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hiii so people have been requesting a tutorial on the cyber (?

) edit so ill try my best to

explain, ill use photoshop terms so I dont think it will be easy for beginners to follow
along but dm me on vantewons if you need any help! :)

So I made this psd with masked out glasses from yeyoung choi ©
( (you may have to add
a layer mask and erase small things im not the best at masking pls) make sure the
glasses layer is on blending mode hard light and move them so they sit realistically
on their face, you may have to play around with the type of images you use for
example I chose one where heejin was faced like the original model, you can always
flip the glasses and fade them if the idols faced another way! [screenshot 1]

Now what I do is I make a new layer, set the blending mode to lighten and use brush
56 from this brush pack (
photoshop-brushes-4) [ive included in the folder] and tap the lightest parts / where
the light hits the idol (usually the eyes and mouth!) [screenshot 2]

After that gather all your layers and duplicate them (cmd+j on mac not sure about
windows) then merge them (cmd+e) and duplicate the layer again! Set the
duplicated layer blending mode to lighten and add a motion blur, I set mine to 27 but
you can always add more or less if you wanted! Add a layer mask to the blurred layer
and click the brush again, go back to a normal soft brush with an opacity of round
50% and flow of 30% and brush around the face (make sure you’re clicked on the
layer mask and the colour selected is black) [screenshot 3-4]

After that I like giving it the blue tint so I add a gradient map on linear burn opacity
16% this is all optional and you can change the colour and opacity to your liking,
after that I add a vibrance layer just to up the saturation but this is completely
optional again! And that’s how you make the cyber edit, I usually save mine and
reopen the image just crop it down to show one eye or close up bc I like that look
better and add a grain of about 1-2 (filter > noise < add noise). [screenshot 5]

If you dont understand any of this pls dm me and ill try my hardest to help!! <33

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