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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)

Name of Teacher Candidate  Stephanie A Reyes

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 3rd Grade
~ 20-25 minutes first day
Estimated Time Needed
~2-=25 minutes second day
In this lesson, the students will learn about compound sentences. They will
Lesson Description learn how to combine two short sentences into one sentence by using
words such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so
(11) Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using
multiple texts--writing processes. The student uses the writing process
recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate
conventions The student is expected to:
Content Area Standards
(D) edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:

(i) complete simple and compound sentences with subject-verb agreement;

Technology Standards
The students will be able to create and apply correct grammar and
Objectives punctuation when combining two simple sentences to create a compound

Nouns - a word that represents a person, place, thing, animal, or idea.

Verbs - a word that tells what someone or something is doing (action word)

Simple Sentences - A sentence that has a subject and a predicate and

Terms/Vocabulary expresses a complete thought.

Compound Sentences - Contains two independent clauses (simple

sentences) joined by a coordinating conjunction

Conjunction -join phrases or sentences together.

Stable internet connection (will be connected via LAN cable to ensure)
2 laptops; one will be my share screen laptop the other will be to view the
students who raise their hands and unmute their microphones
Technology Resources Google Meets
Google Slides
Other Resources

Lesson Procedures 
This template is built on the A step-by-step description of the Describe how each stage of Cite specifically what
traditional “Madeline scope and sequence of lesson the lesson will be managed, resources for this activity
Hunter” lesson structure. activities, with estimated time on task including role of teacher and will be used, and describe
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
noted in parentheses for each step. learners (who is doing what in detail how they will be
In other words, completely describe at each point), location (e.g., used.
the flow of the lesson-the content to classroom, computer lab, Note who will be using the
be presented, and the strategies to outside), and any special tool and in what ways. Note
be used. Include actual words you considerations, such as for any safety considerations
will use and questions you will ask differentiated instruction. needed.
students. Consider items such as:
parts of the lesson that might be
difficult, and how you will know
whether you can go on; how to
ensure that students completely
understand directions before
releasing them to work
independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
- I will wait for the
students to return
from groups. The
student’s should start
returning from groups
around 10:50ish, and I
will begin my lesson. I will be working in my
- As the students are room since it’s the
entering the Google quietest place in my
Meets link, I will house as of right now
remind them to keep that has access to fast
their microphones internet and plugs for
muted unless they my laptops to stay
have any questions or charged.
are answering any I will set my computers
questions that I will be on a desk in my room,
Focus/Anticipatory Set
asking. one computer will be
(motivational hook)
- After a majority of the monitoring the students
students have joined and the other computer
the meeting, I will will be doing any share
remind them of the screening that needs to
vocabulary they have be done. I will ensure
learned these past the students are able to
two weeks which hear and see me or the
include nouns, verbs, slides by asking them
and simple sentences. to give me a thumbs
- I will write up. I will remind the
down each of students to keep their
these microphones muted.
definitions on
a google slide
and have one
of the
students read
the definition
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
to me, starting
with a noun.
- A student will
read the word
noun, after
that student
has read the
word, I will
then ask
“Does anyone
what the noun
- After that
student has
what a noun
means, I will
ask the
students to
give some
examples of
- I will write the
word verb on
a separate
slide and get
one of the
students to
read the word
- after the
student reads
the word, I will
ask another
student if
what the word
verb means
- After the
student has
defined the
word verb, I
will ask the
students to
give some
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
examples of
different verbs
and write
those down in
the slide as
- I will write
down the
word simple
sentence in a
new slide,
then I will ask
one of the
students to
read that slide
- After that
student has
read that
slide, I will get
student to
explain what a
sentence is,
and give me
examples of a
- write the word
and define it
for the
- show them
function video
- Mention that today we
will be learning
something new,
compound sentences
I will create and present a pre This is my teaching
made slide show that will part of the lesson,
include the students new therefore I will ensure
Content-input  vocabulary, as well as my students are not
examples of compound playing with anything
sentences and paying attention
- First I will get the with their microphones
students to get out a muted. After the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
sheet of notebook students write down the
paper and something first definition, I will ask
to write with. them to put their writing
- I will begin my tools down to ensure
slideshow with they don’t play with it
defining the the during the remainder
vocabulary slides until it is needed
“compound sentence”, at the very end of the
since the students slides.
have no prior
knowledge to
compound sentences
- I will have the
students copy down
the definition of
compound sentences
on that sheet of paper
before moving on
- After the students
have copied down the
sentences, I will
continue with the slide
show, the slide show
will contain about 3-5
different examples of
two simple sentences
followed by a slide
showing how those
sentences were
turned into a
compound sentence.
- I will have the student
copy down the last
three that will be on
the same slide, as
well as have a
diagram that shows
the different parts of
the sentence that
makes it a compound
sentence, that way the
student has examples
as well as the
definitions copied
down for future
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
I will open up a separate slide
show, but on this slide show,
the students will be working
with me to combine the
- After the students
have copied down the
definitions as well as
have their examples
In this portion of the
written, I’m going to
lesson, the students
open up another slide
will not need paper nor
a writing tool. I will
- This slide show will
ensure I have the
contain about 8-10
students attention, and
different incomplete
try to call on students. I
simple sentences.
will ask the students to
Each slide will contain
give me a thumbs up if
a word bank at the top
Guided Practice  they agree with the
to aid in assisting the
compound sentences
before moving on to the
- In each slide the
next. To ensure
students will work
understanding, I will
together to combine
add extra slides to the
these two sentences.
slideshow if needed the
- I will help the students
students are needing
by checking their
more examples and are
answers, and asking
not grasping the
the other students if
they agree with the
placement of the
conjunction and use.
- The students and I will
continue to work
through the slideshow
in working together to
make complete
compound sentences.
To check for understanding For independent
the students are to complete practice, the students
an eleven question worksheet will be working on
that will be put into Seesaw. Seesaw. I must ensure
Independent Practice  - I will explain what we to give the students a
learned today one clear due date of
more time before completing the
addressing their assignment as well as
homework that is to ensuring they’re able to
be done after class. access the worksheet. I
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
- I will show the must make myself
students a preview of available to answer any
the worksheet, and do questions the students
one question from have with the
each part with the worksheet, as well as
students. any questions they
- I will ask questions have about the lesson.
like “Is this a
compound sentence?
Why is this a
compound sentence?”
To ensure the use of
the vocabulary words.
- The students will be
assigned eleven
different questions.
On the top of the
worksheet, the
definition for a
compound sentence
will be provided.
- In the e worksheet,
the students must
identify if the sentence
is a simple sentence
or a compound
sentence. The
students are to write
the letter “S” for
simple sentences or
“C” for complex
- For the conclusion I
will tell the students
that we will be
reviewing compound
sentences again

