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How to make bakwan delicious and tasty

I will tell you the recipe and the material to be used, that is:
.Cabbage I will tell you the recipe and the material to be used, that is:
.Red onion
.Wheat flour
.Cooking oil
How to make, first cut cabbage with the form of taste
So also with potatoes, beans, carrots and sliced young corn.

Then grind the marinade until smooth, then mix the vegetables that have been washed clean.
Add the flour to taste, do not be too thin and not too hard huh? Add salt and seasonings to taste.If it is,
heat the oil and batter ready to fry according to taste.

Then remove the dough if it is golden,

And serve with sauce or with ketchup.. hmmm... Bakwan vegetable crispy ready to be invaded

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