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TENSES - THI I. Present simple ~ Hign tai don Positive | Subject + verb (bare-infinitive)/ verb-sfes Neg: Subject + do not (don’t)/ does not (doesn’t) + verb (bare-inf) [Question | Do/Does + subject + verb (bare-inf)...2? Thi hign tai don duge ding a dién dat: a. 1 sy that hién nhién, chan ly. Ex: Water freezes at 0°C. ‘The sun rises in the East. b. Hanh dong Lip di lip Iai (théi quen), cim gide, nh§n thife, tinh trang & Ex: We play table tennis every Thursday. Matthew loves sport. Do you know Tania Smith? > Ching ta thurong ding thi hign tai don véi céc trang tir VA cum trang tir: always, often, Frequently, usually, generally, regularly, normally, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, every day/ week/ month/ year, all the time, v.v. ¢. Sy vige twong lai xiy ra thdi gian biéu, chung trinh hode ké hoach duge sip xép theo lich trinh, Ex: His train arrives at 7:30. School starts on 5 September. IL. Present progressive — Hign tai tiép dién Question | Am/ Is/ Are + subject + verb-ing...? Thi hign tai tiép dién duge ding dé dién dat: a. Hanh dong, sy vige dang dign ra ngay Iie néi. Ex: Look ~ the train is coming. ‘The children are playing in the garden now. Compiled by Amstink b. Hanh déng, sy vige mang tinh tam thoi. Ex:1 am living with some friends until I find a place of my own. ¢, Hanh d@ng dang dién ra @ hign tai nhung khong nhit thiét ngay lic n¢ Ex: Iam writing a book at present. > Ching ta thuvng ding thi hign tai tiép dign v6i céc trang tir hoge trang ng: now, at present, at/for the moment, right now, at this time. d. Sy vige xy ra trong tuong lai gin - 1 sy sip xép hodic 1 ké hoach da dinh, Ex: We are coming to see our grandfather tomorrow. ¢. Sy vige thing xuyén xay ra gy bye minh, khé chju cho nguii néi ese tiralways, continually, constantly. Sh always complaining about her work. % Lum §: Khong diing thi hign tai tiép dién véi eae dng tir trang thai (stative verbs): know, believe, understand, belong, need, hate, love, like, want, hear, see, smell, sound, have, wish, seem, taste, own, remember, forget,...Ding thi hign tai don v6i céc dng tir nay. Ex:The soup tastes salty. IIL. Past simple - Qua khir don Positive | Subject + verb (past tense) Negative | Subject + did not (didn’t) + verb (bare-inf) Question | Did + subject + verb (bare-inf)...? Thi qua Khit don duge ding dé dién dat: a. Hanh dong da xay ra va chim dit trong qué khit, biét ro thai gian, Ex: I bought a new car three days ago. b. Th6i quen, cim c, Si: thich, nhjin thite & qué Khir. Ex: I played football very often when I was younger. ¢. Hanh dgng, sy vige da xay ra sudt 1 khoang thai gian trong qua khti, nhung nay da hoan todn chm ditt. Ex: Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. 4, Hai hoje nhigu hanh dng, sy vige xay ra lign tiép trong qua khit. Compiled by Amstink Ex: When we saw Tom last night, we stopped the car. > Ching ta thurvng ding thi qué khir don véi cée tir, eym tir chi thoi gian: ago, yesterday, yesterday morning/ afternoon! evening, last night/ week/ month/ year, the other day. IV. Past progressive - Qua khit tiép dién [Positive | Subject + was/ were + verb-ing Negative | Subject + was not (wasn’t)/ were not (weren’t) + verb-ing uestion _Was/ Were + subject + verb-ing...? ‘Thi qua khir tiép dién duge ding dé dién a: a, Hanh dong, sy vige dang dién ra tai 1 thi rong qua khit. Ex: At8 o’clock last night I was reading a book. b. Hanh dong, sy vi xy ra va kéo dai lign tye trong I khong thdi gian 6 qué khi. Ex: The sun was shining all day yesterday. ¢. Hanh dong, sy vige dang dign ra trong qué khir thi ¢6 1 hanh dng, sy vige khée xy dén (diung thi qua Khe tiép dign cho hanh dng kéo dai va thi qué khir don cho hanh dng xiy dén). 5 When John was walking to school yesterday, he met Judy. 4. 2 hoje nhiéu hanh dng, sy vige xy ra ding thoi tai 1 thoi diém xéc dinh trong qué khit. Ex: At breakfast yesterday I was doing my homework while my dad was reading a newspaper. . Sy vige da xay ra thuong xuyén trong qué khit gay bye minh, phién todi Ex:She was always boasting about her work when she worked here. Y. Present perfect — Hign tai hoan thank Positive | Subject + have/ has + verb (past participle) Negative | Subject + have not (haven’t)/ has not (hasn’t) + verb (p.p) Question | Have/ Has+ subject + verb (p.p). Thi hign tai hoan thanh durge dig dé dién dat: a, Hanh 1g vira moi xity ra. B We have just come back from Hawaii. b, Hanh dng da xay ra trong qué khir khi ngwoi néi khong biét rd hoac khéng mudn dé fp dén thoi gian chinh xée (thi gian khong quan trong). Compiled by Amstink Ex: [have already bought this CD. ¢. Hanh dng, sw vide 4 xay ra trong sudt 1 khoang thdi gian cho dén hign tai, hode dai xiy ra nhiéu Lin trong qué khir va edn e6 thé duge lip Iai & hién tai hoe twong lai. E Alex has written four novels so far. d. Hanh dng, sy vige xy ra trong qué khir cin kéo dai hoje 6 Anh hudmg dén hign tai hay twong lai Ex: I have lived in Vienna for two years. (I am still in Vienne now.) > Ching ta thurimg ding thi hign tai hodn thanh véi céc trang tir, vA trang tir: just, recently, lately, already, never, ever, (not) yet, before, for + khoding thoi gian, since + méc thai gian, so far, until now, up to now, up to present, va trong ménh dé sau It’s the first/ second VI. Present perfect progressive — Hign tai hoan thanh tiép dién iubject + have/ has + been + verb-in | Positive | Subject +have/ has +been+verb-ing [Negative | Subject + have not (haven’t)/ has not (hasn’t) + been + verb-ing Thi hign tai hoan thanh tiép dign dwrgc dimng dé dién dat: a. Hanh dong, sy vige xy ra trong qué khit kéo dai lign tye dén hign tai hoje twong nhdn manh tinh lién tye, kéo dai cia sy vige. Ex: Jane has been watching TV all evening. * Thi hign tai hoan thanh nhdn manh tinh hoan tat cia sy vige. Ex: Ihaven’t learned very much Italian yet. b, Hanh dng, sy vige via méi chdm ditt va 6 két qua & hign tai, Ex: I must go and wash, P’ve been gardening. Luu §: Khong diing thi hign tai hodn thanh tiép dién véi céc dng tir trang thai (stative verbs). Ding thi hign tai hoan thanh véi ee dng tir nay. Ex: I have known her for a long time. VII. Past perfect - Qué khit hoan thanh Positive | Subject + had + verb (past participle) Negative | Subject + had not (hadn't) + verb (p.p) Question | Had + subject + verb (p.p)...? Compiled by Amstink Thi qué khit hoan thanh duge ding dé dién dat hanh d6ng xay ra, kéo dai va hoan tat trude 1 thai diém xéc dinh trong qui khif , hoje truée I hinh dng khéc trong qui khie (ding thi qu khit don cho sy vige xy ra sau). Ex: John had fini 1ed his work before lunch time. VIIL. Simple future - Twong lai don Positive | Subject + will + verb (bare i ) Negative | Subject + will not (won’t) + verb (bare infinitive) juestion | Will + subject + verb (bare infini * DOt Khi trong I6i néi trang trong ching ta ding shall vl chi tirI va we. Thé phi dinh cia Shall 1a shall not (shan’t). Thi twong lai don duge ding dé: a. Din dat han dng sé xy ra trong twong lai hoje hinh dng twong lai sé duge lp di Lip Iai. (Khong ding willdé dién dat dy dinh hoje ké hogch). Ex: I will be at high school next year. > Thudng ding v6i céc trang tir chi thi gian ton; ‘month/ year, soon... tomorrow, someday, next week! b, Dua ra ldi hifa, de dga, 42 nghi, loi mdi, di yeu cu. Ex: I'll send you out if you keep talking. T'll open the door for you. Will you come to my party on Saturday? Shall I...? Shall we.,.? Thuong duge ding dé dua ra loi dé nghj hoac goi ¥. Ex: Shall I send you the book? c. Dién dat ¥ kién, sy chic chin, sy dy dodn vé diéu gi d6 trong twong lai, throng duge ding sau cae dng tir: be sure, know, suppose, think. Ex: I think you'll enjoy the party tomorrow. d, Dua ra quyét djnh tire thi - quyét din ngay Ie dang noi, (Khong dig will dé dién dat quyét dinh sin c6 hode dy dinh). Ex: There’s someone at the door. - Ok. I'll answer it. IX. Be going to ‘Compiled by Amstink Positive | Subject + amv/is/are + going to + verb (bare infinitive Negative | Subject + amv/is/are not + going to + verb (bare infinitive) Question | Am/Is/Are + subject + going to + verb (bare infinitive)...? Be going to duge ding dé dién dat: a. Dy dinh sé duge thyc hign trong twong lai gan, hode 1 quyét dinh sin c6. Ex: am going to visit my aunt next week. (I am planning this). b. Dy doin dya trén co sé hodc tinh hudng hién tai — dya vio nhimg gi chdng ta nhin thiy hoge nghe thiy. Ex: Look out! You're going to fall. % Lun §) - Khong ding be going to vai cae dng tir chi trang thai (stative verbs). Ex: You will understand me one day. - Thi hign tai tiép dién thwong dug ding véi cdc d6ng tir go, come. Amn is going to Tokyo next week. (rather than Ann is going to go. - Khong diing will hodc be going to trong ménh dé thdi gian. Ding thi hign tai don voi nghia twrong lai Ex: We'll see him when he comes. X. Used to Positive | Subject + used to + verb (bare infinitive) Negative | Subject + did not (didn’t) + use to + verb (bare infinitive) Question | Did + subject + use to + verb (bare infinitive)...? Used to duge ding dé dign dat 1 tinh trang, 1 théi quen hoge 1 hanh dng xay ra thudng xuyén trong qua khir mi nay khdng cin nira. We used to live in a small village, but now we live in a cit + Be used to + verb-ing/ noun: quen vdi + Get used to + verb-ing/ noun: tré nén quen vdi Ex: Tam used to waking up early. Jane must get used to getting up early when she starts school. Compiled by Amstink %& Lin yz Khong ding used so dé dién dat sy vige da xiy ra tai 1 thai diém ey thé trong qué khit, sur vige xay ra Ip di Ip Iai bao nhiéu lin hoje trong thdi gian bao lau. Ex: lived in Paris for three years. CLAUSES AFTER WISH - MENH DE SAU WIS! Sau wish €6 3 logi mgnh dé durge ding dé chi sy vige & tong lai, hign tai va qué khit. 1, Ao woe & tuong lai (Future wish): mong diéu gi d6 sé, sé khéng hose ngimg xiy ra, Subject + wish + subject + would/coul Ex: I wish you would put those shelves IL. Ao wée & hign tai (Fresent wish): woe diéu khong thé xiy ra trong hign tai. Subject + wish + subject + verb (past simple) | * Were e6 thé duge dig thay cho was. Ex: I wish I were rich. (but I'm poor now). TIT. Ao wée & qua khit (Past wish): woe diéu gi dé da hoge da khéng xay ra trong qué khit, Subject + wish + subject + verb (past perfect) Ex: I wish I hadn’t bought that coat yesterday; I really don’t like it. % Luu §: Clu trite wish somebody something duge ding dé chic — mong ai sé c6 dure ditu gi d6, Sau wish Wi 2 tin ngit. Iwish you a Merry Christmas. PASSIVE VOICE - THE BI DONG Cau bj dong (passive sentence) 1a cu trong dé chii ngir IA ngurdi hoge vit nh§n hoje chiu tée dng cia hanh dong. ix: They built that house in 1999. (Active sentence) That house was built in 1999. (Passive sentence) > Quy tie chuyén déi tir edu cha déng sang cu bi dong Active s Va o ao Compiled by Amstink Passive = S Ve by +0 1. Tan ngit chi dng (active object) +Chii ngit bj dng (passive subject) 2. D§ng tir chit dng (active verb) -D§ng tir bj dong (be + past participle) Present simple > | am/is/ are + past participle Present progressive |— | am/is/ are + being + past participle Past simple | was/were + past parti a Past progressive |__| was/were + being + past participle [Present perfect =| have/has + been + past participle Past perfect =| had + been + past participle Future simple =| will + be + past participle Be going to =| am/is/ are going to + be + past partic Modal verbs = [can, should, must, ...+ be + past parti 3. Chit ngir chit dng (active subject) BY + tin ngir bj dng (passive object) Ex: The teacher explains the lessons. “+ The lessons are explained by the teacher. % Luu yz - Chit tir, we, you, they, he, she, one, people, everyone, someone, no one, nobody thurimg, duge bs. V6i céc chii tir no one, nobody, d6i dng tir khing dinh thanh phi dinh. Ex:Someone read the story to the children, ~ The story was read to the children, ‘Nobody saw him leaving the room. ~ He wasn’t seen leaving the room. - Trang tir chi noi chén + BY (agent) + trang tir chi thoi gian : Jane should take the dog to the vet today. ~ The dog should be taken to the vet by Jane today. - Trang tir chi thé céich thudng ding gitta be va qua khit phin tir. Cac trang tir khée thuding dig trude be. Ex: The scientists have studied the problem carefully. ~ The problem has been carefully studied by the scientists. & MOt sé cu tric bj dong dic bit Compiled by Amstink 1. Dong tir ¢6 2 tan ngit (verb with two objects) Khi dong tir chai ddng c6 2 tin ngi, tin ngit truc tiép (direct object) va tin ngir gidn tiép (indirect object) thi ca 2 tan ngir déu c6 thé 1am chii ngir cho cu bj dng. Tuy nhién tan ngit chi ngudi throng duge ding hon. Ex: They gave Vicky (1.0) a book (D.0) for Christmas. + Vicky was given a book for Christmas. ~+ A book was given to Vicky for Christmas. 2. DOng tir chi giée quan (verbs of percep\ in: see, notice, hear, look, watch, + He was seen to come out of the house. ‘They didn’t notice her leaving the room. “+ She wasn’t noticed leaving the room. 3. Dong tir chi cim xtic (verbs of feeling: like, love, hate, wish, prefer, hope, want...) Active: S + V + 0 + to-inf Passive: S + V +O + to be + past part. ‘Ex: She likes us to hand our work in on time. ~ She likes our work to be handed in on ti Active: S + V + 0 + V-ing Passive: S + V + being + past part. | Ex: I don’t like people telling me what to do. ~ I don’t like being told what to do. 4, D§ng tir chi § kién (verbs of opinion: say, think, believe, report, know,. Active: S + V (+ that) + clause (S2+ V2 + O>. Passive: It + be + V (past part.) (+ that) + clause Sz+ be + V (past part.) + to-inf/ to have + past part > Ding o-inf khi hinh dng trong ménh dé that xay ra dong thoi hoge xay ra sau hanh dng trong ménh dé chinh; ding perfect inf (to have + past participle) khi hanh dng trong. ménh dé shat xiiy ra truée hanh ddng trong ménh dé chinh, Ex: They believe (that) he is dangerous. Compiled by Amstink + Itis believed (that) he is dangerous. ~ He is believed to be dangerous. 5. D§ng tir let, make, help Active: S + let/make/help + O + bare-inf Passive: S + be + made/helped + to-inf be + let + bare-inf They made him tell them every + He was made to tell them everything. 6, Thé sai khién (Causative form) Active: have + Oy (person) + V (ba S + get + O1 (person) + V (to- Passive: $+ have/get +O: (thing) + V (past part) Ex: Paul has had his sister check his composition. ~ Paul has had his composition checked. REPORTED SPEECH - LOI NOI GIAN TIEP Loi ndi gién tiép Ja loi tung thudt lai f cha ngwii néi, + Direct speech: ‘Lam your friend,’ said Tom. + Reported speech: Tom said that he was my friend. * Céch déi tir edu trye tiép sang cu gidn tiép. 1, Céu tran thudt (Statements) a. Déng tir trig thuft (reporting verbs): Ding say hoge fell: say (that), tell somebody (that). Dong tir tudng thuft thumg & qué khit (said, told). b, Dai tir (pronouns): Béi ce dai tir nhan xung, dai tir hoje tinh tir sé hitu, dai tir phan. thin sao cho trong tng véi chi ngir hode tn ngi cia mgnh dé chink. . Thi (tenses): Déi thi ciia déng tir thinh thi qua khit tong ting. Present simple = | Past simple Present progressive = | Past progressive Present perfect = | Past perfect Present perfect progressive | = | Past perfect progressive Past simple [= | Past perfect 10 Compiled by Amstink Past progressive = | Past perfect progressive Past perfect = | Past perfect Past perfect progressive | > | Past perfect progressive Will/ shall/ can / may = | Would/ should/ could/ might ‘Amy is/ are going to = | Was/ were going to Musi/ have to [= [Had to ‘come and see you s0o1 Mari ~ Mary said that she would come and see us soon. “I'm very happy,’ Alex said to me. Alex told me that he was very happy. % Lim yi: - Ching ta khdng d6i thi trong cdu gidn tiép khi dng tir gidi thigu 6 thi hign tai (Present simple, Present progressive, Present perfect) hoe twong lai don (future simple); eu dn trye déi thi trong cau gin rad Ex: John says “I am coming.’ + John says he is coming. “If T was taller I would be a basketball player,’ he said. ~ He said if he was taller he would be a basketball player. “The earth is round,’ said Galileo. + Galileo said the earth is/was round. - Khong déi cde dng tir tinh thai could, would, should, might, ought to, used to, had better. Must 6 thé ddi thanh had to hoge giir nguyén. Ex: ‘Ann might ring today,’ he said. ~ He said Ann might ring that day. 4d, Tinh tir, trang tir, cum trang tir chi thdi gian, noi chon This/ there =| That/ those Here =| There Now = [Phen ‘Ago =| Before At the moment = [At that moment Today/ tonight =| That day/ that night ‘Tomorrow = |The next day/ the following day Yesterday = | The day before/ the previous day Next time = | the following/ the next time Next Sunday/ week/ month/ ‘The following Sunday/ week/ month/ year; uw Compiled by Amstink ‘year ‘The Sunday/ week/ month/ year after Last Sunday/ week/ month’ | + _ | The previous Sunday/ week/ month/ year; year ‘The Sunday/ week/ month/ year before ‘Ex: “These are my shoes,’ said Ann. + Ann said those were her shoes. ‘We saw that film yesterday,’ said Chris. + Chris before. they had seen that film the day 2. Cu héi (questions) a, Cau héi Yes ~ No (Yes ~ No questions) - Ding cdc dng tir tung thufit: ask, inquire, wonder want to know. - Ding if hoe whether sau dong tir tong thug = Déi cfu trée cau héi thanh cau tran thudt. ~ Déi thi cia dng tir, dai inh tir, trang tir (gidng céch doi trong cau tran thudt). Ex: ‘Does Harry like school?’ said Ms. Brown, + Ms. Brown asked if/whether Harry liked school. b, Cau héi Wh- (Wh- question) = Ding céc dng tir tung thudt: ask, inquire, wonder want to know. (what, where, when, why, sau dong tir tug thut = Déi cu trie cau hoi thanh cau tran thugt. - Déi thi cia dong tir, dai tir, tinh tir, trang tir, Ex: ‘Where do you live?’ said John to Sarah. + John asked Sarah where she lived. 3. Cu ménh Ignh va efiu yéu edu, Iai dé nghi offers, advices, promises,...) Khuyén, 161 hita, ....(commands, requests, - Ding dong tir tung thuat ask, tell, order, request, offer, advise, promise,...(d6ng tir tuing thuait phai phir hyp voi logi cau). Ask thudmg duge ding dé tuong thugt cau yéu cau (request) va tell duge ding dé twong thu{t cu ménh Ignh (command). - Dit tn ngit chi ngudi nhgn Ign (néu c6) sau dng tir tuwong thud. - Ding dang nguyén mau ¢6 fo (to-inf) cita dng tir trong cau trye tiép. Ex: ‘Don’t talk!” said the teacher to us. -* The teacher told us not to talk. 2 Compiled by Amstink ‘Listen to me, please, everyone,’ said Ms, Miller. + Ms. Miller asked everyone to listen to her. > Suggest + verb-ing/ that clause E ‘aid Ann. Let’s go to that new café,” ~ Ann suggested going to that new cafe. ~ Ann suggested that we go/ should go/ went to that new cafe. 4, Cau cm thén (Exclamation) Cau cm thén thug duge thuit Iai bing dng tir exclaim, say that. ‘What a beautiful house!” —+ She exclaimed/ said that the house was beat 5. Cau hdn hgp (Mixed types) Khi déi cu hin hop sang cau gin tiép ta déi theo tig phiin, ding d9ng tir gidi thigu riéng cho timg phin. TAG QUESTIONS - CAU HOI DUOL Cu héi dudi ld ciu hoi ngin duge thém vao eudi eu trin thugt (statements).Cau hoi dudi duge thanh Ip bing 1 trg dong tir hoc dng tir to be va 1 dai tir nhdn xung (chi chii ngit cia cau). ve statement + negative question tag) Ex: It is cold, isn’t it? + Cau tran thugt phi djnh + cau héi dudi khang djnh (Negative statement + positive question tag) Ex: It isn’t cold, is it? - Néu cu tran thugt c6 try dng tir (hoge dGng tir fo be) thi dng tir nay duge Kip Igi trong ci hot dudi. Ex: Sally can speak French, can’t she? 3B Compiled by Amstink You haven’t lived here long, have you? - Néu cu trin thudt khong e6 trg dng tir, ding tro dng tir do trong cfu hoi dudi. Ex: You like oysters, don’t you? Henry gave you a watch, didn’t he? = Cu héi dudi khiing dinh duge ding sau cau €6 ede tir phi, never, seldom, rarely, hardly, scarely, little. inh: no, nothing, nobody, Ex: Youve never been to Australia, have you? * Mét sé trudng hop dic biét ~ Cau hoi dudi cita Tam 12 aren’t 1? Ex: ’m late, aren’t I? - Cu héi dudi sau edu ménh Iénh khiing djnh (affirmative imperatives) lA will you? would ‘you? can you? va could you? won’t you? c6 thé duge ding dé moi ai Lim digu gi mgt eéch lich sy. Ex: Give me a hand, will you? Sit down, won't you? Sau cu ménh Ignh phii djnh (negative imperatives), dimg will you? Ex: Don’t tell anybody, will you? ~ Sau Let's, trong cu ggi f...) diing shall we? Ex: Let’s have a party, shall we? = There c6 thé lam chii ngi trong céiu hoi du Ex: There’s something wrong, isn’t there? - It Auge diing thay cho nothing va everything. They durge ding thay cho nobody, somebody, va everybody. E t? Nothing ean happen, ¢ Somebody wanted a drink, didn’t they? = It duge diing thay cho this/ that. They duoc dimng thay cho these/ those. i: This is your pen, isn’t it? 4 Compiled by Amstink These aren’t your books, are they? > Céich tr lai edu hoi dudi. Tra li YES khi cau khiing dinh diing va tra loi NO khi cu phi dinh ding. Ex: You're going today, aren’t you? — Yes, Iam. She isn’t your sister, is she? ~ No, she isn’ VERB FORMS - HINH THUC DONG TU’ I. Danh dng tir (Gerund): Verb-ing Danh d§ng tir thug durge ding: jau 1 86 d6ng tir va cum déng tir: adore, admit, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, can’t stand, can’t bear, can’t face, consider, delay, deny, detest, discuss, dislike, enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, hate, imagine, involve, keep, like, love, loathe, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, prefer, recall, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, suggest, tolerate. Ex: Greg really loves watching TV. He's finished mending the car. au gidi tir Lisa congratulated Bob on passing the test. T’'m looking forward to seeing you again. - Sau ede cum tir: be busy, it’s no good/use, it’s a waste of time, there’s no point in, it’s (not) worth, It’s worth reading that book. It’s great. - Sau cée dng tir catch, discover, feel, find, hear, notice, see, watch + tan ngir — chi hanh dng dang tiép dién. Ex: I saw him crossing the road. = Sau céc dng tir dislike, imagine, involve, keep, mind, prevent, remember, risk, spend, stop, waste + tan ngir Ex: Children nowadays spend too much time watching TV. 15 Compiled by Amstink IL. Déng tir nguyén mau c6 to (to-inf) ‘DOng tir nguyén mau 6 to throng duye ding: = Sau 1 sé d6ng tir: afford, agree, arrange, appear, ask, attempt, care, choose, claim, dare, decide, demand, expect, fail, happen, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, manage, neglect, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, seem, swear, tend, threaten, vow, want, wish, would like/ love/ prefer, urge. i: He decided to stay and see what would happen. We are planning to go abroad this year. - Sau tin ngit cia cac dong tir: advise, allow, ask, (can’t) bear, beg, cause, command, compel, encourage, expect, find, forbid, force, get, guess, hate, help, instruct, intend, invite, leave, like, love, mean, need, oblige, observe, order, permit, prefer, persuade, recommend, remind, request, suspect, teach, tell, tempt, urge, want, warn, wish. Ex: I didn’t ask you to pay for the meal. My doctor advised me to go on holiday. - Sau céc tinh tir dién ta cim xc, phn ting (glad, happy, delighted, pleased, anxious, surprised, shocked, afraid,...) vi 1 s6 eée tinh tir thong dyng(right, wrong, certain, able, likely, easy, difficult, hard, good, kind, ready,...)x Ex: We're happy to be here. We were right to start early. = Sau enough va too. Ex: The apples were ripe enough to pick. ‘The box was too heavy to lift. - Sau céc nghi vin tir trong li néi gidn tiép (ngogi trir why). Ex: Tell us what to do. = Dé dién dat muc dich. Ex: He went to the United States to learn English. IIL. Dong tir nguyén mau khéng to (bare-inf) Dong tir nguyén mau khong fo duge ding: 16 Compiled by Amstink - Sau cée trg dng tir tinh thai (modal verbs: will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, ‘might, must, have to). Ex: I must go now. ic see, hear, feel, watch, notice + tin ngit > chi hinh dng hodn tit. + Sau cde dng tir tri Ex: I didn’t see him come in. (but: He wasn’ seen to come in.) u make, let, help + tin ngit Ex: They made me repeat the whole story. My father let me drive this car. Sau help + tén ngit c6 thé 1a 1 dng tir nguyén miu c6 fo hodc khéng to, Ex: He helped me move/ to move the cupboard. - Sau ede eum dng tir had better, would rather, had sooner va sau why hoe why not. Ex: I would rather go alone. You’re looking tired. Why not take a holiday? * Danh déng tir, dong tir nguyén miu cé to hodc dng tir nguyén mau khong to (gerund, to-inf, or bare-inf) see, hear, feely.