The following day I will quickly Since it is a new day, I

review compound sentences will remind the student
with the students. to mute their
- with this review, I will microphones when
show the students one they are not speaking.
of two examples of I will remind them that
compound sentences they can only unmute
just to refresh and to when they’re answering
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
ensure they remember my questions or have a
their previous day's question about
learning before compound sentences
continuing on. or their Seesaw
- I will work with the assignment.
students on making
my own two simple
- After creating my
simple sentences, I
will work with the
students on
converting those
sentences into
compound sentences.
- After creating my
simple sentences, I
will instruct about the
post test that will be
posted on Seesaw
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice 
Launch Frame
“We have learned about making compound sentences, what are some things we
need to remember to do when making a compound sentence?”
Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
“What is this sentence missing?”
Plan for Leading a 5-10 
“How do we make this a compound sentence?”
minute Discussion 
“Why is this a compound sentence?”
Following Guided Practice 
Conclusion Frame
“We have learned how to create two simple sentences into one compound
sentence. For homework, you will be looking at more compound sentences and
simple sentences and figuring out if the sentence is a compound sentence or a
simple sentence.”
Launch Frame
Yesterday, we learned about compound sentences, and today we’re going to go
over compound sentences again and practice turning more simple sentences
into compound sentences.  
Plan for Leading a 5-10  Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
minute Discussion  What do we remember is a compound sentence?
Following Independent  What do you need to have to make a compound sentence?
Practice  What do you put in the sentence before adding the conjunction?
Conclusion Frame
“Today we have learned how to turn two simple sentences into one compound
sentence. Tomorrow, we will review compound sentences, and you will get a
chance to create your own compound sentences.”
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accomodations 
Special Education  For my SPED kids, I will be adding the definitions and include multiple examples
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Students  for them to see before practicing compound sentences on their own.
I have included the definition, as well as I plan on repeating this lesson's
vocabulary often throughout the lesson. In the beginning of the lesson, I have
included a portion where I will be showing the students these definitions as well
English Language 
as new definitions in a slideshow. The students are to write these definitions
onto a journal or a sheet of paper for future reference. I will also be asking the
students to write down examples of compound sentences into that same sheet
of paper.
For my GT students, I have included a portion in my lesson that allows these
students to get creative and create their own compound sentences. The
Gifted and Talented  students are able to write down any eight sentences they would like as long as
they can pair them and turn them into compound sentences.

I will ensure all slideshows and technology is working before beginning the
Other:   lesson. The lesson will also be uploaded on Seesaw for any students who are
not able to make it, or are having technical difficulties.
The student will be creating eight different simple sentences on a sheet of paper and number them 1-8.
After creating those simple sentences, the students will then create 4 compound sentences out of those 8
sentences and number those 1-4; after they complete this assignment they will upload it to Seesaw.
Classroom Management Plan for the Lesson 
I will ensure to give the students time to join the Google Meet before starting the lessons. I will help the
students to the best of my ability with any technology issues that may occur during the lesson. I will ensure
to remind them of their classroom rules while on Google Meets often, and oftenly remind them to mute their
microphones when they are not speaking.
Lesson Resources

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