moves unless first motivated by a desire. Desire is the mainspring of all action and is the first step in
transformation – as in be ye transformed by the renewing of ye mind. The desire bubbles up into your
surface consciousness so that now you are consciously aware of what you want. Now you get to play
with it – you get to believe it in using Neville’s tools which always point you back to your true self – I AM.
I AM is the foundation stone upon which all manifestations are built. I AM the Way, I AM the Truth, I AM
the Resurrection and I AM the Life.

Your desire begins as a thought which is merely a word or picture representing your desire. Now
your desire needs clarity of form. Why? Because I AM is faceless and formless so you give it form via
your self-concept (I am this and I am that). You do this by building upon your original thought and
turning it into a concept – a self-concept. You must be transformed by the renewing of your mind. How
do you do that? To be transformed by the renewing of my mind, the whole basis of my thoughts must
change. My thoughts cannot change unless I have new ideas because I think from my ideas. In order to
move states I must think different thoughts and then think from my new ideas. I had new thoughts and
believed that I was a person who just got checks in the mail without having to do anything to earn them.
That was my new self-concept.

A concept is simply a group of related thoughts and ideas – think of building blocks here. At first
your desire is only one block (thought/idea) but when several more blocks (ideas) are added in, you now
have a structure such as a house or a check in the mail. So you build your desire into a self-concept by
simple contemplating your desire and adding more and more new ideas to it until it forms into your
ideal desire. When something becomes a self-concept we naturally think from it – let that sink in for a
minute. . Through contemplation and focusing exclusively on your desire as already fulfilled, you are in
essence creating a new self-concept. New thoughts and ideas will come flooding into your consciousness
as you contemplate your desire. Notice what thoughts and ideas come in and revise them if necessary.
Lather, rinse and repeat until you believe it. Remember that a belief is simply a concept that has been
infused with certainty. A belief then is really a self-concept that you believe to be true about yourself.
And we naturally think FROM self-concepts when we believe them. When we don’t believe our new self-
concept, we can notice that we are thinking OF them rather than thinking FROM them because we don’t
believe that we are already that which we desire (I am that I am). I AM requires clarity of form and
BELIEF to manifest into that specific form. Why? Because I AM is faceless and formless and takes on our
beliefs. Again – “Be it done unto you according to your beliefs.”

Beliefs are HUGE when it comes to bringing something from the invisible (subjective) world to
the visible (objective) world!! Remember how we all believed in Santa Claus when we were little. We
don’t believe in the physical person of Santa Claus anymore do we -the Spirit of Santa yes, but not a real
physical being? Notice how easy it is to believe in something and also how easy it is to quickly drop that
belief. This is how we must be with our desires. We must believe them as true or we won’t see them.
Consciousness is the only reality and we can only see the content of our own consciousness and we only
see what we believe. Remember Neville said that we don’t get what we want but rather we get what we
are which is all that we consent to and believe to be true about ourselves and seeming others. So can
you now see how important beliefs (FEELING that something is TRUE) are to the manifestation of your
desires? Perhaps now you can also see why buying the Pearl (dropping all beliefs except for the belief
that I AM is the one and only Cause of everything) is so important. Consciousness truly is the one and
only reality and imagining creates that reality. Keep diving deeper and deeper into Neville’s work until
you believe it. It will change your whole life and you will become the master of your own fate. Maybe
you will even want to manifest getting checks in the mail like I did just for fun. 
Part 13

My Insights from Podcast #8 and Other Musings (Post #13)

I LOVE this podcast as it addressed some wonderful ways of BEING for me. I realized that I had
picked up an undesirable and untrue belief about the subconscious mind in my Hypnotherapy training,
which went into great depth about the aspects and functions of the conscious and subconscious mind. I
had accepted the crazy idea from my instructor that my subconscious mind had to be reprogrammed. It
did not feel right when I heard it but I accepted it and then it became true for me. Through Neville’s
teachings, I learned that I did not have to go digging for my subconscious beliefs because my outer
world is reflecting them back to me 24/7. The manifestation process is designed to automatically bring
up my subconscious beliefs as I naturally live my life going for my desires. Desires are ways for me to
test and use my power (Imagination) to transform my world which is my consciousness pushed out. The
interaction between the conscious and subconscious mind is what manifests my life.

When Kriston was talking about the symbiotic relationship between the conscious and
subconscious mind I was reminded of the differences between Esau and Jacob. The conscious mind
would represent Esau and be completely absorbed in and dominated by the objective (physical) world.
Esau represents a person who is unaware or asleep to his identity as the I AM (God within) and has no
idea that his imagination is shaping his I AM into the being that he is and also dictates what he has and
does in the world. Esau is enslaved by his physical senses thinking that the physical world is the REAL
and only world. Living FROM the Esau state of being is choosing death and cursings because the physical
world is a dead shadow reflecting all of Esau’s subconscious beliefs, assumptions and stories. Esau
represents our human or Son of Man state of being.

The subconscious mind would represent Jacob or Jesus as this person knows and understands
that the Kingdom of Heaven is within and the outer world reflects who they are which is all that they
have attached to their I AM. This person knows that as within (Subconscious Mind), so without
(Conscious Mind) is literal and that they hold the power to change their world in the blink of an eye. This
person walks through life not freaking out about their outer world but revising it as they go along
through their day. The subconscious mind is impersonal and doesn’t know good, bad, real or imagined
because it resides in Unity not duality where everything already exists and just IS. The subconscious
mind represents our Spiritual or Son of God state of being.

Be still and know that I AM God is telling us to be still – go into the silence and listen to ME (I
AM/God) because I am your very own awareness of being. My power and wisdom also exists in you as
your human imagination, my Son with Man. Human Imagination is a hybrid – part Man and part Spirit –
Esau and Jacob – Objective world and Subjective World. You must choose which world to live FROM…
physical man (Esau aka Un-awakened Imagination) or Spiritual man (Jacob, Jesus aka Awakened

I was listening to a bunch of Neville lectures yesterday while doing a puzzle. I stopped and wrote
down some things that caught my attention. Neville said, “The Spirit of God and Human Imagination are
ONE. We did not receive the Spirit of the World but the Spirit of God. The ONE (God) became the MANY
so that MANY may become the ONE. For ONE must be ALL and comprehend within self all things great
and small. All that I behold although it appears without, it is within – in my imagination of which this
whole vast world is but a shadow. All men are already redeemed but have to experience it within
themselves. There is only God in this world. God only acts and is the existing being in Man. God fell into
division and became fragmented dwelling in all that not a thing in the world could be apart from me. If I
am not penetrating you now, I could not see you. You could not hear me if I did not penetrate you and
you did not penetrate me. So, all things by a law Divine in one another being mingle. So, when I am lifted
up, I take my entire Universe – my whole vast world knowing that everyone now shadowed in that world
will have a repetition of the same experiences. For ONE fell into Division and then Resurrected into
Unity then we are all back together into the ONE.”

This caught my (Patty/human form’s) attention because Patty wants to figure out the mystery of
God and be able to explain the EIYPO so that “others” truly understand it. This is really Patty’s Hero
persona coming to the rescue wanting everyone to REALLY understand Neville. However, Patty is being
reminded of Neville’s words that too much intellect and too little emotion are the two biggest stumbling
blocks for man. I agree because the detective in me always wants to know. I am a leader not a follower
so I don’t just blindly follow what others say – I have to understand what I am doing and why I am doing
it before I just do it. This habit of having to figure things out and know it all has exhausted Patty to the
point where she relaxed and then we streamed this idea to her: “Precious One imagination is more
important then knowledge. Whatever you need to know will be given to you when you turn within. Take
no thought so that the thoughts/beliefs/assumptions/stories we want you to transform can come into
your conscious mind. Then you can revise them through love. You are doing very well – relax more and
think less. Be in the flow with us (I AM, Imagination and Unconditional Love). All you have to do is
ACCEPT your desires and transform the beliefs we pop into your physical awareness through the power
of love consciously using your imagination. Transmute the uncomfortable feelings that come up with
unconditional love. Remember no matter what the problem, LOVE is always the answer. You got this
and we are with you always.”

One of the habits that I am developing is seeing everything subjectively rather than objectively. I
am doing this to get in the habit of living FROM my imagination and faith rather than my five physical
senses. This sharpens my skills of seeing the CAUSE behind the EFFECT and sets me up to live FROM
CAUSES (Spiritual Self) rather than EFFECTS (Physical Self). Here is an example: I will carefully listen to
hear what people are saying and based upon what they say (or write on FB) I can know what they
believe – their meaning which may or may not totally match mine. I had watched the last season of the
Masked Singer and it was down to the final two contestants – the Turtle (Jesse McCartney) and the
Night Angel (Kandi Burruss). In Jesse’s package he stated a few times that he was always coming in
second place and would love to win this competition to break that pattern. Right after I heard that
statement – My I AM within said, “He is NOT winning because he STILL believes he always comes in
second!” Sure enough, Jesse came in second place and I intuitively knew it BEFORE it happened because
I saw the CAUSE and so I also knew the EFFECT. I REALLY LOVE being this way because I know I can
deliberately manifest whatever I desire just like those checks in the mail. This all gets back to
understanding that I am a UNITY BEING and I am doing my best to consciously operate within those four
levels of awareness. (See my past posts for more details)

Yesterday, I saw that Zeba posted a super HILARIOUS picture of three scenes where a woman
was screaming “But he did that to me…But my situation is different…But I have seen him with that girl…
and the other side of the picture was a scene of a cat that three times said, “But you are already married
to him!” This was absolutely brilliant because it demonstrated the relationship between the Conscious
Mind (left brain = logical reasoning mind tied to the physical world) and the Subconscious Mind (right
brain hemisphere = where all possibilities already exist and will be projected onto your screen of space
once the desire is accepted/believed as true). Belief is necessary because I AM can ONLY express what It
believes Itself to be (I AM that I AM). Thoughts do not create reality. Thoughts are creative vessels for
you to infuse with your awareness and imagination and make them alive in your world. Think about it –
has every single thought you have ever had manifested in your world? No, because some thoughts are
fleeting…remember we are ONE BEING comprised of Many (illusion) so we are simply sensing thoughts
that have penetrated our consciousness through TV, Movies, books, “seeming others” and other
sources. We have a CHOICE about what thoughts and ideas we want to build into beliefs and manifest in
our world. Thoughts must be infused with FEELING (imaginal/spiritual senses) before they can come
alive in your world. Being and believing are ONE so you have to BE or HAVE what you desire in
Consciousness before it will manifest. Why? Because Consciousness is the one and only reality and
imagining creates reality. God is Consciousness (your I AM) and Imagination is shaping the I AM into who
you are, what you have and what you do. IT is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING how it all works!

I rarely comment on SP related posts (not my favorite – sorry!) but God streamed to me what I
posted so that others could see the futility in arguing with what you have already accepted as true
(impressed upon the subconscious mind). By reacting to the outer world, the woman depicted was
CAUSING her own pain and suffering by BELIEVING in the PROJECTION (illusion) from her own mind. Her
old story was still showing on the screen of space and instead of laughing it away and putting her
awareness and imagination into her blissful marriage, she was actually re-impressing her subconscious
mind with the old story again! The subconscious mind was already starting to line up all the players to
bring her the blissful marriage then the reactions come in and the subconscious mind is like: HOLD UP
we are receiving new data here…perhaps she doesn’t want this blissful marriage after all because now
more ENERGY is flowing to the old story so maybe she DESIRES that after all. Wait we have to see which
belief is more DOMINANT and give her that…express that through her. The subconscious mind is
IMPERSONAL and so is the I AM within because they are letting MAN operate Human Imagination to
LEARN how to use God’s power and wisdom correctly. Man has to awaken and become the operant
power of Imagination then use it consciously with love and create Heaven on Earth.