+ object + { bare-inf: chi sy hoin tat cia hanh dng Verb-ing: chi sy tiép dign ciia hanh dng Lonce heard Brendel play all the Beethoven concertors. As I passed his house I heard him playing the piano, forget! remember + -to-inf: quén/ nhé lam vige gi 6 oe quén di/ nhé lai vige gh 46 da xay ra ‘regret + fo-inf: ly Kim tiée khi phai béo tin x4u cho ai d6 inh hoi tiée ve diéu gi dé da xity ra trong qua khir Ex: I regret to tell you that you failed the test. regret lending him some money. He never paid me back. i dé Ham vige gi ‘stop/ finish + { 7 Compiled by Amstink Verb-ing: ngimg lim vige g1 Ex: We stopped to buy a newspaper. Sally stopped talking and sat down, inf: chi sy nd lure (cd ging) chi sy thi nghigm (thé) Ex: She tried her best to solve the problem. John isn’t here. Try phoning his home number. Ex: I don’t think she means to get married for the moment. If you want to pass the exam, it will mean studying hard. +go on + on chi sy thay déi cua hanh dng Verb- 1 lién tye cia hanh ding Ex: She stopped talking and went on to read her novel. He said nothing but just went on working, ‘need + to-inf (nghia chii dng) aa (nghia bj dng) Ex: You need to clean that sofa again. That sofa needs cleaning again. (= need to be cleaned) ‘advise, recommend, allow, permit, encourage, require +- object + to-inf 7 Verb-ing Ex: We don’t allow smoking in our house. We don’t allow people to smoke in our house. But: People aren’t allowed to smoke in our house. 18 Compiled by Amstink ‘shegin, start, like, love, hate, intend, continue, cannot/ could not bear c6 thé durge theo sau béi déng tir nguyén mau hoe danh tir ma khéng c6 sw khée nhau vé nghi: Ex:She began playing/ to play the guitar when she was six. L intend telling/ to tell her what I think. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES - CAU DIEU KIEN Cau diéu kign gdm c6 2 ménh 4é: ménh dé if (if-clause) chi diéu kign vA m@nh dé chink: (main clause) chi két qua. C6 3 logi cau digu kigi 1, Didu kign c6 that (real condition): tinh hudng ¢6 thé xiy ra trong hign tai hoc twong lai, ‘Ex: If Dennis has enough money, he - Thi hign tai don (Present simple) thing duge ding trong ménh dé chinh dé dién dat 1 su th9t hién nhién, 1 quy lugt hoge 1 théi quen. Ex: If you heat ice, it melts. ~ Thi hign tai tiép dién duye ding dé dién dat sy tiép dign cia hanh dong va thi hign tai hodn thanh duoc ding dé dign dat sy hoan tit Ex: If the baby is sleeping, don’t make noise. If she has studied hard, she will pass the test. - Can, may, might, should, ought to, have to, must, be going to,...ciing c6 thé duge ding trong ménh dé chinh, BE If it rains tomorrow, I’m going to stay home. IL Didu kign kh6ng c6 that & hign tai (unreal condition in the present): turgng; hAnh dng khéng 6 thiit hoje khong théxay ra trong hign tai hoe twong lai. Main clause Would/ should/ could/ might + verb (bare-inf) If clause Past simple * Were c6 thé duge ding thay cho was (véi I, he, she, it) Ex: If they had enough money, they would buy a bigger house. (but they don’t have much money) 19 Compiled by Amstink If L were you, I wouldn’t take that job. IIL. Didu kign khong c6 that & qué khir (unreal condition in the past): trong qué khi; hanh dng chua bao gid xay ra trong qua khit. wr vige khOng c6 that it Past perfect (had + past participle) i Main clause Would/ should/ could/ might + have + verb (past participle) ‘Ex: If Thad seen you, I would have said hello. (but I in’t see you) If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we could have gone out. (but the weather was very bad). % Luu §: - Khong diing will, would trong ménh dé dieu kign (if-clause). Ex: If they go to the mountains next week, they will be able to ski. ~ C6 thé ding két hgp diéu kign loai 2 va loai 3. Ex: If Thadn’t stayed up late last night I wouldn’t be so tired now. If knew you were coming I would have baked a cake. ‘* Nhiing cach khac dé dién dat dieu kign 1. Unless not (néu ... khong) Ex: I'll take the job unless the pay is too low. (EP'l take the job if the pay isn’t too low.) 2. Without/ But for + noun (néu...khdng; néu kh6ng ¢6) Ex: Without/ But for your help, I would not overcome the trouble. [= Ifyou did not help me, I would not overcome the trouble.] 3. Should/Were/ Had + subject + verb Ex: Should you change your mind, phone me. [= If you should change...] Were you in my position, what would you do? f you were...] Had I not gone to the party last night, I wouldn’t be tired now. party...) If | hadn’t gone to the 20 Compiled by Amstink 4, Imagine (that), suppose/supposing (that), provided/prov condition (that), or/ otherwise, only if, in ease,... g (that), as/ so long as, on Ex: You can borrow my bike provided (that) you ride it carefully. RELATIVES CLAUSES - MENH DE QUAN HE I, Ménh dé quan hé xc djnh (defining relative clause): cung cp nhimg théng tin quan trong cin thiét dé xe dinh danh tir hoe cym danh tir dimng teuée. Chu ngir (subject) [Tan ngit (object) [So hizu (possessive) Chi ngudi for Who/ that Who/ whom/ that | Whose people) Chi vit (for things) | Which/ that “| Which/ that Whose/ of which Ex: The woman is friendly. She lives next to me. ~ The woman who/ that lives next to me is friendly. The man told me to come back today. I saw him yesterday. + The man who(m)/ that I saw yesterday told me to come back today. The man called the police. His car was stolen. + The man whose car was stolen called the police. The bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. ~ The bus which/ that goes to the airport runs every half hour, The car broke down. I bought it last month. ~The car which/ that I bought last month broke down. We passed shop. Their windows were beautifully decorated. + We passed shop whose windows were beautifully decorated. + We passed shop the windows of which were beautifully decorated. % Lam yi: = That lwén duge ding sau cym danh tir gdm ca ngudi Hin vat, sau cdc dai tir all, every(thing), some(thing), any(thing), no(thing), litle, few, much, none, only va sau dang so sinh nhit (superlatives). I saw a girl and her cat that were sitting on the grass, a Compiled by Amstink It’s the best film that has ever been made about madness. - C6 thé bé eée dai tir quan hg Kim tan ngit who(m), which, that. Ex: The man I saw yesterday told me to come back today. ‘The car I bought last month broke down, IL Ménh dé quan h@ khong xée dinh (non-defining relative clause): cung cap thém thong tin vé 1 ngudi, 1 vat hoge 1 sy viée da duge xac djnh, Ménh dé quan hé khéng xéc djnh cach m@nh aé chinh bing du phiy (,) hay dau gach ngang (-). Chi ngit (subject) | Tan ngir (object) | Sé-hitu (possessive) | Chi ngwdi (for ‘Who Who/ whom ‘Whose | people) Chi vat (for things) _| Which Which ___| Whose/ of which * Khéng diing that trong mgnh dé quan hé khong xae djnh, Ex: My neighbors are very friendly. They live in next flat. ~ My neighbors, who live in next flat, are very friendly. This morning I met Chris. [hadn't seen him for ages. ~ This morning I met Chris, who(m) I hadn’t seen him for ages. Sheila is away from home a lot. Her job involves a lot of trav e Sheila, whose job involves a lot of travelling, is away from home a lot. My new flat has a terrific view. It is on the tenth floor. ~ My new flat, which is on the tenth floor, has a terrific view. We stayed at the Park Hotel. Anne had recommended it. ~ We stayed at the Park Hotel, which Anne had recommended. I'm looking for my cat. Her hair