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The Text Analytics API is a cloud-based service that provides Natural Language

Processing (NLP) features for text mining and text analysis, including: sentiment
analysis, opinion mining, key phrase extraction, language detection, and named
entity recognition.

The API is a part of Azure Cognitive Services, a collection of machine learning and AI
algorithms in the cloud for your development projects. You can use these features
with the REST API, or the client library.

Sentiment analysis

Use sentiment analysis and find out what people think of your brand or topic by
mining the text for clues about positive or negative sentiment. This API feature
returns a sentiment score between 0 and 1 for each document, where 1 is the most

Starting in the v3.1 preview, opinion mining is a feature of Sentiment Analysis. Also
known as Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis in Natural Language Processing (NLP),
this feature provides more granular information about the opinions related to
aspects (such as the attributes of products or services) in text.

Key phrase extraction

Use key phrase extraction to quickly identify the main concepts in text. For example,
in the text "The food was delicious and there were wonderful staff", Key Phrase
Extraction will return the main talking points: "food" and "wonderful staff".

Language detection

Language detection can detect the language an input text is written in and report a
single language code for every document submitted on the request in a wide range
of languages, variants, dialects, and some regional/cultural languages. The language
code is paired with a confidence score.

Named entity recognition

Named Entity Recognition (NER) can Identify and categorize entities in your text as
people, places, organizations, quantities, Well-known entities are also recognized and
linked to more information on the web.
Use containers

Use the Text Analytics containers as an on-premises solution for mining text and
using the API. These Docker containers enable you to extract key phrases, detect
language, and analyze sentiment closer to your data.

Typical workflow

The workflow is simple: you submit data for analysis and handle outputs in your
code. Analyzers are consumed as-is, with no additional configuration or

1. Create an Azure resource for Text Analytics. Afterwards, get the key generated

for you to authenticate your requests.

2. Formulate a request containing your data as raw unstructured text, in JSON.

3. Post the request to the endpoint established during sign-up, appending the
desired resource: sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, language detection,
or named entity recognition.

4. Stream or store the response locally. Depending on the request, results are
either a sentiment score, a collection of extracted key phrases, or a language

Output is returned as a single JSON document, with results for each text document
you posted, based on ID. You can subsequently analyze, visualize, or categorize the
results into actionable insights.

Data is not stored in your account. Operations performed by the Text Analytics API
are stateless, which means the text you provide is processed and results are returned

Text Analytics for multiple programming experience levels

You can start using the Text Analytics API in your processes, even if you don't have
much experience in programming. Use these tutorials to learn how you can use the
API to analyze text in different ways to fit your experience level.

 Minimal programming required:

o Extract information in Excel using Text Analytics and Power Automate
o Use the Text Analytics API and MS Flow to identify the sentiment of
comments in a Yammer group
o Integrate Power BI with the Text Analytics API to analyze customer feedback
 Programming experience recommended:
o Sentiment analysis on streaming data using Azure Databricks
o Build a Flask app to translate text, analyze sentiment, and synthesize speech
Supported languages

This section has been moved to a separate article for better discoverability. Refer
to Supported languages in the Text Analytics API for this content.

Data limits

All of the Text Analytics API endpoints accept raw text data. See the Data limits article
for more information.

Unicode encoding

The Text Analytics API uses Unicode encoding for text representation and character
count calculations. Requests can be submitted in both UTF-8 and UTF-16 with no
measurable differences in the character count. Unicode codepoints are used as the
heuristic for character length and are considered equivalent for the purposes of text
analytics data limits. If you use StringInfo.LengthInTextElements to get the character count,
you are using the same method we use to measure data size.

Next steps

 Create an Azure resource for Text Analytics to get a key and endpoint for your

 Use the quickstart to start sending API calls. Learn how to submit text, choose
an analysis, and view results with minimal code.

 See what's new in the Text Analytics API for information on new releases and

 Dig in a little deeper with this sentiment analysis tutorial using Azure


 Check out our list of blog posts and more videos on how to use the Text
Analytics API with other tools and technologies in our External & Community
Content page.

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