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Research Article Volume 7 Issue No.3

Plant Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning and

Convolutional Neural Network
Anandhakrishnan MG Joel Hanson1 , Annette Joy2 , Jerin Francis 3
Depart ment of Co mputer Science Engineering
SCET, India

When plants and crops are affected by pests it affects the agricultural p roduction of the country. Us ually farmers or exp erts
observe the plants with naked eye for detection and identification of disease. But this method can be time processing, expens ive
and inaccurate. Automatic detection using image p rocessing techniques provide fast and accurate results. This paper is concerned
with a new approach to the development of p lant disease recognition model, based on leaf image classification, by the use of deep
convolutional networks. Advances in co mputer v ision present an opportunity to expand and enhance th e practice of precise p lant
protection and extend the market of co mputer vision applications in the field of precision agricu lture. Novel way of training and
the methodology used facilitate a quick and easy system imp lementation in pract ice. A ll essential steps required for imp lement ing
this disease recognition model are fu lly described throughout the paper, starting fro m gathering images in order to create a
database, assessed by agricultural experts , a deep learning framework to perform the deep CNN train ing. This method paper is a
new approach in detecting plant diseases using the deep convolutional neural network trained and fine -tuned to fit accurately to
the database of a plant’s leaves that was gathered independently for d iverse plant diseases. The ad vance and novelty of the
developed model lie in its simp licity; healthy leaves and background images are in line with other classes, enabling the mode l to
distinguish between diseased leaves and healthy ones or from the environment by using deep CNN.

Keywords: Convolutional neural networks , deep learning, Image processing, Plant disease, Rectified Linear Units.

I. INTRODUCTION were used with the aim of detection and classificat ion of plant
diseases. In machine learning and cognitive science, ANN is
The problem of efficient plant disease protection is closely an information-processing paradigm that was inspired by the
related to the problems of sustainable agriculture way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process
Inexperienced pesticide usage can cause the development of informat ion. Neural networks or connectionist systems are a
long-term resistance of the pathogens, severely reducing the computational approach used in co mputer science and other
ability to fight back. Timely and accurate diagnosis of plant research disciplines, which is based on a large collection of
diseases is one of the pillars of precision agriculture. It is neural units (art ificial neurons), loosely mimicking the way a
crucial to prevent unnecessary waste of financial and other biological b rain solves problems with large clusters of
resources, thus achieving healthier production in this changing biological neurons connected by axons. Each neural unit is
environment, appropriate and timely d isease identification connected with many others, and links can be enforcing or
including early p revention has never been mo re important. inhibitory in their effect on the activation state of connected
There are several ways to detect plant pathologies. Some neural units. Each individual neural unit may have a
diseases do not have any visible symptoms, or the effect summation function which co mb ines the values of all its
becomes noticeable too late to act, and in those situations, inputs together. There may be a threshold function or limiting
a sophisticated analysis is obligatory. However, most function on each connection and on the unit itself, such that
diseases generate some kind of man ifestation in the visible the signal must surpass the limit before propagating to other
spectrum, so the naked eye examination of a trained neurons. These systems are self-learning and trained, rather
professional is the prime technique adopted in practice for than explicit ly programmed, and excel in areas where the
plant disease detection. In order to achieve accurate plant solution or feature detection is d ifficult to express in a
disease diagnostics a plant pathologist should possess good traditional co mputer program. Neural networks typically
observation skills so that one can identify characteristic consist of mult iple layers or a cube design, and the signal path
symptoms. Variat ions in symptoms indicated by diseased traverses fro m front to back. Back propagation is the use of
plants may lead to an imp roper diagnosis since amateur forward stimulation to reset weights on the "front" neural units
gardeners and hobbyists could have more difficulties and this is sometimes done in comb ination with training where
determining it than a professional plant pathologist. An the correct result is known. More modern networks are a bit
automated system designed to help identify p lant diseases by more free flo wing in terms of stimulat ion and inhibit ion with
the plant’s appearance and visual symptoms could be of great connections interacting in a much more chaotic and co mp lex
help to amateurs in the gardening process and also trained fashion. Dynamic neural networks are the most advanced, in
professionals as a verification system in disease diagnostics. that they dynamically can, based on rules, form new
Advances in computer vision present an opportunity to expand connections and even new neural units while disabling others.
and enhance the practice of precise plant protection and extend The goal of the neural network is to solve problems in the
the market of computer vision applications in the field of same way that the human brain would, although several neural
precision agriculture. Exp loit ing common d igital image networks are more abstract. Modern neural network pro jects
processing techniques such as colour analysis and thresholding typically work with a few thousand to a few million neural

