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Hi guys!

3 chapters down, 7 to go....Gamay nalang jud kulang MAG PRELIM nata after ani...I know excited namo! Be
inspired guys coz you are my inspiration in making this. 

(Please allocate 20 seconds (more or less) to Pray before starting). Thanks

And without delay: Let’s start chapter 4!!

Chapter 4: Data Management

Learning Objectives:

1. Discuss the storage of data in files and records 4. Describe the importance of effective data and
2. Understanding the relationships between data datebase management
and processing 5. Understand documentation pertaining to data
3. Discuss the database approach to data for a typical AIS
management and the advantages it orrers
over file-oriented approach


As we learned in Chapter 1, an AIS is defined as a unified sturucture within a firm that employs physical resources
and other components to transform economic data into accounting information, with the purpose of satisfying
the information needs of a variety of users.

Data per se have very little value if they are not organized. Therefore, data must be organized generally by means
of data models. In fact, data can be defined broadly to include two interrelated components: (1) Data models –
that provide structure to data, and data values.

Managing a fimr’s data resource involves four major functions:

1. Creation of the records and the repository into which data stored.
2. Maintenance of the repository through activities such as adding new records and updating existing
records records,
3. Retrieval of data stored in the repository, and
4. Archival or removal of data

Discuss what is a procedure place your answer below after the end of this chapter summary. (ingun akong spy dili
daw mo mobasa, largo ra daw mos questions, awh anhi nako ibutang ang question)
Relationship of Data

In today’s business world, data are abundant and are available in many different forms. In general, a
single peice of data is rarely as useful or valuable as when it is combined with other data.

Data about entities

An Entity is an object, person, or event about which the firm wants to collect and maintain data. What
are attributes and what kind of attributes the businesses are interested? That is your 2nd essay question.
For Example, a shipping adress may hold five data elements: street adress, city, state, zip code, and

Data Models

Data arising from transactions and other sources must be stored and manipulated in some sort of a
repository. This stored and base of data includes identification data, dates, quantities, dollar amounts,
explanations, and so forth. Traditionally, data repositories have primarily been implemented as files.
More recently however, fims are recognizing data as a valued resource and are choosing to store the
data in a database.

The Data within an AIS are generally organized in a way that allows for quick access and updating by the
various applications in the AIS. This is accomplished by grouping data into records, which each records
consists of a set of fields. In turn, data elements are composed of characters such as letters, numbers,
and symbols.

Hierarchy of Data in file – oriented systems.

Computerized data storage and management require formalized procedures that must be strictly
followed. The identity and location of each data elements must be precisely specified, and each data
access must be carefully managed so that data are neither damaged nor lost.

Data element

Every recorded atribute of an entity is a data element. Examples include customer name for the entity
customer, inventory item number for the entity inventory item, and location code for the entity building.

Field length

A field length is the number of contiguous position required to store a data elemen. In determining field
length, the largest possible value of the data element is considered. For example, a multinational
company operating in 170 countries would need a three-position field to record the data element.

Data Type

The type of a data element refers to teh class of data stored in a particular field. Available data types
vary across systems; however, the most common data types are charater, numeric, date, and raw.
Another important, but less common data type is variant. A variant data type handles all fundamental
types of data and converts between them automatically.
Data Value

A data value is simply the actual data stored in a field. A Domain of values for any data element
comprises all posible calues that the element may take.


Please discuss the concept of record as one heirarchy of data in file-oriented systems. This will be your
3rd question. Sayon ra kaayo ang identification noh? Kay pa sunod ra. Your welcome?haha


A File is a collection of data elements that have been organized into records. A file typically holds data
that are similar in nature. For example, a customer file may hold records containing general customer
information, such as account number, company name, contact name, shipping adress, mailing address,
telephone number, and fax number.

File-Oriented systems

In a file-oriented systems, each application has a limited number of users who are involved in processing
specific types of captured data and employing the outputs for their specialized needs. For your fourth
essay question, what are the four common types of data files? ellaborate them.

Other data files are derivative in nature. Like the history file, an open document file is derived from the
transaction file. A report file is derived from records within a master or transaction files. A backup file
is a copy of a current file. A suspense file is a collection of those records of a transaction file that appear
to contain erroneous or questionable data.

