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Hello Again, I’d Like to turn the topic of the textbook today, of course I written lots of

textbook so I’m naturally interested in how you use textbooks, and what you think about
them teachers have diffrent perceptions as to what the role of a textbook, is some teacher
don’t use textbooks they use their own materials they find resources that they can use around
them and bring to the class and develop lessons around them, that’s great too if you have the
opportunity to do that a textbook of course is really just a set of lesson plans and it’s put
together to provide a resource for you to use in the classroom, it shouldn’t be something that
you become over dependent on because we want you to use textbooks in a way that match
your teaching style match your students interests and so on, so the textbook should always be
a resource if you like not something that dictates, how you teach but something that you can
use and adapt and teach personally and creatively in your teaching, if you become over
dependent on the lesson on the textbook then really all you’re doing is presenting material in
the book you’re not really teaching from your heart, if you like so think of the textbook as
the, the plan for lesson but use it in a way which suits your teaching style B, be prepared to
adapt it to add to it to supplement it to drop things from it they don’t suit you and so on
because textbook can never totally anticipate all the needs you will have in your classroom,
so remember that you’re the one is teaching the book is not teaching the, the textbook is a
resource for you to use creatively and in a way that suits your teaching style and your
students needs.

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