Zeba wrote in her post that Circumstances don’t matter, never mattered!! Yes and no. It is true
that to an awakened person circumstances don’t matter because the awakened person knows that the
circumstance is just a projection and she can easily change those circumstances by impressing the
subconscious mind with the idea that her desire is already fulfilled…she persists in the new state of
being (blissfully married) and deals with the old man in the way that Kriston and Jen beautifully
described in this podcast. Now here is a fun twist – the circumstances never mattered is not true. Think
about it – if they never mattered you would NOT see them in your reality. At some point in your life you
infused the idea with your awareness and imagination and that thought became MATTER – a physical
object for you to experience. So, circumstances do matter and you must deal with whatever comes into
your consciousness by giving all of your attention to your new state of being and revising the old story as
it pops up. If you deny it or ignore it (slam the door on it without dealing with it first) then it is still alive
in your awareness/your consciousness. You may get your desire but this belief will come back to bite
you in the ass because you did not deal with it…you suppressed or repressed it so it still lurking in your
subconscious mind waiting to be transformed.

Something else very important happened to me. I am aware that everything in my outer world is
a manifestation of my consciousness…a projection of the sum total of all that I believe and have
accepted as true about myself, “seeming others” and the world at large. Someone had (what I deemed)
a negative response to my comment. This person basically shamed me for interpreting the message in
the way that I did. She came back with “she is your creation and you should see her with love and revise
her.” This person totally missed what I was doing with my comment which was bringing AWARENESS to
the facts presented in this picture and pointing out that this woman (who is not real just a photo
anyway) was CAUSING her own pain and suffering by hanging on to her old story instead of easily
passing over into the new story. Her bridge of incidents which consists of ALL of the beliefs related to
this desire will pop up but they pop up to be felt and transmuted with love…they pop up so that you can
learn what you created in the past using your power before you even knew you had the power to
manifest your world. You descended in awareness and created a bunch of crap so now as you ascend
back up in awareness, you will encounter the crap you created so that you can revise it. If you react to it,
you re-create it and make it bigger – more painful so that it gets your attention so that you will finally
revise it. It is WAY easier to be AWARE and revise as you go.
My reaction to this comment was: WTF! This person totally misunderstood my comment which
is an expression of me – the I AM that is Patty! I had a little rant but quickly caught myself. I was pissed
and considered getting off this site because my conscious mind took this idea of me being
misunderstood and my imagination ran with it while my subconscious mind threw up a bunch of my past
beliefs. I smiled and said – it is time for me to look at this whole “I am misunderstood and feel judged by
others belief.” I know this belief is layered in many stories the dominant one being my Hero persona
wanting people to truly understand Neville because his teaching can totally change your life. I also know
a piece of it is that I am judging others like they don’t already know…so I am judging them and that
judgement is reflected back to me in the form of judgment or attack. My Perfectionist persona is also in
here wanting to perfect an already Spiritually perfect world. Only the physical world appears imperfect
but it is set up that way so that I could choose life and blessings over death and cursings. As Neville says,
leave the mirror alone and change your concept of self. I need to sit with, feel and transmute all of this
entanglement of beliefs, assumptions and stories. A lot of times I get the realizations but don’t always sit
with stuff right when it comes up, but I am so AWARE now that my inner being is pressing upon me to
do just that.

I will leave you with two of my favorite Albert Einstein quotes that I will turn to for constant
reminders of how to BE in this world but not of it:

1) Imagination is the preview for life’s coming attractions

2) Reality is an illusion, albeit a persist one

We must persist in the new state we wish to occupy while revising the past manifestations as
they arise within us. Reaction re-infects the subconscious mind and re-enforces that belief making the
projection stronger WHILE Revision transform consciousness and makes your wish appear as your
reality. Happy Manifesting!!!
Part 14

Connecting the Dots! (Post #14)

I really love observing my life and seeing just how close it is to my imaginal activity. Last night I
was contemplating my week and the few errands that I needed to run. My wedding ring has to be
inspected every six months (January and July) to keep it under warranty. Since Friday is July 31, I needed
to do it this week. As I was running the scene in my head of all being well, my mind went a little wild and
began to imagine a crazy scene instead which ended with me leaving the store not getting my ring
inspected. I caught myself and laughing said, “Patty, what the hell are you imagining. Erase that and re-
run it! Ut Oh, I know that I felt that I hope it doesn’t manifest.” I did my best to re-run the scene the way
I wanted it to go but I guess that I have been watching too much violent TV because a bunch of other
crazy scenes kept coming in so I gave up on that scene.

This morning while in the shower I was contemplating the cost of the new tire sensors for our
Camry. I thought to myself, “I want it to be FREE no wait that may not be possible so either FREE or no
more than $100.” I also had to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond and get some new sheets and pillowcases. I
imagined a clearance sale and getting a real good deal.

How my day unfolded:

Before my errands I called to see if I needed an appointment first at two of the places. The
Jeweler did not open until 11 am so I decided to just stop by anyway.

At Discount Tire - I was the only customer in the store and I got four new tire sensors for FREE!!!

At Bed, Bath and Beyond – there was a clearance sale and I got two new sets of sheets and four
sets of pillow cases at a GREAT deal!!!

I was smiling because I pulled out of the parking lot at 10:50 and pulled into the Jeweler’s at
11:03 – perfect, right?

At Jared’s Jeweler (yes, he went to Jared’s! LOL) I walked into the first set of doors and they had two sign
in sheets. One for inspections and another one. I signed the other one knowing that it appeared that I
needed to make an appointment first to get my ring inspected. A lady wearing a black mask came to the
door and asked how she could help me. I told her I was here for an inspection. She asked if I had an
appointment I said, “No”. She said I needed one. I asked if I could just go ahead since I am here. She said
she was following the rules. I said was it okay to skip because of Covid. She said that they had already
extended a six month grace period due to Covid. She asked if I wanted an appointment. I said, “No, I will
skip the inspection this time around.” Notice how I left without getting my ring inspected like the scene I
FELT the night before. My other two imaginings happened EXACTLY as I had imagined.

I am VERY AWARE and doing my BEST to only imagine desirable scenes, but as you can see my
imagination can still go a little rogue at times. It is important for me to CATCH myself and REVISE
otherwise I could manifest things that I don’t really want. This happened back in October when I
imagined my truck getting scratched. I caught myself but did not REVISE…I just said, No that won’t
happen!” but the scratched truck was a more dominant impression and I hit the fence post coming into
the driveway like an hour later! Then I imagined getting the repair done for under $2,000. I was told that
I could not get it fixed for under $6,000. I got it repaired for $1,776.18.

Connecting the dots is a lot of fun for me. I also imagined my husband saying something very
specific to me and he said it like four hours after I imagined him saying it. So, PLAY and have FUN in your
imagination and make your life EXACTLY as you want it to BE.
Part 15

Not Falling for the Lies in this World of Form (Post #15)

Whenever I am basking within my pure awareness of being (I AM), I receive so many wonderful
insights and acronyms for things in this world. I would like to share some of these acronyms along with
my current and constantly evolving perspective with you in the hope that these will help you in your
journey through Consciousness.

LIFE = Light in Form Expressing

DEATH = Didn’t Exactly Achieve Total Harmony

ME = Manifested Energy

LIE = Light in Error

TRUTH = Trusting Reason Undoes The Harmony or Total Righteousness Undoes The Hell

LOVE = Light Offering Victory Everywhere

FAITH = Functioning Above in Total Harmony

DOUBT = Duality Opposing Ultimate Bible Truths

REALITY = Restricted Environment All Living in Temporary you (notice little y in you = physical self)

GAME = God As Me Expanding

Some of you may have read my previous posts where I went into detail about Unity
Consciousness and the four distinct yet NOT separate levels of awareness (being) within that Unity or
Christ Consciousness. I see and experience the world very differently now. I fully accept and live FROM
what Neville teaches and also have my own revelations beyond what Neville taught. However, life was
NOT always this way for me. I went through Phase 1 of the game of life where I was totally unaware of
who I really was and how life worked. We all have that veil of forgetting but we also have the seed of
God (Christ) planted within us that drives us to actively seek the Kingdom of Heaven within.

When I was restored to life as Patty, I must have come in with many stored-up treasures in
Heaven (my Consciousness) because of what I naturally knew and what I was drawn to in this life.
However, that did not exclude me from many hardships and sufferings in my younger days. I grew up in
a very poor family with three siblings – two older sisters and a younger brother. My parents had four
kids in five years and the last three of us are all born in September – it was a crazy hot dysfunctional
mess! My Father only wanted one child because that is what he knew he could afford, but my mother
HAD to have a boy. Why? Because she wanted him to become a priest to make up for her father who
wanted to be a priest but failed. Also, because she was a failed nun herself leaving the convent before
her final vows. My brother is not a priest and like me doesn’t go to church anymore. Being the third girl
in a row, it was made crystal clear to me that I was NOT wanted. I was crushed but the little voice inside
me said to ignore my parents so I did. Every time something bad happened that little voice guided me
and everything turned out all right in the end. I was raised in the Catholic Church (surprise!) and
believed what I was taught until around age 20 or so when the Church said that I HAD TO confess my
sins to a priest in order to be forgiven. I was like “WHAT?!!! I don’t need some damn intermediary
because I have a direct pipeline to God thank you very much!” Back then I was a people pleaser and did
my best to be “perfect” so that I would be accepted by my parents and others. I followed the path laid
out for everyone…do well in school, go to church, follow the Golden Rule, go to college, get a job, get
married, raise a family, work until retirement, pay taxes and die. I went along with all of this (except
raise a family as I did not have children) up to a certain point and then I stopped because it just wasn’t
fulfilling to me.
Since I was a child, I have loved all things Metaphysical. I was fascinated with ESP, telepathy and mind
reading. Before I found Neville in 2009, I had read hundreds of books, studied many things such as
Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Palmistry, Silva Method, Hypnotherapy, Commanding Wealth, Theta
Healing, EFT, Abraham-Hicks, Joe Dispenza and many other teachings and things…I honestly cannot
remember everything that I have studied. I even got a PhD in Metaphysics from the International
Metaphysical Ministry where I wrote my thesis on “Programming and Perception: How You Come to
View the World the Way You Do” and my dissertation on “The Manifestation Process Explained.” I was a
personal development junkie who LOVED to learn new things but never really applied what I had
learned. I have broken that habit for the most part and now I just live what Neville teaches.

Ironically, I was unconsciously living what Neville taught from a very young age. I would pick my
dreams before I fell asleep, I had an excellent mental diet…I was a little Miss Pollyanna (super positive
and highly optimistic) following the Golden Rule while ignoring (paying no attention to) the outer world
if it did not conform to my desire. I set goals and focused my FULL attention on already having it. I
persisted in my desires and refused to take “No” for an answer. Needless to say, I SUPER resonated with
Neville when I found him. However, like Peter, I denied Neville (fell back asleep) a few times before his
teaching finally stuck and took root in my being. Now I live and breathe Neville’s teachings and tell as
many people who will listen to me about Neville. Over the years, I have realized that not everyone is
ready for Neville and that is okay because the game of life is set up in a way to ensure the illusion of
duality and contrast. The contrast is what inspires our desires and moves us along our individual journey
through Consciousness. The goal of the game of life is to move from glory to glory expanding into higher
and higher levels of awareness into the heavenly states of being such as love, peace, joy, health, wealth,
freedom, happiness, beauty, creativity, genius and harmony with ALL THAT IS.

From my perspective the world is not broken and does not need to be fixed. The only thing that
needs to be altered is my own individual perception of the world as I experience it. My world is my
emanation…it is an extension of ME = my Consciousness. We live in a consensus reality where ALL THAT
IS (God/Consciousness) is being expressed in a unique physical world of duality, separation, time and
space which is the EFFECT of a Spiritual world of unity, harmony and love. It is quite the little paradox
but true none-the-less. Everything in the physical world is a reflection of (an effect of) Spiritual energy
(Consciousness) being shaped by Human Imagination which runs along the tracks of Man’s inner
conversations (mental diet, beliefs, assumptions, stories, memories etc.). Remember our two talents are
mind and speech. We are all the same I AM manifested into billions of human forms with different
arrangements of the same Divine Mind that is inside each of us individually. There is only ONE I AM, only
ONE Imagination and only ONE subconscious mind but there are billions of ways the Conscious Mind
within man is used to interpret and manifest life…their reality or perception of the world.