Record key

Certain fields within a record, designated as keys, can serve as a way to identify records within a file.
The two most common types of keys are primary keys and secondary keys. A primary key, also called a
record key, uniquely identifies each record within the file. Therefore, this field must always contain a
data value, and the data value of this field must be different from every record in the file. A secondary
key is a field other than the primary key. It represents an alternative way by which to sequence the
records logically within a file. A secondary key is not required to have a unique value for each record in
a file.


A flag is a type of data element that the system monitors. It is a field within a record which contains a
symbol or character used to control the processing of a record. This type of data element, used only by
computer-based applications within the AIS, is not visible to the end user. In other words, a flag is a
system-managed field that is transparent to the user.
Logical View versus Physical storage of records

In describibg information systems, espacially data within such systems, two terms are often used: Logical
and Physical. Now, for your fifth question, what the difference between logical view and physical view of
records? What’s there purpose? And are they fused or not? File organization refers to the methods by
which the data in logical records are stored on physical storage media. Structurally, a file stored on a
physical medium can be treated as a collection of physical records.

Design considerations for records and files

In designing files and records withon such files, several data management questions need to be
addressed. For example, who uses the file and for what purpose, how should the file be organized and
accessed, and for how long should the contents of the file be retained.

Establishing record structure.

The structure of a record is defined by its content, arrangement, modes of data fields, length of fields,
and keys. Transaction records are usually aranged somewhat in accordance the placement of the
elements on the source documents. The data types and lenghts of fields depend on the nature of the
data elements place therein, while the keysgenerally expressed as codes. An important design matters
concerns the extent to which records should should be consolidated.

Documenting data in file-oriented systems

A record-level documentation of data is provided by means of the record layout. A record layout shows
the respective fields that ake up a record and the sequence in which they appear within the record.
Kindly discuss the Benefits and limitations of File-oriented systems. This will serve as your sixth task.
Additional features concerning a record may be included in a record layout. One such feature is the type
of each data element.

Hierarchy of Data in data-base systems

The hierarchy of data in data-base systems begins with the data element. The collection of thte related
data elements of an entity is organized in record-like structures, and the collection of related records is
called a data set, data segment, or a data table.

Data sets

A data set (or data segment or table) is a collection of related records, much like a file. Unlike
files, data sets exists in harmony with other related data, creating linkages accross data sets.

Data Base

A data base is a totality of data structures that comprise both the data sets and relationships
among them. Thus data are centrally stored in a repository shared by many user groups,
departments, and functions. Since data base is common repository of data serving many
applilcations, the stucturing of data is independent of how the applications “call for” data of their
Data-basse systems

In a data-base systems, data are considered as a shared, central resourcesfor all concerned users and
their applications. A data base system recognizes data as a valued resources to be managed for the use
and benefit of multiple applications, organizational units, and users. Data stored in a data base support
this approach by providing an integrated repository of data designed for use by multiple applications.
Therefore, this approach is often called data-base-oriented approach.

The scope of the data-base approach is quite elastic. Ellaborate the system called data-base
management system, who manages the said system, and what other job does the person manages the
system have other than managing DBMS? Although it may span only two applications, (Fig. 4-4), it can
extend to the activities an entities of the entire organization or firm. A data base that spans an entire
enterprise is often called a data warehouse.

Data bases can be organized and constructed for a great variety of purposees, such as cataloging books
in libraries and storing medical histories in hospitals.

Documenting Data in Data-base systems

Related data elements are grouped together within a data base to represent an entity. As we recall, an
entity is all of the events experienced by the firm, the resources that it employs, and the agents with
whom it deals. By logically grouping data concerning entities, we form the bases of a conceptual data
model. Understanding the conceptual data model of data can be greatly enhanced by two
documentation techniques: a data dictionary and an entity relationship diagram.

Data Dictionary

Record layouts are not suitable when data are stored in data bases. A data dictionary that focuses on
the data elements themselves is needed. A data dictionary enables the users to access and maintain the
data. Since data dictionary describes data characteristics and relationships, it may also be called data
about data or metadata.

In a computerized system the data dictionary is often stored within the system itself, via data-base
management software (called an integrated data dictionary) or a separate (standalone) data dictionary
software package.

Data dictionaries may also be classified as active or passive. For your 8th task, please discuss the
benefits and risks of data-base systems.

