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Hi, good morning I come to talk something’s of Mexico

One of the most important and representative thing of Mexico is the found, the first one than I
talk is the “Gorditas” or on the translate little fad one in English, “Gorditas” are usually prepare
with masa of corn and is fry on oil.

After than you hid open with a knife and fill some things like meat or chicken or any thing that you
choose and add any sails like guacamole, chilly, or any sails.

The second food to represent Mexico is the “Taco”, this food have a corn tortillas with any add
over than, the tirth food can be the burrito because is know on all the world, this foos have a corn
tortillas so big with ground beef and another vegetables and a lot of sails.

Now the soccer is so important because is cultural like a tradition, on one thousand nine haundred
eighty six was the soccer world cop on this year Mexico be on the fifth and the first was argentine
and the second country on this tournament was Germany om the present year Mexico will going
to play versus Germany, suecia, and will be on the F Group.

Mexico have many celebrations like “Dia de todos los santos”, on this festivity the persons
remember her family members ju die. One important news of Disney on the present year is
showed “Coco” the movie, on this movie we feel a lot of feelings and remember the price of the
family and the important of the traditions like make a shrine for her family member ju die.

Another thing so important is the Mexico Music like the “Corrido”, like “rancheras”, like “banda”,
but isn’t only this because the bands like “Mana” or “panda” or “Café Tacuba” be Mexican. One of
the mos lt important personage of Mexico can be Mario Fortino Alfonso Moreno Reyes or better
know for hia artistic name “Cantinflas”, he was to actor and comedian that did like twenty films to
color and thirty tree films on black and white.

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