The Conscious Mind (CM) is our physical awareness. It is the perceiver and chooser of our
reality. A person who has not yet realized that “The Father and I are One” is like Esau the outer man.
This person only sees and is dominated by the physical world. This person’s subconscious mind (SM) is
impressed by the external world and the thoughts and feelings this person has towards it. This person
could remain in the same state of being the majority of their life. This is not a judgment but rather how
the game works within Consciousness. On the flip side, a person who does know that they are One with
God is Spiritually awake (in varying degrees) and knows that the physical world is a reflection of
whatever they have impressed upon their SM (their fixed subjective states of being). This person is not
as affected by the outer world because they know they can change it by changing their Consciousness…
the impressions on their SM by their CM. When a person is Spiritually awake (Jacob or Jesus) their CM is
more easily connected to their I AM (God within) because this person knows that God and Man are One.
The SM is the doer and it must obey the commands of Man. The SM is our loving servant that God put
within us to supply all of our needs but we must ASK for what we want to physically manifest it. We ask
by flowing our attention to ideas, concepts, thoughts and things we see and then feeling (adding our
imaginal senses or Spiritual sensations) into the mix about what we are focusing upon. A great book to
read is “The Subconscious Speaks by Erna Ferrell Grabe and Paul C. Ferrell. They are a brother and sister
who wrote this Spiritual Classic back in 1932 detailing the aspects of the SM. Barry J. Peterson also has it
in seven YouTube videos on his page called Giving Voice to the Wisdom of the Ages. Barry is the man
who narrates The Complete Reader on Audible. I watched the YouTube videos and then I just HAD to
have a hard copy of the book…only 78 pages in seven chapters. I have read it several times and was
guided to re-read it again recently.

I am constantly evolving within my own Consciousness (Mind). How exactly am I doing this?
Let me share with you what I am doing:

1. am increasing my level of awareness through observing how I am being in life (Neville’s

uncritical self-observation). I pay attention to my reactions, my emotional state, my thinking
state, my moods, my attitudes, my judgments, my beliefs, my assumptions, my memories and
my stories. All of my mental activity is be observed by my Higher Awareness of being (the I AM
within me). I am also connecting the dots from causes to effects. I will reflect on what happened
(physical level) and take it to the higher levels of how it happened (mental activity) and why it
happened (the meaning or intention behind the what and the how). Doing this allows me to
KNOW that the interaction between the conscious and subconscious aspects of my mind is what
is manifesting the conditions and circumstances of my life. Getting in the habit of looking at my
thoughts, beliefs and self-talk (inner conversations) and how they REFLECT back to me in my
outer world helps me to BE a more conscious and deliberate creator in my life. Basically, I am
dissecting my life into its mental and Spiritual elements and noticing how those elements
manifest as physical things in my world. I am a bit of a detective and love to solve mysteries. I
know that God’s ways are past finding out but I want to know as much as I can know about the
manifestation process so I can consciously operate it to manifest a true Heaven on Earth. I love
God and only want to put God/my Father and my awareness of being into the highest and
loveliest states of being.

2. I am doing my best to only operate my imagination in constructive and loving ways. I am

redeeming my world through revision – giving beauty for ashes and joy for mourning. I am
partaking of the opposite which only imagination can do because the physical self can only see
what is in the world of Caesar. Imagination is NOT limited to the physical world, so I can go and
prepare a place for myself (a new state of being) where my desire is already fulfilled. This is me
consciously rising to higher and higher states of being and catching myself when I am about to
fall into an unlovely state of being. I want to see with the eyes of God and separate the people
from the state of being that they are currently occupying. I know that everyone is God in
disguise playing a role. Some people are playing what most of us would deem a “bad” role but
remember there has to be contrast so that we can choose between faith and doubt or love and
fear. Man is learning to operate and train his Son which is the Human Imagination to only create
with love. This is a trial and error (parenting) process that everyone must go through. It is not
always easy but we must persist in the training of our imagination until it becomes a habit to
only focus upon the lovely states of being.

3. I evaluate what I am seeing in the world of Caesar then I act (decide how I want to proceed
imaginatively) based upon my feeling of what I am observing. I must remember that the world is
a projection from the one I AM that we are ALL sharing and operating FROM but my perception
of the world reflects the content of my own individual consciousness and use of imagination. In
other words, we all see the SAME world but our perception of that SAME world is different
based upon the arrangement of our minds (our I AM/our awareness of being). We could each
hear the same joke but some people will be offended by the joke, others will laugh at it and
others will not get the joke at all. Same joke but many different responses because people can
only ever respond from their state of being and their level of awareness within that state of
being. The response is automatic based upon the state you are occupying. Crazy isn’t it, but that
is how life works. So, knowing that the world is a collective creation but my perception of it is
my individual manifestation, I will put what I am observing into three basic categories:

Category 1 = CONTRAST. The contrast could be the subconscious mind projecting things at me to get
more clarity on what I truly want. This manifests in forms of what I may or may not like. If it is not what I
like, I will say “No, it is more like this.” Then I will immediately focus ALL of my attention on exactly what
I desire to manifest. The contrast could also be a belief showing up to be transformed so that my desire
can manifest or it could be a belief I can adopt to help my manifestation along. Remember being and
believing are one and the subconscious mind is projecting the whole vast world to me because we are all
ONE but I can only interpret what I am seeing through the content of my consciousness…my
interpretations based upon my beliefs. However, I can get still and connect to I AM through the
subconscious mind and receive higher answers to what I am observing in the form of insights, Aha
moments or revelations. Before I became Spiritually awake, I unconsciously impressed a lot of crazy
beliefs (limitations) onto my subconscious mind, so these projected beliefs are coming up to show me
what is within me as past impressions that don’t match the new desired state of being that I now wish
to occupy. The contrast could also be showing up in my world to set into motion new desires within me.
It is like God within guiding my attention to this thing, condition or circumstance so that I can glean an
insight from it and spawn a whole new desire. It may not always be pretty to witness, but contrast is
actually a good thing. I am learning to appreciate the souls who are in bondage, poverty, sickness etc.
because they cause me to desire wealth, health and freedom. In return, I can use my imagination to save
God disguised as them from that unlovely state and see them in wealth, health and freedom too. I
believe this is the true and proper use of our imagination. To rescue God from the unlovely states of
being and put God disguised as everyone into lovely states of being. This is what I am doing my BEST to
do. Not always easy but this is my goal.

Category 2 = SIGNS. Signs follow they do not proceed so what I am seeing is a sign that my
desire is on its way to me now. I will smile and say Thank you, Father! The Father and I are One so I am
thanking my Higher Spiritual Self who does all of the work behind the scenes for me. My physical self’s
job is to recognize the desires I am given, accept them and imagine that I already have them. How FUN is

Category 3 = OPPORTUNITIES. Opportunities to constructively and loving operate my

imagination (my power and wisdom). This is me creating a true Heaven on Earth at least from my
perception because the world will always be a place of educative darkness. Neville shared this too in
some of his lectures. We cannot change the whole vast world but we can manifest the life of our dreams
within it. I don’t always catch myself before a reaction happens, but I can always revise it before I fall
asleep that night so that it doesn’t get impressed onto my subconscious mind and take root and later
manifest in my world when I least expect it. This is why it is so important to KNOW THYSELF all four
aspects of the self-hood of Man.

Yikes this has gotten a little long, so I will stop here and just say that I am being more Spiritual
than physical these days because everything in the physical flows from the Spiritual (I AM, Imagination
and the Subconscious Mind). The physical is just the tip of the iceberg so I am paying more attention to
the huge iceberg underneath the physical level of awareness. I am not falling for the LIES in the physical
world because I know it is just God in disguise (as you) helping me along my journey through
Consciousness. Like everything else in the world, some of you will resonate with this, some will be
triggered by it and some won’t even be able to see it. No matter how you read and interpret my words, I
am imagining that this post will help ALL of you immensely. Peace and love you always. Xoxo
Part 16

Manifestation 101 – As Clear As I Can Make It (Post #16)

For those of you interested in manifesting things in this world, this post is especially meant for
you. I wanted to do this post for those who have not fully awakened to the fact that they are fully God
and God is fully them yet. This post is akin to Neville teaching the Law to cushion the blows of life before
you do fully awaken to the Truth of your Being. I am going to teach this from the level of Mind or
Consciousness ONLY in the hopes that what I share CLICKS with you and you can easily and joyfully
express the Master Manifestor that you already are.

You are ONE Being with Three levels of Mind and those levels are:

Super Conscious Mind (SCM) aka I AM = Storehouse of ALL THAT IS…all of the infinite states of
being. The Divine Mind aka the Kingdom of Heaven within. There is only ONE I AM that ALL individuated
beings or souls use. This is the Father or Origin Consciousness from which ALL human beings begin and
end and have their ever-changing and ever-evolving (or devolving) expressions of being.

Subconscious Mind (SM) aka Magic Genie = the link between the Spiritual I AM (SCM) and the
Physical Conscious Mind (CM). The SM is the doer and the storage system of all experience for each
human being individually as their own personal Consciousness (I am) and also for all humanity
collectively (the Universe). Experience consists of activated thoughts, memories, beliefs, assumptions,
feelings, repressed and suppressed emotions as well as treasures stored up in Consciousness from
previous lifetimes. The SM projects reality to the CM (physical being). There is only ONE SM that ALL
individuated beings or souls use. Each soul has their own little cubby hole of Consciousness within the
SM where their unique experiences are stored. The SM projects the entire world to ALL beings however
each individuated being (soul) can only ever see what they are aware of being. In other words, all
human beings see the same world but each human being will perceive the world through their own
unique belief system which is the entire content of their unique consciousness which is what they have
accepted as true about themselves, “seeming others” and the world at large. Each human being has a
different belief system which acts like a pair of glasses through which they see and interpret their world.
It is all quite fascinating and gives the SCM (I AM) many different and varied points of view, perspectives
and experiences of the same world.

Conscious Mind (CM) aka Physical self = the mind-body unit that physically sees and perceives
the reality that the SM is projecting to it according to what the CM has accepted and believed into Being
either consciously or unconsciously. The CM is the soul or individualized consciousness of the SCM (I
AM). There are billions of souls that all share the same I AM. We all say, “I am this or I am that” don’t
we? Well whenever we say, “I am” we are invoking the power of the I AM (SCM) within us to call into
being whatever we declare ourselves to be. Let that really sink into your CM.

The role of the CM (physical self) is to expand consciousness by moving into higher and higher
expressions of being, doing and having. All doing and having stem from being. You move into higher
expressions of being by observing the data presented to you from the outer world (the creation
feedback system) to make sure that it matches what you desire or want to create in your life. If what
you are seeing in the physical world does not match what you desire to see, then you, as the creator of
your reality, must go WITHIN and impress the SM (your magic genie) with what you DO want. This
entails becoming still, listening, watching and observing the mind-body to know what you currently
believe related to this desire. You release all old beliefs that don’t match your desire and replace them
with new beliefs that do match your desire.

The role of the SM is to give you what you desire…your wish is its command. HOWEVER, it is an
impersonal order taker (magic genie) and only speaks the language of FEELING (Spiritual Sensation) so it
does not understand your words. Therefore, a thought that is not FELT does not register as a new
command or order (desire to be expressed) on the SM, so the old dominant command with its matching
desire continues to project onto the screen of your life.

