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I burst into tears and ran towards him. “Oh dad.” I said sobbing. “Shh... Renesme everything’s fine.

” he
murmured as he pulled me over to the bed. I snuggled next to his icy skin, trying to stifle the sobs. He
brushed away the tears from my cheeks. “Renesme.” He said looking straight ahead. “Yes?” I said after a
slight pause. “Remember the stuffed wolf I gave you, the pink one when you were just a couple months
old?” he asked looking down at me, his wise eyes bored into mine. “Yeah! It was my absolute favourite,
Rosalie and Alice always tried to get rid of it or buy me a new one.” I said remembering. He smiled. “You
never let it go.” Jacob was never there during the day, he was finishing up school. Those were the days
when I always used to play with the wolf imagining it was Jacob. Surprisingly my dad laughed, “Yes... you
never did let it go. Do you remember what happened when the wolf ripped.” he said his eyes again probing
mine. “No.” I thought hard, but just remembered Alice buying me a new bunny instead. “You still played
with it love. You would always say ‘I will always love this wolf’ whenever Alice would complain.”

I smiled as I recalled the memory. The wolf was my favourite. I looked at him questioningly. Why would he
want me to recall such a distant memory? “Because love, Jacob is the pink wolf that you love, he may have
ripped or made a mistake, but he is still Jacob.” Dad said shrugging but his eyes were tight. “And I still love
him.” I whispered, he nodded. A single tear rolled down my cheek. ‘I will always love this wolf’ I did say
that, and I knew that I’d meant it. Edward got up and brushed away the tear with his thumb. “I promise I
won’t kill him.” he said suddenly. I laughed out loud. Very funny, I thought sourly. I knew he wouldn’t harm
Jacob. He loved Jacob in his own way, and I wasn’t worried too much.

“Sleep, my Nessie and dream happy dreams.” he said as he walked out of the room. I lay on my back,
exhausted. My eyelids shut and suddenly it was morning. I opened my eyes. What must have been hours
seemed like just seconds to me. I wanted to just sleep but I was wide awake. I quickly showered, got
dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. It was spring break. Every spring break, Jake and I would go out
to the beach and go waterskiing, or cliff-diving or even just regular swimming. I looked outside the glass
door. It was a nice day outside. The clouds draped over the sky, but they didn’t look very lasting.

Suddenly the whole family was downstairs in a flash, with all their suitcases. “What’s going on?” I asked.
“Are we going somewhere?” “Sorry Ness.” Alice said pouting. “Everyone has plans this break,” she said
shrugging. “I don’t” I said quietly. “Oh yes you do.” Mom said speaking up. “You and Jacob will be in La
Push. You can spend your break over there.” she said brightly, as if there was no problem.

Everyone looked at me expectantly, and suddenly there was a huge lump in my throat. I had to stay with
Jake. I didn’t know which emotion was stronger, the nervousness or the queasiness. “She doesn’t look so
good.” Emmett said chuckling. “Jasper?” Dad asked suddenly. “Very strong feelings, she is anxious and very
unsettled.” Jasper said very alarmed. “Um... how about I just stay here... alone.” I said whispering. Mom’s
face became puzzled then, everyone stared at my father. He merely shrugged. I knew he would tell them
when I was out of the way. Suddenly the door opened and my heart skipped a beat. No one missed that
either. “Hey, Bella I’m here to... take Nessie?” Jacob said when Mom looked at him questioningly. “Oh...
yeah sure.” she said as she rearranged her face and gestured to my suitcase. He silently took carried them
out the door. “Mom... I” I stuttered searching for the right words. “Now, Nessie... we’re gonna be late.”

Everyone kissed me on the cheek, before leaving. Great. Thanks Dad. I thought sourly. He chuckled lightly
before leaving.
I sat on the table trying to control the panic before it gave me away. “Ness? Ready to go?” Jake said
hesitantly. I nodded not quite meeting his eyes. I decided to clean up the dishes for a while; the truth was
that I was stalling. He leaned against the doorway as I put the dishes in the sink, then he was silently at my
side with a clean towel. “You wash, and I’ll dry.” He said quietly. We did the dishes in silence and as soon as
I finished, I shut the tap and grabbed my sweater and headed out the door into his car. Jake silently
followed and got in the driver’s seat. He backed away from the driveway and drove slower than he usually
did. Oh great! I looked out the window, contemplating how to get out of this mess.

