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Girls are not only delicious. If a monster eats a girl, it just receives a nice meal.

If a cute girl
eats another cute girl there is no turning back. Once they have digested their meal they
become cute powerful preds. 
The nutrients of a cute girl are very special. Alone they are just ordinary nutrients. But
combined with the nutrients of other cute girls they grant special powers. Even girls that
already know magic grow more powerful.
Preds slightly grow stronger with each further girl they eat. Some even stay forever young.
It's very difficult to hunt a fully evolved loli pred. But they are even more delicious as normal

The next match takes place in the "Green Arena". The Arena surrounds a small but very
dangerous jungle. Don't worry the monsters in this jungle can eat girls but they aren't able to
digest them.

Wendy Marvel the sky dragon slayer vs Bonnie an aspiring Pokémon trainer.

A few weeks in the past…

"Wendy you have to accept. You are the cutest pred!" Happy the blue cat tries to push her.
"No Wendy. It's way too dangerous!" Carla the white cat insists. 
"It isn't dangerous!" Happy says.
"If she loses, she will be reduced to ugly poop." Carla blushes.
Happy smiles: "Then Wendy becomes the cutest poop. It's a win win situation!"
"But wearing a diaper is embarrassing." Carla says.
"It isn't embarrassing to fill one with a cute girl!"
Wendy blushes: "It's embarrassing… But I want to become stronger!"
"But you don't like fighting." Carla still tries.
But Wendy has made up her mind.

Somewhere in the Pokémon world…

"Pika Pika" Pikachu explains. (One of the most successful girl scouts)
Bonnie smiles: "A tournament for cute girls like me?"
"Pika Pika Pikachu." Pikachu continues to explain.
Bonnie gleams: "If i win i can wish to find a nice girlfriend for my big brother?"
"Chu Pika!" Pikachu warns her.
Bonnie blushes: "I must turn my opponent into a diaper filler… And if I lose I will become her
diaper filler instead?" 
"Pika chu chu." Pikachu giggles.
Bonnie blushes even more: "Becoming poop is fun and a diaper is very comfy?"
Bonnie shyly giggles: "I enter. It sounds like fun."

"Hi." Wendy greats Bonnie shyly.
Her meal is much younger as expected. Bonnie is even smaller as Wendy. She has beautiful
blue eyes and short yellow hair. She wears a brown t-shirt and a fluffy short white skirt.
Beneath the skirt she wears a tiny diaper decorated with Pikachus. Wendy wonders if she
even would fit in.
For some reason Wendy feels hungry if she looks at her. 
"Hi miss Wendy." Bonnie smiles cheerfully.
Wendy looks very delicious. She has very long blue hair tied into twin tails with cat ears. She
wears a red school uniform with a black skirt and black thigh high socks. Her diaper is blue
and decorated with a cute dragon. Bonnie wasn't sure if she would be able to eat a girl. But
Wendy looks tasty enough.
The girls do not have much time to introduce themselves. Suddenly two big plants attack
them from below and devour them whole.
The plants are called "Meal prisons". Meal prisons hide under the dirt till a girl steps onto
them. Then the leaves quickly catch the girl like a bear trap and drag her into their onion. The
Meal prison needs years to digest a girl. Because they try to harvest as much cuteness as
possible. Therefore, cannibals often use them to trap cute girls. This is how they received
their name.
The task for this game is to escape first. There is actually a very easy trick to open a Meal
prison. I wonder who will find out first.