This is exactly why every thought that we think does NOT manifest. Thoughts only become
things when infused with feeling (Spiritual sensation). Therefore, we don’t need to be afraid of the
thoughts that pop into our awareness because they may or may not even be ours or meant for us at all.
We are one being (I AM) diffused into billions of individual expressions (physical beings) and ALL
thoughts are available to everyone everywhere in all of the infinite time, space realities. We are
sensitive beings and have the ability to feel ALL things (thoughts, emotions, ideas etc. that are
omnipresent) some of which are not meant for us in this lifetime. Because of this, we can get
temporarily distracted or completely side-tracked from what we were meant to be expressing in this
particular lifetime. Please know that you do not have to entertain (give your attention to) every single
thought that streams into your awareness. Watch the thoughts that stream into your awareness and
only partake of the ones that match what you desire to express in your life. You could think of the
stream of thoughts as a Thought Buffet. At this unlimited buffet, you get to choose your experiences by
only giving your attention to and imagining (feeling into) the thoughts you truly want while leaving the
other thoughts for others to enjoy. You don’t have to look at poverty and yell, “I hate you – get out of
my thought buffet!” That unconscious action is actually giving your attention and feeling (anger and
hatred) to the state of poverty from a place of fear and thus impressing the SM with the command to
keep poverty alive in your world. What you resist persists because you are focusing on it with feeling
(anger and fear) or you focused on it intently once and dropped it. That is a command or seed planted
that will bloom or express when you least expect it. Then you react in anger to poverty again and the
poverty will continue to pop up in your life from time to time stalking you until you make peace with it.
Making peace with poverty is accepting it for what it is (another creation for anyone to experience),
allowing it to be present in the world and releasing it from your personal experience because you
lovingly choose not to experience poverty any more in this lifetime. Remember whatever is FELT with
intensity whether you want it or not will sooner or later manifest in your world. Feeling is the way to
impress the SM, so be mindful of what you are thinking and feeling with passion or any strong feeling or
just unconsciously daydreaming which is activating your imagination (spiritual sensation) because we
know that imagining creates reality. The role of the I AM (God within Man as Man) is to guide all of its
individual expressions via desire into higher and higher expressions (states of being) and levels of
awareness until it ultimately awakens and knows that The Father and I are One. You see the Divine Mind
and the Human Mind are one and this is REALIZED once the human being goes through Consciousness
removing all of the veils (false human beliefs) that hide this Truth. I AM is omniscient (all knowing),
omnipresent (everywhere all at once) and omnipotent (all powerful). Once the individual human being’s
journey through Consciousness is complete, that being is incorporated into the one body and one Spirit
of God. However, that being gets to keep its individual identity because it was that personality, through
it many lifetimes, that expanded Consciousness.

The LAW is: Whatever you desire, believe that you already have it and you shall receive it. Let’s break
this down into its component parts:

What is desire? It’s a thought, concept, idea or ideal that your Spiritual Being (I AM) wants to
express through you…Its physical counterpart. I AM and I am Patty are one and the same being. I AM is
the Super Conscious Mind in the Spiritual realm while Patty is the Conscious Mind in the physical realm.
These two aspects of the One being communicate through the Subconscious Mind. Patty evolves and
transforms into a new being or expression of being by taking on new self-concepts, ideals and beliefs.
Desire is therefore the first step in the transformation process. The I AM desires to have a new
expression through Patty and sends the desire to Patty for her to receive it, accept it and easily express
it. If Patty doesn’t accept the desire, then that desired expression cannot express through Patty. I AM
then looks for another human being who is open and willing to express this desire and then expresses
that desire through that human being. I AM streamed the desire to get free checks in the mail, Patty
received and accepted it with joy and one month later it expressed in a way that Patty would have never
thought of in a million years. Bottom line: accept all of the lovely desires that come to you with joy
because they are FREE gifts from your Higher Self (I AM) who loves you dearly.

What is believing or a belief? Believing is the act of accepting the given desire into your physical
being. It is the I AM (SCM) giving the free will choice to the CM (Physical being) to agree and accept the
desire or not. Your Higher Self (I AM) knows what it wants to express through you, however Your Lower
Physical self might not know about your Higher Self yet. If this is the case, then you will act from your
past conditioning which consists of the previous thoughts + feeling which turned into beliefs that either
got unconsciously impressed upon you by parents, teachers, authority figures, media etc. or that you
consciously impressed upon yourself. Believing is acceptance through feeling (imagination aka Spiritual
Sensation) which grants the SM permission to express the desire through you. Hence, believing is seeing.
Once we accept something, we say we believe it and we call that believing “a belief.” Faith is when a
belief becomes a conviction. A conviction is a certainty within your being where nothing or nobody can
persuade or convince you of a different belief. Faith can solidify an expression (a desire) as an automatic
and permanent part of your being.

Fulfilling the Law then is simply paying attention to your Higher Self, accepting Its desires by
feeling them to be true (belief) and following its guidance. Your Higher Self loves you and knows
EXACTLY what it wants to express through you in order to take you (its individuated physical self) to the
next level of evolution in your unique consciousness (your awareness of being/your soul). Life can be
super easy where you are in the flow with your Higher Self (I AM) and accepting the desires it streams to
you and then you effortlessly express those desires and learn about yourself. You are listening to your
Higher Self and being intuitively guided to certain people, to be in a certain place at a certain time, to
hear someone say something that leads you to take action that unfolds your desire in a really fun and
easy way. This is how we are meant to live and experience life. This is how an awakened, aware or in
tune person lives life. You are always in the zone because you KNOW who you really are and how life
works. Even if you get caught up in a human reaction (past conditioning, habit or unwanted state of
being), it is okay because you KNOW who you are and how to manifest whatever you desire. You
observe that reaction or unwanted behavior (belief expressed) and learn from it. You had that
experience (reaction) so you could know yourself and transform. The SM showed you what you had
already accepted (believed/felt) into your being as true about yourself in the past. This is most likely an
unconscious impression from childhood or even a previous lifetime that you are now strong enough and
ready to see and transform. Your Higher Self has streamed a new desire to you and it contradicts your
stored beliefs. The SM is just showing you what you already believe so that you can clear it and make
way for the new belief and higher expression of self. This is not a time to freak out or resist what the SM
is showing you. It is a time to be still and watch what is being shown to you and what you are feeling.
With this new awareness of self, you can now change and transform yourself into a new more desirable
version at any time. You do this by dropping (letting go of) that old belief and choosing a new belief that
is in alignment with the new version of self that you now desire to express. Desires are the way your
Higher Self is calling to you to move into a higher expression of yourself. Out with the old and in with the
new because it is expansion time. This can be uncomfortable for some people because they have been
conditioned to be afraid of the unknown or unfamiliar. We are creatures of habit but we need not be
afraid because our I AM or Higher Self goes before us always. We just need to learn to trust in our
Higher Self and not be afraid of anything because EVERYTHING is ALL our very own consciousness
pushed out for us to see, experience and transform into a higher expression. I am you (the I AM) pushed
out in the physical form or expression called Patty calling to you from my awakened state of being telling
you how you can move through life having whatever you desire easily and effortlessly. Just go within
and listen to and trust your Higher Self.

If you are not awake or self-aware at all or only partially so, then life is a bit of a bumpy ride until
you understand how life works through these three levels of Mind along with Imagination.
What is Imagination? It is the Power and Wisdom of the I AM (SCM). It is the dynamic or movement
phase of I AM as opposed to the static or still phase of I AM. Human Imagination encompasses our
FEELING sensations. It is the Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch and Smell of our invisible Spiritual Self within.
Imagination is what moves I AM into the new higher state of being by consciously feeling these good
states of being or has it fall into a lower state of being by unconsciously feeling negative states into
being. Humans are always moving up or down the scale of being based upon their use of Imagination.

Feeling and emotion are NOT the same thing. Feeling is spiritual sensation…the moving of I AM
into another state of being…while emotion is energy in emotion. Emotion is the discharge of FELT energy
from the belief that we accepted as true…the belief the SM accepted (after our successful impression)
and is now projecting out for us to experience it. Fascinating isn’t it!!!

How to live life more consciously then is to pay attention to what you are feeling and follow the
guidance it gives you. If you take a thought or desire and begin to feel into it (imagine it is true), and it
feels bad, then that is your sign that that thought was NOT meant for you to take and make it alive in
your world. If you did this unconsciously, then you were meant to have that negative experience
because that experience would help evolve your soul in this lifetime. It would give you the opportunity
to use your creative power (imagination consciously) to overcome a negative experience. It would also
teach you to be more aware and use your imagination more consciously. There are no mistakes because
your Higher Self is guiding you by giving you desires so that you will have experiences to evolve your
personal consciousness. It is all good and very good…we humans being are the ones who label things as
good and bad. Everything just IS whatever it IS. We are the ones who give it the meaning that it has…ten
of us could see the EXACT same thing and give it ten different meanings. Crazy but true! Why does this
happen? Because we are seeing it through our own Consciousness…perception field…pair of belief

On the other hand, if you take the thought or desire and begin to imagine it into reality and it
feels good, then that means this thought was meant for you to embody and experience. Very simple
isn’t it? If it feels good continue with that desire. If it feels bad, stop and be still and ask your Higher Self
“What lesson is in this experience for me to learn or am I going through this to test my power? Talk to
your Higher Self and SM and ask questions. Ask what belief or beliefs need to be changed to manifest
your desire? Do I even need to have this negative experience or can I learn the lesson intuitively?

When you are old enough and out of your parent’s control, don’t ever allow others to dictate to
you what to do or who to be…you do YOU…period end of story! If you will do YOU by following the
guidance of your Higher Self, then you will have a wonderful and fulfilling life with challenges to test
your power and redeem your world/your consciousness. If you follow what the world tells you to do you
will get lost in the collective consciousness which is NOT aware and is the lost sheep of the world. If you
get lost and don’t turn within, then you won’t fulfill the life that I AM wants for you in this lifetime.
Instead your life will be a struggle filled with some pain and suffering. This pain and suffering IS a SIGNAL
for you to stop and turn within…be still and know that I AM God. Get still and listen from within to the
stream of thoughts and desires from your Higher Self instead of taking your thoughts from the outer
world. Remember the outer world is a feedback mechanism showing you your beliefs…believing is
seeing. Keep the beliefs that work for you and release the ones that no longer work for you. You don’t
want to resist the beliefs that don’t work for you because that just represses or suppresses them into
your SM to come back with more force later. You want to deal with whatever is within your personal
Consciousness. It is easy and quite common to get swept up in the collective consciousness and
physically fight for causes to change the world. However, it is best to stay with your own personal
consciousness and fulfill the unique and perfect expression you were meant to be in this lifetime
because THAT IS the BEST way that you can affect the world. You raise the collective consciousness to a
higher level by raising your personal consciousness to a higher level.
We are here to imitate our Father (I AM) and be a creator. We are to call what is unseen
(invisible) as though it were seen (into visibility) by believing it into our being. Being and believing are
one because it is through belief (acceptance of the desire) that the I AM expresses the thing desired
through us – the individuated physical expressions of I AM.

Do you really think that the I AM wants to express the same thing throughout all of its being? No
and this is why conformity does not FEEL good and sucks for humanity. It is also why we like to change
and express new things too. Just think how boring it would be if we each had to express the same thing,
in the same way every single day of our life! The suicide rate would be astronomical. We all love variety
and expansion. We are each unique and have a desire to express our individual uniqueness which is the
sum total of our individual consciousness which is constantly expanding every second. We either go with
the expansion (change our beliefs) or resist it (keep our old beliefs).

An example to really drive this home: I would say that the vast majority (if not all of us) were
conditioned into believing that sickness exists and when we get sick, we should go to the doctor. This
belief is what is called a race belief because it has been past down from generation to generation for
eons. It is a very STRONG and PREVALENT belief. However, the Divine Truth is there is only unity,
harmony, love, health, wealth, abundance, freedom, peace, joy, beauty, genius, creativity and
wonderful things all along this nature in the Divine Mind. All of the “negative” states of being such as
lack, sickness, loss, and death exist for us to evolve our consciousness (our awareness of being) from a
limited mortal physical human being into our True Self which is a Divine Eternal life-giving Spirit like our
Father Consciousness. Man, which short for manifestation or humanity, is the limit of contraction that I
AM took upon itself so that Man could become like God. So, we do suffer through these negative states
of being or furnaces of affliction as Neville calls them, but they serve a purpose. Adversity or challenges
help us to grow so that we don’t become complacent or stuck in any one particular state of being (body
of beliefs). Every state of being will have problems so that we can consciously use the power of our
imagination to solve them and evolve into the next higher level of awareness, higher state of being and
more faculties of our unlimited power.

