The Book of Romans

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The Book of Romans

The book of Romans was written down by Tertius, and it’s Paul’s letter to the Church of
Paul was: a servant of God who gloried in Jesus Christ; an apostle, priest and proclaimer of
the gospel; a recipient of grace; a minister of Jesus Christ to the gentiles; a leader by words,
actions, signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God.
Paul fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ in territories where He was unknown. He was
hindered often from going to Rome, even though he planned and hoped to go.
The Church of Rome
This church knew of Christ prior to Paul’s ministry. Paul believed them to be full of
knowledge and goodness, competent to instruct one another. They were known for being
obedient; however, they were divided by pride, judgment and contempt (Jews vs. Gentiles,
the strong in faith vs. the weak).
Jews Gentiles
Under the law. Apart from the law.
Natural descendants of Abraham. Spiritual descendants of Abraham.
Foreknown by God; remnant chosen by Called and chosen by grace, come to
grace, others hardened (in part) until the obedience through faith.
full number of Gentiles has come in.
Transgression and rejection (natural Salvation and reconciliation (wild olive
branches of the cultivated olive broken by branches grafted in by faith). See Jn. 15:1-
unbelief). 17.
Not beyond recovery and acceptance (can Provoke the envy of the Jews, unto
be grafted back in). salvation.
Must be humble about their heritage Must be humble about their salvation.
(Abraham, the law).
All Israel will be saved, but not all Jews Share the Jew’s spiritual blessings, must
are Israel. share their material blessings with them.

The Gospel
1. Promise.
The gospel is the promise of God to mankind, who were in a powerless state,
groaning for change. This promise was announced by the prophets, about Jesus
Christ our Lord, the Son of man and God.
This promise was received through faith by Abraham, who believed God and was
credited righteous. Abraham is the father of the Jews (natural descendants), and all
believers (spiritual progeny).
Jesus Christ was born from the lineage of Abraham, and He became a servant to the
Jews (the circumcision), on behalf of God’s truth; in this way he confirmed the
promises made to the patriarchs, so that Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy.

2. Power.
The gospel is the power of God for salvation from death and the curse, caused by
sin, which entered through Adam, who broke the command (see Gen. 3).
Salvation comes by the Word, that is: to believe in resurrection with the heart,
which brings justification; and, to declare with the mouth that “Jesus is Lord”,
which is the profession of faith. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be
saved, however, salvation must be continued in.

3. Revelation.
The gospel is the revelation of:
a) God’s invisible qualities, shown through creation since the beginning, these are
His eternal power, divine nature, glory, truth, faithfulness... Creation was
subjected to frustration because of sin, and it groans as it awaits its liberation.
b) God’s sternness, wrath, and judgment (unsearchable, based on truth), against
His enemies; the ungodly, sinners, godless, wicked, self-seeking, faithless,
lying, unrighteous… We will all stand before God’s judgment seat and give
account of ourselves.
c) God’s righteousness: 1) apart from the law. The law provides accountability,
knowledge and consciousness of sin, transgression and wrath. It testifies of
God’s righteousness and intended to bring life, but brought death, weakened by
the sinful nature. It was introduced by Moses, who broke the tablets of stone
(see Ex. 32:19), and its authority is executed during the lifetime of those under
it. It is holy, righteous, good and spiritual. Under the law the Jews do the
required by obedience and works (physical circumcision), but fall short,
stumbling over the law; their zeal fails because it’s through works. Apart from
the law the Gentiles, by nature, do the required, but fall short on their own. 2)
By faith in Jesus Christ and His blood, who was made in the likeness of sinful
man, to be the sacrifice of atonement, which met the righteous requirements of
the law “once for all”; the sin offering that died for our sin and condemnation,
and resurrected for our justification and freedom. Christ died and returned to life
to be the Lord of the dead and living.
God’s righteousness by faith upholds the law, it is the culmination of the law
through Christ, who provides righteousness for the believers. This faith fully
convinces minds, leading to blessing; doubt, on the other hand, is sin and leads
to condemnation.
d) God’s kindness, mercy and compassion, which lead to: 1) Repentance,
spiritual circumcision, and persistence in doing what is good (perseverance and
character). It brings eternal life, glory, honor and peace. 2) Redemption, in other
words, justification through faith and grace. It provides rejoicing (in present
sufferings and future glory), and hope. 3) Reconciliation, blessedness and
God bound everyone to disobedience so He may have mercy us all. In view of
God’s mercy we should: worship (as living sacrifices), be transformed (breaking
from the world’s patterns), test and approve God’s will.
e) God’s wisdom and knowledge, which are deep.
f) God’s paths, that are beyond tracing out.
g) God’s will, which is good, pleasing and perfect.
h) God’s kingdom, built by righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The gospel is the revelation that all things are from, through and for God.

