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Name: Hannah Sophia Morales Section: PCBET-19-301P Score_________

A. Explain the following Characteristics of a Sales Career (3pts. each)

1. Working condition: As a salesman, their work revolves around as a set number

of project, They have a very challenging working condition, they are required to
travel in different places to meet their clients or assist them with the service
associated to the company’s product. Even they have a challenging job, they can
also enjoy their travel after finishing their work.

2. Ability to get recognized: a career in sales is worth exploring if you’re looking

for a high earning potential, a way to challenge yourself and grow your
professional capabilities. Because you don’t have to have a lots of characteristic
to be promoted, in sales if you are consistent in producing sales, promotion
easily follows.

3. Challenging job: There is a big difference in an office job versus sales career.
Sales is a rewarding, challenging career. Creating the most appropriate solution
for your customer and work with them to improve your and his businesses,
thinking of what does customer think. For most sales job, there is no requirement
for a degree to enter the profession. A passion and enthusiasm for learning is
essential but the skills required for success are more often learned on the job or
through bespoke training.

4. Flexible time with less supervision: this is same as the working condition,
sales are not requiring to follow the office time required to an office employee.
Their work would go to other places to meet their clients and opt for a possible
5. High earnings: the basic salary of a salesperson is higher that a typical office
employee. A sales job is where you are most likely to earn commission, for
people who are confident in their selling skills, a higher level of commission
brings the possibility of greater rewards.

B. MATCHING TYPE (Methodology of selling)

Column A

__E__1. Good salespeople are good listeners

__B__2. Entertainment is demanded in sales industry

__C__3. Technique does not determine success

__A__4. Products and services must be bought, not sold.

__D__5. Salesperson learned by study and practice

Column B

a. People don’t want to buy

b. Selling is fun

c. Selling is a bag of tricks

d. Sales people are born, not made

e. Good salespeople are good talkers

C. Expound the Concept of Professional salesmanship (10pts.)

The idea of salesmanship is quite different from the older concept of salesmanship.
It is defined as being makulit and mapilit. But the modern concept of salesmanship
has change. Now, salespersons meet the prospective customers and create the
need for the product. They make their potential customers. It is also said that the
ethical attitude of salespeople is also redefined, no more hard-sell. You have to
know first what are their interest, by that you can show them the product and can
easily made the sale. It is important to win their trust.

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