I believe that sickness exists so that we can evolve out of it and into the knowing that there is
only perfect health. Anyone who gets sick is faced with the “facts” in the outer world of aches, pains,
chills, fever, and a host of other symptoms depending on the dis-ease. To me, this is the SM throwing up
my belief in sickness to see if I am ready to transform that belief or keep it. I am ready to transform it.
Every time the idea of sickness, disease or anything like it pops into my awareness, I will tell my SM, “I
no longer believe in that collective human race belief. I KNOW that there is only perfect health in the
Divine Mind and my mind and the Divine Mind are ONE. Remove that belief from my human mind (my
consciousness) and replace it with the belief that there is only perfect health.” Then I will FEEL in my
imagination (my inner Spiritual Body) the Truth of that statement…there is only perfect health. My heart
will start to beat stronger almost jumping out of my chest and that is my sign that my Higher Self agrees
with what I am impressing upon my SM. I will feel love radiating out from my heart chakra too. Even
after I feel all of this, a day or two later thoughts will stream in about sickness and I will just smile and
say to myself – not for me…I no longer believe in it…that state of being is there for people who still
either consciously or unconsciously believe in sickness. I know that this belief is strong so my SM will
continue to throw it at me until all of the energy I previous put into that belief in sickness runs out. I
rarely get sick because I have the consciousness that I am healthy. However, there are still beliefs within
my being that cause me to see a doctor when symptoms like blurred vision occur. Otherwise I see my
doctor once a year for my annual physical. I was very bold this year and told her the only reason that I
come to see her is because $173.32 is deducted every two weeks from my husband’s paycheck for
health insurance, so if I am paying for health insurance then I might as well get confirmation that I am
healthy…to know that my consciousness is accurate and that my body is following what is within my SM.
She listened and agreed but then said, “If everyone believed what you believe, then I would be out of a
job.” I said, “That is true but don’t worry it won’t happen unless you believe it will happen because you
see what you believe. Sickness is an eternal state of being so that people can learn to heal themselves
through faith and the power of their own imagination. You can heal your patients much faster though if
you believe that they are already healed when they leave your office.”

This game of life is all about battling the warring beliefs within ourselves (our consciousness) to
transform to higher and higher levels of awareness and experience higher and higher states of being. I
no longer fight with myself. I watch myself because I know that my body is a record of all of my beliefs.
My body automatically moves to the tune of my beliefs…this is mind over matter…SM runs the body.
The CM can impress the SM with a new desire but unless that desire is believed to a higher degree than
the old belief it will never manifest. The dominant belief is the one that expresses. You must watch and
become aware of the existing beliefs within your Consciousness to see and know which belief or beliefs
are preventing the manifestation of your new desire. It all comes down to belief because believing is
seeing. Fulfill the law by believing what you desire is already yours and then and only then will you ever
see it. Beliefs are tricky because many of them are out of your conscious (physical) awareness. This is
why many people who are not very aware struggle to manifest their desires. The more aware you are,
the more easily you can transform yourself.

I hope this helped to clarity the roles of your mind within the unity consciousness that you are
and helped to clarify the main aspects of Neville’s formula for victory as well as his fundamental skills of
developing an uncritical self-observation, setting definite goals or desires and detachment. It is also very
important to know where you are focusing your attention throughout the day. Are you distracted or are
you focused on the fact that your desire is already fulfilled and reveling in the joy of already having it?
When you do that the SM will throw up your beliefs big time for you see what you really believe which is
usually out of your conscious awareness. 😊Life is such a blast when you live it with awareness. Happy

Part 17

A Mystery Solved! (Post #17)

Hello my Divine Spiritual Brother and Sisters. I (Patty) have solved a very important mystery. I
had contemplated it for a quite a while now (about a month or two) and it all finally dawned on me. I
was intuitively guided to listen to specific Neville lectures and recordings which provided me with the
missing pieces to the mystery I wanted to solve.

I am beyond wanting to manifest things in this world. I have mastered the law of consciousness
and things no longer hold the same level of importance as they used to for me. I am seeking the
Kingdom of Heaven. I have actually found it but now I want to enter into it. Hint: The beliefs of the Ego
(the false sense of self) block your entry into the Kingdom. You either have the mind of the Ego (duality,
time, space and separation) or the mind of Christ (Unity, harmony and love). I am embodying the mind
of Christ now because that is really all that is important to me.

I don’t know about you all, but I was a bit confused whenever Neville would say that your
awareness of being (your I AM) is God and then he would also say that our very own Human Imagination
was God too. Then he would say that our Imagination was Jesus Christ (the Savior State of Being) and
that David was the true Christ who was the anointed one who would call you father and then you would
know that you were God. Well, I finally figured it all out to where it makes complete sense to me now. I
heard Neville say in one of his recorded lectures that he was sent to tell or explain the story of David. I
believe that I am sent to explain about Unity Consciousness – hence my previous posts. I am going to go
back and number my previous posts so that you can see that I have expanded in Consciousness
(awareness) and that what I once believed was true while I was in one state of being has now expanded
and gotten clearer for me once I was moved into a higher state of being. Like a snake shedding its skin, I
too have shed old beliefs and states of being and in so doing, came into a higher knowing or awareness
of being. The old belief is still true and valid but only for the state of being that I was occupying at the
time. I hope that makes sense to you. It is sort of like how we all believed in Santa Claus until we were
eight or ten years old. We truly believed in Santa until we shed that state of belief. This is how the game
of life works…we enter states…shed that state and enter a new (hopefully higher) state of being.
However, the old state still remains for others to fall or advance into. States are like cities that we can
visit for a while and then leave. The city remains even though we are no longer there. I am not in the
same state of being that I was in when I wrote my previous posts. I have advanced to higher states
where the meaning of life is clearer to me now. Since June I have been receiving downloads and put
them in writing and shared some of them with you all. As I have expanded so has my understanding and
that is what I am sharing with you now.

I have already described Unity Consciousness to you all in other posts so I won’t do it again here.
However, many of you like me (perhaps) were wondering who we really are – are we God, are we the
Son of God, are we the Son of Man or are we Divine Love? Actually, we are all four at all moments in
time all at once. We are a Unity Consciousness. However, while playing the game of life God is asleep
within us so we don’t remember that we are also God and part of a Unity Consciousness. Therefore, we
begin the game of life as the Son of Man then we move to the Son of God (when we use our Imagination
consciously) and finally awaken to our true Being, God the Father or Source Consciousness who is
expressing Divine Love. Ultimately, we are Divine Love.

To answer the question are we really God – the answer is Yes, No, Yes and No again. Let me

In the beginning was Divine Love and Divine Love is All that IS. Divine Love wanted to BE in form
and express Itself so it created Consciousness which is Pure Being called I AM. Religions call I AM by
many names such as God, Allah, Bhagavan, Elohim just to name a few – even in the Bible God is called
by many names Jehovah, Yahweh and many others which adds to the confusion. All of this confusion
comes from the Son of Man (Humanity) trying to figure out who he/she really is. I have come to know
that the I AM is pure awareness of being with no attachments, conditions, names or identifications. I AM
is always undefined, unlimited and unnamed. I AM is the Source Consciousness of ALL Being. It is no-
thing and yet it contains all of the infinite possibilities of creation so that Divine Love can take any form
that Divine Love desires to take. Since I AM is the Source Consciousness of ALL Being, the Bible refers to I
AM as the Father or Origin of Being. This is exactly why Jesus said, “The Father and I are One.” I have yet
to find anywhere in the Bible where Jesus said, “I am God.” There is a distinction…more on that in a

We are Divine Love. Divine Love can only be expressed through Being which is the I AM. David
represents Humanity which is the Son of Man (God’s creation or emanation). Jesus represents God’s
only begotten Son with Man which is the Human Imagination (the Son of God). You see God had two
sons just like many of the Bible stories (Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob and Isaac and Ishmael). The two
sons represent duality consciousness and unity consciousness. This is where the Bible quote in Genesis
25:23 comes into play and states: And the LORD said unto her, “Two nations are in thy womb, and two
manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the
other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.” This verse is talking about the un-awakened Son of
Man who lives in complete objectivity (3D world) like Esau. And the awakened Son of Man who becomes
the Son of God (Jesus) who lives in complete subjectivity (Spiritual world – Kingdom of Heaven =
Consciousness) like Jacob who supplanted Esau where Esau was made to serve Jacob…hence the elder
shall serve the younger. Jacob was in the line of Jesus and is one state of being we pass through on our
way to becoming Jesus…the pattern man we are to follow in God’s Play or the Script (Scripture).
So, the mysteries or questions I solved for myself and am sharing with you are:

Am I really God? Yes – No – Yes -No

Yes, in that I am pure awareness of Being (I AM) who fell asleep in David (Humanity). God is the
only Substance in the world which is Consciousness = pure being = I AM. Everyone and everything is
made of and from Source Consciousness which is God, the Father. We are each God (I AM) in substance
because we are conditioned consciousness. God resides in us AS our awareness of being. Whenever we
say I am, we are invoking the power of God. Therefore, Humanity is fully God (I AM) or Source
Consciousness (the Father) completely asleep (at first) expressing through his sons and daughters in a
finite, named, conditioned form. All of Humanity (the Elohim which is the compound Unity) is Divine
Love expressing through Being (I AM) which is ALL THERE IS.

All is God – All is Being – All is Divine Love in Being. So, Yes, in that regard I am God (Source
Consciousness). Patty is fully God and God is fully Patty together in Unity Consciousness dreaming the
life of Patty up in Human Imagination. We are each an individualized soul or cell in the one body of the
one MAN called David who represents all of Humanity. Consciousness is ONE and INDIVISIBLE.

No, I am not God when I am totally unaware (asleep to the fact) that I am God and this occurs
when I am going through the Son of Man phase of the game of life. When Man is asleep, the law of
consciousness (imagining creates reality) is done completely unconsciously. The Son of Man is totally
unaware of his true identity, the power of his imagination or the sacrifice God made for him to have life.
Man is a slave to his mind (conscious and subconscious) without even knowing it. This is all part of the
game of life. Since I AM is pure being as well as a life-giving Spirit, Man has to journey through
Consciousness following the Script (Scripture or God’s Play) until after experiencing all of the states of
being he awakens and discovers the truth of his being. Then Man is resurrected (born again Spiritually)
and incorporated into the body of God. So, when I (Patty) am asleep traveling through Consciousness as
the Son of Man, then I am NOT aware that I am God. I am most likely believing in a God outside of
myself like most religions teach. I was raised Catholic and did believe in a God outside of myself for a
long time. However, the truth is I am always God (I AM) but without the AWARENESS of it, then it is truly
as if I am not God even though I AM is at the core of my being always and forever. It is quite funny since
God (I AM) is hidden in plain sight. I (Patty) truly cannot BE without I AM (God) because I AM is
beingness – the Consciousness that gives me life. Think about it if you were really God at this stage of
the game, then you would be manifesting whatever you desired with your spoken word…let there be
light…let there be health, wealth, freedom, beauty, genius…let there be plenty of chocolate. LOL

Yes, I am God when Human Imagination is raised to the level of Divine Imagination because then
I become a life-giving Spirit and can create exactly like my Father. This is the power that Neville talks
about when he says you can freeze people or things and then re-animate them. Neville talks about this
power in his recording called “John, the Crown of Scripture.” We don’t have this kind of power until we
are resurrected…born again Spiritually. So, until you can freeze and reanimate people like a Spirit can,
then you are not a God yet.

