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Rodrigo, Justin Marc G. Mr.

Jay Panganiban

Strength of Regional blocs

-The Purpose of Regional blocs is to reduce or eliminate unnecessary trade barriers between member
states, and to allow the free movement of goods, services, labour and capital. And it can provide countries with
the ability to exchange goods with member countries with minimal or no tariffs. One of the strength of Regional blocs
is when one country participating to compete with each other. Increased competition creates pressures for greater
efficiency within firms, which ends in lower prices for consumers. Home producers need to work with greater
efficiency to make sure survival of their goods against the low price imported goods since tariffs are removed. Overseas
producers tend to extend their production of products as they realize that the low price goods that they produce
have an improved chance of competing with home-produced goods within the market.

Emergence of Global Political Norms

-the differential impact of their electoral systems on the political participation of women, it is said that the
discriminations that can lead a woman should be removed. And the standards or norms in politics should also be the
same applicable both to women and men.

Multilateral and Bilateral relations among nation-states

- Formalised relations of Commonwealth countries, including economic, political and cultural, run along bilateral
or multilateral lines. Bilateral relation related to ties between two states. And multilateral relating relationships
of over two states, often within an intergovernmental organisation like the United Nations.

Emergence of Corporation

-The business corporation gradually emerged in response to the necessity to lock in long-term capital to make
the most of trade opportunities with Asia. Since contractual commitments to lock in capital weren't fully enforceable in
partnerships, this evolution required a legal innovation, essentially granting the corporation of an ownership over
capital. Locked-in capital exposed investors to a major loss of control, and will only emerge where and when political
institutions limited the chance of expropriation.

International Law

-International law may be a collection of rules governing relations between states. It’s a mark of how far law has
evolved that this original definition omits individuals and international organizations. Furthermore, it's now
not accurate to look at law of nations as simply a set of rules; rather, it's a rapidly developing complex of rules and
influential though in a roundabout way binding principles, practices, and assertions not to mention increasingly
sophisticated structures and processes. In its broadest sense, law of nations provides normative guidelines also as
methods, mechanisms, and a standard conceptual language to international actors.
World Governance

-World governance could be a movement towards political cooperation among transnational actors, geared

toward negotiating responses to problems that affect over one state or region. It is broadly used to designate all
regulations intended for organization and centralization of human societies on a global scale. Institutions of global
governance which is the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Bank, etc. tend to possess limited
or demarcated power to enforce compliance. Global governance involves multiple states including international
organizations with one state having more of a lead role than the remainder. The fashionable question of world
governance exists within the context of globalization and globalizing regimes of power: politically, economically and
culturally. In response to the acceleration of worldwide interdependence, both between human societies and between
humankind and therefore the biosphere, the term global governance may name the method of designating laws, rules,
or regulations intended for a worldwide scale.

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