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The end goal for most of these suggestions is to ultimately improve the gaming experience

while at the same time, not hindering the profits but in actual fact, gaining, a win-win situation for
both parties. This is what we have observed from the past 4 months of gameplay. List is done
by Club SG, server 7.

1. Better events
It's okay if some events require spending gems to clear if the rewards are good too. If rewards
are bad and the event is ridiculously difficult to clear, people will lose interest. In games, after
the initial hype, events are what keep it alive.
E.g. there are many people who spend a ton of gems on gb keepsake event and didn't even get
to the last stage.

2. Fair treatment of servers (at least treat us like TW server if you want to say CN server is like
that because they are new at that point of time)
You can change the order of banners, but give us our awakening chips drop rate and login
events and bt in mall. We are sea server players, but that does not make us second-class
players, if we are treated like second-class players then we would have to vote with our wallet.

3. More direct channel of communication with devs and players, or at least devs and big
spenders or devs and community influencers. If there are important feedback from your
customers, and you're not taking it, then we will stop being your customers. Having an official
discord group would serve this purpose.

4. Def gear pity

Come on, we know that defense gear is made to be useless in the game, and its fine to have
some rng element to let you get good stuff and bad stuff, however the rates are rigged and we
all know that, even the Line CS admitted it. At least give some sort of pity system for getting
useable gear. If you want people to spend on getting orange gear, make sure that they are not
getting useless stuff.

5. Transparency of events (at least 3-4 days notice)

Again on the same point, you want your players to be hyped about your game. We see
advertisements of events, WEEKS AFTER the event is over, and we have no idea what event is
coming tomorrow. No way to stay hyped if we don't even think that there will be anything

6. Retroactive saitama omni

This point has been reiterated on multiple times. Why would you treat SEA server as if we are
an inferior server? Saitama memory gives a lot of stats early on and its just not fun to be stuck
at a certain picture. the memory shards were donated previously and it is clearly stored in a
text/number field and can be easily retrieved since I can even see it in game under the
achievements tab.

7. Hidden nerfs
Players do look online for content of a game that they are interested in playing in. We do see
whats going on in other servers, while we don't expect it to be exactly the same, awakening chip
drop rate being nerfed to being less than half the value on CN/TW server is just atrocious.
Similarly, the def gear drop rate issue was fixed in CN server.

8. Double charge handling

There have been players who got double charged. The right way to handle it is to apologise
since it is the game's fault and refund and provide some additional rewards for the player.
Nothing proper was done in this instance.
e.g. player was charged an additional 50 SGD, he was not refunded the money, did not receive
a response from the support in game, and only got late responses from line CS, in which he
only got 140 funds, which is ridiculous because 50 SGD is worth a lot more funds, and he
should be getting refunded back his money, since it is a double charge and not a purchase that
he made.

9. Quality of Life (QoL) buffs

Saitama assistant is one big QoL buff we see in china and taiwan server. Preventing player
burnout and ensuring player retention is a game company's priority and not implementing such
features would just be destructive for your player base. I would like to suggest gear presets and
a "favourite" option for gears (so that you can access it conveniently and be unable to dismantle

10. More community engagement or make the discord servers official.

Players stay for not just the game, but the community, perhaps the club they are in, or the
friends they have made in the game. Creating community engagement would enhance your
player retention.

11. Weekend activities

I also would like to suggest weekend activities such as double badge weekends, badges are a
resource that players always lack in the game, and it would make players feel more rewarded
and having something to look forward to in the game. It will not break the game by players
obtaining a few more badges. Spending players would also be more incentivised to spend on
diamonds and stamina to get more badges on weekends. Players have more fun and the
company also will earn more money with higher player retention and players spending more.

12. RnD rewards

I hope you could also take a look at random packs and work on giving better worst rewards. For
example in the daily random pack(1USD), the worst reward is a demon badge or A class badge,
while it is cheap, people don't like receiving items that have absolutely no use. There are not
that many units to use it on, and frankly speaking it is not very useful to have much more than 1
on each unit since you have to spend a lot of star ascension cards for a minuscule increase in
stats. People will be more willing to buy such packs if the useless items were removed from it.

13. Banner rewards

We've also noticed that the there were black tickets at 120 pulls for some banners and it was
subsequently changed to talent drop buffs on subsequent banners. Since black tickets are
essential to this game, players feel like they are being shortchanged and since they don't like
the future direction of the game, they quit.

14. Club contest design

Club contest is awkwardly designed and I understand that there is a newer version of it on the
china server. The current club contest is badly designed because the top clubs have a chance
of meeting on tuesday and have a bad ranking. It is also troublesome for spenders who are
busy to do it. Some bigger spenders feel that it is poorly designed and they are finding the game
not fun due to not having an advantage from this game mode. Perhaps the newer club contest
could be brought forward.

15. Club boss overkill

Club boss is also awkwardly designed since there is a big gap between the 4th boss
geryuganshoop and boros. There is nothing much people can do till get a lot more stats and
wait for zombieman. Players are punished for dealing too much damage since they have to
control their damage and deal only within 50-60M damage in 3 attempts for maximum rewards,
some people are dealing easily 3 times that damage but they are punished for doing so since it
prevents other players from hitting it. There is no goal for players at this point of time and the
bigger spenders are getting bored. Allowing players to keep hitting a dead boss would fix this

16. PvE game modes

Some of the top players have already finished certain content like institute of genetics and there
is a lack of PvE content right now, there could be extension of such game modes like more
floors on the institute of genetics.

17. Login in at specific timings for rewards

Many players are working and thus unable to do so. Suggest that stamina claims at
10am/4pm/8pm to have no diamond cost if we miss the timings. Could also implement to start
the day with 3 Club Boss tokens, thus, not needing the 6 hour recharge.

18. Confirmation/warning window when using diamonds on buttons that are prone to
For example, things like hosting parties, refreshing core trial characters, refreshing home
training, etc.

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