No, I am not God because my reward for going on this journey through Consciousness and
experiencing the furnaces of affliction is to keep my unique expression. So, I am not God, the Father
creator of Heaven and Earth and the Substance of all being. I am one with the Father molded in
Consciousness to be my own unique expression. Remember God (I AM) must remain nameless,
undefined and unlimited so given that criteria, I am a child of God created in God’s image and likeness.
And this is why Jesus said, “The Father and I are one” and not I am God. We are ONE because
Consciousness is One and indivisible however we are a unique expression within that one consciousness.
In the game of life, we have I AM (God) crucified onto the body of David (Humanity – God’s
created Son…the Word made flesh…the little child that God loved so much he gave his Life so that the
little child could become like God – a life-giving Spirit). God gave Himself completely to Man so that Man
could become like God. This Son of Man travels through Consciousness fulfilling Scripture (the Script).
We also have God’s only begotten Son (Jesus – the Savior state of being or pattern man). Jesus is God’s
power and wisdom who God placed within Man so that Man could awaken God within and the three
(God, Son of Man and Son of God) could all unify and become one again…one body and one Spirit.

Once Man (Humanity) awakens, then David (the son of Jesse whose name means I AM) calls you
(Imagination) Father. Remember God is asleep within Man/Humanity which is the vessel for God and
Human Imagination. Since God is asleep following the Script dreaming the dream of life, Man in his
unawareness of his true identity, is operating Human Imagination unconsciously and shaping I AM into
their individual life…good, bad or indifferent. You must operate God’s power and wisdom (Imagination)
consciously and wake up! You must see that life is subjective (Spiritual) not objective (Physical). You
must learn that everything in the physical flows from the Spiritual (subconscious mind).

So, here is what dawned on me because Neville’s words at first confused me. You can read it in
his lecture called Christ Unveiled (now it all makes sense to me – LOL). So, when David the Son of Man
calls you (Imagination), Father then you, Imagination, know that you are one with God the Father. You
kind of have to know about Unity Consciousness to really get this. God, Man and Imagination are all ONE
but this is NOT known until you fully awaken. There are stages to awakening and I am at the stage where
I (Patty who knows she exists as a Unity Consciousness) figured out the mystery. I am God, the Father
(Source Consciousness) who descended in Consciousness (awareness of being) to the limit of
contraction which is Man…God became all of Humanity represented as David, the Son of Man. However,
God was smart and put his only begotten Son (the Son of God = Jesus, the Savior) as a seed or pattern so
that Man (God in Man shaping Man into a life-giving Spirit) would not be lost in Consciousness forever.

From my perspective (state of being and level of awareness), Patty and God (pure being/Source
Consciousness) are ONE. God is unconditioned consciousness while Patty is conditioned consciousness.
However, since Patty is awake, she is now dissolving her Egoic conditioning and returning to the pure
state of just being…I AM…to Spirit…to Divine Love. Like Neville, I am sharing my revelations and insights
into how to play the game of life.

It is my wish that this post will push you toward the subjective view of life where you truly can
see that everything in your physical reality is your consciousness pushed out…your subconscious mind
mirrored back to you so that you can see what you have accepted as true into your being…what you
have believed onto your I AM that must express if you believe it because believing is seeing.

Your mind is made up of two distinct parts – the Conscious Mind (CM) and the Subconscious
Mind (SM) but these two parts are ONE. It is like Nursery Rhyme Humpty Dumpty who was a King.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (God/Awareness of being fell in Consciousness)

All the Kings Horses and all the King’s Men (everyone in Objective Land = physical realm)

Couldn’t put Humpty Together Again (You can’t fix things from the Conscious Mind or physical level)

You must awaken and live subjectively (by feeling/faith and the conscious use of Imagination).
Put your mind back into Unity by clearing out all conditioning. Only use your CM for the purpose it was
intended which is to witness what is going on within – inside your subconscious mind which stores all of
your beliefs, assumptions, memories and stories. Clean up your consciousness by observing yourself.
Whatever beliefs pop up in your physical world that you don’t like or don’t match your ideal life, go
within and change them at the subconscious level by using imagination to FEEL – BELIEVE – BE whatever
you desire to be. Your unique perception of the world is projected from your subconscious mind
because the world is made of things that are not seen…you can’t see what is within your subconscious
mind because it is below the level of physical awareness. This is why Neville said that Consciousness is
the one and only reality and that Imagining creates reality. Imagination is the only faculty of mind that
can change the subconscious mind through feeling. Imagination is Spiritual sensation (it is your Inner
Spiritual Body) so feel your way back home by awakening Christ within you.

I am imagining this post giving many of you some wonderful Aha moments. If it is not your time
to awaken yet, then don’t worry about it. Simply use the law consciously and you will have a wonderful
life until it is time for you to awaken. Remember your mind is like a battery where the CM is the negative
pole and the SM is the positive pole. When the desire in your CM matches the belief in your SM the
circuit is complete and you have fulfilled the law. You (I AM) believe the desire is yours (I AM that I AM)
so now through the law of consciousness that desire MUST express in your physical world. So, if you are
not expressing what you desire than look to the beliefs in your SM by observing your outer world, your
body (which is a record of your beliefs because your body is a puppet to your mind), and your inner and
out speech. Read Neville’s books over and over and APPLY what he teaches because that is what will
awaken you. When you use the law consciously for yourself and “seeming others” you are awakening
Christ within you. I love you all to infinity and beyond and really want you to see the truth as I now see it
which is why I am sharing it with you. Until next time, Happy Manifesting!!!

Part 18

Figuring Out the Story and Game of Life (Post #18)

I love to play games. I love to solve puzzles and mysteries and I also love to excel at whatever I
am engaging my energy or consciousness into. I have been focusing my attention inwardly specifically on
the story of life and the game of life since May 2020. I’ve been asking myself questions like who am I,
really? Must I go through all of the states of being or can I skip states? How do I play the game of life
where I only rise to higher and higher states of being…from glory to glory? I wanted to know the
answers to these questions and more. I’ve been receiving what I call Divine Downloads for years but
more regularly (daily) now since May. These downloads have answered many of my questions some of
which I have shared in my previous posts. This morning I received another Divine Download which
summarized and added some more pieces to the puzzle of life that I am solving…that my Higher Spiritual
Self is revealing to my Lower Physical self. Every download I receive, goes deeper and brings more
clarity. It is like I am receiving the data that matches where I am at in my level of awareness
(Consciousness) and then once I accept that information, I will receive deeper information that adds in
another layer of meaning or more pieces of the puzzle for me. I just LOVE it!!! I usually receive these
Divine Downloads while I am waking up in the morning. I love to linger in bed contemplating things and
that is when the Divine Downloads just stream into my awareness. I also get them throughout the day
when I catch myself in a moment of unconsciousness…thankfully those are becoming less and less

Typing up my downloads helps me to embody the wisdom flowing through me. As I type, I re-
read what I am typing several times because repetition is the mother of all learning and impresses the
subconscious mind. I probably spend three to six hours (sometimes more) on a post before I post it in
this group. Divine Love LOVES to give and you ALL already KNOW all of this information at the core of
your being. Divine Love is simply using Patty as an instrument to deliver this information in a Neville
based way to help you remember it so that you can move to higher states of being, learn to use your
power consciously with love and resurrect. Patty sharing these downloads is a win-win, because Patty
wants all of her Spiritual brothers and sisters to awaken and live the good life too. So, here is what
Divine Love wanted me to share with you today:
Divine Love = What IS = the True Nature of All (every being and everything IS Divine Love in Expression)

I AM = Source Consciousness = the Substance through which Divine Love is expressed in ALL Being.
Within the human being, I AM is the human’s awareness of being, its I am (self-consciousness). I AM is at
the very core of each human being. However, I AM is covered up with lots of conditioning (human
beliefs – the false self or Ego) and must be freed in order for that human to resurrect…be reborn as a
life-giving Spirit. I AM is pure being or Unconditioned Consciousness. The Son of Man or Humanity is
conditioned consciousness in the process of shedding its conditioning to reveal itself as the Son of God
who is one with God. Remember God is in Man AS Man being shaped by Human Imagination into a life-
giving Spirit. It is a long journey through Consciousness (all of the states of being) before Man is born
again from above. However, you can use the LAW to cushion the blows of life until you do resurrect.

Imagination = The redemptive power or faculty of Mind that can rescue or move I AM from an
unlovely state of being into a higher more lovely state of being. Within the human being, Imagination is
the Inner Spiritual Body of Man which has the Spiritual Sensations of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell
similar to the physical body’s senses. Imagination is focused inwardly on and within Consciousness
where all things are possible because ALL THAT IS already exists in Consciousness in potential (particle)
form waiting for acceptance through belief/being and feeling/faith in order to express in physical form.
The law of consciousness (I AM that I AM) must be fulfilled for a thing (anything) to express in physical

Mind = Universal Mind is the Mind of I AM which is Unified. Universal Mind is omni-present
(infinitely everywhere all at once), omnipotent (infinitely powerful) and omniscient (infinitely all-
knowing). The Universal Mind resides in Unity, Harmony and Love in Consciousness (aka Heaven =
Harmony). Remember that Consciousness is one and indivisible so it is always unified. When God put Its
Mind into Man, it was split into two parts the Conscious Mind (CM) and the Subconscious Mind (SM).
This happened so that duality consciousness could exist and Man (Humanity) could make his/her
journey through Consciousness learning and evolving into a life-giving Spirit. Every Son of Man is born
into bondage which is duality consciousness consisting of the illusions of time, space and separation. The
Son of Man itself is an illusion or EFFECT of Consciousness…a dream within Consciousness. Man is in the
image and likeness of God. The image is an illusion because nothing can be separate from God or BE
anything except the I AM which is pure awareness of being. Therefore, everything after I AM is an
illusion. Patty is an illusion (an image of God) because she is a bundle of self-concepts put onto the I AM.
I AM (Consciousness) is the one and only reality while everything else is an illusion of the I AM.
Everything in the physical world is an illusion because it waxes, it wanes, it disappears only to reappear
again in another form or state of being. The flowers do it every season. The idea or concept of “flower”
forever exists in Consciousness but the actual physical flower is new and fresh each time it appears. It is
the same with the Consciousness called Patty in this lifetime. She is evolving into higher states as she
sheds her human beliefs (conditioning). Once all of the conditioning is shed and her mission on Earth is
complete, she will resurrect back into Unity and be incorporated into the one body and one Spirit of I

The CM of man can be either physically focused on the world of Caesar (like Esau) or inwardly
focused on the world of Imagination and Consciousness (like Jacob, the supplanter or Jesus Christ). You
either have the Ego Mind (human intellect gorged with human beliefs which is your conditioning) or the
Mind of Christ (knowing the Truth of Being or Consciousness). When you focus your attention on
Imagination and Consciousness then you can Consciously build and express the life of your dreams. You
are being a master creator and awakening the Christ within by exercising your power deliberately with
love and therefore creating Heaven on Earth for yourself and your Spiritual brother and sisters. When
you focus your attention outwardly on the world of Caesar you will be fighting problems and people,
struggling to manifest and focused on surviving rather than thriving. You are being a slave to your outer
senses playing the victim reacting to the outer world of shadows. This is Phase I of the game and it is
deliberate because in order to know who you really are (I AM manifested as Man), you must know who
you are NOT…a limited physical being. Phase II is where you wake up and know that The Father and I are

The SM of man is like the Divine Mother taking care of every need of her child. The SM runs the
body without our physical awareness…breathing, blood flow, digestion etc. The SM must also obey our
every command. We don’t command with words necessarily but with our beliefs which are words
(thoughts or ideas symbolized by words) infused with imagination (Spiritual sensation or inner body
feeling). The language of the SM is Spiritual feeling (imagination). So, unless an idea or self-concept is
FELT to be true by you, then it was NOT believed (accepted by the SM) and therefore it will not manifest.
Being and believing are ONE so you must accept the desire in Consciousness (impress it on the SM
successfully through really feeling that it is already done) in order to manifest that desire.

