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The different types of insomnia

Acute insomnia

Acute adjustment insomnia is that caused by a difficult event or stressor (bereavement, job loss, distress
of all types). This type of insomnia lasts a few days and goes away in less than three months. Usually,
this problem resolves quickly when the trauma or the factors involved disappear. In more vulnerable
people, insomnia sometimes persists and becomes chronic.

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Psycho physiological insomnia

We also talk about chronic insomnia. The idea is that the person suffers so much from not sleeping that
they end up being afraid to go to bed and not be able to fall asleep: it is insomnia that feeds itself! Then
comes a negative conditioning that is created between going to bed and the anxiety of not getting there.
Performance anxieties for sleep appear (fear of not being able to fall asleep or get enough sleep), with
an inability to fall asleep at a scheduled time. Paradoxically, sleep is much easier outside the house.
Cognitive and behavioral treatments offer good results.
Poor perception of sleep

This is a "real-false" insomnia. The person is convinced that they are suffering from insomnia. Her real
sensation is that she only sleeps a few hours at night or not at all. This is not about simulation: these
people simply have a poor ability to assess the quality of their sleep. These people do not have the
sensation of sleeping. Polysomnographic examinations show, however, that these people sleep quite

Idiopathic insomnia
This condition is rare and is characterized by a constant inability to get an appropriate amount of sleep.
Unlike psycho physiological insomnia, this insomnia remains stable and is not influenced by stress. It
occurs in childhood, and is thought to be caused by an abnormality in the neurological control of the
sleep-wake system.

Insomnia related to mental disorder

Many mental illnesses can induce sleep disturbances. To find out more, read the article dedicated to this

Poor sleep hygiene

Insomnia can be caused by poor sleep hygiene. Either the person will have activities that will encourage
hyper vigilance and therefore alter the architecture of sleep (extreme physical exercises before bedtime,
taking stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, watching TV, tablet, online games etc.). Either the person
does not indulge in behaviors and an environment that promotes sleep (poorly ventilated room, too hot,
pets that disturb; staying too long in bed, not respecting regular bedtime schedules, etc.).
Childhood behavioral insomnia

Children can paradoxically "learn" to sleep badly. Sleep habits are instilled by parents in the way they
suggest when and how to sleep. Inappropriate responses given to their child at bedtime or when the
child does not want to sleep can lead to behavioral insomnia. The resources available to deal with this
Insomnia due to a drug or substance

Even if alcohol is the most widely used “sleeping pill” on the planet (!), It unfortunately offers poor
quality of sleep to those who use and abuse it (non-recuperative and poor quality sleep). Other
substances can cause insomnia, such as medicines (due to their side effects) or drugs (often stimulants).
Sleeping pills taken in too large a quantity or for too long can cause insomnia (this is called a “rebound
of insomnia”: as soon as the person wants to stop taking their sleeping pills, insomnia comes back more
and more. the person to take them again). OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Insomnia related to a medical disorder

Many diseases and medical conditions can interfere with sleep and lead to insomnia. Asthma for
example, gastro esophageal reflux disease, hyperthyroidism, etc. It is by treating the initial medical
condition that one can relieve the person of the insomnia which results.

Insomnia not specified

This term designates all insomnia for which we do not know the causes or which do not seem to be part
of the insomnia mentioned above.

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