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When we find a duplicate:

- We check if that is indeed a duplicate ( we look at name, email, mobile, resume and all the
other info)
- Choose a profile between the duplicates
- After we open it, click on „3 dots” from the right corner.
- Select „ Find and Merge Duplicates”
- The following page will be prompted

- You only keep the information that indicates that the duplicate exists ( name, email, current
employer, phone, mobile)
- For the remaining fields select „None” and click the „Search” button.
- Now we have the matching profiles according to the previous selected criteria
- Select the duplicate according to you merging choice

- Now we have two columns: on the left side is the first version and on the right side is the
second version.
- Select the relevant information for the profile in order to keep the information updated
regarding the profile in question.
- ID?
- „Reccomended by” : keep the data from the left sid
- „Last activity time/ Last Mailed time” : select the data from the right side.
- In the end, click „Merge” button.
- The next warning will be shown:

- Click „ I understand. Merge now”

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