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From an early age, we set certain plans for the future.

They create us as personalities and define us as

people. If we refer to my plans for the future, 2 of the most important would be to have a happy and
fulfilled family and to work somewhere where I like, doing it with pleasure.

First of all, I would like to have a happy and fulfilled family, because everything starts from the family. If
my loved ones are fulfilled, I will have the strength and motivation to move forward. Also, the family is
always with you, and if the relationship between members is good then we will have common activities,
we will understand each other well and we will be able to talk openly about anything. The moment my
family is fulfilled, I will feel the richest and I will realize that my work and effort pay off.

Secondly, I want to have a job to go to with pleasure, not out of obligation. If I have a job that I like, I
will always feel like I am at rest, because I will do what I like and I will not feel when time passes. Also,
finding a pleasant job will ensure the family relationship, because when I get home I will be able to
spend quality time with the family as I will be rested and satisfied.

To sum up, 2 of the most important future goals for me are to have a job that I like and a fulfilled family.
If I achieve these goals, I will realize that I am not striving in vain and that it is worth fighting for what
you want.

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