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archives of civil and mechanical engineering 14 (2014) 354–359

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Original Research Article

Method of identifying nonlinear characteristic of

energy dissipation in dynamic systems with one
degree of freedom

M. Bocian *, M. Kulisiewicz
Wroclaw University of Technology, Institute of Materials Science and Applied Mechanics, Smoluchowskiego 25 Str.,
50-370 Wroclaw, Poland

article info abstract

Article history: A method of determining the shape of the vibration damping characteristic in systems with
Received 15 May 2013 one degree of freedom in the case when the characteristic depends not only on the velocity
Accepted 13 November 2013 but also in an unknown way depends on the displacement has been developed. The method
Available online 15 December 2013 is intended for determining the specific form of the mathematical function describing this
dependence. The method utilizes an appropriate analysis of experimentally determined
Keywords: traces of free vibrations of the system. The method has been verified on a few selected
Nonlinear mechanical systems computer systems.
Dynamics # 2013 Politechnika Wrocławska. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All
Vibrations rights reserved.

materials is not linear. This is observed already for quasi-static

1. Introduction
loads inducing deformations with given constant velocities.
Moreover, the strain–stress dependences obtained at constant
The dynamic properties of most construction materials are velocities often depend on the velocity with which specific
usually described by a stiffness parameter and a viscous strength tests (tensile, compressive, torsional, etc.) are con-
damping parameter determining the rate of energy dissipa- ducted while the moduli of elasticity determined in this way
tion. The parameters stem from the traditionally adopted often significantly depend on the rate of deformation and
rheological Kelvin model [1], which was the basis for change depending on the deformation level (nonlinear
developing, among other things, the well-known method of dependence). This is observed not only in the case of many
analyzing dynamic mechanical systems, called experimental non-metallic construction materials (plastics and composites),
modal analysis [2–4]. However, the analytical description of but also for the deformation of biological materials, e.g. human
the dynamic properties of novel construction materials as well and animal bones [5–9]. This indicates that the linear Hooke
as biological materials (biomaterials) often poses difficulties model which is traditionally adopted in the mechanics of
due to the fact that the strain–stress dependence in these materials is unreliable for a very wide range of materials.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 71 320 27 54.

E-mail address: (M. Bocian).
1644-9665/$ – see front matter # 2013 Politechnika Wrocławska. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 14 (2014) 354–359 355

Fig. 1 – Example of dynamic system in which tested material

acts on concentrated mass m in accordance with Eq. (1).

Hence there is a need to look for new rheological models of

materials and to develop new identification methods for Fig. 2 – Scheme of adopted model.
The idea put forward by the authors of this paper is to build
such a (possibly simplest) dynamic system whose elasto-
damping element would be wholly made of the tested material
while the movement of concentrated mass m attached in a
specified point to this element would be described by a simple leads to a qualitatively new process modeling of vibration of
differential equation in the form mechanical systems similarly as it have place today in
mechatronics [10,11].
€ þ sð?Þ ¼ pðtÞ
mx (1)

where x stands for time function x(t) describing the movement

2. Theoretical basis of the method
of mass m, and p(t) is the exciting force. Moreover, it is assumed
that the action of the tested elasto-damping element on mass
m is described by unknown force S which is a function of Differential equation (4) describes the motion of concentrat-
displacement x and velocity v. An example of such solution ed mass m in the adopted dynamic model having the form
can be a beam made of the tested material that is rigidly shown in Fig. 2. In the case of nonlinear and unknown
constrained at one end and a concentrated mass m is attached functions k(x), fs(x), it is impossible to obtain solution x(t) of
to the other end (Fig. 1). If mass m jest is sufficiently large in this equation. One can notice, however, that for oscillating
comparison with the mass of the beam, then one can assume motion there exist such instants ti in which acceleration x €ðtÞ
that Eq. (1) sufficiently accurately describes the vibrations of is equal to zero. In such instants velocity v ¼ x, _ regardless of
mass m. In this paper it is assumed, a priori, that force S(x,v) the form of the solution, must reach extreme values since
has the form € ¼ dv=dt.
In order to facilitate the analysis let us assume that p(t) = 0,
Sðx; vÞ ¼ ½k þ kðxÞv þ f s ðxÞ (2)
which corresponds to free vibrations. Thus for instant t = ti one
where k(x) is a certain unknown displacement function satis- gets:
fying the condition
€ðti Þ ¼ 0; xðt
x _ i Þ ¼ vðti Þ ¼ vi ; xðti Þ ¼ xi (5)
kðx ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0 (3)
According to differential equation (4), values vi, xi for p(t) = 0
It is apparent that for k(x) = 0 and fs(x) = cx relation (2) defines must satisfy the following algebraic equation:
force S in the Kelvin model, i.e. the model commonly used in
½k þ kðxi Þvi þ f s ðxi Þ ¼ 0 (6)
engineering practice to describe the mechanical vibrations of
dynamic systems. Term k(x) (in any form) was introduced Hence the following relation is obtained:
because damping properties often depend on the level (state)
f s ðxi Þ
of material deformation. For example, the resistance of the  ¼ k þ kðxi Þ ¼ yðxi Þ (7)
fluids moving in the canaliculi of a deformed bone is greater
than in an undeformed bone since the canaliculi in the former where y(x) is a certain unknown function of variable x. As one
bone are narrowed. can notice, the graph of this function corresponds to that of the
To sum up, a dynamic model of a system described by the characteristic k(x) shifted parallel by constant k.
equation Relation (7) can be used to determine constant k and
function k(x) in a given interval of variable x if:
€ þ ½k þ kðxÞx_ þ f s ðxÞ ¼ pðtÞ
mx (4)

was adopted in this paper. A scheme of the model is shown in  a certain set of data xi, vi is experimentally determined (by
Fig. 2. measurement) for values sufficiently densely filling the
The aim of the method described below is to determine given interval of variable x,
constant k and function k(x) for arbitrarily nonlinear elasticity  function fs(x) is known (e.g. has been determined by static
characteristic fs(x) describing pure elastic interactions. Eq. (4) measurements) in the given interval of variable x.
356 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 14 (2014) 354–359

