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© Copyright 2004 by Humana Press Inc.
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ISSN 1539-2791/04/333–352/$25.00

Original Article

Functional Holography of Recorded Neuronal

Networks Activity
Itay Baruchi1 and Eshel Ben-Jacob*1,2
1School of Physics and Astronomy, Beverly and Raymond Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences,
Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel; 2Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kohn Hall,
University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Abstract neuron positions in real space. In our functional

We present a new approach for analyzing holography, the correlations are normalized by
multi-channel recordings, such as ECoG (elec- the correlation distances—Euclidian distances
trocorticograph) recordings of cortical brain between the matrix columns. Then, we project
activity and of individual neuron dynamics, in the N-dimensional (for N channels) space
cultured networks. The latter are used here to spanned by the matrix of the normalized cor-
illustrate the method and its ability to discover relations, or correlation affinities, onto a corre-
hidden functional connectivity motifs in the sponding 3D manifold (3D Cartesian space
recorded activity. constructed by the three leading principal vec-
The cultured networks are formed from tors of the principal component algorithm). The
dissociated mixtures of cortical neurons and neurons are located by their principal eigen-
glia-cells that are homogeneously spread over values and linked by their original (not nor-
multi-electrode array for recording of the neu- malized) correlations. By looking at these
ronal activity. Rich, spontaneous dynamical holograms, hidden causal motifs are revealed:
behavior is detected, marked by the forma- each SBEs subgroup generates its characteris-
tion of temporal sequences of synchronized tic connectivity diagram (network) in the 3D
bursting events (SBEs), partitioned into sta- manifold, where the neuron locations and their
tistically distinguishable subgroups, each links form simple structures. Moreover, the
with its own characteristic spatio-temporal computed temporal ordering of neuron activ-
pattern of activity. ity, when projected onto the connectivity dia-
In analogy with coherence connectivity net- grams, also exhibits simple patterns of causal
works for multi-location cortical recordings, we propagation. We show that the method can
evaluated the inter-neuron correlation-matrix expose functional connectivity motifs like the
for each subgroup. Ordinarily such matrices are co-existence of subneuronal functional networks
mapped onto a connectivity network between in the space of affinities.

*Address to which all correspondence and reprint requests should be sent.


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The method can be directly utilized to con- with a pre-specified area ranging from ~0.01 mm2
struct similar causal holograms for recorded (small), ~1 mm2 (medium), to ~100 mm2 (large),
brain activity. We expect that by doing so, with a corresponding specified number of neu-
hidden functional connectivity motifs with rel- rons ranging from ~102 through ~104 to ~106.
evance to the understanding of brain activity Therefore, they can be directly, and even quan-
might be discovered. titatively, compared with model simulations
Index Entries: Correlation matrix; epilepsy; glia (Volman et al., 2004; Persi et al., 2004) on one
cells; information processing; manifolds. hand, and with recorded brain activity on the
other hand. These in vitro networks exhibit rich
spontaneous dynamical behavior marked by
Introduction the formation of synchronized bursting events
(SBEs), each with its own internal pattern of
Much effort is being devoted to revealing the neuronal activity (Segev et al., 2002, 2003, 2004;
underlying functionaol connectivity and infor- Hulata et al., 2001, 2004).
mation processing motifs of brain activity It has been shown that hidden subgroups
(Bishop, 1999; Dayan and Abbot, 2001; Kandel, of SBEs can be found in the large networks
2003). Aresearch methodology toward this goal activity when the inter-SBEs correlation
is to construct connectivity networks from matrices are reorganized with the dendrogram
parallel recording from many locations and clustering algorithm (Segev et al., 2003b). The
evaluate the corresponding activity-correlation latter reorders the recorded sequence, so that
(coherence) matrices. Investigations of such bursts with similar internal patterns of neu-
multi-electrode recordings range from the basic ronal activity (higher correlations) are closely
micro-level of isolated, self-formed cultured located. Once the SBEs are sorted into distinct
networks, through the meso-level of isolated, subgroups, it is possible to show that each has
pre-formed slices, to the macro-level of the its own characteristic temporal propagation of
brain cortex (Hilgetag et al., 1996; Towle et al., the neurons activity as well as its own charac-
1999; Hilgetag et al., 2000; Stephan et al., 2000; teristic inter-neuron correlation matrix. For
Netoff and Schiff, 2002; Gluckman et al., 2001; comparison with connectivity networks con-
Milton and Jung, 2002; Segev et al., 2001a, structed from recorded brain activity, each cor-
2001b, 2002, 2003, 2004). relation matrix can be mapped onto a
The new functional holography method pre- connectivity network in real space by locat-
sented here was developed from the perspective ing the neurons according to electrode posi-
of cultured networks. Yet it is also applicable tions and linking them by their correlations, as
for the analysis of slices, cortex-recorded activ- shown in Fig. 1.
ities, and other correlation matrices. Moreover, Here, we present a new approach that makes
it makes it possible to place the recordings from it possible to identify additional motifs embed-
all of these levels within the same presentation ded in the inter-neuron correlation matrices—
schema for comparative studies. analogous to the inter-location coherence
The advantage of cultured networks is that matrices evaluated for ECoG recordings of
they provide relatively simple, well-controlled brain activity (Towle et al., 1999; Milton and
systems for the micro-level investigations, Jung, 2002) that are not transparent in the real
using multi-electrode array (MEA) for record- space connectivity networks. In the new
ing the individual neurons activity at different method, the correlation matrix is represented
locations (Segev et al, 2002). In addition, by in a higher dimensional space of functional cor-
lithographic methods, one can study networks relations, or correlation affinities. The latter are