Suddenly he stopped the car. “Ness?” he said suddenly. Oh no! I didn’t want to deal with this right now; I
didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. He reached out, taking my face securely in between his hands,
leaving no room to escape. I gulped inwardly, but kept my expression blank. His eyes abruptly tightened. “I
know that I hurt you...” he said slowly. I didn’t want to remember, but the image somehow made its way
back into my mind, from the careful walls I built around the thought. “No Jake... please... I can’t” I said
shutting my eyes, only seeing the image of his lips pressed against hers.

I moved my hands to the handle on the door and opened it. I pushed his hands away and ran. I ran as fast
as I could. Tears flowed from my eyes and slid down my cheeks before I could wipe them away. I stopped
and slumped down onto a broken down tree. I was in the forest, the La push forest. I put my head on my
knees, crying. ‘You’ll know the truth, but remember Ness; you can’t run or, in your case, hide from the
problem. Look for and then tell the truth, and you’ll make sense of what your old man is saying now.’ That’s
what Edward said to me, that’s what my father suggested. And I was doing the exact opposite. I got up and
wiped the tears from my eyes, and started walking forward. I knew every inch of this forest.

I came to the gap between the tress and found the place that never even knew I was searching for. It was
La Push beach. My favourite place. I sat on the sandy ground folding my arms on my knees and resting my
head on arms. How could I let this get so out of hand? I should have jut accepted the fact that I couldn’t
have Jake. He couldn’t be mine. “Uhh” I grunted and I got up. For some reason I couldn’t sit still. It would
be worse than pacing.

“Nessie!” I heard someone call. I turned around and noticed Leah and Emily walking towards me. Emily was
Sam’s fiancée, and I almost forgot, she was getting married tomorrow. Finally, they could barely find the
time before. Leah was now with Nahuel. They fell in love a couple months back when he came to visit. They
were all so happy.

I was considering to just running for it, to spare them from my less then gloomy mood, but then Dad’s
lecture came into mind. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and walked towards them. “Hey.” Emily said
hugging me tightly. “Look at you, you look brilliant.” I said as I noticed her clothes. “Thank you.” she said
grinning. Leah spoke up. “So? Where’s Jake?” She asked looking behind me. “Um... I...... I don’t really
know.” I whispered. Jake’s name brought back the awful memories; I tried to hold it together. Their eyes
abruptly tightened by watching the play of emotions on my face. “Hey, how about you come to the
sleepover? It’s just us. It’s kind of a party for Em but only with us.” Leah said brightly. “Yeah.” Emily said
brightly. “I really don’t know guys... I might have to ask....” I mumbled. “Hey... let me deal with Jake, your
definitely coming. “ Leah spoke up as she pulled me by the elbow. We went to her place, where Jake
usually hung out with Seth. Leah and I walked in alone. Emily said she had errands to run and would see us
at her place later on. Leah pulled me forcibly, leading me to her place. “No Leah... I don’t wanna go in.” I
said pulling away. She chuckled, easily pulling me along. She took me inside and into the living room, where
Jake and Seth were watching baseball.

It was getting dark outside and Leah hurried to put her plans into order. “You know what I am gonna go get
some popcorn.” I said before she could start. Leah gave me a dirty look as I hurried into the kitchen. I knew
where everything was in this house. It was like my home away from home. I made popcorn, purposely
taking my time, and then slowly walked back into the living room. I froze, Leah was sitting on the only
single, empty couch and there was only one more place for me to sit... and that was beside Jake.”Score!”
Leah called, grinning wickedly at the T.V, which was directed at me. I went to sit on the couch, trying to
slide as far as I could from Jake. It wasn’t easy; I could still feel his body heat. I passed the popcorn around,
trying to pay attention to the game, but in truth I never even knew who was winning or losing. When the
game was over I sighed happily. “Jake, I’m taking Nessie for the night.” Leah said suddenly, and then she
raised her eyebrows. “Unless, you two have something better to do” she asked. My face felt all hot, and
mad. Jake, however, just glared at Leah. “Shut up Leah.” he said frustrated. She giggled. “So, can I borrow
her?” She continued. “Sure, sure.” he said getting up. “Awesome, bring her over around 9:00 o’clock to
Emily’s place.” She said as she got up and pushed us out the door. She shut the door, leaving us outside,
alone together. I started walking forward, not really in the mood to start up any type of conversation. I
went to Billy’s place and spent the two hours there, watching television. I talked to Billy for a while and by
the way that he looked at Jacob and me. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I ran to Leah’s house to grab my suitcase and shower. Once I got in the shower I realized I was cold. The hot
water burned my skin. ‘You’ll know the truth, but remember Ness; you can’t run or, in your case, hide from
the problem. Look for and then tell the truth, and you’ll make sense of what your old man is saying now.’
Dad said I had to look for then tell the truth. I knew what the truth was. The truth was that I loved Jake. I
figured that much out. Now...all I had to do was tell him that. No. I couldn’t do that. Then everything would
become even more confusing. We would become even more distant. I would lose him for good.