Knowing the shape of the diagram of yi versus xi pðxÞ

f s ðxÞ ¼ (12)
½k þ kðxÞv0
f ðx Þ
yi ¼  s i (8)
It is apparent that if the form of function k(x) is unknown,
one can adopt a certain class of function k(x) (a linear function, function fs(x) cannot be determined from quasi-static mea-
a polynomial of any degree, an exponential function, etc.) and surements. However, the lower the given velocity v0, the more
approximate it for the experimental data in the given interval similar the relation p(x) to sought function fs(x) since according
of variable x. to relation (11) the following holds true:

limv0 ! 0 pðxÞ ¼ f s ðxÞ (13)

3. Description of the application of the method
Hence the best solution for estimating characteristic fs(x) in
this case seems to be to use the static method and relation (9).
The basis for the use of the described method is the precise Having obtained the static characteristic fs(x) one should
determination of static characteristic fs(x) in the given interval make the system vibrate freely by setting different (e.g.
of changes in displacement x. In the case of static tests randomly selected) initial conditions:
consisting in successively applying static loads pv = const
xð0Þ ¼ x0 ; vð0Þ ¼ v0 (14)
(v = 1, 2, . . ., n) and recording the constant displacements xv at
which x_ v ¼ 0, one directly gets and then from the time functions x €ðtÞ; xðtÞ;
_ xðtÞ recorded for
them one should select the values of vi, xi in time instants ti, for
f s ðxv Þ ¼ pv (9)
which x €ðti Þ ¼ 0, to obtain the following two-column matrix:
whereas in the case of quasi-static tests in which such load p(t) 2 3
v1 x1
is applied at which displacements increasing at constant rate 6 v2 x2 7
v0 are obtained (as in typical strength tests), one gets: E0 ¼ 6 7
4 . . . . . . 5 ¼ ½vi ; xi  ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; sÞ (15)
vs xs
xðtÞ ¼ v0 t (10)

(see Fig. 3). Substituting the values in the successive rows of

½k þ kðxÞv0 þ f s ðxÞ ¼ pðxÞ (11)
this matrix into relation (8) one gets appropriate values yi of
hence variable y, forming the following matrix Ec

Fig. 3 – Illustration of method of determining values xi, vi from free vibration diagrams.
archives of civil and mechanical engineering 14 (2014) 354–359 357

Fig. 4 – (a) Exemplary free vibration diagrams for System 1: x0 = 1.5, c3 = 0. (b) Exemplary free vibration diagrams for System 2:
x0 = 1.5, c3 = 10,000. (c) Exemplary free vibration diagrams for System 3: x0 = 1.5, c3 = 0, ABS(kappa). (d) Exemplary free
vibration diagrams for System 4: x0 = 1.5, c3 = 10,000, ABS(kappa).

2 3
y1 x1
6y x2 7
Ec ¼ 6 2
7 ¼ ½y ; xi  ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; sÞ (16)
...5 i 4. Computer verification of the method
ys xs

Examining relation yi(xi) in the form of a two-dimensional The practical functioning of the above method was tested on
diagram of dependent variable y versus independent variable four dynamic systems described by Eq. (4). The verification
x one should: tests for the systems were carried out for both linear and
nonlinear functions fs(x), k(x) and the numerical data are
a. select a particular shape of function k(x), shown in Table 1.
b. calculate the constant parameters of the selected function For the tests it was assumed that the elasticity character-
(including parameter k), using the well-known methods of istics for all the systems were precisely determined. The aim of
parametric optimization (e.g. nonlinear regression analysis the tests was to determine constant k and function k(x). The
[12]). systems were built using the Matlab Simulink software.

Table 1 – Numerical data on tested systems.

m [kg] c1 [N/m] c3 [N/m3] k [Ns/m] k0 k(x)
System 1 20 800 0 40 600 k0 x v
System 2 20 800 0 40 600 k0 x jxj v
System 3 20 800 10,000 40 600 k0 x v
System 4 20 800 10,000 40 600 k0 x jxj v

Table 2 – Results of identification.

k [N/m] k0
System 1 (c3 = 0) 40.00  0.01 599.98  0.13
System 2 (c3 = 0) 40.00  0.01 603.12  14.79
System 3 40.00  0.01 600.07  0.16
System 4 40.00  0.01 590.87  16.24
358 archives of civil and mechanical engineering 14 (2014) 354–359

Fig. 5 – Relations yi(xi) for tested systems and their approximations (continuous lines).

Different initial conditions for displacement x0 in the systems obtained results. Such synchronization can be difficult in the
were set at v0 = 0 and p(t) = 0. In total, 15 different initial case of real measurements performed on real objects, which
conditions for x0 ranging from x0 = 0.01 to x0 = 0.15 at a step of requires further research. It would be also interesting to
0.01 were set for each of the systems. Exemplary time extend the developed method for the so-called degenerated
diagrams for selected initial conditions for all the tested systems which are used, among other things, in the process of
systems are shown in Fig. 4. piercing ballistic shields [13].
Four values of xi in instants ti determined in the previous
section of this paper were selected for each of the initial
condition, using a dedicated software. In this way about 60
values xi (i = 1, 2, . . ., 60) and extreme velocity values vi were
obtained for which the corresponding values of yi were
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