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'Online dating is advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time'

Online dating refers to an activity through which individuals socialize and get to know each other on the
internet. In developed countries, online dating has become a normal activity. These days, most of the
people finds their soulmates in the variety of dating apps. But online dating have advantages and

Firstly, unlike offline dating, online dating allows the user to interact with lots of people without having to
travel. It saves a lot of time and money. What is more, online dating helps to get know each other before
meeting. This thing can saves time and helps you to decide how, when and where to invite the person. By
doing this, you can strongly impress other person and form a very good opinion of yourself.

On the other hand, online dating have significant disadvantages. It is impossible to know if you are really
attracted to the person until you actually meet them because a lot of people look to outer beauty. In
addition, you can not be sure if the other person is telling the truth about themselves. It can make a very
risky situation and you can be deceived, hurt or even getting killed.

In conclusion, online dating have a lot of privileges but also can make risk for your health or even life. In my
opinion, people should not be so gullible and not to hurry to meet because no one knows what is ‘behind
the screen’.

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