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Fig. 1. Examples of connectivity networks constructed from multi-channel recordings. Left: an example of con-
nectivity network constructed from ECoG recordings of frontal lobe activity. In this case, each line between
two electrodes represents the level of coherence between the recorded activities at the two locations (cour-
tesy of V. L. Towle). Right: an example of cultured network activity recorded by multi-electrode array. In this
case, the lines represent the level of the inter-neuron correlations between the individual neurons activities.
The gray levels indicate the level of coherence in the first case and of the correlations in the second.

the inter-neuron correlations normalized by the the correlation links. Also revealed is a new cor-
corresponding correlation distances between respondence between the functional diagram
the activities of each two neurons. Next, we and the way the neuron activity propagates
construct a 3D functional manifold of the high along its structure.
dimension space of affinities so that it contains The co-existence of distinct subgroups of
the maximal information about the affinities. SBEs might suggest the existence of new
This is done by using the standard principal schemata of hybrid information processing—
components algorithm to construct a Cartesian coding, storage, generation, and retrieval of
3D space whose axes are the three leading eigen information. The idea is that each SBE, with its
vectors. Finally, to generate the causal holo- own functional diagram, can provide a template
grams, the neurons are positioned in this space for handling a specific task of information
according to their eigen values, and each of processing when the network is coupled to
them are linked by a line whose color repre- other networks.
sents the naked correlation (not normalized),
between them.
Multi-Electrode Recordings
Using this schema to analyze the cultured net- of Cultured Network Activity
works activity, we found that each subgroup of For multi-channel recordings of cultured net-
SBEs generates its own characteristic hologram works activity, dissociated cultures of mixed cor-
(functional diagram). The diagrams have sur- tical neurons and glia cells drawn from 1-day-old
prisingly simple graph structures, both in terms Charles River rats (Segev et al., 2002), are
of the neuron locations and the organization of homogenously spread over a lithographically

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Fig. 2. Continued.