E-R Diagram

In addition to a data dictionary, data organization is accomplished by building relationships or

associations among clients. These relationships define how entities interact with one another at a
conceptual level.
An entity-relationship (E-R) diagram represents the conceptual data model by graphically depecting
entities and the relationships among them. According to convention, rectangle represnets entities and
diamonds represent relationships.

Choosing between file-oriented and data-base systems

As your 9th essay statement, what is the difference of a file-oriented and data-base systems as kinds of
filling sytems. Highlight the features of a file-oriented, as well as the features of data-base systems. And
if you are to choose, what filling system would you prefer to use?

Interaction between data and processing

Although both data entry and data organization are critical to the succes of an AIS, neither provides any
real value to a business unless the data within the system are processed to create business information.
Processing requires procedure. Compute-based procedured called programs are written using a
computer language such as C++ or visual basic. Data processing is discussed in chapter 5.

Documenting relationships between data and data processing

Describing the interactions between data and processing is often accomplished by the use of Data-flow
diagram (DFD) and entity-relationship diagram. Data-flow diagrams are popular documentation tool
because they provide a pictorial view or sources of data and entities involved in generating or using new
or stored data. Data-flow diagrams are widely used by business analysts, accountants, and auditors as
well as systems analysts, and are often jointly prepared.

For your tenth essay task, please ellaborate the following:

1. Logical data-flow diagram

2. Context diagram
3. Level-zero diagram
4. Level-one diagram, &
5. Physical data-flow daigram

Well done! Now let’s proceed to other types of activity.

Chapter 4: Identification

1. It contains tables or lists of data needed for making calculations or checking the
accuracy of input data, such as product price tables and customer lists.
2. Also known as archive files, which contains records pertaining to completed
transactions, such as past sales.

It contains records rtaining to events currently being processed, such as sales and receipts of goods.

3. It specifies where or by whom the processes are performed.

4. It is the top level of a set of logical DFD’s, since the process is encompassed within
single circle.
5. It shows the flow of data through a transaction processing system without regard to
the time period when the data flows or the processing procedures occur.
6. Popular documentation toolbecause they provide a pictorial view of sources of data
and entities involved in generating or using new or stored data.
7. It represents the conceptual data model by graphically depecting entities and
relationships between then.
8. Known as a data about a data.
9. it is a special type of software that presents the logical view of the data resource to
users and application programs, while protecting the data from improper or
unauthorized use or access.
10. It is a collection of related records, much like a file.
11. Refers to the methods by which the data in logical records are stored on physical
storage media.
12. A type of data element that the system monitors, it is a field within a record which
contains a symbol or character used to contriol the processing of a record.
13. it contain records pertaining to entities such as customers, departments, and
14. Under this system, each application has limited number of users who are involved in
processing specific types of captured data and employing the outputs for their
specialied needs.
15. is a type of data that handles all fundamental types of data and converts between
then automatically.
16. It is a collection of data elements that have been organized into records.
17. Known as a series of related data elements of an entity.
18. Simply the actual data stored in a field.
19. It refers to the class od data stored in a particular field.
20. It is the number of contiguous positions required to store a data element.
21. Known as characteristics of an entity.
22. it is an object, [erson, or event about which the firm wants to collect and maintain
23. Known as a series of related tasks employed to process data.
24. It provides structure to the data.

Chapter 4. True or False

1. Data bases are composed of characters such as letters, numbers, and symbols.
2. Characteristics of an entity are called data elements.
3. Domain is the number of contiguous position required to store a data element.
4. A file is a collection of data elements that have been organized into records.
5. There are two types of common keys: to wit primary key & record key
6. A Flag is a type of data element that the system monitors.
7. Logical view is to serve the user’s needs while logical records is to store the records in a certain way.
8. History File is also called archive files.
9. File organization refers to the methods by which the data in logical records are stored on physical
storage media.
10. Record keys shows the respective fields that make up a record and the sequence in wchich they
appear with in the record.
11. A data base is a collection of related records, much like a file.
12. A data base management system (DBMS) is a special type of software that presents the logical view of
the data resource to users and application programs, while protecting the data from improper or
unathorized access.
13. Database has wider scope than a data warehouse.
14. An entiry-relationship (E-R) diagram represents the conceptual data model by graphically depicting
entities and the relationship between them.
15. Data-flow diagrams are a popular documentation tool because they provide a pictorial view of
sources of data and entities.

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