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10/11/2020 Sailor Moon Episode 126

Sailor Moon Episode 126

Sailor Moon Episode

Hosted by126

Episode title: Much Ado About Kitten

Original American Airdate: 10/3/2000

Original Canadian Airdate:

Darien was over at Serena's house one day, helping her and Rini with their homework. Rini was
grateful, and Serena pushed Rini off of Darien, and asked him for help, while draping herself all over
him. The two started fighting, and Darien yelled at them to stop, or he would go home.

Rini looked up sadly at Darien. "But dad! Everyone at school will laugh at me if you don't help me!"
She said. "My life will be a terrible mess! I'll be alone, and no one will be my friend if I'm dumb! I
won't marry, and my life will be lonely, and I'll spend all my time watching TV!"

Darien suggested that Rini could be an actress. Serena came forth as an example that bad grades
don't affect your social life at all. And, it didn't affect one's ability to find someone to marry. Darien
gave up and sank to the table. Rini asked if it was okay that the future princess fail in school, and
Serena replied,

"Flunking out and squeaking by aren't the same thing!"

Just then, Luna and Artemis came in. Artemis said that Luna was misunderstanding him, and Luna
said she wasn't mad. She told the girls that Artemis was in love. It was a nun at First Church. Darien
agreed that the particular nun at that church was attractive. Rini and Serena got jealous.

A tiny voice screamed as it fell into the bushes.

Meanwhile, Darien had adjourned the study session, and told Rini and Serena to stop fighting, or
he'd stop helping them. He started home, holding Artemis. Rini commented that Artemis seemed to
be out of sorts.

"That's because he's been misunderstood by his precious Luna!" Serena said. Luna jumped at that

"I'm not Artemis' precious anything!" She said. The girls started talking about how bossy Luna was,
and how Artemis was about it. They wondered if Artemis had gotten bored with Luna and moved on.
Luna just looked at the two like they were insane.

Artemis sighed to Darien that everyone was misunderstanding.

"You should know better than to make goo goo eyes at a girl you don't even know." Darien said.
Artemis sighed.

"Daddy!" A tiny voice exclaimed. From out of the bushes jumped a small grey kitten. "Hi!" She said.

"Did you hear that cat talk?" Darien said.

"Can we help you, dear?" Artemis asked. 1/5
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"I sure hope so, daddy!" The kitten replied. "Or else, I came a long way for doodly doo!"

"She said 'daddy'." Darien said. Artemis jumped down and tried to say that the kitten had him
confused, but she ran up to him and started to rub against him.

"No, it's you!" The kitten said. She said her mother told her she would recognize who her father was,
and that she was only supposed to go with him.

"I'm your dad?"



Artemis almost jumped out of his skin. Behind him was an infuriated Luna.

"First you ogle a female human, and now I find you have a daughter too! Have you been lying to
me?" Luna growled.

"I haven't been lying to you, Luna!" Artemis said. "It's all just a misunderstanding!"

Luna wasn't listening. "She's got a crescent moon on her forehead, and she can speak. She's got to be
your daughter!"

Luna scratched Artemis on the cheek, and Luna started running away. Artemis took off after her.

"Well little kitty, you sure know how to shake things up." Darien said.

At the circus tent that was still sitting there in plain view of Tokyo, the Amazon Trio was doing
circus tricks. Zirconia called them to attention. He complimented them on their egotism, but was
displeased with thier lack of progress. The Trio promised to find Pegasus as soon as they could.
Zirconia warned them that he would find someone else to do the job if they didn't find Pegasus soon.
When the Trio retired to their bar to think up a plan.

"I hate it when he lectures us." Tiger's Eye said. "Especially since it's your fault, guys."

Hawk's Eye couldn't see any reason for Zirconia's anger, and Tiger's Eye said that it was justified
because they had failed. Fish Eye was afraid to pick a target, but Hawk's Eye chose one. Tiger's Eye
set out to get his target - a nun from the First Church.