specified area on top of a MEA of 60 electrodes. ⎧N ⎫

Consequently, the neurons send dendrites and EC(n, m) = Max ⎨∑ Cin , m ( τ)⎬ (1)
axons to form a wired network. Although this ⎩ i =1 ⎭
process is self-executed with no externally pro- where Cin,m(τ) denotes the cross-correlation
vided guiding stimulation or chemical cues, a between the activity of the i-th neuron in the
relatively intense dynamical activity is spon- n-th and m-th SBEs. Next, the correlation matrix
taneously generated within several days. The is clusterized using the standard dendrogram
activity is marked by the formation of SBEs— clustering method (Press et al., 1992). The
short (~200 ms) time windows during which resulting reordered correlation matrices of
most of the recorded neurons participate in rel- some networks exhibit clear organizational
atively rapid firing. These SBEs are separated motifs of blocks and strips with higher corre-
by long intervals (above seconds) of sporadic lations which reflect the existence of distinct
neuronal firing. subgroups of SBEs (as shown in Fig. 2). Each
block in the correlation matrix represents a
Identifying Distinct Subgroups
subgroup of SBEs with higher mutual inter-
of SBEs
correlations within the subgroup and lower
To check whether the SBEs can be sorted into correlations with the other SBEs. A strip
distinct subgroups with similar internal patterns (band) represents a subgroup of SBEs, each
of neuronal activity, we first evaluate the inter- highly correlated with all the others.
SBE correlation matrix (or event correlations), Applying the analysis to networks of dif-
EC(n,m) (Segev et al., 2004), by ferent size shows that the larger networks tend

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Fig. 2. Continued.

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Fig. 2. Examples of dendrogrammed inter-SBEs correlation matrices for recordings from four different cul-
tured networks. Each element (n,m) in the matrix represents the level of EC(n,m) by intensity of gray (white -
low; black - high). A typical example of a matrix which has no partitioning into distinguishable subgroups of
SBEs is shown in (A).This is the typical result for small networks, i.e., at or below the characteristic size of the
elementary networks (~1 mm2 and ~104 neurons). The other three examples are for larger networks. The
matrix in (B) shows a clear block partitioning.The matrix in (C) shows a clear band of SBEs that have high cor-
relations with all the other SBEs.The matrix in (D) is of a recorded sequence of 150 SBEs in the presence of
different calcium levels: events no. 1–50, 51–100, and 101–150 correspond to 0.5 mM, 2 mM, and 1 mM extra-
cellular Ca++ respectively (Segev et al., 2001a, 2001b, 2004).

to reveal more pronounced subgrouping. This the cells are “programmed” to form networks
result supports the notion of unitary or ele- with special characteristics. By the same token,
mentary networks of about 1 mm2 in size, based when ~106 neurons are spread over ~102 mm2,
on the following reasoning. The elementary they are free to form a homogeneous fabric
time scale of neuronal activity is ~10−3 s; com- of ~10 2 coupled elementary networks. The
bined with the propagation speed of action measurements presented here are from elec-
potentials along the axon, ~1 m/s, it translates trode arrays of ~10 mm2. Therefore, it was
into a characteristic length-scale of ~1 mm. In proposed that the existence of subgroups of
the cortex, 1 mm3 contains about 105 neurons, SBEs reflects the co-existence of functionally
which corresponds to a cultured network distinguishable coupled elementary net-
(which is quasi 2D) of ~1 mm2 and ~104 neu- works (Segev et al., 2004). To further explore
rons. Higher density cultures on ~1 mm2 areas this, we analyze the internal neuronal spa-
form a web of neuron clusters linked by axon tio-temporal patterns of activities for each
bundles (Segev et al., 2003). This is a hint that subgroup of SBEs.

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Fig. 3.The spatio-temporal patterns of propagation of the neuronal activity for the two subgroups of SBEs of
the cultured network that gives block partitioning in Fig. 2B. Panel (A) is for the block on the left in the cor-
relation matrix-subgroup (I), and (B) is for the block on the right-subgroup (II).The temporal locations Tin
are represented by color dots around the neuron locations in real space. Blue is for early timing (positive
phase) and red for late timing. The results illustrate that each subgroup of SBEs has its own characteristic
pattern of activity propagation.

