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Massenet A quoi bon I'economie/O Rosalinde from Manon AMY mod!’ S, Choisiv! 1 pourquoi? Wakbieat.. way-Pourguo’s.. on, cnwz! donner! donnez! donne en. co re! Ge sai, fa chit. te more! And more! And more! Ev ~ ‘ry-thing suits _ me! _To-night'"I_glad- ly SSS Un peu retenu, ny A our ta bea que jd jt's for my a - dored queen of beau — Un peu retenu, aa pe Esmee. a ga Tempo all de men rap. porte votre gait! oh votre out! On your gobd taste Twill” re =" ly!” On yourgood tastela Tempo All? 7 a Tempo. ze Sop. i Tenez! mnonsieur, tene: TénarbOok heze, monsieur, come SF’ Tenex! monsieur, tenez, pre. nez! Bowne LOokhere, monsieur, come tty, come buy! FTenez! monsieur, tenez, pre - neal Look here! monsieuf, come tty, come buy! ~~ gaE SESE S ¢ ay A__quoi__ ; Fa Ss il the bon_lé ~ co-no-mile Quand on a trois dés__en main, good of hoarding weasure when three dice are in your hands, EL que Von sait le che © min De Tho. de Tran svi And the Tran-syl- van-ia “Stands, a - wait™ ing gen - tle~men a p ——_= A quot bon! what's th 141 ny ) a __quoi—bon_ I | co mo-mie!., ——__ What's'the good ~of fioard=ing treasure! ... toss "| = 5 = SL = > 8 quai bow Tecostgini what's the good of hoarding treasire ! MARCHANDES, oa SF Yonex! monsieu! Tenez!prenez! tenez! prenez! TiinorsCome bay! monsieur! Come try! Come buy! Come try! Come buy! DS enez ! monsicup!Tenez! prenez!tenez! prenez! MARCHANDS. coitpuy! _ monsleyrl Come try! Copre buy Woe wyg Come buy! Tenez! ur!Tenez! prenez!tenez! prenez! Come buy! — monsieur! Come try! Come buy! Come try§Come buy! | BE Bes S37: ~ suirer with feelin, Andantino, 6924 &e ce dim sexi. i dee -nough!... Oh Rowsa-lin - da, T Andantino a Tempo. », 7 bP — dim. foe 7 = | me faudrait gravir le Pin. de,Pour te chanter comme il convient | need the an- clentart of Pin -dar, to praise yourcharm as you de ~ serve! sont tes sultames de) ln 2 de EC tes Armide et les Clo 5 rin are the Sul-ta-nas of In - dia, what are Ar-mi -da and Clo - rin erese, patna pen, 7. > SS phigegier) Rien... rien du tout, rien du tout, rien du Rees de toi, que, son elle Naught, naught at all, haught at all, naught at Next to you, What "are they’ — ara ma Ro.saslin . de, Je ‘i it my Ro-sa-lin > daji'd climb =v =. dim Pin Pin - de Pour te chan.ter “dus to sing of you fe P. Ma Rosa-lin ~ Ro-sa-lin = en retenaut peu comme il con as you de~ = ? ——— wget Ma Ro.satin ee po aT Ally 12 Tempo. 126-4 r a Choisir! choisir! A choice! A choice!No, in- aR A quoi bon 1% conomi.e, Quand on — What's the good of fioarding treasure when three a lois dés_ en main dice are in’ your hands Et. que Tou sait_ le che ~ And the’ tran Syl" Van- fa —_—_ fa = <> -min De Thé-tel de Transyl . va. ni e! A quoi bon! stands, a - wait-ing gen-tle- ten of lei . _sute! What's the good! —— . ae ee Ut * es mn And’ i i 32s ee cote, A quoi bon féconomi_. i Appro. What's the good ofhoarding trea = surel. ggg Colle to : And! ~~ —<==a=zz five un bijou... of - fer'this —=<==aa —~— = =A 4: Tempo All" bijou. Toffee un bijou pour deux bai 3 a jew~elYor you, akiss for Joffre wn if you (a oF LeseaE c eomoEOR Aa the cree) £ heece S,

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