"I thought we would fight against other girls. This isn't fair!" Wendy complains. 
"Eating girls would be more fun." Bonnie isn't scared at all.
There is no deep pool of acid inside the plants. But the inside is tight, moist and warm. There
is also some acid in the air strong enough to digest clothes. (Except diapers for some
Bonnie struggles as much as she can. But she can't escape. Wendy tries to use her dragon
attacks. But the plant is immune against magic.  The two Meal prisons don't even flinch.
"I don't think we need strength to escape." Bonnie is very optimistic. "This is a riddle!"
Wendy shivers: "A very pervert riddle. My clothes already start to digest…"
“My shirt also already has a hole.” Bonnie giggles.
Wendy tries to calm down: “Can we ask some questions?” 
“You can, cute muffin. But i will not tell you the solution!” The commentator giggles.
“Will this plant turn us into poop?” Bonnie asks.
“Eventually. If you wait some years.” The commentator smiles.
Wendy asks: “Does this plant only eat girls?”
“Only cute girls.” The commentator corrects. 
Bonnie's shirt and skirt are half gone now: “My body tickles… Doesn’t it mean it's digesting
me right now?” 
“No! The plant only feast on your cuteness.” The commentator explains.
“Will we lose our cuteness?” Bonnie is shocked. 
The commentator laughs: “No! You produce far too much cuteness. That is why the plant
does not need food very often. “
Wendy tries to hide her now revealed small boobs. (Although nobody can see them right
The shy magician slips out an insult: “Why does this ashole feast on cuteness?”
Suddenly the plant shivers a bit.
“What happened?” Wendy asks. “Did i do something?”
The commentator does not answers anymore.
Bonnie didn’t see it but she has an idea: “Maybe it’s because you called the plant ashole?”
Now Bonnie’s cage shivers.
“Why does this baka not like it when you insult her? No girl would just accept her fate.”
Wendy wonders.
The plant does not react to baka. 
Bonnie is red like a tomato: “I think you must use “evil” insults. You You fucking plant!”
Bonnie’s plant shivers even more.
Wendy barely dares to say the next line: “Yo You You Wh Whore!”
The plants shiver but it still does not seem enough to escape.
Bonnie giggles: “I think the plant doesn’t like it if we don't behave cute. You *****”
But insults alone don't seem to be enough. Whatever the girls say, the plants don’t open.
Wendy has a very embarrassing idea: “Maybe it opens if you do something perverted…”
“Perverted?” Bonnie can’t imagine any perverted move.
Wendy tests her theory with a red face. Her hand slips into her diaper. Then she starts to
play with herself…
The plant suddenly shivers even more. Wendy also shivers as she naughtily tries to satisfy
herself. Luckily the plants spits her out before Wendy comes…
Wendy helps Bonnie to escape. It’s very easy to open a Meal prison from the outside. 
Wendy’s clothes are mostly gone. Only parts of her socks remain. Bonnie on the other hand
only wears her diaper now.
“Thanks, miss Wendy!” Bonnie smiles.
Wendy smiles too: “I’m glad we managed to escape.”
However, Wendy did forget an important detail: She did win. Therefore, she now must eat
“Is it possible to skip my meal? I like Bonnie.” Wendy asks, a little sad.
But she isn’t allowed to skip it. If she does not do it herself, the organizers would force-feed
Bonnie smiles: “It’s okay. I look forward to becoming your meal, Miss Wendy.” 
Bonnie looks very delicious. Wendy can’t resist her hunger. Her dragon instinct takes over.
She opens her mouth as far as possible. She then encases Bonnie's head with her mouth. 
Bonnie struggles playfully: “I bet you belly will be way comfier as the plant!”
Wendy's mouth already feels way better than the plant.
Wendy drools as she pulls Bonnie further in. She can’t believe how tasty Bonnie is. Her
smooth skin is more delicious than any candy. 
“Stop Miss Wendy! It tickles!” Bonnie laughs.
Wendy has found Bonnie’s nipples. She strokes them with her tongue to fully enjoy the
A small part of Wendy still doesn’t want to eat Bonnie. But the shy girl is weaker as her
dragon instinct. 
Wendy pulls Bonnie further in, till she reaches her feet’s. Her little toes are also way more
delicious as expected. 
“This is so much fun!” Bonnie giggles.
Then with one final swallow Bonnie is fully gone. Wendy’s belly is now big and round. Bonnie
was a small meal. But Wendy isn’t very big herself and now fully filled.
Now Wendy feels very embarrassed. Not only has she eaten a girl in front of all these
strangers. She also is nearly fully nude. She tries to hide. But it’s difficult to move around like
Bonnie on the other hand now feels very relaxed. Wendy’s tummy is also very warm, tight
and wet. And Wendy’s tummy is also filled with an acid pool. But for some reason it’s way
more comfy as the plant.
“You know you will just be poop soon…” Wendy pity’s her belly.
Bonnie kicks against her tummy wall. “I know. But I bet your poop is way more cute than
other poop.”
Wendy blushes. It feels nice if she struggles: “Nope. My poop is also as filthy as any other
Bonnie’s limbs slowly start to dissolve. it’s a very weird feeling. Her body breaks apart, but it
doesn’t hurt at all. Bonnie is curious how it will feel to be transformed into poop.
“Are you fine?” Wendy asks worried.
“It’s still relaxing.” Bonnie weakly giggles, her body is now more goo as a girl.
Wendy’s belly starts to shrink: “I guess you will be now pumped into my guts. I hope you will
enjoy your journey through me…”
Wendy is right. The Bonnie goo is pumped deeper into her guts and slowly all her nutrients
are absorbed. 
Bonnie feels as her body turns into a sticky paste. She feels as parts of her are absorbed
while other parts just become indistinguishable. It’s a slow and long journey. But eventually
she reaches the end of Wendy guts as nothing more as waste. 

----- Scat part ahead -----

Wendy feels a strong pressure in her guts: “Did you finish your journey already?” 
It’s embarrassing to use a diaper if everyone is watching. But Wendy can’t hold it any longer.
She relieves her butt and the first Bonnie turd eagerly breaks out. Wendy still can’t believe
that she has reduced this cute girl to nothing more as filthy waste. 
Bonnie actually enjoys the last part of her journey. It’s a very funny experience to drop out of
Wendy’s butt as nothing more than useless turds.
Wendy feels bad. But it actually feels nice to push Bonnie out. Way better than shitting
anything else out.
With a last plop, the last remains of Bonnie drop out. 
“I hope my diaper is comfy.” Wendy tries to smile.
She still slightly pity's her meal. Her dragon diaper is now stained and filled. But it still looks
kind of cute. Very cute!
“It’s very comfy!” Bonnie wants to say. But she is now just poop. All she can do is stink.
“I wonder if she really is still alive.” Wendy shivers, because a small part of her is envy. A
small part of her also wishes to fill a diaper…
But for now Wendy will continue the tournament as a girl and not as a diaper filler.

Bonnie on the other hand continues her life as a diaper filler and will receive her own display
case in the museum. She doesn’t look much different than any other filthy waste. But she is
still very cute. 
“I hope Serena will someday also fill a diaper.” Bonnie relaxes and enjoys her new life as

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