is tricoloured. loured. ~+ I'm looking for my cat, whose hair is tri % Lum §: Khong durge bé ede dgi tir quan hg Lam tan ngir trong mgnh dé quan hé khong xéc djnh. Ex: This morning I met Chris. I hadn’t seen him for ages. + This morning I met Chris, who(m) I hadn’t seen him for ages. 2 Compiled by Amstink [NOT This morning I met Chris, I hadn’t seen him for ages.] > Which = the fact that...: durge ding dé chi ca edu. Ex: David helped me clear up. That was very kind of him. ~ David helped me clear up, which was very kind of him. [which = the fact that he helped me clear up] IIT. Trang tir quan hé: when, where, why + When (= on/ at/ in which): chi thdi gian V'll never forget the day. I met you ther (on that day). + Pll never forget the day when (on which) I met you. * Where (= at/ in/ from/ on which): chi noi chén Ex:The building is very old. He lives there (in that building). ~The building where (= in which) he lives is very old. + Why for which): chi ly do Ex: The reason why (= for which) I'm phoning you is to ask your advice. % Lun yz - Trong ménh dé quan hé xée dinh, trang tir quan hg when, why, e6 thé duge thay bing that hoje bé di. Néu khong ding where thi phai c6 gidi tir trong ménh dé quan hé. Ex: I'll never forget the day (that) I met you. ‘The reason (that) I’m phoning you is to ask your advice. The building (that/ which) he lives in is very old. - Khong duge bé trang tir quan hé trong ménh dé quan hé khéng xée dinh, Ex: She has just come back from a holiday in Crete, where we went last year. IV. Gi6i tir trong mgnh dé quan hg Khi dgi tir quan h¢ lam tn ngét ciia gidi tir (prepositional objects), gidi tir thuiing ¢6 2 vj tri: trurée dai tir quan hé whom, which, hode sau dong tir (trir without). Khong ding who va that ngay sau gidi tit 23 Compiled by Amstink Ex: That’s the man about whom I was talking. Or: That’s the man (who/whom/that) I was talking about. Was that the restaurant to which you normally go? Or: Was that the restaurant (which/that) you normally go to? Mr. Lee, to whom I spoke at the meeting, is very interesting. Or: Mr. Lee, who I spoke to at the meeting, is very interesting. % Lan: - Khi gidi tira thinh phan cia cum dng tir (look after, look forward to, put up with,...) thi khong thé dem gidi tir ra truste whom, which. Ex: The machine which I have looked after for ten years is still working perfectly. - Gidi tir without khong dimg sau dng tir. Ex: Fortunately we had a map without which we would have got lost. V. All, both, few, most, some, none ect. + of + whom/which Ex: Mary has three brothers, All of them are married. > Mary has three brothers, all of whom are married. Martin tried on three jackets. None of them fitted him. ~ Martin tried on three jackets, none of which fitted him. COMPARISON - SO SANH I. So sénh bang (Equality) as + adjective/ adverb + as not as/so + adjective/ adverb + as Ex: John is as tall as Peter. Jane speaks French not as/so well as Alice. = as much/ many (+ noun) as duge dig dé ndi vé sé long. Ex: I have not read as many books as my teacher advises me. 24 Compiled by Amstink - Céu tric the same (+ noun) as cing 6 thé duge ding dé so sinh bing hoje néi vé sy. giéng nhau. Ex: My book is the same as yours, Don is the same height as his older brother. IL. So sinh hon (Comparative) More + long adjective/ adverb + than ~ Thém -er vio sau tinh tir/ trang tir e6 1 Aim tiét (short adjective/ adverb) va tinh tir €6 2 fim tiét tn cing biing y, ef, le, er, ow. - Thém more vao truée tinh tit/ trang tir €6 2 am trir cdc tinh tir tan ciing bing y, ef, le, er, ow. tré-Ién (long adjective/ adverb), ngogi Ex: George is taller than his brother. Jane speaks French more fluently than Mary. - Dé so sénh it hon ta ding less. Ex: This picture is ess valuable than that one. = Voi dank tir: more/ less + uncountable noun + than Ex: I have more/ fewer books than Peter does. Ihave more/ less free time than I used to. - Much, far, a lot due ding dé nhn manh so sinh hon. : Russian is much/ far more difficult than Spani IIL. So sinh nhat (Superlative) + Thém -est vio sau tinh tir/ trang tir ngiin (short adjective/ adverb) va tinh tir c6 2 dim tiét tan cing bing y, ef, le, er, ow. Thém most vio trurde tinh tir/ trang tir dai (long adjective adverb). the + short adjective/ adverb + est the most + long adjective/ adverb 25 Compiled by Amstink Ex: This is the happiest day of my life. What is the most interesting book you've ever read? - So sénh nhat duge ding khi so snh tir ba déi tugng tré lén. Khi trong nhém chi 6 2 déi frgng, ta thurdmg ding dang so sinh hon. Ex: Of the two sisters, Jane is the nicer. - Dé so sinh it nhat ta dimng (the least. Ex: The least expensive holidays are often the most interesting. + Much, by far dwge dig dé nhan manh so sinh nhat. Ex: Amy is the smartest by far. % Luu ¥: Trong hinh thie so sanh, tinh tir nga ding truée tinh tir dai. Ex: My car is faster and more comfortable than hers. * Hinh thie so sénh bit quy tie ‘Comparative Superlative good! well | better the best bad/ badly | worse the worst many/ more the most, much little Tess the Teast far farther/ further | the fartherst/ the furthest IV. So sanh kép (Double comparative) 1, So sinh lay tién (cing ngay cing) short adj/ adv + er + and + short adj/ adv + er more/ less and more/ less + long adj/ adv ‘Ex: I’m getting fatter and fatter. We're going more and more slowly. He became less and less interested. 2. So sénh dong tién (cang...cang) the + comparative + S + V + the + comparative + S + V Ex: The older I get, the happier I am. ‘The more comfortable it is, the more I like it. 26 Compiled by Amstink - More, less o6 thé durge diing véi danh tir trong céu tric nay. Ex: The more money he makes, the more useless things he buys. MODALS - DONG TU TINH THA 1. Can (e6 thé) Can duge ding dé dién dat: - Kha ning 6 hign tai hojc twong lai — n6i ngwii/ hoge vt cé thé (hoje kh6ng thé) lam diéu Bids, Ex: I can read Italian, but I can’t speak it. The machine can translate messages into 24 different languages. Tam confident a solution can be found. - Sy xin phép va cho phép. Ex: Can I ask you something? - Yes, of course you can, You can’t sit there, Those seats are reserved. + Loi yéu cu, dé nghi, gi ¥- Ex: Can you open the door, please? Can I carry your bags? - Yes, please. Tcan take the e: necessary. 2. Could (66 thé) Could duge ding dé dién dat: - Kha ning & qué khir - néi ngudi hoac vat cé thé hodc biét céch Lam didu gi 46 trong qué knit. Ex: She could read when she was four. My last car could do 200 kph. - Sy vige c6 thé xay ra & hign tgi hoge twong lai nhung khong chac chin (nghia twong ty ‘may/ might) Ex: I don’t know what to do when I leave school. I could be a computer programmer. 27 Compiled by Amstink - Sy xin phép (could 1é phép va trjnh trong hon can). Could khong dug ding dé dién dat sur cho phép. Ex: Could I have some more cake? - No, I’m afraid you can’t. Could durge ding dé néi ngudi nio 46 duge phép (hole khong duge phép) lam digu gi a6 trong qué khit. Ex: Peter couldn’t watch TV yesterday because he was naughty. = Loi yéu cdu, dé nghj, goi § (could lich sy va trinh trong hon can). Ex: Could you show me how to do this? ‘You could ask your doctor for a check-up. 3. Be able to (c6 thé) - Be able to duge ding dé dién dat kha ning cia con ngudi (nhung can va could thong dyng hon) Ex: Some people are able to/ can walk on their hands. She was able to/ could read when she was four. * Can/ could thuimg durge diing véi § *biét céch lam’ va véi cée dng tir chi nh§n thie nhur see, hear, feel, smell, taste, Can you knit? We could see the village in the distance. - Be able to duge dimg thay cho can trong cau tric nguyén mau, sau cdc d§ng tir tinh thai hodn thanh, ice to be able to go to the opera. One day scientists will be able to find a cure for cancer. Thave been able to work better since I got a new computer. + Was/Were able to duge ding dé dién dat ngudi nao dé di cé xoay x6 1am 1 tinh hudng dic bigt (khong ding could). i d6 trong, Ex: We didn’t know where David was, but we were able to find him in the end. Tuy nhién, thé pha dinh couldn't (could not) c6 thé ding trong tit ca cée tinh hudng. 