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Name___________________________________________________________ Score _________

Subject & Section ________________________________________________ Date _________

Essay: “The State” Video Evaluation Chart

Watch “The State” hosted by Allen Sens. Use this link
v=GtcicQY49AQ and then read the instructions below carefully and answer the following questions

I. Reaction (Check the blank below)

____Very Favorable
____ Favorable

II. Your response to the video in ten words:


III. In just ten words, explain the purpose/theme/aim of the video as you see it.


IV. Make a summary of the video in ten words.


3 - Full Participation - Students wrote their reflection essays about the video in a clear and
consistent manner.
2 - Substantial Participation - Students wrote their reflection essays about the video and do so in
a somewhat consistent manner.
1 - Little or Partial Participation - Students have difficulty writing their reflection essays about
the video consistently.

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