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План-конспект заняття

Курс: 4
Тема: Global issues
Підтема: Travelling
- формувати уміння ознайомлюючого читання та монологічного мовлення на тематичному
- вдосконалювати лексичні навички вживання тематичної лексики на рівні слова і фрази;
- вдосконалювати вміння лінгвосоціокультурної компетентності.
- познайомити студентів із проблемами туризму
- поглибити знання студентів про особливості впливу туристів на міста
- обговорити види розумного туризму
- Розвивати уміння самостійності в праці, пошуку інформації на задану тему
- розвивати механізм прогнозування;
- розвивати уміння проводити заняття в якості викладача ІМ.
розвивати критичність мислення, уміння логічно викладати свої думки.

Виховна: виховувати уважність до співрозмовника, доброзичливу поведінку, повагу до культури та

традицій країни, мова якої вивчається, до країни/міста, до якого подорожуєш

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, комп’ютер.

Схематичний план заняття
Початок заняття
Орг. момент …………………………………............................................................................5 хв
Мотивація діяльності, мовленнєва зарядка…………..….………………………....….…......8 хв

Основна частина

Робота з текстом ………………………………………………………………..……...60 хв

- до текстовий етап (пояснення лексики) – самостійне заповнення таблиці
- текстовий етап (виконання завдань)
- після текстовий етап (перевірка завдань, обговорення, непідготовленне монолоічне мовлення)

Завершення заняття
Підведення підсумків, коментарі до роботи, оцінювання досягнень………………………7 хв
Етап. Мета. Перебіг роботи
Мотивація Hello, dear students. Today we go on speaking about some global issues. What exactly will
діяльності we discuss? You will find out in a minute.


Прийом: активне
відповіді на

Look at the image. What do you think it would be like to visit a city like this?
What would you like to visit first? Why?
What problems would you face as a tourist?
What sights, sounds, smells and tastes of a city do you expect to come through?
Sometimes it`s difficult even to imagine what a complicated tourism as an industry is. Today
we`ll try to understand all the pitfalls and discuss the topic from various angles.

Let`s discuss these questions:

1. Дотекстовий
етап a What do you think motivates people to travel around the world?

Мета: b What qualities do you think you need to become a passionate traveler?
вмотивувати C Would you like to live in a quiet town or a fast-growing famous city which annually
студентів до attracts millions of tourists? Why?
сприйняття нової
інформації While discussing try to use the phrases suggested in the table.

Прийом: Personal opinion Another source

відповіді на
запитання  In my opinion/In my view/To my mind  It’s popularly believed that
 To my way of thinking  People often claim that
 Personally I believe that/ I think that…  It is often alleged that
 It strikes me that  Some people argue that
 I feel very strongly that  A lot of people think/believe that
 I’m inclined to believe that
 It seems to me that
2 Зняття  As far as I am concerned
лексичних How essential is it to have a well-trained ability to understand a new word or phrase without
труднощів knowing its translation? I believe everyone in this classroom is an independent learner so I
suggest you getting even more experience of understanding the meaning of the vocabulary
items from the context.
Мета: а) Work in groups.
Ознайомлення з
новими ЛО Read the text. Try to identify the meaning of the highlighted voc.items
Б) Розвивати Complete the chart. Look at the example and do the same with the rest of the phrases.
прогнозування You can use online/offline dictionaries , but not translators.
значення ЛО з Team which has the most precise predictions of the meaning and correct context usage wins.
Презентувати ЛО
в контексті Word/phrase I guess it Quote from the Dictionary definition My example
спілкування means… text
swell in numbers Be Such is the swell in Swell definition is - to During an
Семантизація ЛО overwhelmed numbers that expand (as in size, volume, early stage of
with numbers there’s barely or numbers) gradually campaign it
Автоматизація enough space to beyond a normal or original was difficult to
place a beach towel limit. explain such
ЛО на етапі on the sands
фрази. swell in
of Porthcurno beach
numbers of
and Kynance Cove
Прийом: find the voters.
definition, make
an example
Режим: груповий
1. Divide the classroom into three teams.
2. Hand out dictionaries and worksheets.
3. Set a time limit and a task to complete the chart in the worksheets.
4. Announce that the team which has the most precise predictions of the meaning and
correct context usage wins.
5. Make sure students compete fairly and don’t cheat.
6. Compare the answers and choose the winner.
7. Make some error correction if needed.

2. Текстовий After having proved you`re a really passionate learners I bet it`ll be a great pleasure for you
етап to read an article from the reputable British magazine “The Guardian”. Read and discuss:
What problem is raised in this text?
Мета: розвивати
вміння Summarize the main idea of the text into several sentences.
Прийом 1:
читання тексту

As we can see, tourism can be harmful for some places. Let`s discuss this issue in a more
3 етап detailed wat.
Після-текстовий Read the text again and try to answer the following questions:
a) Перевірка 1.What sort of problem has Cornwall recently faced? What is the reason of it?
розуміння 2. How do the most of tourists view the nature nowadays?
3. How do the places which are supposed to be successful for tourism become the crying
Мета: ones?
перевірити 4.Why does the CEO of Responsible Travel believes that tourism is one of the biggest and in
розуміння some cases most aggressive industries on earth ? How do modern applications influence it?
прочитаного 5. What is special about Cornwall`s situation in terms of overtourism ?
6. What solution is suggested in the text?
Прийом :
відповіді на

б) As you are intending teachers I suggest you being a teacher for the next stage of the lesson.
умінь Vika, come here I`ll give you the card with an instruction for the task. Read it and conduct
монологічного this part of the lesson. You`re a teacher now, so guys, let`s listen to Vika attentively.
2 забезпечити
AIMS: to develop speaking skills through experiencing a creative way to express what they
have learned and think of the suggested issues
провести частину
Прийом : 1. Divide students into pairs, so each student could have a partner.
монологічне 2. Distribute prepared in advance badges with their roles
3. Set time limit
4. Explain students that the situation is set in a city with the booming growth of tourism
and they are going to role-play one day in the life as a person on their badge.
5. Ask students to discuss the situation in pairs and present it to the whole class when
the time is up
6. Mention that while presenting other pairs can ask the speakers some questions to get
more details on their role`s typical day.
7. Focus on fluency, not accuracy

MATERIALS: badges with roles

businessman city mayor senior citizen

who owns some who wants to who is sick and
real estate be re-elected tired of noise
and fuss

parent of three- ordinary promising

year-old child citizen young person

Well done! Your homework is the following:

Етап V
You are supposed to find out information and make a list of pros and cons of the city tourism
Заключна development. Use the suggested web-sites and search for additional information on the
частина Internet. Write an essay on one of the suggested topics:
Завдання на a) pros and cons of the city tourism development
роботу та overtourism-h10huf
b) causes and solutions of overtourism
You are supposed to find out information and make a list of causes and solutions of
overtourism. Use the suggested web-sites and search for additional information on the

Thanks you for your active participation.

Students 1, 2, 3 (…) were very careful and efficient listeners. Students A, B, C were attentive
readers, you really rock & roll today.
Оцінювання та I hope you all enjoyed today’s class as much as I did.
Could you sum up what we have done today! How would you conduct our lesson today? Feel
Мета: оцінити free to express your ideas!
досягнення учнів See you soo
на уроці
Прийом: активне
Мета: підбити
підсумки уроку,
вислухати думки
Прийом: активне

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