I got out of the shower, worried that Leah might get angry if I was late for the sleepover. I took a small bag
with a couple pairs of clothing and hurried out the door in my sleeping robe and PJ’s. “Hey Ness… I can give
you a ride if you want.” Seth said cheerfully as he walked towards me. “Sure sure… thanks Seth.” I said as I
followed him to Jake’s car. “No problem.” He said. “Know where the keys are?” he asked. I sighed. “Didn’t
you ask him?” I said putting my hands on my hips. “Nope. Jake usually goes out on a run this time of day.” I
sighed again as I took my hair clip and picked the lock of the driver’s seat. I slid in. “You can drive it back.” I
mumbled. I opened the top flap. Three things fell out. The first one was the key, and as I examined the
second piece of parchment, I froze. I was a picture of me and Jake. I looked like I was an average 6 year-old
but I knew I was only a year old. I was kissing Jake on the cheek and he was smiling hugely. The second
picture made my heart skip a beat. It was a picture of both of us… but this time I was the age I was now and
I was kissing him on the cheek. A single tear dropped down my face. I could never be his friend again.
“Ness? You okay?” Seth asked. I wiped the tear away and simply just nodded as I started the engine.

When I got there, I knocked on the door. Leah opened the door. “Hey!” Leah said brightly. She took a good
look at my face, then practically pulled my in. I took off my robe, revealing a blue tank top, with dark blue
pyjamas. Leah was wearing something similar, but in yellow. Emily was wearing silk pyjamas with a silk
night blouse. We watched romantic comedies, laughing at the stupid boys in the film, crying for the broken
hearted girl and the happily ever after at the end. “That was a good movie.” Emily said as she turned it off.
“So what do you wanna do now?” Emily asked. “How about we talk.” Leah said looking at me. “What’s
going on Ness?” she said looking at me. “What do y-you mean.” I stammered. “Don’t give me that… I kept
my mouth shut this whole day… now you have to spill.” She said glaring. “Leah!” Emily scolded. “Oh come
on Em.” They looked at each other briefly then looked at me. “Spill.” Leah said again. “I had a fight with
Jake.” I said sighing. “Figured that out… keep going… give me the whys.” Leah said gesturing for me to go
on. “Because…because Jake kissed another girl.” I whispered. They both gasped looking at each other with
horror. “Nu-huh Jake would not do that.” Leah said denying it completely. “He did.” I said my voice sad.
“And why are you upset Nessie?” Emily said her eyes bored into mine. Leah looked at Emily... her eyes
wide...then looked at me grinning. “I ... um…” I stammered.” Go on.” Leah said half yelling. “I love him.” I
said giving up. Leah and Emily both squealed with delight. “Oh my God! That’s awesome!” Leah said
happily. “Why didn’t you tell him yet?” Emily asked smiling greatly. “Because I’0m afraid. Jake used to be
like my brother… he didn’t ever love me more than that. I don’t want to lose him.” I mumbled. Emily and
Leah exchanged another glance at each other. “And you’re sure he kissed another girl?” Leah asked me. I
nodded looking down at my hands. Emily put her hand on my shoulder. “You should tell him Nessie.” She
said looking at me seriously. Leah nodded… lost her in own thoughts. “I’ll think about it.” I muttered.

We spent the rest of the night watching another movie and playing monopoly… until around 1:00 Emily
suggested we sleep… since it would be a big day tomorrow. I slept free of any dreams.

