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HOP DONG UY QUYEN Power of Attorney 1/ Ching t6i, ky tén dui day La bén dy quyén (bén A)/ We, undersigned as Principals Ong Ng in Mr. Negi a Sinh ngay: 09 1Date of birth: CMND sé : 02 11, cdp ngay 23/07/2007 tai Céng an TPHCM. Hi chigu Vigt Nam s6: 1 9 cp ngity 18/3/2009 tai Cuc Quin Ly XNC. LD no.: 021866501 issued by Hochiminh City Police Department on Jul. 23, 2007. Vietnamese passport no. E 2 isswed by Vietnam Immigration Department on Mar. 18, 2009, Val And: BaT Mrs. y Sinh ngay: 1... 2 (Date of birth: Nov. 16, 1972 MND 36: ) ngay 13/09/2008 tai Céng an TPHCM. Hi chigu s6 NIA - 3\r Quén Viét Nam tai Canada LDno. Vietnamese passport no . a Sep.13, 2010, Hign dang thudng tr tai: Currently permanent residency at 2/Chiing 10 14 chi sé hitu nha 6 va quyén sit dung dét 6 tai dia chi: KDC Viet Sing. We vossess land-use rights and home ownership located at: Ki 3/ Bén dugc iy quyén (bén B) / Authorized agent. Bak. Sinh ngay: . MND s6: 021! ‘Thuring tr tai 1 LD no.: 021563 Permanet addre 4/"Thay mat ching 10i hodn thinh céc thi tuc lién quan nu sau: ‘As our true and lawful attorney in fact, o act for us in our name, place, and stead, and on our behalf to do and perform the following: + uve quyén lip, ky tén, ky nhén ede gidy tb c6 lién quan (ké ca ban chinh); ky hop déng. at coc, chuyén nhurong quyén sé hou nha va dét 6, cho thué (ké ca hay chuyén nhuong, ch tc ha ay bap ag Atco) ip chs Kinin pi vk md ph sinh (os ) va duge toan quyén quyét dinh, giai quyét tt cd céc van dé phat sinh lién quan d8 thuc hhign cfc eding vige duge uy quyén néu trén theo quy dinh cia php lua. We ‘Vee * Entitled to establish, sign, certify the relevant documents (including the original): contract deposit, property & land transfer , lease (including canceling the transfer Tease termination , termination of deposit ); pays fees and taxes incurred ( if any) and has absolute discretion , to resolve all the issues arising in relation to implementation of the above property transaction under the law of Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Chuyén toan b6 sé tién tir viée ban nha, dat néu trén cho bén dy quyén tai tai khoan s6: “i cée chi phi, 18 Remit the entire a the above proper Scotiabank , Halifax , Canada. '5/ Tha tao ay quyén: ‘Compensation for services pursuant 66/ Thai han uy quyén: 05 (nim) nam ké tir ngay dy quyén nay due céng chimg hode cham ditt ‘theo quy dinh ciia phap Iuét. Duration of authorization : 05 (five ) years from the date this authorization is notarized or terminated in accordance with stipulated law. ‘T/Hop déng wy quyén nay c6 gid tri thuc hién khi bén duoc ay quyén hoan tat tha tuc thu ty tai 16 chic hinh nghé céng chimg ‘This Power of Attorney shall be effective when the authorized agent completes authentication procedures at the local organization handling notarial services. ‘Ching t6i xin hoan toan chiu tréch nhigm truss phap luge vé vige uy quyén nay. The statements made in this power of attorney is duly liable by the laws. ‘Lam tai H , Canada ngay 05 thang 08 nim 2015 Done at Feeyon =, Canada on Aug. 05, 2015 Zl con Wists are ~KrerSledton BFK Ben A/Principals a, = Ne » 1 y Som before me on this S day of Pc, 2015 at Halifgs-¥8, Canada, L Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Suite 200, 6156 Quinpoo! Rot ae __ ice Gaara Helifax, Nova Scotia BSL 1A.

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