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Exercise 2 (Instances)
Exercise 3 (Encryption)
sudo cryptsetup --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/xvdf -c aes -s 256 -h sha256
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xvdf crypt1
sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/mapper/crypt1
sudo mount /dev/mapper/crypt1 /encrypted
sudo touch /encrypted/test
sudo umount /encrypted
sudo cryptsetup luksClose crypt1
/dev/mapper/crypt1 /encrypted xfs noauto 0 0
Exercise 4 (Application Security)
**In MySQL Instance**
sudo bash /etc/mysql/ccsk-mysql-startup
**In Wordpress Instance**
Copy and paste these addresses since you will need them in a second:
Public DNS of **Wordpress** :
**Private IP** of MySQL :
sudo /usr/share/doc/wordpress/examples/setup-mysql
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Exercise 7 (Private Cloud)
username: ccsk
password: cloudsec
sudo bash netsetup
sudo reboot
**Changing Zones Advanced Exercise**
For this section, lines with ">" mean enter a command, while other lines are ins
1. Log in to your node
2. > ifconfig
3. Note the IP address
4. SSH to your ip address > ssh The password is still cloud
5. sudo vim /etc/nova/nova.conf
6. Scroll to the bottom
7. Type "o" to add a lines
8. Paste in the following two lines (you can leave ccsk, or name your zone whate
ver you want):
9. hit ESC
10. > sudo bash change-zone
11. Wait until your command prompt comes back
12. > nova-manage service list
You should now see your node in your new zone (and anyone else's).
**Launching instances on a specific host**
nova image list
nova boot --image <image id> --flavor 1 --hint force_hosts=<hostname> <instance

**Additional Advanced Exercise Notes**

Typing the following two lines will allow you to use both the EC2/Eucalyptus and
Nova APIs:
source ./devstack/openrc
source ./devstack/eucarc
From there you have full capabilities to explore the cloud, but remember that du
e to our fully-virtual/lab setup you probably won't be able to connect to instan

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