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HRM 101 Revision questions

1. Discuss the applicability of Frederick Taylor, Max Weber and Henri Fayol's management
theories in contemporary organisations.
2. With the aid of examples, discuss how a manager can make use of McGregor’s Theory X and
Y to motivate employees.
3. With reference to any two theories of the labour process, discuss the mechanisms used by
management to instil discipline among workers.
4. Effective managers should know when and how to control their employees. Discuss factors
that managers ought to consider when determining the span of control on their
5. (a) Account for the rise of precarious work in Zimbabwe. Use relevant examples.
(b) What are the possible effects of precarious employment on employee mobilisation?

6. Discuss why planning is important to managers within an organisation? Using examples,

distinguish between operational and strategic plans.
7. What characterises the relationship between management and labour. Discuss whether it is
possible to have harmony between management and labour.
8. Explain the following terms as propounded by Michael Burawoy (1) Despotic (2) hegemony
(3) hegemonic despotism
9. Outline and explain the relationship between management and labour in the gig/share

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