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Keep out invaders

In this safety guideline we give you some tips and information

about securing your funds and data. We do everything we can to
keep your data safe, but you too can take the necessary precautions
to ensure safety of your funds.

Security tips
Good security starts with you, so take our tips
and do something about it. We share tips on how to
secure your account, storing your cryptocurrency and
some other recommendations and warnings.

Learn more...
What can you do to secure your account?

1. Enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

2. Use a long password with characters,

numbers and punctuation marks.

3. Do not give your password to anyone

4. Do not use the same password

anywhere else.

5. Regularly change you password

Great you passed this checklist

If you have not passed this checklist, then we suggest to
make adjustments as soon as possible to meet the
checklist requirements.

Storage of funds on Cryptocurrency Exchange
A lot of people store their cryptocurrency on exchanges, including Txbit.
We know we shouldn’t. We’ve been told countless times not to, yet many
of us still do it.

We do it because it’s convenient. We do it because we’re lazy.

Our advice...
If you are not planning on trading your cryptocurrency in
short term, then you should store them in your own wallet,
not an exchange.

If you don’t own your private keys,

you don’t own your coins.
Other tips
 We will never ask you to give us your password

 Do not send any money to anyone claiming to be a member of

Txbit team or staff

 Use good antivirus software and keep it up to date

 Don’t open links you do not trust

 Do not accept requests to help you with any issues unless it is

through the official Txbit support portal/email.

 Beware of scammers and impersonators in Txbit social channels

like Telegram, Discord or Twitter.

 Txbit will never ask you to send funds to unlock your account,
deposits or withdrawals.

 Keep your operating system up to date with the

latests updates

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