Serena and Rini took a look at the nun that Artemis was fawning over at the church. Rini thought she
was beautiful, and Serena gave Rini a noogie.

An hour or so later, Artemis was coming home, and walked into Mina's room. He said hello, but she
didn't seem to want to speak. He kept trying to get her attention.

"Question." Mina said, the first words out of her mouth. "Who feeds you and gives you shelter?"

"That would be you, Mina." Artemis replied gratefully. "We've worked together to save the earth and
our futures from day one."

Mina continued staring out the window. "Hmph. Together, you say?" She said. "Together, as in, we
don't hide things from each other?"

"What's there to hide?" Artemis asked. "Oh, besides your glass... I admit, it was I who broke your
favorite one, and should've told you. And, I dropped your new ribbon in the mud when it rained."

"It's not about that at all." Mina growled, hitting the windowpane. Artemis jumped. "I wouldn't be
this upset over a dumb ribbon, or over a replaceable glass!" 2/5
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"It's something else?" Artemis said. "You noticed the claw holes I put in your new favorite sweater
you bought to go to the dance? Or could it be just how I spilled your entire new expensive bottle of
imported perfume, huh?"

Mina was getting more and more infuriated. "No, it's not that either! Although, now I can quit
wondering how all that happened!" She replied. "But anyway, those are all forgiveable offenses!
They are no big deal! Accidents will happen! But this... this is so huge!"

Artemis wondered what Mina was so angry about. He asked her where her phone was. She was
holding it in her hand, after answering a call from Serena. She turned around, with a big smile on her

"She just talked to Darien." Mina said. "She told me you're in love with a human, and you have a

"It's all a really big mistake, believe me!" Artemis pleaded.

Mina stomped her foot down, calling him a liar. Artemis said he wasn't, and told her he was just as
surprised as everyone else.

Meanwhile, Serena, Rini, Lita, Raye and Amy were trying to cheer up Luna. Rini and Serena wanted
the snacks, but Raye told them they were for Luna. Raye told Luna that Artemis' behaviour might be
explainable. Amy thought there might be another talking cat, and Lita told Amy that it wasn't
helping. Luna said cheerfully that she and Artemis were nothing more than friends, and that they
would each do their own seperate thing. Serena said that Luna and Artemis were a team. Raye told
Serena that it was the reason why Luna should ask Artemis about the kitten, and Lita put it all
together that if they help Luna feel better, she will ask Artemis and find out the truth. Serena simply
wondered how she could help on an empty stomach. Luna sighed.

"Perfect." The Sister nun said. She had hung a wreath of white flowers on the church door.
"Everything is set for this afternoon's wedding."

"Perfect is right." Came a voice. The sister turned around and saw Tiger's Eye, dressed in a suit. "It's
extremely beautiful in its simplicity." He said. The Sister thanked him for his compliment.

"Growing and arranging flowers is my hobby." She said. "It's always been my dream to have a rose
garden of my own, and now it's come true."

Tiger's Eye asked if there was going to be a wedding, and the Sister confirmed it. She told him that
the children's choir was going to sing, and she said she was also the music teacher. Suddenly, Tiger's
Eye feigned dizziness. The sister went to help him. He said he was alright.

"I wish I had a mentor like you." Tiger's Eye said. The Sister said she was the lucky one, because the
children fulfilled people's dreams. Tiger's Eye told her he had come for her dreams. Suddenly scared,
the Sister started backing away, but Tiger's Eye continued his approach.

Meanwhile, Artemis was wandering the streets on his own, trying to find the kitten. He stopped
when he suddenly heard a woman's screams. It was the nun, and Tiger's Eye had revealed himself.
He wanted so much to look into her dreams. The nun said that there was a shelter for him to stay at,
which would help him a lot to change his life for the better. Tiger's Eye's feelings were hurt, and he
trapped the poor sister against his table-like device. The Dream Mirror of the sister came out.
Suddenly, Artemis leapt at Tiger's Eye, and scratched his face. Tiger's Eye scolded Artemis for
clawing him.