28 Compiled by Amstink Ex: My grandfather couldn’t swim, We looked for David everywhere, but we couldn't find him, 4. May, might (c6 é, c6 thé) = May/ might duge ding dé dién dat hanh dong hoac sir vige c6 thé xay ra 6 hign tai hoje tuong lai, nhung khong miy chae chin (might it ehdc chin, it khiing dinh hon may). Ex: I may go to Sweden next year. (=perhaps I will go there) [50%] I might go to Sweden next year. (=perhaps I will go there) [30%] ‘Thuong thi ching ta e6 thé dimg ed may va might. E may/ might go to Sweden next year. Nhung chting ta chi ding might khi tinh hudng kh6ng c6 thgt. E If 1 were in your position, I might look for another job. - May duge ding 4é xin phép hoje cho phép 1 cach lich sy (may trang trong va 1é phép hon can). May not dug ding dé tir choi loi xin phép hogc cam doan. May I use your phone? ~ Yes, you may./ No, you may not. Students may not use the staff ear park. Might cing 66 thé duge ding dé xin phép.Might rat trjnh trong va lich sy nén it duge ding hon may va could. Might khong duge ding dé dién dat sy cho phép. Ex: Might I use your phone? — Yes, you may,/ No, you may not. - May duge diing dé a2 nghj 1 céch lich sy, 18 phép. Ex: May I take your coat? - May durge diing trong loi clu chic trang trong (khong ding might). Ex: May you both very happy Must (phi) ‘Must duge ding dé dién dat - Suen thiét E : All applicants must take an entrance exam. 29 Compiled by Amstink - Sy bit buge & hign tai hogc twong lai. Must thong dure diing dé chi sy bat buge tir phia ngudi néi - ngudi néi thay cdn phai Him digu gi. Ex: I must do some more work; I want to pass my exam. John, you must clean your room now! loi goi §, loi khuyén, loi moi nhdin manh, Ex: You must try some of this cake. We must go and see that new film, You really must come to my party next week. - Sy suy lun hgp li, chiin chin, Ex: Mary must have a problem - she keeps erying. - Ménh Iénh, chi thj, quy dinh duge viét thanh yan ban. Ex: Staff must be at their desks by 8 o'clock. ‘+Must not (mustn't) duge ding dé chi sy cam doan. Ex: Students must not use cell phones in class. itis not allowed) 6. Have to (phai) Have to duge ding dé dién dat - Sy can thiét, tuong ty nhu must. 7 All applicants have to take an entrance exam. sw bit bude tir bén ngoai (do finh thé, quy dinh i ndi bj bude phai lam diéu gi. su bit bude. Have to dwoc ding dé ct hoje ménh Ignh ciia nguii khde) ~ ng Ex: In my job I have to work from nice to five. Thave to clean my room now. (My mother’s orders) Have to cing c6 thé duge ding dé dién dat sy bat buge tir ngudi néi hose nguii nghe, twong ty nhu must, Nhung must thong durge ding dé chi sy c4p bach va nhn manb tinh, quan trong cia hanh dong; have to chi sy can thiét cia hanh dong, nhung khong quan trong. 7 Vicky must go to the dentist or her toothache will get worse. 30 Compiled by Amstink Vicky has to go to the dentist for a check-up every six months. - Have to durge diing thay must trong thi hign tai hodn thinh, thi tiép didn, thi qué Khu, thi twong lai, dang nguyén thé va sau cc dong tir tinh thai E She had to go to the doctor yesterday. + Trg dOng tir do duge ding véi have fo trong cfu hoi va edu phi dinh. Do not have to chi sy khong can thiét (= do not need to) 7 We don’t have to wash the windows. They're clean. [= We don’t need to wash...] 7. Need (cn phiii Need duge ding dé dién dat sy can thiét. Ex: This is the only room you need fill in. She needn’t reserve a seat — there'll be plenty of room. Need I come in tomorrow? = Need not (needn't) hoic do not need duge ding dé dién dat sy khong clin thiét (= do not have to). Ex: You needn’t/ don’t need to tell Jennifer - she already knows. - Need + verb-ing: mang nghi Ex: That sofa needs cleaning. [= needs to be cleaned] % Luu §: Need thug duge ding nhur I dng tir thong, nhat la trong cau khing dinh. Sau need 1a dng tir nguyén miu c6 to. Ex: Everybody needs to rest sometimes. 8. Will (sé) Will duge dimg dé dién dat - Hanh dng sé xay ra trong twong lai, (Xem phiin thi treong lai) Ex: I will be back soon. ~ Su ty nguygn va quyét djnh tite thi. : Can somebody help me? ~ I will. 31 Compiled by Amstink You can have it for 50 dollars. - OK. I'll buy it. - Loi ita, lai de doa, lai dé nghi, loi yéu cu, loi moi. Ex: I promise I won't smoke again. Iwill it you if you do that again, T'll wash the dishes if you like. Will you clean the blackboard, please? Will you have some more tea? 9. Would (s8) Would duge ding dé dién dat ~ ¥ dinh hoje sy mong dgi trong qua khit (1a hinh thite qua khir ctia will), Ex: They said they would meet us at 10.30 at the station. Arnold knew he would be tired the next day. - Sw vige thurmg xuyén xay ra (théi quen) trong qué khit, Ex: When we were children we would go skating every winter. - Tinh hudng hoje hanh dng khéng c6 that hoe tuéng twong. Ex: I would tell you if I knew. (but I don’t know). It would be nice to buy a new car, but we can’t afford it. + Loi yéu clu (would trang trong va lich sy hon wi Ex: Would you send me a bill, please? Would you mind waiting outsi - Lai dé nghj, loi mai ( Ex: Would you have dinner with me on Friday? Would you like some tea? 10. SI (sé) Shallauge ding é 32 Compiled by Amstink - Dién dat sy viée sé xy ra trong twong lai (ding véi ngéi thir nhat: J, we). Ex: I shall be rich one day. (or I will be rich...) - Hoi xin ¥ kién hogc lai khuyén. Ex: Shall I have my hair cut short or leave it long? What shall we do this weekend? - Dé nghj (Shall I...2) hoe ggi ¥ (Shall we...?) Ex: Shall I carry your bag? (= Do you want me to carry your bag?) Shall we go out for a meal? 11. Should, ought to (nén, phi) Should/ ought to duege ding dé: - Din dat sy bit bugc, bén phan. Nghia cia should/ ought to khong manh bing must/ have to. Ex: Everybody should/ ought to wear car seat belt. - Dua ra Idi Khuyén, loi dé nghj hoe ¥ kién, Ex: You look tired. You should/ ought to go to bed. I don’t think you should/ ought to work so hard. - Xin loi khuyén, § kién hogc sy hung din. Ex: Do you think I should/ ought to apply for this job? Should we tell him?/Ought we to tell him? = Dy don hoje suy lun diéu gi 46 c6 thé sé xy ra — ne gi sé xiy ra. hing gi chting ta nghi hogc mong Ex: It should/ ought to be fine tomorrow. [We expect the weather wil be fine tomorrow.] Henry should/ ought to get here soon- he left home at six. 12, Had better (nén, t6t hon la) 33 Compiled by Amstink - Had better (‘d better) duge ding dé dién dat loi khuyén hoje bao ai nén lam gi (gdm ca ban thin). Ex: You’d better turn that music down before your Dad gets angry. It’s seven o’clock. I'd better put the meal in the oven. - Had better e6 nghia twong ty should/ ought to, nhung had better thuimg ngu § 1 Wi cinh bao hoje de doa - sé xay ra rac réi hogc nguy hiém néu_khéng lam theo ldi khuyén. Should/ ought to chi e6 nghia “6 1a 1 dieu hay nén fam”, Ex: It’s a great film. You should go and see it. [but no problem if you don’t] The film starts at 8.30. You'd better go now or you'll be late. = Dang phi dinh Ia had better not, Ex: You'd better not wake me up when you come i 13, Would rather (thich hon) Would rather dign dat ¥ thich. Sau would rather 1a dong tir nguyén miu khong to. 7 I would rather go to a movie tonight. - Dang phi dinh Ia would rather not. Ex: I'd rather not go out this evening. + Would rather ... than (thich on) Ex: I would rather stay at home to t than go to the + Would rather someone did something (mudn ai lam diéu gi hon) Ex: I'd rather you made dinner now. Modal verbs + be + V-ing: dién dat sy vige dang xiy ra Ex: Don’t phone her now. She might be having dinner. That man on the motorcycle should be wearing a helmet. * Modal verbs + have + past participle: dién dat sy vige da xay ra hodc da khong xy ra 6 qué khit. Ex: There’s nobody at home. They must have gone out. Sue hasn’t contacted me. She can’t have got my message. 