Spatio-Temporal Patterns neuron activity has many time scales (Hulata

of Activity Propagation et al., 2004). Utilizing this analysis, we find that
each type of SBE has its own characteristic
Motivated by the notion of phases in multi-
spatio-temporal pattern of activity propaga-
channel cortical recordings (Towle et al., 1999),
tion, as illustrated in Fig. 3. In this figure, we
we evaluated the “temporal center of mass,”
use color code to represent the temporal loca-
or temporal location of each neuron, simply by
tions for each neuron during several SBEs that
regarding its activity density as a temporal
belong to the same subgroup. This is done to
weight function. Namely, the temporal loca-
demonstrate that, although there are varia-
tion, Tin , of the i-th neuron during the n-th SBE
tions in the neuron temporal locations, a clear
is evaluated by
spatio-temporal ordering (propagation) of

Tin =
∫ (t − Tn )Din (t − Tn )dt (2)
activity is transparent.

∫ Din (t − Tn )dt Correlation Matrices, Correlation

where Tn is the “temporal location” of the n-th Space, and Correlation Distances
SBE which is the combined “center of mass” of The inter-neurons correlation matrix C(i,j) is
all the neurons, and D ni (t) is the activity rate defined as the correlation between the activities
of the i-th neuron (Segev et al., 2004). Our of the i-th and the j-th neurons within the same
definition of “temporal location” is an exten- SBE, averaged over the SBEs.
sion of the ordinary notion of “phase” or “phase Each correlation matrix of N neurons rep-
shift” used for cortical multi-channel record- resents an N-dimensional space in which the
ings. Such an extension is required since the i-th axis represents the correlations of the i-th

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Fig. 4. Continued.

{ ]}
neuron with all other neurons—the matrix col- 12

1 N
D(i , j ) =
umn C(i,j) for j ∈ [1,N]. The latter can also be ∑ C(i , m ′ ) − C( j , m ′ ) (4)
viewed as the position vector Ři of the i-th neu- N m ′=1

ron in the N-dimensional space, since the pro- Defined this way, D(1,2) ∈ 1 – C(1,2) for two
jection of Ři on the j-th axis is C(j,i) = C(i,j). In neurons, and therefore the correlation distance,
this perspective, the correlation distance does not contain any additional information
between two neurons, D(i,j), can simply be beyond that of the correlation C(1,2) itself.
viewed as the Euclidian distance between their Namely, if the neurons are highly correlated,
positions in the correlation space, i.e., they are also closely located (D(1,2) is shorter)
1 ˇ ˇ and vice versa. For N neurons, the situation is
D(i , j ) = Ri − R j (3) different since D(1,2) is also a functional of
|C(1,j) – C(2,j)| for j ∈ [1,N], that is, of the cor-
And more specifically, relations of neurons 1 and 2 with all other

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Fig. 4. Continued.

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neurons. For example, owing to noise, C(1,2) be related to the characteristic pattern of spatio-
might be assigned a higher value than the true temporal propagation evaluated in “Spatio-
one. In this case, since they are not “really” cor- Temporal Patterns of Activity Propagation”.
related, they will have different correlations First, each correlation matrix is represented
with the other neurons, which will be reflected as a connectivity network in the cultured net-
by higher value of D(1,2). For this reason, the work physical space. The idea is similar to the
correlation distances let us extract information way the coherence matrices of recorded brain
about the relative correlations or the collective activity are mapped onto connectivity net-
topology of the correlation space, as illustrated works according to the electrode locations in
in the next section. the cortex. In the case of cultured network, we
simply draw color lines between the locations
of each two recording electrodes to represent
Connectivity Networks vs
the level of inter-neuron correlations C(i,j), as
Correlation Circles shown in Fig. 4.
We proceed to study, for each subgroup of The additional information about the corre-
SBEs, its corresponding inter-neuron correlation lation distances, D(j,j), can be represented in
matrix. The idea is to find out whether each a similar way, i.e., by drawing lines accord-
subgroup can be associated with its own char- ing to these distances. The information about
acteristic structure of inter-neuron correlations. both the C(i,j) and the D(i,j) can be presented
If so, we would like to test whether the pattern by constructing corresponding correlation cir-
of correlations in the correlation matrix can also cles. The idea is to place the neurons on a circle

