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Returning to Work After Alcohol or Drug Rehab

Addiction is a disease that can affect anyone. There are as many men and women with
addiction that are working 9-5 jobs in corporate offices as there are living in the streets. While
typically, many people picture a sloppy homeless person asking for change to buy their next
bottle, this is not your average user. Over 10 million full-time employed individuals have a
substance use disorder. Most of them choose to not get help, either because they fear losing
their jobs, fear the stigma, or any other combination of reasons. In todays blog, we are going
to discuss this difficult situation, and what you can do to make it as easy as possible. The
good news is, that you are not alone. The better news is, you have rights that can protect you
and your job.

The Stigma

It comes as no surprise that one of the number one reasons that professionals in the
workplace choose not to go into substance abuse treatment is due to the stigma it will bring.
It is very frightening to think that your coworkers or bosses may know that you have an issue
with addiction. While addiction is a disease, it is one thing to return to work after a surgery,
but definitely another to do so because of an addiction to narcotics. With substance abuse,
guilt or shame are very common feelings that burden us. Being self-conscious about others'
perception of you can cause unneeded stress. Feeling like people look at you differently, or
that they are judging you is unfortunately normal. We feel this way because we have been
conditioned to look down upon people who are struggling with substance abuse. Like we said
above, we picture a dirty person who has lost it all. But that isnt you. You are choosing a path
of health and wellness, and to maintain a stable lifestyle. Let this stability guide you as you
re-enter into the workforce and fight through that stigma. Remember who you are and where
you came from, remember what youve been through and what you fight for!

The Transition Back to Work

Once your stay at treatment is coming to an end and you are ready to start your life again, it
is important to speak with your counselors and case managers. You will have many
questions, and will need to settle any affairs that may prevent you from returning to work or
home - such as legal issues. These resources will be excellent in helping you get back to
where you belong: with your family and starting a life of sobriety. Your support team will help
you to build an aftercare plan so that you can make the right moves forward. If you are
returning to the job that you had before you went into treatment, there will be new challenges
that you may not have known before. Some of them may be difficult or unpleasant to
navigate. If you have decided to find new work, it may be hard to deal with rejections.
Remember that it isnt personal. Keep your head high and keep moving forward, regardless of
what path you decided to go.

What to Expect
Everyone will have a different experience depending on their situation, but generally
speaking it needs to be stated that returning to work is not easy. Especially if you are
returning to a previous position. Things have changed. Consider how tough it is for a mother
to go back to work after her 3 month maternity leave? Now, consider that instead of bringing
a baby into the world, you were fighting to reclaim your health from the chains of addiction.
Will it be impossible? Absolutely not! Youve already proven that you are strong enough to
overcome anything. Will it be tough? Absolutely. Here are some things to expect as you
return to the workforce:

There will be questions.

Youve been gone for some time. Maybe as much as three months, if you did a full continuum
of care. People, especially colleagues who you knew well will want to know where you have
been. They probably dont know about your past, or why you choose to leave if you have kept
it a secret. Many will have genuine concern, which is a good thing. Others may have some
idea. Many offices have their share of gossip, and there is a chance you will be the topic of
conversation for a while. You need to remain strong and positive during this time. You also
need to decide what you are going to tell people. Being open and honest will obviously be the
easiest situation, as you dont run the risk of confusing your information, but it also opens the
door for judgment. The question becomes, are you proud of who you are and your choices?
If so, then being as honest as possible may be the best way to rebuild your confidence.
Understand that not everyone will be accepting, but what matters is that you do your job to
the best of your ability.

There is a lot of work to return to.

Anyone who has worked in a busy office setting can attest that even taking a few days off for
a vacation results in a mountain of work to return to. Your email inbox is likely bursting at the
seams. There has probably been a ton of changes - new leadership, new colleagues, new
processes. You will need to relearn a lot, and in all likelihood, will be rusty for a little while
while you get back into the swing of things. All of that is okay! Keep focused, keep a detailed
planner of your tasks and communicate regularly with your boss and team to make sure you
are on track. What is important is that you work hard and produce quality, so that you can
resume your life of stability.

Returning to My Old Job, or Find a New One?

This is a question you need to ask yourself. Was stressors from work a factor in your
addiction? Did you drink to unwind from a day of aggravation? If you worked while under the
influence, what will your work performance be like when you are sober? Its important to
never forget that there is always a risk of relapse if you allow yourself to be in triggering
situations or with people who push you into risky behaviors. If your old job at any point
caused your addiction to drugs or alcohol to flare up or worsen, then you may need to
consider looking for something new. If they are not accommodating or sensitive to your
needs, then even more so. Finding a new job will be hard, especially when times are tough
economically. You may lose confidence in yourself if you receive rejections from potential
employers. Dont give up. You are not alone, and you are not unemployable. Fight on as you
have since you started recovery.

Knowing your Rights

The United States Department of Labor has clear guidelines that an employee may leave
work for drug or alcohol addiction treatment under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Generally speaking, most larger organizations must abide by FMLA, which provides the
employee with health benefits and up to 12 weeks of unpaid, but protected leave. This
means that your employers cannot release you from your job if you are taking the leave to
get help. There are a few caveats to this:

1.Most employers require you to be consistently employed for 1 year before offering FMLA.

2.If the company has a strict policy against the use of drugs or alcohol, this may supersede

3.You are only protected if you are actively seeking and participating in treatment. This is not
your opportunity for a binge vacation.

Further, alcoholism and drug addiction are considered disabilities per the ADA (Americans
with Disabilities Act). The good news is that this protects you from discrimination or poor
treatment as a result of your past use. You can learn more about your rights by reading here:

Tips to Make Returning to Work Easier

Here a few tips to help ease you back into your work life after you have exited rehab: Stay
Strong - Youre not alone. You are not weak. You have just done battle with a deadly disease
and took initiative to win. It will be hard to resume your work life, but keep your chin up and
be proud of yourself.

Follow Your Aftercare Plan - As you make this transition it is important that you continue with
your support groups and therapy. You are going to need help navigating through the feelings
and fears associated with returning to work, as well as coping with the stress. These are
powerful resources.

Talk Openly With Your Employer - Let your employer be your champion at work. Bring them
up to speed on your needs, any limitations you have and work together to develop a plan that
allows you to slowly integrate back at your speed.

Be Prepared To Deal With Stress - Stress is going to happen. Work is stressful, meetings are
tough, deadlines are not fun. You need to get through these stressors without the help of
drugs or alcohol now. Have a plan of coping mechanisms that you can utilize to make sure
you prevent relapse.

Royal Life Centers Arizona Reach Out

If you or a loved one has a dependency or addiction and is in need of substance abuse
treatment, please reach out to us about your #keyword# options. Royal Life Centers
admissions staff is available 24/7 to answer your questions and address your concerns. We
can be reached at (877)-RECOVERY or 877-732-6837. Because We Care.

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