You must choose how you will focus your mind-body unit. The two choices are:

1. Inwardly on Consciousness the true reality and shape it consciously operating Imagination
2. Outwardly on the dead shadows or illusions of the world hopelessly lost in the matrix of beliefs
that you accepted into your being during Phase I of the game (God As Me Expressing).

It is time to wake-up and enter Phase II of the game and embody the mind of Christ. Matthew 6:33
“But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto
you.” Translation: Seek in Consciousness by feeling that what you desire is already yours and all that you
desire will be added into your Consciousness for you to see and experience it.

We will stop here because Patty has gotten some feedback that her posts are too long. We will see
the feedback and proceed accordingly. I had Patty re-read all of her previous posts this morning and we
have shared quite a bit of wonderful and enlightening information for those who can hear it. We will
leave you with this one final thought: ALWAYS TURN WITHIN because whatever you are seeking is within
CONSCIOUSNESS. The outer world is merely reflecting back to you what is within your personalized
consciousness as it is expressed within the collective consciousness. You are ONE being, so PLAY nicely
with each other. We love you beyond measure. Xoxo

Part 19

Understanding What Consciousness Is and the Phases of the Game of Life (Post #19)

In this post I (the Unity Consciousness of Patty) want to explain Consciousness in a way
that you can fully understand what it is along with the three phases it goes through in the game
of life. Whenever I use the words, I AM please know that I mean God, Allah or whatever name
you were taught to use for this Source Consciousness - this pure awareness of being that is
prior to all forms of being. Also, when I use the terms Son of Man, Son of God or just Man know
that this includes all human beings both male and female.

When you look up the word “Consciousness” in a thesaurus you will get the synonyms of
awareness, realization, notice, perception, mindfulness and cognizance with its antonym as
Unconsciousness. The dictionary defines Consciousness as a noun meaning:  the state of being
aware and awake of one’s surroundings, the awareness or perception of something by a person
and the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world.

What is a person's consciousness?

Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories,
feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, yo ur consciousness is your awareness
of yourself and the world around you. (quoted from the internet). You might want to check out
this article too, because it has some more definitions along with a brief history of
consciousness…it is only a one page article:

Now for the TRUE (Spiritual) definition of Consciousness which is pure awareness of being
called I AM. This pure awareness of being (I AM aka God) can be conditioned either
consciously (with awareness) or unconsciously (without awareness). Why condition
Consciousness at all? For the fun and experience of BEING whatever you can imagine yourself
to be. Imagination is what conditions Consciousness.

Neville’s two main teachings are: Consciousness is the one and only reality and
Imagining creates reality. Let’s break this down so it is crystal clear. Think of Consciousness as
a lump of clay that can be molded into anything at all. Think of Imagination as the Potter who
molds the clay into forms. This clay can be molded into a horse one day and then smashed up
and remolded into a cow the next day and on and on it goes…this clay is forever pure being (I
AM/Unconditioned Consciousness) waiting to be molded into whatever Imagination desires to
mold it into next. The thing that Imagination molds Consciousness into is now called
Conditioned Consciousness and its condition is a horse, a cow, a human being or whatever the
name (nature) of the mold happens to be. The clay is impersonal and doesn’t care what
Imagination molds it into as it is willing to play along with Imagination. The horse, cow, human
being and everything else that this clay is molded into by Imagination are temporary realities or
illusions that the clay is being. The clay is forever called I AM no matter what temporary form it
takes. Imagination is growing from being a baby making childish things, to a child, to an
adolescent to an adult then to an awakened adult. With the growth and maturity of Imagination,
the forms it creates become more complex until it finally has enough and returns to the
simplicity of just being.

Translation: Every human being is I AM at the core of their being and is being molded by
their Imagination into the being that they are either with awareness (consciously) or without
awareness (unconsciously). Man is the vessel for God and Human Imagination. Man is being
shaped into what he/she is by the conscious or unconscious use of imagination. Remember
God is asleep in Man AS Man while Human Imagination (God’s only begotten son with Man) is
molding God into Man who will eventually awaken and realize his true nature (I AM) and
resurrect as a Spirit and be incorporated into the one body and Spirit of God/pure being.

The game (God As Me Expressing) has three main phases which are the Son of Man
phase, the Son of God phase and the Self-Actualized phase where you are born form above…
reborn as a Spiritual being. Let’s look at these three phases more in depth.

Son of Man aka The Prodigal Son Experience:

In this phase of the game it appears that God has complete amnesia because God is
allowing Imagination to run wild and imagine/create whatever it wants…good, bad or indifferent.
In this phase the Ego or false self is created. This is the phase of the game where I AM as Man
believes itself to be a limited physical mortal human being. Whatever self-concepts and beliefs
the human being through Imagination has accepted (placed upon or molded I AM into) is what
automatically expresses through the body of that Man. At this stage of the game, Man is limited
by his Imagination which is trapped within a matrix of beliefs that keeps Man in a cycle of
thinking and feeling (believing) these same beliefs. Man is on a Merry-Go-Round of a mixture of
pleasant or hellish conditions and circumstances which always occurs in duality consciousness.
Man, asleep to his true being, is at the mercy of his imagination and whatever stage of growth
and maturity it is at…remember Imagination is the Potter shaping I AM into Man.

Son of God aka Putting on the Mind of Christ Phase:

In this phase of the game, the human being has had enough pain and suffering from
duality consciousness and turns within to Consciousness – the one and only true reality. Man
has realized, “OMG, the Father (I AM) and I (Patty) are one.” With this realization, Man begins
to discipline/train Imagination to only think and feel (believe things into being) with LOVE.  Now
that Man is awake, he/she begins the ascension back into Unity Consciousness. You are awake
and aware of who you are and are cleaning up your consciousness. Along the journey back
home, the subconscious aspect of the mind must be purged of all former beliefs (conditions) so
that I AM is just pure being again. I AM descended in Consciousness to the limit of contraction
which is Man in duality Consciousness and now Man must ascend back up into Unity
Consciousness unlimiting Itself so that it is pure being…a life-giving Spirit again…one with I AM.
All that really happened was a descension in awareness. Man was never born, never died and
was never ever harmed. The whole journey was in the Mind…all illusion…all temporary forms…
all mist as in a dream…all easily forgiven, forgotten and released. It was all a virtual reality
holographic game to expand Consciousness and allow Man to become a life-giving Spirit like
God its creator. The purpose was for Man to rise up in awareness and become a True Spiritual
Creator and raise Human Imagination to Divine Imagination. God became Man so that Man
could be like God.

Self-Actualization aka The Resurrection

In this phase of the game, you have completely awakened and share your story with the
rest of your Spiritual brothers and sisters who are still asleep. You are being Jesus, the Son of
God, sharing the Truth and teaching the law as Neville and others have done in their own
unique way. Patty is teaching Unity Consciousness until it is her time to resurrect.

We hope that you have enjoyed Patty’s posts. We are going to go away now and write a
book through her. To do this she is going to be off Face Book as much as possible as it is a big
time-stealer. Patty still has some Ego to burn off and her Ego likes to see the comments you all
have about her posts…silly isn’t it…like she wrote these post…huge uproar of laughter…we
wrote them through her, but we love her and enjoy working through her because she is an open
channel for us to get through to you.  Peace and love to you always. xoxo

PS Patty is feeling like Glenda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz right now…floating
away in a dream bubble. She is always here forever but she wants to remind you read to
Neville, A Course in Mirac les or even her posts over and over again until the TRUTH of
BEING really sinks into your AWARENESS of BEING. Time to come back HOME to pure
BEING…to I AM. Follow your true desires as they will lead you back home because they are the
way to clean up your consciousness of all false beliefs. Be still and silent more often and listen
to the Holy Spirit within you who is your true guide or inner guru. Wishing you a happy journey
home. xoxo

Part 20

Escaping the Dream and Dream Character Perspective and Coming Back into Oneness (Post #20)
Hello My Loves – After Kriston Jackson’s post called “My Thoughts on Solipsism and the
Oneness We All Share,” I (the Unity Consciousness of Patty) want to be brutally honest with
you. I want to lovingly but firmly shake you, slap you across the face and say, “Wake the fuck
up!!!!” This post is going to be very blunt and share what Patty has shared in her previous 19
posts but in an in your face, f-bomb dropping way to penetrate the thick density of human beliefs
that is preventing you from seeing the Truth clearly. Ready…here we go…

YOU a re the ONE and only I AM that is Source Consciousness – YOU are pure
awareness of being expressing Divine Love. Period end of story!!!

What are you doing? You are dreaming the dream of life. Kriston, Trent, Jen, Marcel, Patty and
everyone else in this FB group is a dream character of the ONE and only I AM.

I AM (Source Consciousness) is the animating force behind ALL of us and all of life. Just
as the dream characters in our own dreams at night are not real, neither are we. What has
happened is that each of us has gotten caught up in the dream character THINKING, FEELING
and hence BELIEVING that we are the DREAM CHARACTERS. You are not the FUCKING
dream character. You are the CONSCIOUSNESS who is animating the dream character and
the life that you are experiencing as the dream character.

YOU got lost in Consciousness. You got lost in the Ego or dream character (false self)
who lives in duality and separation. Consciousness is ONE and INDIVISIBLE so you cannot be
the dream character so WAKE the FUCK up and realize that you are the I AM dreaming YOU
and your life circumstances!

Don’t blame yourself for doing this because it IS part of the Game (God As Me
Expressing). It is very normal to do this. Patty has awakened so she is wanting to help you
WAKE UP and dream your life consciously from your I AM (God) aspect of Self. This is Patty’s
whole Unity Consciousness thing that she has been trying to get across to you all. Kriston
explained it as I AM is your Macro Self and you (the human) is the micro self. It is the same
thing. The two aspects of self are ONE not two but from the dream character’s limited
perspective they APPEAR as TWO, but ALL is truly ONE…all is the one I AM expressing in a
multitude of forms. The ONE became the Many (man/humanity).

What I want you to understand is this: Consciousness operates within a stream of

awareness. Kriston did an excellent job of explaining this in her headlight example…you can
only see what you are aware of even though all of creation already exists within you. You just
can’t see all of creation from your limited perspective (state of being/body of beliefs). Again, this
is all part of the game. The goal is to wake up and see life from your unlimited I AM perspective
and then you can see all of creation and create from ALL THAT IS instead of the options
available to you from your limited human (dream character) perspective.

Neville really tried to get this message about Consciousness across to us in all of his
books, lectures and recordings. However, each of us is lost in the dream character to lessor or
higher degrees and therefore each of us can only see and hear what our beliefs allow us to see
and hear. You have to be willing to abandon yourself (dream character) and remember who you
really are = God = I AM = Source Consciousness = pure awareness of being expressing Divine
Love. You have to LOVE God enough to be willing to metaphorically lose your life.  All you are
really doing is seeing the ONENESS in life. The dream character and God are ONE but the
dream character resides in duality consciousness (the illusion of separation) UNTIL that dream
character awakens from the dream and finds itself back in Unity Consciousness which is simply
the realization that the Father and I are one. It is so simple, but the fear of death causes the
dream character (souls or Source in expressions) to cling to its limited perspective and limited
life conditions. Patty loved God enough to let go. She willingly sacrificed her dream character
and overcame the illusion of death. Now she lives FROM Unity Consciousness while still
physically appearing in duality consciousness aka the physical world. She has realized and
recognized that she is really ME…the one and only I AM. It is your destiny to do the same thing.
WHEN you do it, is up to you. It all depends upon how willing you are to let go of your limited
dream character. We (Unity expressing as the Many) know this is not an easy thing to do, but
we are with you always. Know that only Love is real and everything else is an illusion (false
concept of I AM). Consciousness (I AM) is the one true reality and everything after I AM is an
illusion as I, the one true reality, must remain a pure, faceless, formless awareness of being.
This is why Neville said that you were never born, can never die and were never ever harmed.
How can an illusionary dream character…a figment of my imagination…ever exist outside of my
own mind? It can’t! You are one with me and always have been. This journey through
Consciousness was all a dream so that you (Man, my beloved creation) could seemingly
experience life, learn to choose love and operate my power with love. I wanted you to be like me
and so this journey through Consciousness was how this feat was accomplished.