I woke up to another sunny day. We all ate breakfast and hurried to get ready. I called Dad and asked him if
he was going to come. “Sorry Ness, Alice predicted it would be sunny.” Dad said calmly. He told me to tell
them congrats on their behalf. I went to the Emily’s room, wanting to tell her about my fathers wish but
stopped dead in my tracks. There lay, on a rack, a frilly, white dress. “Wow! Em! The dress is amazing!” I
exclaimed. “Thank you, Nessie! Oh and I almost forgot your dress is in a garment bag in the other room.
“My dress?” I asked. I already had one which was at home. “Your bridesmaid dress!” she said happily. “But,
you never told me… and I… Oh my gosh thank you so much” I said breathlessly. I ran over and gave her a
hug. “No problem… and do me a favour and give the your groomsman his tux.” She said as she grinned and
sat on the bed, Leah hurried inside and started helping her with her makeup. “Who’s my groomsman?” I
asked dubiously. “Oh… my groomsman is Embry… which means yours is….Jake.” Leah said calmly, thinking
it over. I froze when Leah did. “Which means your gonna walk down the aisle with Jake!” Leah said happily
as she continued. “Nessie…. Go get ready you only have an hour and a half.” Leah said still grinning as she
put Emily’s hair up. I groaned as I ran over to the other room.

Two garment bags lay on the bed. One was black and one was white. The white one was probably mine, so
I opened it and revealed a blue knee length dress. It was frilly from the waist down and it had a lace bodice
that circled the waist. It was beautiful. I decided, before I went to give Jake the tux, I would do my hair to
save myself some time. I quickly straightened my usual curly hair in to sleek straight curtain that drifted at
the side of my face.

When I went to the Clearwaters house no one was there. I placed the Garment bag on the bed and hurried
out the door nearly bumping into Seth in his tux. “Wow! You look great Ness!” Seth said winking. I blushed.
“Thanks so do you.” I replied. We exchanged more pleasant greetings before I bolted so I could get my
dress on and help Emily and Leah.

I ran back to Emily’s place after I had worn my dress. I ran in to find Emil nowhere in sight but Leah was
sitting on the bed looking absolutely amazing. She had her hair piled up high on her head and she was
wearing a blue dress but not similar to mine. Her dress was a little darker and had black designs on it. It was
a knee length dress though. “Wow! Leah you look amazing.” I said grinning. She looked up. “So do you.”
She replied returning the grin. We gave each other a tight hug. Then Emily came out wearing a gorgeous
knee length wedding dress. The top was silver and from the waist down, it plunged with beautiful and
elegant ruffles. “Emily!” Leah and I gasped at the same time. We went over and hugged her tightly. I took a
couple pictures of her looking beautiful. “Enough, enough, let me take one of you two!” She said happily. I
handed her the camera and sat down, whereas Leah stood tall over me we posed and smiled.

“Okay, Okay… it’s almost time.” Leah said after the picture. “Nessie, I need you to go get Embry and Jake
and try to find Mr. Young please, he has to walk Emily down the isle.” Leah instructed. I nodded keeping my
expression calm, when really I had butterflies. I ran out the door. What would I say to Jake? Oh it’s time for
us to walk down the isle. No way.

I didn’t stop as I got to the Clearwater house; I dashed up the stairs and made it in Seth’s room in a flash.
But no one was there. I decided they must already be at the wedding clearing. The wedding was going to
take place in a nice empty, beautiful area where you could see the magnificent view of the water, it was a
couple of miles away from the beach. When I came to the clearing I simply smiled at everyone greeting
them warmly until I saw the men talking with Sam and the other wolves I gulped and started to turn away,
Leah could call them herself. “Ness, over here!” Seth called. Damn it. I smiled as I walked over towards
them. They all looked agape as they saw my appearance, except Sam. “Wow! You look Awesome!” Quil
said smiling. I flushed. “Thanks… Umm Embry… Leah was looking for you.” I mumbled. He looked confused
then realization hit him as he looked at is watch. “Gotta split guys.” He said nervously. They just nodded,
still looking at me appreciatively. Then Jake came by, holding a drink he looked at me then froze. My face
felt hot, I looked away. Thankfully, Embry took a good look at him. “Hey Jake don’t you have to come too?”
He said looking at the two of us. “Where?” he asked as he took a sip of his drink. “Clueless.” Embry said as
he pulled Jake and me along.

We got to Emily’s place with the car. “Finally.” Leah muttered as she pulled all three of us inside. Emily’s
father was already there. Everyone exchanged greetings then Leah turned to Jake and me. She handed us
both a flower. “Pin a flower in her hair and you put a flower in his tux.” She commanded. “Oh and Jake…
you can’t walk too fast down the isle.” She muttered. “What… I’m walking down the isle?” He asked
curiously. She nodded, occupied with the flower that she had to put in Embry’s tux. “Yep, with Nessie,
you’re a groomsman.” She said calmly, but I could see the laughter she was so desperately trying to hide.

