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How was the concept and sense of nationalism observed and considered in the different measures that
were used to address the dispute?

The concept of nationalism reflects on the protester’s right against the government of Hongkong
especially the Chief Executive Currie Lam. It all started with the controversial bill that allows extradition
of fugitives to mainland China that brought fear to the people that may be used to prosecute people for
political reasons under China’s system. As millions of people peacefully protested demanding the total
withdrawal of the bill, Lam only suspended the bill and riot police arrived and caused violence to the
protesters. This sends a clear message to the people that Lam is abiding China that angered the people
and increasing their demands with the motto “Five demand, not one less!”. As the people of Hongkong
continues to protest for their autonomy, foreign countries wanted to support the protest like N.B.A. but
it was later turned down due to a threat of losing valuable Chinese partnership.

Nationalism to the people of Hongkong are already given by standing together as one even
though they are not close, even though they are treated with violence, and even though the
government are not listening to them, they must protect their rights as a Hongkong citizen and question
the reason for police brutality, the reason why Lam hesitate to withdraw the bill, and to show the word
there is still nationalism.

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