4. Declaration.
The gospel is the declaration that “God will judge men’s secrets”, and “the God of
peace will soon crush Satan”.

5. God’s gift.
The gospel is God’s gift. It grants the attitude of Christ’s mind, that is, one mind
and voice for the glory of God. It fills with joy and peace, as His Spirit causes those
who trust Him to overflow. God establishes us according to the gospel, in keeping
with the revelation of the mystery.
God’s gift is: 1) death to sin and its law, represented by baptism into Jesus Christ.
The burial of the old self/sinful nature/body of death; that was slave to sin (death,
impurity, wickedness, sinful passions, mindset and desires), in service of the written
code, bearing fruit to death. Before this death, the sinful nature causes an internal
struggle of sin/evil vs. the desire to do what is good and delight in God’s law. 2) To
be alive to God and the law of the Spirit (of life and sonship), represented by
baptism. Raised to life (new and eternal), as a slave to God (Master and Lord), and
an obedient instrument of righteousness and holiness; in service of the Spirit, as
heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.
In regards to this gift to humanity, God foreknows, predestines, calls, justifies, and
glorifies; Jesus Christ loves, intercedes for and makes more than conquerors; and,
the Holy Spirit helps, and intercedes (with groans), according to God’s will.

6. Message.
The gospel is the message concerning faith, proclaimed about Jesus Christ. Hearing
it produces faith, and it is heard through the Word about Jesus Christ.
In Christ we are one body with different gifts; prophesying with faith, serving,
teaching, to encourage, giving generously, leading diligently, and to show mercy
The scriptures (what was written), teach endurance, provide encouragement; the
Word gives hope.
7. The Command: Love.
The gospel is the law of the Spirit of life and sonship; the gospel is love, which
fulfills the law, sums up the commandments, and does no harm to a neighbor (see
Jn. 13:34-35; Gal. 5:22-23).
Paul gives a set of commands to the Romans:
- Act in sincere love,
- Devotion to one another,
- Honor others above yourself,
- Love your enemies,
- Hate what is evil,
- Set aside the deeds of darkness,
- Cling to what is good,
- Behave decently,
- Serve the lord with spiritual fervor (zeal),
- Rejoice in hope, with those who rejoice,
- Mourn with those who mourn,
- Patience in affliction,
- Faithfulness in prayer,
- Share with the Lord’s people in need,
- Practice hospitality,
- Bless (and not curse) persecutors,
- Live in harmony,
- Be humble,
- Don’t repay evil for evil (revenge),
- Leave room for God’s wrath,
- Do what is right,
- Don’t be overcome by evil, overcome evil with good,
- Respect authority,
- Give to everyone what you owe them,
- Wake up (understand the present time) – salvation is near,
- Put on the armor of light,
- Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ,
- Don’t think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh,
- Accept the one whose faith is weak,
- Bear with the failings of the weak,
- Abandon contempt and judgment,
- Live and die for the Lord, to whom we belong,
- Don’t put a stumbling block/obstacle in the way of others,
- Don’t destroy your brother for whom Christ died,
- Do what leads to peace mutual edification,
- Don’t please yourselves, please your neighbors,
- Build up your neighbors (for their good),
- Accept one another,
- Watch out for and keep away from those who cause divisions and put obstacles,
- Be wise about what is good, innocent about evil.

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