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 5324
units and millions of connections, which are still several preprocessing is the technique of enhancing data Furthermore,
orders of magnitude less complex than the human brain and procedure of image p reprocessing involved cropping of all the
closer to the computing power of a worm. New brain research images manually, making the square around the leaves, in
often stimulates new patterns in neural networks. One new order to highlight the region of interest (plant leaves). During
approach is using connections which span much further and the phase of co llecting the images for the dataset, images with
lin k processing layers rather than always being localized to smaller resolution and dimension less than 500 pixels were not
adjacent neurons. Other research being explored with the considered as valid images for the dataset. In addition, only
different types of signal over time that axons propagate, such the images where the region of interest was in higher
as Deep Learning, interpolates greater comp lexity than a set of resolution were marked as elig ible candidates for the dataset.
Boolean variab les being simply on or off. Their inputs can In that way, it was ensured that images contain all the needed
also take on any value between 0 and 1. Also, the neuron has informat ion for feature learning. Many resources can be found
weights for each input and an overall b ias. The weights are by searching across the Internet, but their relevance is often
real numbers exp ressing importance of the respective inputs to unreliable. In the interest of confirming the accuracy of classes
the output. The bias is used for controlling how easy the in the dataset, initially grouped by a key words search,
neuron is getting to output 1. For a neuron with really big bias agricultural experts examined leaf images and labeled all the
it is easy to output 1, but when the bias is very negative then it images with appropriate disease acronym. As it is known, it is
is difficult to output 1. important to use accurately classified images for the training
and validation dataset. Only in that way may an appropriate
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS and reliable detecting model be developed. In this stage,
duplicated images that were left after the init ial iteration of
The entire procedure of developing the model for plant disease gathering and grouping images into classes were removed
recognition using deep CNN is described fu rther in detail. The fro m the dataset.
complete process is divided into several necessary stages in
subsections below, starting with gathering images for Neural Network Training
classification process using deep neural networks. Train ing the deep convolutional neural network for making an
image classification model fro m a dataset was proposed.
Dataset Tensor Flow is an open source software library for nu merical
Appropriate datasets are required at all stages of object computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph
recognition research, starting fro m training phase to evaluating represent mathemat ical operations, wh ile the graph edges
the performance of recognition algorith ms. All the images represent the mult idimensional data arrays (tensors)
collected for the dataset were downloaded fro m the Internet, communicated between them. The flexib le architecture allows
searched by disease and plant name on various sources you to deploy computation to one or mo re CPUs or GPUs in a
.Images in the dataset were grouped into different classes desktop, server, or mob ile device with a single API. Tensor
which represented plant diseases which could be visually Flow was originally developed by researchers and engineers
determined fro m leaves. In order to distinguish healthy leaves working on the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine
fro m d iseased ones, one more class was added in the dataset. It Intelligence research organization for the purposes of
contains only images of healthy leaves. An extra class in the conducting machine learning and deep neural netwo rks
dataset with background images was beneficial to get more research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a
accurate classification. Thus, deep neural network could be wide variety of other domains as well. In machine learning, a
trained to differentiate the leaves from the surrounding. All convolutional neural network is a type of feed -forward
duplicated images taken fro m d ifferent sources were removed artificial neural network in which the connectivity pattern
by developed python script applying the comparing procedure. between its neurons is inspired by the organization of the
The script removed the duplicates by comparing the images’ animal v isual cortex. Indiv idual cortical neurons respond to
metadata: name, size, and the date. After the automated stimuli in a restricted region of space known as the receptive
removal, images were assessed by human experts in much field. The receptive fields of different neurons partially
iteration. Next step was to enrich the dataset with augmented overlap such that they tile the visual field. The response of an
images. The main goal of the presented study is to train the individual neuron to stimuli within its receptive field can be
network to learn the features that distinguish one class from approximated mathematically by a convolution operation.
the others. Therefore, when using more augmented images, the Convolutional networks were inspired by biological processes
chance for the network to learn the appropriate features has and are variations of mu ltilayer perceptron designed to use
been increased. Finally, a database containing 30880 images minimal amounts of pre-processing. They have wide
for training and 2589 images for validation has been created. applications in image and video recognition, recommender
The augmentation process shows all supported diseases systems and natural language processing. Convolutional
together with the number of orig inal images and number of neural networks (CNNs) consist of mu ltiple layers of receptive
augmented images for every class used as training and fields. These are small neuron collect ions which process
validation dataset for the disease classification model. portions of the input image. The outputs of these collections
are then tiled so that their input regions overlap, to obtain a
Image Pre-processing and Labelling higher-resolution representation of the original image; this is
Images downloaded from the Internet were in various formats repeated for every such layer. Tiling allows CNNs to
along with different resolutions and quality. In order to get tolerate translation of the input image. Convolutional networks
better feature extract ion, final images intended to be used as may include local or global pooling layers, which co mb ine the
dataset for deep neural network classifier were preprocessed in outputs of neuron clusters. They also consist of various
order to gain consistency. Preprocessing images common ly combinations of convolutional and fully connected layers,
involves removing low-frequency background noise, with point wise nonlinearity applied at the end of or after each
normalizing the intensity of the individual particles images, layer. A convolution operation on small reg ions of input is
removing reflections, and masking portions of images. Image introduced to reduce the number of free parameters and