34 Compiled by Amstink Greg may have been late for school yesterday, but I'm not sure. ADVERB CLAUSES - MENH DE TRANG NGU’ I. Ménh dé trang ngif chi thai gian (Adverb clause of time) Ménh dé trang ngir chi thi n bat dau bang cae lién tir va cym tir: after (sau khi), before (trurde khi), when (khi), while, as (khi, trong khi), by the time (tic, wo ltic), since\(tir khi), until, till (cho dén khi), as/so long as (t6i khi), as soon as, once (ngay khi), whenever (bat cit lic ndo), every time (mdi khi), no sooner ...than (ngay khi...thi), hardly ...when (ngay khi...thi), the first/ last/ next time (lén déiu/ lan cudif lan ké tiép) Ex: After she graduates, she wi et a job. When I arrived, they were having lunch. Thavey’t seen him since he left this morning. % Lum §: Khong ding thi tuong lai trong ménh dé trang ngir chi thai gian, Ex: When I see him tomorrow, Pll ask Il. Ménh dé trang ngit chi noi chén (Adverb clause of place) Ménh dé trang ngi chi noi chén bat du bing céc lién tir: where (6 dau), wherever (bit cir noi du) Ex: Please sit where I can see you. Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her. II. Ménh dé trang ngit chi nguyén nhan hoi ly do (Adverb clause of cause or reason) chi nguyén nhan hoje ly do thing bat dau bang cac lién tir: because, ). Ménh dé trang ngi since, as (do, vi, b Ex: We didn’t enjoy the day because the weather was so awful. Since Monday is a holiday, we don’t have to go to work. For, seeing that, now (that), due to the fact cing c6 thé duge ding 4é bit diu ménh dé trang ngir chi nguyén han hod ly do. Ménh dé v6i for thuimg dimg sau ménh dé chinh va céch ménh dé chinh bing dau phay (,). Ex: Seeing that the weather was bad, they didn’t go sailing. John shook, for he was scared. 35 Compiled by Amstink %& Lim yz seeing that, due to the fact that, now (that) khi mubn nhiin Ding because khi muén nhan manh ménh dé trang ngir chi ly do; ding as, since, anh mgnh dé chinh. +Mgnh dé trang ngir chi ly do e6 thé rit gon thanh cym tir chi ly do (phrase of reason) bing because of, due to hose owing to. because of due to/ owing to + noun/ pronoun/ gerund phrase ‘Ex: He went to bed because he was sleepy. ~ He went to bed because of being sleepy. She was absent from class because her mother was ~ She was absent from class due to her mother’s illness. IV. Ménh dé trang ngir chi sy nhurgng b@ (Adverb clause of concession) Ménh dé trang ngit chi sy nhwgng b@ bit dau bing: though, although, even though (di, me dit) Ex: Even though I was very tired, I walked all the way home. He got the job although he had no quali cations. Ménh dé trang ngir chi sw nhugng bé cing cé thé bit dau bing: no matter, whatever, however, hoje adjective/ adverb + as/ though. E : No matter what you say, I won't believe you. Cold as it was, we went out. (= Although it was cold, +Mgnh dé trang ngit chi sy nhugng b9 c6 thé riit gon thinh cum tir chi sy nhurgng bp (phrase of concession) bing despite hoje in spite of. ( despite/in spite of + noun/ pronoun/ gerund | : Although it was raining, we enjoy our holiday. ~ In spite of the rain, we enjoy our holiday. T couldn’t sleep even though I was very tired. + T couldn't sleep despite being very tired. V. Ménh dé trang ngir chi két qua (Adverb clause of result) 1. $0... that (qué ... dn ndi, dén ndi ma ‘So + adjective/ adverb + that + clause 36 Compiled by Amstink Ex: The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down. - That thuring durge bo. Ex: The book was so good I couldn’t put it down, - Doi khi, dé nhan manh, so + adjective duge dit & dau cdu va theo sau Ia hinh thite dio ngit cita Ong tir. Ex: So tired was T that I fell asleep. - Khi tinh tir lA many, much, few, little thi e6 danh tir theo sau. so + many/ few + plural countable noun + (that) + clause so + much/ little + uncountable noun + (that) + clause ‘Ex: She made so many mistakes (that) she failed the exam. She has so much money (that) she can buy whatever she wants. + So + adjective + a/an + noun + (that) + clause BE It was so hot a day (that) we decided to stay indoors. 2. Such ... that (qua ... dén ndi, dén néi ma) ‘such (+ a/an) + adjective + noun + that + clause Ex: It was such a cold afternoon that we stopped playing. It was such good coffee that I had another cup. - That thuimg duge bi. Ex: It was such a cold afternoon we stopped playing. + Such + noun + (that) + clause Ex: The children have made such a mess (that) I can’t ask you in. + Such a lot (of) + countable/ uncountable noun + (that) + clause Ex: There was such a lot of traffic (that) I was two hours late for work. VI. Ménh dé trang ngir chi myc dich (Adverb clause of purpose) Ménh dé trang ngir chi mye dich bit diu bing: so that, in order that (dé). 'V (bare-inf). 37 Compiled by Amstink I turned on the radio in order that I could listen to the news. = Déi khi ta ¢6 thé ding thi hign tai don thay cho will trong ménh dé sau so that/ in order ‘that; thi hign tgi don dién dat nghia tuong lai. Ex: Put the milk in the refrigerator so that it doesn’t spoil. + Mgnh dé trang ngir chi mye dich e6 thé rat gon thanh eym tir chi mye dich (phrase of purpose) bang déng tir nguyén mau c6 to (to — inf) hogc in order to, so as to. in order/ so as (+ not) + to-inf ‘Ex: I turned on the radio to listen to the news. T turned on the radio in order/so as to listen to the news. % Lum §: Khong diing not + fo-inf dé dién dat myc dich phi djnh. BE He got up early in order/ so as not to miss the bus. SUBJECT - VERB AGREEMENT - SU TUONG HOP GIU'A CHU NGU VA DONG TU’ 1, Chit ngit s6 it (singular subject) + d@ng tir s6 it (singular verb) ‘Chi: ngir s6 nhiéu (plural subject) + ng tir s6 nhiéu (plural verb) Ex: My friend lives in Boston, My friends live in Boston, + Hai hoe nhiéu chit ngit ndi véi nhau bing and— déng tir sé nhiéu. My brother and sister live in Boston. Khi cdc danh tir dé cap dén cing mt ngwoi/ vat + dong tir sé it Ex:Bread and eggs is my favorite dish. 2. Each/ every + danh tir s6 it + dng tir sé it Ex:Every child has a book. +Every/ each + danh tir s6 it + and ... + dng tir sé it B Every man, woman, and child needs love. Each book and magazine is listed in the -d catalog. 38 Compiled by Amstink + One off each off every one of + danh tir s6 nhiéu + déng tir sé it Ex:Every one of my friends is here. + More than one + danh tirsé it > dng tir s6 it Ex:More than one person is going to have to find a new job. 3. Danh tir + with/ along with/ together with/ as well as + danh tir -* dong tir chia theo danh. tir thir nhat, Ex:My dog, as well as my cats, likes canned food. 4. Bither/ neither! not only + danh tir + or/ nor/ but also + danh tir ~ dng tir chia theo danh tir thit hai. Ex: ther you or J am right. Not only my sister but also my parents are here. ‘Neither off either off none of + dan tir sb nhidu —> agng tir of (t/ s6 nhidu Ex:Neither of the bookswas/were published in this country. 5. All/ most/ some/ a lot/ plenty/ half...+ of + danh tir s6 it > dng tir sé it All/ most/ some/ a lot/ plenty/ half...+ of + danh tir sé nhidu + d6ng tir sé nhidu ExiA lot of the equipment is new. A lof of my friends are here. 6. The number of + danh tir sé nhiéu + dong tir s6 it A number of + danh tir s6 nhigu - dng tir sé nhiéu Ex:The number of students in the class is fifteen. A number of students have part-time jobs. 7. Everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing ...> dong tir sé it E reryone likes her. 8. There + is/was + danh tir sé it There + are/were + danh tir so nhigu 39 Compiled by Amstink Ex: There is a book on the shelf. There are some books on the shelf. 9. Danh tir tap hop + / dng tir sé it (xem nhw I don vj) (family, team, government,...) dGng tir s6 nhiéu (chi timg ed nhan) Ex:The team is in Detroit this weekend. The team are full of enthusiasm, 10. People, crew, police, cattle, poultry, the poor/ rich/ English dng tir sé nhitu The police are looking for the missing boy. The poor have many problems. 11, Danh tir e6 dang sé nhigu nhung c6 nghia sé it: news, physics, economics, maths, linguistics, measles, mumps, rickets, billards, darts, the Philippines, the United States,.. dong tir s6 it Ex:The news is interesting. 