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Brian Dixon

EDU 214
Lesson Plan

Concept / Topic to Teach: Microsoft PowerPoint.

Objectives: The students will be able to create their own unique slideshows using Microsoft

Grade Level: 7th – 8th Grade Computers Class

Length of Lesson: 20-30 minutes

Required Materials: A computer (laptops will be given to students in class)

Step-By-Step Procedures:
 Begin by asking if any of the students have ever seen a slideshow before.
 Pass out laptops.
 Walk students through PowerPoint creation process step-by-step as they follow along on
their own computers.
 Allow them to create their first slideshow on a fun topic that allows them to be more
interested in learning the technology.
 The students will present their short PowerPoints to the rest of the class.

Closure: Presentation in front of the class, with discussion among the class about their favorite
parts of their peers’ slideshows.

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their use of PowerPoint by how many slides they
added, if there are any pictures and videos in the slide show, and if they were successfully able to
add animations and transitions in their slides as well as adding a design to the background of
their slides.

Adaptations for Students with Special Needs: Windows has speech to text options to set up if
a student has dexterity issues. This way the student can speak into a microphone and have his or
her words pop up into text they can put into PowerPoint.

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