Fig. 4. Representation of the inter-neuron correlation matrices as connectivity networks in “real space” (A,B),
the corresponding correlation circle (C,D) and the corresponding holograms (E,F).The networks (A,C,E)
correspond to subgroup (I) of SBEs and (B,D,F) to subgroup (II). In “real space” the neurons are positioned
according to the electrode locations (the numbers are the electrode numbers) and connected by lines which
represent their correlations C(i,j) using the same gray scale code. Only correlations above 0.55 threshold lev-
els are shown.The correlation circles (C,D) are constructed using the Dendrogram algorithm to order the neu-
rons along a circle and then link them according to their correlations C(i,j), as done for the “real space”
representation. The connectivity diagrams in the causal manifolds (E,F) are constructed as described in the
text. In these holograms, the mesh on which the neurons are positioned shows the topology of the manifold.
The color code of the mesh indicates the height of each location relative to the X-Y plane.The mesh is con-
structed by interpolation (analytical continuation) between the neurons locations. In these figures, correla-
tions above 0.5 are shown. Note that some of the correlations are not seen as they are behind the mesh for
the angle of view used in the presentation. For example, in (F) neuron (6) has many links as can be seen in (D)
that are behind the mesh.The coloring of the neuron locations represents their averaged “temporal location,”
i.e., the averaged Tin over the SBEs which belong to the same subgroup. By doing so, we discover the corre-
spondence between the structure of the connectivity diagram and the temporal propagation of the activity.
For subgroup (I), the activity starts at the subgroup of neurons (24,25,26,44), consequently, it propagates along
the arch (27,22,19,5) to the subgroup of neurons (13,27,28,37), and terminates at neuron (6) which is prob-
ably an inhibitory one.Based on this,we propose that the two clusters of neurons,(24,25,26,44) and (13,27,28,37),
belong to two overlapping elementary networks with neurons (27,22,19,5) being the mediating ones.The sit-
uation for subgroup (II) is very different. In this case, the activity starts at neuron (13) and propagates along
the main group of neuron (22,20,27,5,44,19,28,26) and ends at the remote neurons (24,37) on one side and (6)
on the other. Put together, the analysis helps reveal that each kind of SBEs is associated with its own special
connectivity diagram, and that the individual neurons assume different functional roles in the different diagrams.