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 5325
improve generalization [ .One major advantage of convolutional correlation by enforcing a local connectivity pattern between
networks is the use of shared weight in convolutional layers, neurons of adjacent layers: each neuron is connected to only a
which means that the same filter (weights bank) is used for small region of the input volume. The extent of this
each pixel in the layer; this both reduces memory footprint and connectivity is a hyper parameter called the receptive field of
improves performance. The convolutional neural network is the neuron. The connections are local in space (along width
also known as shift invariant or space invariant artificial and height), but always extend along the entire depth of the
neural network (SIANN), wh ich is named based on its shared input volume. Such architecture ensures that the learnt filters
weights architecture and translation invariance characteristics. produce the strongest response to a spatially local input
The convolutional layer is the essential build ing block of the pattern. Three hyper parameters control the size o f the output
convolutional neural network. The layer’s parameters are volume of the convolutional layer: the depth, stri de and zero-
comprised of a set of learnable kernels which possess a small padding.
receptive field but extend through the full depth of the input
volume. Rectified Linear Units (Re LU) are used as substitute 1. Depth of the output volume controls the number of
for saturating nonlinearities. Th is activation function neurons in the layer that connect to the same region of the
adaptively learns the parameters of rectifiers and imp roves input volume. A ll of these neurons will learn to activate for
accuracy at negligible ext ra co mputational cost. In the context different features in the input. For example, if the first
of artificial neural networks , the rectifier is an activation Convolutional Layer takes the raw image as input, then
function defined as: different neurons along the depth dimension may activate in
f (x)=max(0,x) the presence of various oriented edges, or blobs of color.
,where x is the input to a neuron. This is also known as a ramp 2. Stride controls how depth columns around the spatial
function and is analogous to half-wave rectification in dimensions (width and height) are allocated. When the stride
electrical engineering. This activation function was first is 1, a new depth colu mn of neurons is allocated to spatial
introduced to a dynamical network by Hahn loser et al. in a positions only 1 spatial unit apart. This leads to heavily
2000 paper in Nature with strong biological motivations and overlapping receptive fields between the columns, and also to
mathematical justifications. It has been used in convolutional large output volumes. Conversely, if higher strides are used
networks more effect ively than the widely used logistic then the receptive fields will overlap less and the resulting
sigmoid (which is inspired by probability theory; see logistic output volume will have smaller dimensions spatially.
regression) and its more practical counterpart, the hyperbolic 3. Stride controls how depth columns around the spatial
tangent. The rectifier is, as of 2015, the most popular dimensions (width and height) are allocated. When the stride
activation function for deep neural networks. Deep CNN with is 1, a new depth colu mn of neurons is allocated to spatial
ReLUs trains several times faster. This method is applied to positions only 1 spatial unit apart. This leads to heavily
the output of every convolutional and fully connected layer. overlapping receptive fields between the columns, and also to
Despite the output, the input normalizat ion is not required; it is large output volumes. Conversely, if higher strides are used
applied after ReLU nonlinearity after the first and second then the receptive fields will overlap less and the resulting
convolutional layer because it reduces top-1 and top-5 error output volume will have smaller dimensions spatially.
rates. In CNN, neurons within a hidden layer are segmented
into “feature maps.” The neurons within a feature map sh are Parameter sharing scheme is used in convolutional layers to
the same weight and bias. The neurons within the feature map control the number of free parameters. It relies on one
search for the same feature. These neurons are unique since reasonable assumption: That if one patch feature is us eful to
they are connected to different neurons in the lower layer. So compute at some spatial position, then it should also be useful
for the first hidden layer, neurons within a feature map will be to compute at a different position. In other wo rds, denoting a
connected to different regions of the input image. The hidden single 2-dimensional slice of depth as a depth slice, we
layer is segmented into feature maps where each neuron in a constrain the neurons in each depth slice to use the same
feature map looks for the same feature but at d ifferent weights and bias. Since all neurons in a single depth slice are
positions of the input image. Basically, the feature map is the sharing the same parameterization, then the forward pass in
result of apply ing convolution across an image. The each depth slice of the CONV layer can be computed as
convolutional layer is the core build ing block of a CNN. The a convolution of the neuron's weights with the input volume
layer's parameters consist of a set of learnable filters (hence the name: convolutional layer). Therefore, it is
