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Roti bakar i sapu nutella,

Kopi you dah siap di atas meja,

Theres so much thing about you,
Buat i rasa rindu,
I just wanna be with you,
On the phone facetime mcm selalu,

Jalan berdua di hari minggu,

Tak sabar menunggu,
Oh girl how i wish to give you more,
Tapi i kerja biasa,
Gaji pun hanya seribu lima,
Sepatutnya aku focus on kerjaya, bukan cinta.

I bukan laki yg paling sopan,

Sometimes maybe I buat you rasa bosan,
But im still right here babe,
As still as moon and the sun,
Takkan pernah pergi walau sering disakiti,
Am fine as long as youre happy.

I rasa selesa bila bersama dgn you,

Jadikan you i punya everyday main view,
Akan sayu, terasa sedih, mmg pedih,
Bila tak dpt lepak bersama dgn you,

Kita bersama jalan berdua,

Suka sama suka tapi dua-dua hv no idea,
Kita diam saja, tak reti baca expression muka,
Taknak percaya insecurities dah melanda,
Aku takut kalau kita be more than friends,
What we have now we might lose it till the end,
Ask me how i felt about the time that we had spent,
Im like wow, rasa mcm my heart want to expand,
Oh baby girl lemme be with you one more time,
With you feels like its already summertime,
But in Malaysia mmg panas already,
Thats mean you buat i happy setiap hari huh

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