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according to the correlation distances (using proceed to normalize the correlations by the
the dendrogram clustering algorithm) and link correlation distances. Thus we construct a new
each two according to the level of C(i,j), as is matrix A(i,j) of correlation affinities, defined by
also shown in Fig. 4. In both presentations,
A(i , j ) ≡ ⎨ ( ) ( )
⎧C i , j D i , j i≠ j
the neuron locations are colored according to (5)
⎩A0 i= j
their averaged temporal ordering, i.e., the
average of Tin for events belonging to the same According to the definition of the correla-
subgroup of SBEs. tion distances in equation (4), D(i,i = j) ≡ 0.
Intriguing motifs hidden in the correlation Therefore, special care should be taken with
matrices become visible (Segev et al., 2004). For the diagonal elements i = j. Here A0 is 1 over
example, some pairs of neurons (e.g., [24,44] the averaged noise level in the correlations.1
and [24,37] in subgroups (I) and (II), respec- Since the correlation distances represent a
tively) positioned far apart are closely located collective property of all channels, the above
on the correlation circle. Other pairs (e.g., [6] procedure can be viewed as collective nor-
and [5] in subgroup [I]) are close in real space malization that might help capture hidden
but remotely located on the correlation circle. collective motifs related to functional connec-
Some other specific neurons (e.g., [13] and [6]) tivity in the network behaviors. The idea is that
exhibit very different linking patterns for the even multi-channel recordings of brain or net-
different subgroups of SBEs. work activity provide only a limited sample of
An additional motif is the formation of func- the complex underlying dynamics and func-
tional subgroups of neurons in the correlation tional connectivity—too small for ordinary
circles. For example, neurons (24,25,26,44), that statistical methods to filter noise. In addition,
are spread over a large area in real space, form there is a relatively high level of inherent uncer-
a distinct subgroup on the correlation circle for tainty which is connected with the nature of
SBEs of subgroup (I). This is in agreement with neuro-plasticity. The collective normalization
the pattern of activity propagation, which starts can serve as a crucial step to amplify under-
with these neurons. lying functional connections above the noise.
Although the analysis thus performed seems The next step is to study the corresponding
satisfactory when looking at subgroup (I), for high dimension space of affinities, in analogy
subgroup (II) it fails to reveal simple organiza- to the correlation space described in
tion and clear correspondence between neuron
connectivity diagrams and activity propagation.
Keeping in mind that the correlation circle is a
robust projection of the N-dimensional corre- 1Formally, D(i,i) = 0 and hence the diagonal ele-
lation space on a 1D manifold, we continue to
ments A(i,i) are ill-defined. However, owing to the
search for additional hidden motifs in higher inherent neuronal plasticity and to noise, there
dimensional manifolds, utilizing the new schema should be uncertainty in the auto-correlation C(i,i)
described now. and therefore in the neurons positions in the cor-
relation space. The latter can be translated into
Collective Normalization position uncertainty and thus into finite A(i,i),
which is related to the effective noise level and
and the Affinity Space
neuronal plasticity, as will be detailed elsewhere.
Inspired by the complementary information Here, for simplicity, we take C(i,i) to be C0, the
provided by the inter-neuron correlations and averaged noise level in the correlations. D0 = C0 and
their corresponding correlation distances, we therefore A0−1/C0.

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“Correlation Matrices, Correlation Space and manifold according to the temporal ordering
Correlation Distances.” Each affinity matrix of their activities. By doing so, each manifold is
A(i,j) of N neurons (and, in general, N record- converted into a neuroinformatic hologram that
ing channels) represents an N-dimensional represents information about spatio-temporal
space in which the i-th axis represents the affini- functional correlations—hence the terms causal
ties of the i-th neuron with all other neurons— manifolds and causal holograms.
the matrix column A(i,j) for j ∈ [1,N]. The latter There are different ways to construct the con-
can also be viewed as the position vector RAi nectivity diagrams in the causal manifold using
of the i-th neuron in the N-dimensional space various available clustering algorithms. Since
of affinities. Note that, as in the case of the cor- the principal components algorithm (PCA) is
relation space, the projection of RAi on the j-th widely known and readily available, we use it
axis is A(j,i) = A(i,j).
here to illustrate the new approach: the mani-
In the previous section, we used these dis-
fold is a 3D Cartesian space (X,Y,Z) for the first
tances to map the neuron positions from the
three principal vectors (1,2,3), obtained by
N-dimensional space of correlations onto 1D
applying the PCA on the affinity matrix. To
manifold—the correlation circle. Here we seek
construct the connectivity diagram, each neu-
additional information about functional con-
ron (i) is placed in position (Xi,Yi,Zi), defined
nectivity in the N-dimensional space of affini-
by its three eigen values (Ti1,Ti2,Ti3) for the three
ties that might be concealed in 3D manifolds
principal vectors (1,2,3). Examples of the con-
of this space.
nectivity diagrams for the subgroups (I) and
Connectivity Diagrams in 3D (II) studied before are shown in Fig 4.
Manifolds of the Affinity Space Evidently, the structural organization of
these diagrams is surprisingly simple. In some
The idea is to construct a 3D manifold2 that cases, the diagram is composed of a main struc-
contains the maximal relevant information ture, including most of the neurons, and some
embedded in the higher dimension space of additional, smaller clusters, remotely located,
affinities. This can be done using a standard clus- e.g., (24,25,26,44) in the causal manifold of (I)
tering algorithm. The next step is to construct a and (24,37) in that of (II). Additional motifs are
functional connectivity diagram in the manifold. visible, such as the confinement into a lower
For that, we project the neurons on the new man- (two) dimensional manifold of the main clus-
ifold and connect each two of them by lines that ter of neurons in (II). We tested the “tolerance”
represent the naked correlations C(i,j) according of the diagram organizations for error in the
to a color code. To keep track of temporal infor- measurements and evaluations of the inter-
mation we color the neurons locations in the 3D neuron correlations. For that, we compared the
restyled diagram when artificial noise was
added to the calculated correlation matrices of
2Note that the proper dimensionality of the mani- the recorded activity. The aforementioned
folds is limited by the experimental recording noise, motifs are invariant under such tests.
the experimental “statistical noise” (the number of The use of the term causal is justified con-
channels and the recording time), and the varia-
sidering the interesting visible correspondence
tions in neuron activity that reflect their inherent
plasticity. Therefore, only manifolds limited to few between the temporal patterns of activity prop-
dimensions are expected to be statistically signifi- agation and the spatial organization of the
cant. We found the 3D manifold statistically sig- diagrams. For example, in (I), the activity starts
nificant for our recordings of cultured network at the subgroup (24,25,26,44) and continues
activity, so here we consider this specific case only. along the main propagation path; in (II), the

