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7-Ups - The Tabernacle of Moses


1. THE BRONZE BASIN represents water baptism. Sadly, many Christians stay there
at the outer court experience, thinking that it’s enough. But God always invites us to
get closer. While we are learning to draw closer to God, we should always seek His
presence to guide us, instead of following angels and revelations.
This relates to our maturity level. Maturity relates to our response to the voice of
God. The 3rd level of maturity is a building mentality, people with this maturity
would always think of how to sow into others so that they can do the same. (1
Corinthians 4)

2. THE 5 PILLARS OF GRACE which are patience, humility, forgiveness, favor and
equality that God has so graciously shown us. Because of that, we should always
choose to love God and only focus on Him. One of the key is to worship God which
satisfy His heart.

3. THE HOLY PLACE- One thing John mentioned was that the furniture outside of the
Holy Place were made of bronze, and the most precious furniture that built for
offering were kept in the Holy Place, so actually not many people could see them.
This is a great reminder that a lot of times when we give offering to God or minister
to Him, it is not intent to be seen by others, it’s only for God and not for pleasing
people. We need to be okay with that.



4. GOLDEN ALTAR OF INCENSE. There are 5 fragrances in the incense and they
represent different types of prayers. It is important to have repentance, which is like
salt that purifies our body & soul. Contemplation helps us soak in the love of Father
God and let the Holy Spirit heal our body and soul. Daily devotional prayers make
our hearts yearn for the intimacy with Father God.
John mentioned that when the priest knelt, the height of the altar would be where
his mouth was. This reminds us what comes out of our lips is crucial. In Ephesians
4:29-32 Paul told us to allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our lips.

5. THE MOST HOLY PLACE – To be honest, we were shocked to find out that the Most
Holy Place was by a “Come up here” invitation only! But that just make us realize
intimacy with the Father is the most precious. We should not stop at the “oh, it’s
only for the special few, so why border to try” mentality. We, the SDU, should try to
attain the impossible. James 4 tells us, if we draw near to God, HE WILL draw near to
us. Who knows, some of us might get the “invitation”.
In the meanwhile, we should reflect our lives with these questions -
o How much of my focus and priority is put in the Most Holy Place, to seek out the
Father's heart?
o How many "NO’s” do I say to preserve the space for God to speak and for me to
enjoy the presence of God?
o How much do I maintain partnership with God as I go through my daily life?



The Tabernacle of Moses still applies to our walk with God today. We should always
reflect on ourselves, to see if we are at the outer court, the Holy Place or the Holy of
Are we constantly working for Jesus but not with Him? We need to spend time with
Him in prayer and worship. In the midst of our busy HK lives, we choose to honor
Him first with our time, then all other things will be put in place. We are so inspired
by the mother of 7 children, including John and Charles Wesley. She trained herself
to give God her time 1st, and trained her children to respect that. And she
eventually reaped the fruit of her children greatly used by God.

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