(or kernels), which have a small receptive field, but extend common to refer to the sets of weights as a filter (or a kernel),
through the full depth of the input volume. During the forward which is convolved with the input. The result of this
pass, each filter is convolved across the width and height of convolution is an activation map, and the set of activation
the input volume, co mputing the dot product between the maps for each different filter are stacked together along the
entries of the filter and the input and producing a 2- depth dimension to produce the output volume. Parameter
dimensional activation map of that filter. As a result, the Sharing contributes to the translation invariance of the CNN
network learns filters that activate when it detects some architecture. It is impo rtant to notice that sometimes the
specific type of feature at some spatial position in the input. parameter sharing assumption may not make sense. This is
Stacking the activation maps for all filters along the depth especially the case when the input images to a CNN have
dimension forms the full output volume of the convolution some specific centred structure, in which we expect
layer. Every entry in the output volume can thus also be completely different features to be learned on different spatial
interpreted as an output of a neuron that looks at a s mall locations. One practical examp le is when the input is faces that
region in the input and shares parameters with neurons in the have been centred in the image: we might expect different eye-
same activation map. When dealing with high-dimensional specific or hair-specific features to be learned in d ifferent parts
inputs such as images, it is imp ractical to connect neurons to of the image. In that case it is common to relax the parameter
all neurons in the previous volume because such network sharing scheme, and instead simply call the layer a locally
architecture does not take the spatial structure of the data into connected layer. Another important layer of CNNs is the
account. Convolutional networks exp loit spatially local pooling layer, wh ich is a form of nonlinear down sampling.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 5326
Pooling operation gives the form of t ranslation invariance; it study will be on gathering images for enriching the database
operates independently on every depth slice of the input and and improving accuracy of the model using different
resizes it spatially. Overlapping pooling is beneficially applied techniques of fine-tuning and augmentation. The main goal for
to lessen over fitting. A lso in favour o f reducing over fitting, a the future work will be developing a complete system
dropout layer is used in the first two fully connected layers. consisting of server side components containing a trained
But the shortcoming of dropout is that it increases training model and an application for smart mob ile devices with
time 2-3 t imes comparing to a standard neural network of the features such as displaying recognized diseases in fruits,
exact arch itecture. Bayesian optimizat ion experiments also vegetables, and other plants, based on leaf images captured by
proved that ReLUs and dropout have synergy effects, which the mobile phone camera. This application will serve as an aid
means that it is advantageous when they are used together. to farmers (regardless of the level of experience), enabling fast
The advance of CNNs refers to their ability to learn rich mid- and efficient recognition of plant diseases and facilitating the
level image representations as opposed to hand-designed low- decision-making process when it comes to the use of chemical
level features used in other image classification methods. pesticides. Furthermore, future work will involve spreading the
usage of the model by train ing it for plant disease recognition
III. RES ULTS AND DISCUSS IONS on wider land areas, combining aerial photos of orchards and
vineyards captured by drones and convolution neural networks
The results presented in this section are related to training with for object detection. By extending this research, the authors
the whole database containing both original and augmented hope to achieve a valuable impact on sustainable development,
images. As it is known that convolutional networks are able to affecting crop quality for future generations.
learn features when trained on larger datasets, results achieved
when trained with only original images will not be exp lored. IV. REFERENCES
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Acknowledgement is the most beautiful part of the project

content. This is an opportunity to express our sincere gratitude
to all. First of all we bow my head before the God almighty
for the guiding us to successfully accomplishing the assigned
work of our p roject. We exp ress our whole hearted gratitude to
H.O.D, Co mputer Science Depart ment who was a source of
constant inspiration and suggestions throughout the project
work. We extend our sincere gratitude to our project guide, for
leading the way for the comp letion of the Project. Now we like
to express our sincere gratitude to our parents, friends and all
others that make the suggestions and feedbacks towards our
project wh ich indeed helped us to complete our p roject up to
an extent without any correction. Thank you all fo r your
cooperation and kind hearted support.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 5328

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