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activity propagates on the main 2D manifold these results with similar future analysis of
and terminates in the two remote subgroups recorded brain activity during seizure.
(24,37) and (6). Motivated by the idea about learning from cul-
The causal motif in (I) brings to mind an expan- tured networks about epilepsy, we also show the
sion of the idea of “imagery neurons” (Krieman effect of a ‘dissection’ operation on the activity
et al. 2000) that was proposed for neuron loca- of a network. After the cutting, glia cells migrate
tions in real space, into the affinity space. That and bridge the two halves. The two sides then
is, the information required to generate the spe- still maintain SBEs, but in the affinity space the
cific patterns of activity for each subgroup of connectivity diagram splits into two.
SBEs might be stored in localized functional clus-
ters of neurons in the space of affinities. Once Concluding Remarks
such clusters are identified, we can map their
locations onto real space. Preliminary results sug- The existence of causal motifs in the cultured
gest that, in some cases, the localized clusters in networks activity gives rise to some intriguing
the affinity space will also correspond to clus- questions about the underlying nature of the
ters that are localized in real space, but in other networks behavior, the most fundamental of
cases they can represent distributed clusters. which is how such freely formed, stand-alone
Recall that the observation that SBEs are par- networks can generate rich, dynamical, non-
titioned into subgroups in large networks led arbitrary behavior with simple causal motifs.
us to the idea of coupled elementary functional From the perspective of pattern formation,
networks. To explore this, we analyze the intra- or dynamical self-organization, the formation
SBEs neuronal spatio-temporal patterns of of low dimensional, functional sub-networks
activities for each subgroup of SBEs. Now, relat- in a higher dimensional space suggests that the
ing the connectivity networks in real space to observed complex neuronal activity is prob-
their corresponding causal diagrams in the ably supported by underlying feedback with
affinity space, we further propose that: (1) Each some regulating dynamics. An analogy would
SBEs subgroup is associated with a specific be, for example, the complex spatio-temporal
elementary functional network dominating the behavior formed on top of the more regular,
activity. (2) The activity of the coupled ele- underlying dynamical behavior in fluid flow
mentary networks is mutually regulated to the systems (Daniels et al., 2002). Does the recorded
degree that they co-generate SBEs. (3) The dis- neuronal activity represent only a part of the
tinct elementary functional networks are not underlying dynamics? In light of the princi-
simply associated with distinct positions in real ples of excitable media, a complementary
space, but rather with subgroups of neurons underlying functional connectivity mechanism
that may have overlapping locations. (4) The seems to be required for sustenance of the
elementary functional networks form distinctly simple structural organization of the func-
located clusters of inter-connected neurons in tional diagrams. New and exciting discoveries
the causal manifolds. have been accumulated regarding the complex
To further illustrate the new method, we spatio-temporal chemical activity in the glia
show in Fig. 5 the diagram for the recorded web and the neuro–glia interactions (Rieke
activity under two levels of Calcium stress et al., 1997; Laming et al., 2000; Luscher et al.,
(Segev and Ben-Jacob, 2001; Segev et al., 2004). 2000; Milton and Jung, 2002; Stout et al., 2002;
The Calcium stress can be used to mimic Fields et al., 2002; Steven-Graham et al., 2002).
seizure-like dynamics in the cultured networks Intra-cellular regulatory mechanisms enable
activity. Hence, it will be interesting to compare even individual glia cells to function as