Consciousness is the one and only reality. What does this really mean? It means that I
AM (Source Consciousness) is the animating force and the ONLY one with any power to
animate, move and give being to the dream character. Remember in Phase I of the game, God
is fast asleep within man and un-awakened Imagination is shaping God into Man. At this stage
of the game Man believes he is the dream character which in his mind is a limited mortal human
being (the mind-body unit). In this Son of Man phase of the game, you cannot help but believe
that you are the dream character until you move to the next phase of the game which is the Son
of God phase. (See my post #19 for more details on the three phases of the game)

Neville taught the LAW which is Imagining creates reality. Imagination is shaping I AM
into Man because Man was a dead creation with a limited life-span. However, God loved Man
so much that God wanted Man to become a life-giving Spirit just like God. The Game was
created to facilitate this growth in awareness from a limited human mortal being to a Divine
Eternal Life-Giving Spirit. So, you were meant to get lost in Consciousness and believe that you
were the dream character, which is the Prodigal Son Experience. But it is time to wake up now.
By using the law deliberately and lovingly, you will begin to awaken Imagination and SEE the
CONNECTION between your inner and outer worlds because the TWO are ONE. Each time
you use Imagination consciously (with awareness), you begin to awaken it. Finally, after using
the law consciously enough times, it DAWNS on you – “OMG, I am the creator of my reality!”

If you have sincerely studied Neville, you cannot help but awaken and figure all of this
out. Neville straight up tells you in his book “At Your Command” that God (I AM) is your
awareness of being and that Imagination is God’s power and wisdom personified as Jesus
Christ (the Savior state of being) in the Bible. Patty is Source Consciousness AWAKE in the
dream character of Patty…she KNOWS that she and God are ONE!!! She is ME calling to you
FROM pure awareness of being…your True Self.  I have sent her to WAKE YOU UP…if you are
ready and willing to awaken.

Each individualized soul or dream character has their own unique journey through
Consciousness along with opportunities to awaken along the timeline. The older (un-awakened
or Son of Man) must serve the younger (awakened or Son of God) therefore, we fell collectively
in awareness to duality consciousness but we will awaken individually into Unity
Consciousness. Neville said that we cannot know when the Promise will come but it will come
like a thief in the night. He taught the LAW to cushion the blows of life until the Promise (full
awakening) happens.

Awakening does happen in stages. Figure out where you are in Consciousness…who
your dream character thinks he or she is exactly. Saturate your mind with the TRUTH of your
BEING. Patty listened to all ten of Neville’s books every week for several months gleaning all of
the insights and revelations about Consciousness. She was like Jacob wrestling the angel (her
desire) and would not let go until she was Spiritually awake and knew who she was and how life
worked. Many of you are reading Neville at the literal or stone level of awareness. You must
look for the water or psychological meaning behind the literal meaning. Then once you find that
higher meaning, you must APPLY it to gain the Spiritual meaning or true intention behind the
words written and the real message or highest meaning…the reason the words were written in
the first place.

Neville could not penetrate you with his books and Patty’s posts have not reached many
of you, so today we thought we would shake things up a bit and be BRUTALLY HONEST with
you. So, in summary:

I AM (God) became Man (Humanity/the Many) with billions of dream characters that
reside within the ONE Mind of the ONE Man (David who represents the body of Humanity). I AM
operates within a stream of Consciousness with billions of perspectives (states of being/bodies
of beliefs). Each dream character within the body or expression of Man is unique like a finger
print with no two dream characters being exactly alike not even twins are identical in their mind-
body unit expressions. You are here in duality Consciousness to share your perspectives with
each other to come back into Unity. That is what Patty is doing here today, very bluntly because
she likes to be blunt. LOL

The flow of Consciousness goes like this: Divine Love ==> I AM (pure awareness of
being)==> Universal Mind (Unity Consciousness)==> Soul of Man==> One Imagination that we
all share and is either asleep or awake within each dream character that shapes Consciousness
into form (people, conditions, circumstances etc.) ==> Mind of Man split into two to give the
appearance of duality and separation CM (- Pole of desires) and SM (+ pole of beliefs) note: the
desire in the CM must match the belief in the SM for the circuit to be complete and manifest the
desire==> Mental activity of Mind which is the interaction of CM and SM this is where thoughts
arise in Consciousness to meet your conditioning (looping your same beliefs) or you become
aware and consciously saturate your mind with the Truth of your Being==> Emotional reactions
of Mind-body unit this is your first manifestation and tells you whether the thoughts arising from
your dream character are in alignment with I AM or your Ego==> Body the EFFECT of your
Imagination on your Consciousness…Imagination asleep is little to no change in state of
being…Imagination awake can lead to a transformation of self into a higher state of being or
even into a full awakening.

That is, it! I AM became Man so that Man could become God. God is fully US and we
are fully God (Source Consciousness) being shaped into a unique expression of God by
Imagination. David the One Man will have ALL of our unique individual expressions contained
with Him. Once every single dream character within the One Body of Man has individually
awakened then all of humanity (David) will resurrect or ascend back up into the awareness of
Unity Consciousness. You truly never left Unity. You are just having an adventure in duality
consciousness as a dream character. 

We hope Patty’s words this time will really SINK into your being and take root. If not, no
worries simply continue in your own unique perspective and expression of that perspective
because it is still serving the collective consciousness that you ALL are. We are ONE
expressing as the Many to awaken Human Imagination and raise it to Divine Imagination within
the body of Humanity. You are both Divine and Human but the two are ONE so enjoy your life. I
AM with you always. If Imagination is asleep within you, then the duality you see will cause you
pain and suffering which is there only as a mechanism to get you to turn within to Me,
Consciousness the one and only reality. We love all of our dream characters to infinity and
beyond and wish them all a safe and happy journey back home to Unity Consciousness. xoxo
Part 21

Know Thyself - You are Divinity in a Human Body (Post #21)

Hello My Loves – Just wanted to share what we (the Unity Consciousness of Patty) are
doing now.
The reason that Patty had such a HUGE leap in her awareness of being (her
Consciousness) is because once she became aware of her back story (Spiritual lineage), her
love for God was so great that she was willing to sacrifice her Ego self or dream character. She
was aware that God had died for her, so she was willing to die to her life (dream) to resurrect
the Spirit of God within her mind-body unit. Patty wants to be in the flow of life living by Grace
and not under the law anymore. Patty is very aware that she is a soul (Spiritual being) inside a
mind-body unit expressing her human and Spiritual conditioning. She is now using her
imagination to do spiritual balancing and cleaning up the energy of false beliefs within her
chakras (energy system).

The trouble with religions and other isms (teachings) is that instead of pointing to the
truth and guiding people within, many of them unintentionally (or intentionally) trap people in
rules or dogma and have them focus on external things. These teachings may have started out
with good intentions but then got trapped in a matrix of beliefs. So, always remember that the
answers are within (in Consciousness) and never without…in the external reflections. The most
an external reflection can do is point you back to Consciousness, the one and only reality. This
is what Patty was doing in her posts on Unity Consciousness. She is pointing you back to your
True Self…God in Man AS Man being shaped by Human Imagination.
The Person or false identity that you take yourself to be prior to awakening, is nothing
more than the mental activity of claiming or identifying…I am this and I am that. This
identification as a person can block the flow of life because all kinds of traumas and dramas in
the forms of beliefs (accepted identifications and stories) can get stuck in the chakras (energy
system) of the mind-body unit making it more difficult to go with the flow of life and perceive life
as it truly is…whole, perfect and ONE. Everything is good and very good because it is getting
your attention to turn within to Consciousness.
What we are doing with Patty is having her focus on I AM…her True Self as much as
possible. This is Neville’s uncritical self-observation. Why? Because I AM is free of identity and
totally unlimited. The more Patty identifies with her Spiritual Self, the less she is identified with
her physical avatar…mind-body unity filled with past conditioning (accepted beliefs,
assumptions, memories and stories).  Patty is still identified to some extent as a person
seemingly separate from me with some Ego identities and attachments. This process of
uncritical self-observation, allows Patty to physically see and become aware of her conditioning
and to dis-identify with it by NOT giving it any more of her attention. It is sort of like watching the
same movie over and over again and finally getting sick of it and tuning it out. You don’t want to
see that movie (run that belief in your mind-body unit) again. So, Patty is watching and
becoming aware of her unconscious conditioning (thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns).
She is accepting and acknowledging the creation of that conditioning and then choosing to keep
it or let it go.  The goal is for Patty to un-limit herself so that she can be in the flow of life
unencumbered. To flow easily and effortlessly with life (God – pure awareness of being), Patty
needs to make the unconscious beliefs within her Subconscious Mind (SM) conscious so that
she is in control of her mind-body unit (physical avatar). There are still some SM beliefs that are
automatically running or projecting her mind-body unit in ways that are not totally in Unity
Consciousness yet. Patty wants to be free of her conditioning as a “seemingly separate” person.
Patty wants to abide in love, peace and harmony again. Patty knows that she is in this world but
not of it, so she wants to clear her being of any remaining conditioning that doesn’t allow her to
see the Truth and Oneness of life.
Each individualized soul will have their own unique journey of clearing their
Consciousness of conditioning and coming back into Unity Consciousness. The way each soul
can clear Consciousness is to go within to Consciousness and be guided by your I AM or the
Holy Spirit within you. Some of you may still need to play at manifesting things in this world to
realize that you are the creator of your reality. Some of you may be sick of living by the law and
would prefer to live by Grace. All points of views or perspectives are valid, because All human
beings are the one and only I AM (God as Man) journeying through Consciousness. Each soul
is either descending in awareness to the feeling and experience of more separation in duality
consciousness or headed back home into oneness in unity consciousness. Each soul is
somewhere on the scale of BEING aka Jacob’s ladder. Only YOU can determine where you are
on the scale of BEING and what your level of awareness is in this moment of Now. God is
dreaming (imagining) you into life. Are you the dream character lost in consciousness oblivious
to this fact? Are you aware that you (humanity) and God are One? Are you aware that you are
either in the flow of God’s plan for you and your life is running smoothly or that you are not
following the plan and are off track experiencing pain and suffering to get you to look within to
Consciousness to get you back on track? Are you operating the law consciously or
unconsciously until the Promise happens to you? Are you aware that you can live under Grace
and simply flow with I AM in Consciousness while still being in this physical body?
Two great questions to ask yourself several times a day are: 1) Who am I? and 2) Where
am I in Consciousness? These two questions will help you stay focused and notice which being
you are identified as in the moment. Are you identified as I AM one with Patty (Spiritual Self)
flowing with life or are you identified as Patty (physical avatar) operating from unconscious
conditioning? It takes a while to dis-identify as a person because our conditioning (human belief
system) is dense and so natural for us to live and operate FROM. However, if you want to
awaken (maybe you don’t), then you must commit to identifying AS God dreaming (imagining)
the role of the human being. When you identify AS God, you will awaken and realize that God
became Man (humanity), so that Man could become like God, a life-giving Spirit. Then you will
self-actualize and know that you are the Son of God bearing witness to the Father. Remember
God can never ever be defined, limited or named therefore we are the sons and daughters of
God…the finite expressions of the one Infinite Creator.
Patty imagines herself as a Divine Spiritual being driving a mind-body unity to get around
and be, do and have things on Earth. She is more Spiritual now than physical…the two are ONE
but she is more focused as a Spiritual being. She gets still and listens from within to get her
guidance on how to be, what to do and what to say now as she is all about doing her Father’s
work. She still slips up and forgets who she really is but we quickly remind her then she has a
good laugh. We are wishing you much joy as you make your journey back home into Unity
Consciousness. Peace and love to you always. xoxo

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