12. Thi gian (time), tién (money), khosing céch (distance), sy do luéng (measurement) + dong tir sé it Ex:Bight hours of sleep is enough. Five thousand miles is too far to travel. Ty Ig (percentage) + of +; danh tir sé it + dng tir sé it a tirsé nhigu d9ng tir s6 nhiéu Ex:Two-thirds of the money is e. ‘Two-thirds of the pennies are mine. PREPOSITIONS - GIOI TU’ 1. Gidi tir chi thai gian (Prepositions of time) - In (trong, vao): thang, nim, mia, th4p nién, thé ky, cdc budi trong ngay (ngogi trir at night), thoi ky. in 1991, in (the) winter, in the 1980s, in the 21" century, in the morning, in 40 Compiled by Amstink In con c6 thé duge diing dé néi trong bao liu nita vige trong ba 1 d6 sé xay ra hoje vige gi dé xily ra Ex: I'll see you again in a month/in a month’s time. (=a month from now) He wrote the book in a month, (=it took him a month to write) - In time: ding lie, kip lite Ex: Irene arrived in time to see her father before his plane left, - At- véo hic: thdi gian (theo ddng hd), thoi diém trong ngay hoje cdc ki nghi (toan bé cde ngay trong ki nghi). Exiat 6 o'clock, at night, at noon, at midnight, at bedtime, at dawn, at the weekend (U.S. on the weekend), at Christmas, at New Year. At edn duge ding trong mot s6 cym tir chi thai gian: at the age of ..., at the moment, at resent, at the same time, at once, at that time, at any time, at first, at last, etc. - On (vdo): ngay trong tun, ngay thang trong nim, ngay trong ky nghi hoje c4c budi trong ngay ey thé. Ex: on Monday, on 5" January, on Christmas Day, on Wednesday morni thday - On time: diing git Ex: Betty arrived on time. She wasn’t early or Late. - For (trong) + khoing thii gian: for two months, for a long time, for ages. - Since (tit, tir khi) + moc théi gian: since last Monday, since 2002. - Untilfill (dén, cho dén): until 5 o’clock, till midnight = Before (truréc, truic khi): before lunchtime = After (sau, sau khi): after lunehtime - During (trong, sudt) ): during World War I - By (vao hic): by the end of May - From... to (tir ): from morning to noon. tir chi noi chon (Prepositions of place) 4a Compiled by Amstink - At (G, tai): vj tri tai 1 diém; 1 noi chén cy thé. Ex: at home, at school, at the bus stop/ airport/ station, at the office, at the cinema/theater, at the seaside, at the grocer’s, at 23 Brookfield Avenue, at the top/ bottom back, at the beginning/ end, at the front/ back = In (trong, 6 trong): vi tri trong 1 dign tich, 1 khng gian; vj trf trong I con dudng, thi trin, thanh phé, quéc gia, mién, phuong hwéng hojc trong 6 td. a box, in a small room, in the countryside, in the world, in the sky, in Oxford Street, in London, in Vietnam, in the east, in a car/taxi - On (trén, 6 trén): vj tri trén bé mit; s6 ting (trong 1 toa nha); tén dung (US). 7 on the table, on the wall, on the ground, on the first floor, on Albert Street. - On durge ding véi 1 sé phwong tign di foot : on a bus/ train/ plane/ bike/ motorbike/ horse/ on = On cdn durge ding trong 1 s5 cum tir: on the left/right, on the farm, on the coast/beach, on TV/radio, on holiday, on the phone/ telephone, on a trip/ tour! cruise. - Above/ over: bén trén - khéng tiép xtic voi bé mat - Under/ below: 6 duéi, bén durdi In front of: & phia true - Behind: phia sau =In the middle: 6 gitta = Near: gin - Next to/ by/ beside: bén canh, ké bén. - Between: 6 gitta 2 ngudi/vat - Among: 6 gitta nhiéu ngudi/vat = Inside: & bén trong = Outside: 6 bén ngoai = Opposite: déi dién ions of movement) a2 Compiled by Amstink + To: dén Ex: Come to my house on Saturday. ~ Towards: vé phia Ex: Angela walked towards her father. - From: tir Ex: We walk home from school every day. + From... to: tir... dén Ex: How far is it from New York to California? - Through: xuyén qua, qua Ex: We climbed through the window. - Across: bing qua Ex: Bob walked across the street. - Round/around: quanh Ex: The Earth moves round/around the Sun. - Along: dge theo Ex: We had a walk along the river bank, = Up: lén/down: xuéng Ex: The children ran up the stairs, = Into: vao, vao trong Ex: The frog jumped into the water, = Out of: ra ngoai Ex: After the class we ran out of the room, - Onto: len trén Ex: Lulu jumped onto my chair. - Over: qua, vugt qua 43 Compiled by Amstink Ex: I climbed over the fence. = Under: bén duréi Ex: The fisherman walked under the bridge. - Arrive in a city or a country Ex: They arrived in New York/ in Fran - Arrive at a village, a building, an event Ex: When did they arrive at the hotel? * 16 gi \ce a week ago. rt tir theo sau tinh tir va dng tir thong dung +# Tinh tir + gidi tir (adjective + preposition) Be afraid/scared/frightened/terrified of Be capable/incapable of Be aware of Be fullshort of Be fond of Be tired/sick of Be proud/jealous/ashamed of Be nice/kind ofito Be keen on Be dependent on Be independent on Be anxious/ worried/ nervous about Be sad/ upset/ angry about (sth) Be famous/ known for Be good/ bad at (sth/ doing sth) Be good/ bad for (sb/ sth) be angry with/ at (sb) about (sth) be familiar with be pleased/ delighted with be satisfied/ disappointed with be crowded with be fed up/ bored with be impressed with/by be different fromy to be similar to be grateful to (sb) for (sth) be interested in bbe successful in be responsible for be surprised/ amazed at be amused/ delighted at be excited about/ at/ by 44 Compiled by Amstink + DGng tir + gidi tir (verb + preposition) To talk/ speak to (sb) about (sth) Tolisten to To complain to (sb) about (sth) To object to To apologise to (sb) for (sth) To explain to (sb) To belong to To look forward to To thank (sb) for (sth) Tp pay for To blame (sbisth) for (sth) To care for/ about To search/ wait for To pray for To exeuse/ forgive (sb) for (sth) To accuse/ suspect of To approve/ disapprove of To consist of To take care of To think off about To dream of/ about To agree/ disagree with (sb) about/ on (sth) To argue with (sb) about/ over (sth) To provide/ help (sth) with (sth) ‘To compare with ‘To worry about ‘To warn about/ of To forget about ‘To arrive at/in ‘To look/ stare/ glance at To laugh at To ainy point/ throw at ‘To live on ‘To congratulate on To compliment on ‘To concentrate on ‘To depend/ rely on To insist on ‘To spend on ‘To blame (sth) on (sb) To believe in To participate/ take part in ‘To succeed in ‘To divide’ cut/ split into To distinguish from ‘To protect/ prevent from To suffer from To separate from To prefer (sth) to (sth) CONNECTIVES - TU NOI Tir ndi la tir duge ding dé ndi cdc tir, cym tir hoge ménh dé voi nhau, Tir néi duge phan loai theo nghia ciia ching. 1. Chi sy thém vaio: and, both .. ‘moreover, in addition, Ex: He plays tennis and volleyball. and, not only . but also, as well as, besides, furthermore, Not only my sister but also my parents are here. 2. Chi sy turong phan hoje trai nguye: but, yet, still, however, nevertheless, even though/ although/ though, in spite of, despite Ex: He had no qualifications, but he got the job. 45, Compiled by Amstink He had no qualifications. However, he got the job. Although he had no qualifications, he got the job. 3. Chi sy Iya chon hoje diéu kign: or, or else, otherwise, if, unless, either ... or, neither ... nor, Ex: You can walk up or take the cable car. You'd better hurry. Otherwi , you'll be late, You'll be late if you don’t hurry. 4. Chi nguyén nhan va két qua: so, therefore, consequently, because, since, as, for, because Of, such... that, 0... that. Ex: John didn’t study hard, so he failed the final exam. John didn’t study hard. Therefore, he failed the final exam. He failed the fina d. exam because he didn’t study 5. Chi mye dich: so, that, in order that, in order to, so as to. a I turned on the radio so that I could listen to the news. I turned on the radio in order to listen to the news. 6. Chi méi quan hé vé thai gian: when, whenever, while, as, after, before, since,... Ex: The lift stopped when she pressed the button, As Left the house I remembered the key. 46 Compiled by Amstink

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