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Fig. 5. Continued.

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excitable elements capable of using energy to generation, and retrieval) utilized by the
generate internal structured calcium dynamics. neuro–glia fabric. The idea is that each SBE,
Such noise-induced dynamics can be generated, with its own causal manifold, provides a tem-
for example, by internal coherence (synchro- plate for handling a specific task of information
nized coupling) resonance mechanism (Shuai processing.
et al., 2003). In view of this, it seems possible that Cortical connectivity networks constructed
the special excitable media capabilities of the glia from multi-channel recordings are reminiscent
fabrics in generating chemical waves, together of those observed in cultured networks.
with their special interaction with the neuronal Drawing upon this surprising similarity, it seems
activity, can provide the required mechanisms. appealing to investigate a possible connection
In terms of implications on information pro- between the analysis of cortical functional con-
cessing, the challenge is to understand how nectivity constructed from multi-location ECoG
and why simply structured connectivity dia- recordings (Towle et al., 1999; Milton and Jung,
grams are generated in the 3D manifolds of the 2002) and our new functional holography
higher dimensional space of correlation affini- approach. Of special interest is to look for causal
ties. The immediate question is whether this is holograms in the higher dimensional space of
an artifact resulting from the artificial nature normalized cortical coherences (Towle and
of cultured networks, or the footprints of some Hunter, personal communication).
general hidden schemata. For example, the
formation of temporarily mixed distinct sub- Acknowledgment
groups of SBEs that persist over long times The method presented here has evolved from
might imply the existence of new schemata of the joint study with R. Segev and E. Hulata
hybrid information processing (coding, storage, (Segev et al., 2004). We thank R. Benzi, J. Hunter,

Fig. 5.Additional illustrations of unscrambling recorded activity in the space of affinities.The top two pictures
show the effect of calcium stress on the network activity for 1.0 nm (A), and 2.0 nM (B).The recorded activity
is taken from (Segev and Ben Jacob, 2001).The idea in inducing calcium stress is to imitate seizure-like activ-
ity. Looking at the raster plot of the recording reveals more intense activity reminiscence of that observed in
brain activity during seizure (Towel et al., 1999). Looking at the corresponding connectivity diagram reveals
that the functional structure becomes less organized (random matrix corresponds to spherical diagram).
Interestingly, the temporal propagation of the activity on the causal manifold is not arbitrary, as shown in (C)
and (D). In these figures, the mesh on which the neurons are positioned is the causal manifold of the con-
nectivity diagram shown in (A). For clarification, we do not link the neurons according to the correlations.
Instead, we plot the mesh that shows the local and global topology of the causal manifold.The color code of
the mesh indicates the heights above the X-Y (horizontal) plane.The angle of view in (C) is the same as in (A).
The angle of view in (D) was selected to elucidate the correspondence between the topology of the manifold
and the temporal ordering of activity propagation on the manifold. Note that it starts at the upper right cor-
ner, goes down to the valley on the right, rises again in the center (neuron 19), and ends in the valley on the
left. In (E), we show an example of another cultured network whose connectivity diagram in the causal manifold
has less organized structure. The picture in (F) shows the results after the network has been cut into two
parts—a dissection operation.As could be expected, the activity splits into two functionally distinct connec-
tivity diagrams.Interestingly,one of the networks seems to adjust itself so that the activity is even more ordered
than that of the whole network before the operation. Such studies might be able to provide clues about real
operations of in vivo networks.

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