"Up here, Scarface!" A voice shouted. It was Sailor Venus. "Your Judgement Day has come! As for
you, Benedict Artemis, I'll talk to you when we get home!" 3/5
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"Quit scolding, you bleach blonde!" Tiger's Eye retorted.

"What did you call me, you top place on the worst dressed list?" Sailor Venus shouted. "I'm not
nagging anybody, and the only ugliness here is in your heart! I'm here to defend dreams of love in the
name of Venus!"

Tiger's Eye called forth his monster of the day, and sent it atop the church to attack Venus. He
approached the nun, and Artemis tried to stop him. Artemis was knocked down easily. The monster
changed into a kangaroo outfit, and tried attacking. It missed. It looked into its kangaroo pouch, and
thought that something was missing. Meanwhile, Tiger's Eye looked into the Sister's Dream Mirror,
but didn't find Pegasus. He made his whip appear, but before he could do anything, Artemis leapt at
him and scratched his hand. Tiger's Eye was angered even more, and called his monster to get the
cat. The monster jumped down and scooped up Artemis, putting him in its pouch. He was covered in
a small kangaroo suit, with boxing gloves. Sailor Venus jumped down.


The monster was knocked down. Artemis cried in pain, holding his cheek. Tiger's Eye told Venus
that the monster and Artemis shared thier pain. Unable to attack the monster suddenly, Venus had to
dodge two flurries of punches. She was finally knocked down by Artemis.


All the Sailor Scouts appeared at once. Tiger's Eye, feeling overwhelmed, decided to leave the fight
to his monster. He disappeared, and the nun was freed. The monster attacked the Scouts, but they
dodged the attack. Jupiter was about to attack, but Mercury told her to stop in case Artemis would get
injured. The monster attacked, and knocked down all the Scouts except for Moon and Mini Moon.
Suddenly, Luna jumped onto the monster where it couldn't reach. Luna bit the monster, and the
monster jumped backwards. It landed on its back, injuring Luna, and got ready to fight. It leapt high
into the air, and started to kick wildly at the air as it descended towards Luna. Artemis bit the pouch
of the monster, and the monster cried out in pain. It hit the ground right beside Luna, and threw
Artemis aside. Artemis ran to Luna. The monster awaited its next opponent. Suddenly, a rose flew
into the ground.

"I'm stopping the match!" Tuxedo Mask shouted from a tree. "You should pick on someone your own
species. Leave the dreamer be, and the cats too!" He pulled the kitten out of his hat.

"Diana!" Cried Mini Moon. The girls were all in wonder.

"Hello, Princess Rini!" The kitten replied. The monster got ready to attack, and Diana told Mini
Moon to use her power.

"My friend Pegasus, protect people's dreams!"


Pegasus' power was evoked. Sailor Moon stepped up.


With the monster gone, there was one issue left to deal with - was Artemis alright? Luna was
concerned, of course.

Later that day, the planned wedding ceremony was concluding at the church. The girls were talking
with Diana.

"Where'd you come from?" Lita asked.

Raye asked, "How do you know Rini?" 4/5
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"I'm Rini's faithful companion in the future!" Diana replied. "Artemis and Luna are my parents!
Queen Serenity gave me permission to come and visit all of you!"

"I'm gonna have my own kitty cat when I'm a Moon Princess!" Rini exclaimed.

"We're your parents?" Luna said. "Are you sure?"

Mina said it meant that they would be a lot more than friends. Artemis asked Luna if they could not
talk about it for now. Luna just snapped at him, reminding him of his crush. Artemis finally told
Luna that he was looking at the chapel and thinking about how nice it would be to get married. Luna
stopped in her tracks, blushing out of embarrassment and flattery.

"Romance blooms!" Serena said. Diana asked her parents if she could taste ice cream. Artemis asked
Darien for some advice.

"Agree with everything they say." Darien said. "Even when they're wrong."

The girls laughed as Serena and Rini tried to yell at Darien.

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