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Reconstruction Amendments Flashcards and “Test” Directions

For this assessment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of concepts that we have
learned so far in this lesson about the Reconstruction Amendments. This is a formative
assessment, which means that it shows me (your teacher) how you (the students) are progressing
in the lesson! Follow the directions below to complete the Quizlet assessment.

Quizlet Instructions:
 This is an in-class assessment!
 Go to the class website’s “Assessments” tab and scroll down until you see the Quizlet
flashcards on the screen. (
 These flashcards cover concepts related to the Reconstruction Amendments that we have
talked about so far.
 Take 5 minutes to review the concepts on the flashcards. I will keep time and tell you
when the 5 minutes is complete.
 After 5 minutes, look at the bottom right of the embedded Quizlet box, and click on the
box that says “Choose a Study Mode.”
 Select “Test.”
 Complete the test that appears on your screen. After you are done, select “Check
 Take a screenshot of your score and any answers that you got incorrect. Upload these
screenshots to the form entitled “Submit Score Here.”
 After you have submitted your score and any incorrect answers, you have completed the

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