Jake stood I in front of me in that same second and my breath stopped as he leaned towards me. He pinned
the flower delicately on my hair. I could feel his warm hands brushed along the corner of my head. He
pulled back and I pinned the flower on his jacket, where I could feel his heartbeat. “Okay, it’s time
everyone.” Leah announced. “Embry and I will go first, and then Jake you follow up with Nessie and then
Mr. Young will bring in Emily.” Leah said cheerfully. I took some more pictures of everyone, excluding Jake,
who looked so good in a tux. I groaned inwardly as Leah snapped a picture of him as he came in through
the door. She winked at me as she handed me the camera. I glared at her. “Okay, Embry will drive Mr.
Young, me and Emily, in Jake’s car.” Leah said as everyone was out the door. I froze. “Wait, Jake’s car is
kinda small; a Lamborghini can’t fit all five of us.” I said my voice uneven because I knew what Leah would
decide. “You and Jake can come running” she said as she got in the passenger seat. “I can’t run in heels.” I
declared. She frowned then suddenly grinned. “Jake, you’re gonna have to carry Nessie.” She called to him
as he locked the door to Emily’s house. She slammed the car door and Embry hit the gas. “Whoo- hoo.” I
heard him call. I grunted. Jake came and stood beside me, watching the car depart as I did. “We had better
get going.” He mumbled. I sighed as I took one step closer to him; he surprised me by taking off his jacket. I
took it from him without him asking, and he swept me off my feet and began running. Jake’s warm hands
around my waist felt good…warm. I was always so cold nowadays since he was never with me. Jake looked
down at me and I blushed. “You look beautiful by the way.” He said grinning. I frowned as a blushed
deeper. I looked away before the tears could pool in my eyes like they usually did whenever I faced him.

We got there in a flash. Everyone took there seats. We saw Leah and Emily just far enough so no one
would see them. “Ready?” She asked grinning. I nodded though that wasn’t true. Unexpectedly, Jake’s
hands curled through my own as he pulled me along. Leah and Embry started down the isle. We linked
elbows and set out after them. I smiled as best as I could, just waiting for the walk to be over. It was hard
standing so close to Jake, feeling the side of his body pressed against mine and leaving it that way.
Thankfully, before I could do anything rash, we reached the end of the isle. I pulled my hand out from his
and went to stand beside Leah.

Then Emily came out her face gleaming with happiness. She walked down the isle that was scattered with
rose petals, content. When she reached the end of the isle, Sam extended his hand towards he, and she
took it cheerfully. They said there vows, and all I could see in their eyes was pure love for each other. “I
now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” The minister said and then Sam reached
down to shape his lips around Emily’s. It was a beautiful wedding. The wedding continued on and on. Emily
and Sam danced there first dance as husband and wife. Leah pulled me along in the dancing circle.
Everyone danced with a partner and then twirled to another person. I was actually enjoying myself
laughing and smiling, and having a brilliant time.

Afterwards, everyone ate and enjoyed the warm weather, chatting and catching up. Leah pulled me with
her whereever she went, making me mingle with the guests. “Nahuel!” Leah beamed as she went and
hugged her true love. Nahuel and I exchanged greetings and I scurried off to give them some privacy. I
didn’t like to be alone, in a place that I always came just to avoid the lonliness and have a good time, so I
decided to go down to the beach. I sat on the log that drifted close to the water, kicked off my high-heels
and just let the cold water and sand flow in between my toes. I thought about how Emily and Sam were
literally perfect for each other. I never saw them looking at each other with anything but love.

I sat there staring at the water for god knows how long because then the sun started to set and the sky
became a beautiful rainbow of colours far beyond the horizon.


It was getting late, and I couldn’t see Nessie anywhere. Leah was sitting on a table with Nahuel, someone I
never used like, cause I thought he used to have a thing for Ness, but that’s just the distant past now.
“Leah, Have you seen Nessie?” I asked her as I approached her table. “I thought I saw her go towards the
beach, check there first.” Leah said as she popped a strawberry in her mouth. I trurned towards the beach.
”Don’t have too much fun.” She called. “Shut up Leah.” I muttered as I went down the hill. I knew she heard
me because she started snickering.
Eventually I made it to First Beach. Nessie was sitting on the trunk of a tree looking at the sunset and then
at the water constantly. I shook my head as I walked towards her, she was fascinated by the most weirdest
things. I approached the trunk and sat beside her. Her head snapped up and she took a good look at me
and then turned away. “Bored of the party?” I asked her. She simply nodded. Usually it was so easy making
converstions with her, effortless. But now, thanks to that dumb blond we weren’t the way we used to be.
No matter how many times I tried to talk to her, she would just run away. The truth was that I had made
her suffer. I had made this horrible for her and now I was gonna fix it!

I turned to her. “Renesmee!” I said, using what she called ‘my alpha voice’. She gulped and turned a little
towards me. I took her face in between my palms, feeling like I did that a lot this past couple of days.
“Everyday I promised you that I wouldn’t hurt you, and I’m sorry that I broke that promise.” I said begging
for her to hear me out. But her eyes shut tightly, and tiny crystals came from the edge of her eyes. She was
trying not to remember how I hurt her. I brushed them away with my thumb. “I swear to you that I didn’t
want to hurt you. She came onto me Ness, I didn’t kiss her… I would never do that.” I said quietly. Her eyes
snapped open like she had just received an electric shock. She pushed my hands away from her face and
got up and walked away from me. I grabbed her wrist. “No Ness.. you can’t run. I won’t let you leave, not
now.” I said firmly. “Jake, please, I can’t talk about this… it hurts too much… please.” She said begging the
tears pooled in her eyes. “No Rensmee, you can’t keep running from your problems…you can’t keep
running from me.” She froze. “I’ll let you go Ness, but I need to know one thing.” I said, looking into her
eyes. I let go of her wrist and took her face in my hands, unthinkingly, my face inched towards her. She
needed to tell me something, something important. “Why were you upset, Nessie? Why didn’t you just let
it go?” The tears slid down her cheeks. “You need to tell me Ness… I have to know.” I said quietly to myself.
My thumb brushed past her lower lip.


“I’ll let you go Ness, but I need to know one thing.” Jake said, his eyes burned into mine. He let go of my
wrist and took my face in his hands, his face just inches away. “Why were you upset, Nessie? Why didn’t
you just let it go?” The tears poured down my cheeks. “You need to tell me Ness… I have to know.” Jake
said so quietly that it sounded like he was speaking to himself. His thumb brushed by my trembling lower
lip. It was weird but it sounded like Jake wanted me to tell him that I loved him. No! I couldn’t lose him like
that, what if he didn’t love me like that? But what did I have to lose? My heart couldn’t possibly break, if it
wasn’t even whole to start with. So what did I have to lose. Jake. I had to lose him. And I couldn’t. I shook
my head, refusing to tell him. “No Jake… I can’t… I can’t tell you.” I whispered. I pushed away his hands,
turned around and started walking.


“No Jake… I can’t… I can’t tell you.” she whispered. She pushed my hands away, turned around and started
walking. No! If she wasn’t going to tell me…. Then I had to tell her. “Not this time Ness.” I said quietly. She
turned around and looked at me. I took advantage of that, caught up to her in two long strides and with a
gasp my lips met hers. It felt unbelieveably good, like the missing piece of my perfect puzzle had been
found, fireworks went on in my head, and her lips on mine tasted incredibly sweet. I don’t know how I did it
but I pulled away just a fraction of an inch, “I love you Ness.” I said grinning. Her expression became blank
but I could hear her heart racing and the blood rushing to her face. I kissed her, before she could respond
or even let the words I just said sink in. This time… she kissed me back. Her arms wrapped around my neck
and her lips moved with mine in a way that could have lit the whole forest on fire. I wouldn’t have noticed.
She pulled away. “ I love you too Jake.” she whispered. “That’s all I needed to hear.” I mumbled before
kissing her one more time. “Finally!” Leah said as she walked towards us. I barely heard her and continued
with my kiss. “Oh, come on Leah. Let the boy live a little. Besides this is way better than romance movies.”
Embry said snickering. “Jake… me next… me next!” Paul said sarcastically. Nessie chuckled as she pulled
away. “Shut up!” I muttered as I wrapped an arm around Nessie’s waist. “Yeah… guys stop bugging poor old
Jake.” Quil said putting on arm around my shoulder. “OH look…when did you become Mr.Sensitive?” Leah
asked as she crossed her arms. “Ever since I found out that Jake’s such a good kisser” Quil replied. Then he
started making kissing noises. “Shut up Quil.” Everyone said all at once. Suddenly Seth slapped the back of
my head. “Seth!” I said angrily. “What? You deserve it. Leah told me you kissed another girl.” Seth said
angrily. Nessie surprised me by chuckling. “Told you!” Quil called. “Shut up Quil.” Everyone called again.



Jacob black

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