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1. There are three houses. One is red, one is blue, and one is white.

If the
red house is to the left of the house in the middle, and the blue house is
to the right to the house in the middle, where is the white house?
2. You are in a cabin and it is pitch black. You have one match on you.
Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle, or the
3. Who is bigger: Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
4. Mike is a butcher. He is 5’10” tall. What does he weigh?
5. A farmer has 17 sheep and all but nine die. How many are left?
6. In a year, there are 12 months. Seven months have 31 days. How many
months have 28 days?
7. Jimmy’s mother had four children. She named the first Monday. She
named the second Tuesday, and she named the third Wednesday.
What is the name of the fourth child?
8. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in
the world?
9. Which is heavier? A pound of feathers or a pound of rocks?
10. A plane crashes on the border of the U.S. and Canada. Where do they
bury the survivors?

11. You are driving a bus. At the first stop, two women get on. The second
stop, three men get on and one woman gets off. At the third stop, three
kids and their mom get on, and a man gets off. The bus is grey, and it is
raining outside. What color is the bus driver’s hair?
12. Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly, you
are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can
you put an end to this?
13. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
14. When you have me, you immediately feel like sharing me. But, if you do
share me, you do not have me.
15. What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?
16. A boy is walking down the road with a doctor. While the boy is the
doctor’s son, the doctor is not the boy’s father. Then who is the doctor?
17. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Michael J. Fox has a short one.
Madonna does not use hers. Bill Clinton always uses his. The Pope
never uses his. What is it?
18. Your parents have six sons including you and each son has one sister.
How many people are in the family?

19. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
20.What is at the end of a rainbow?
21.If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have?
22.What has hands but cannot clap?
23.A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days, then leaves on
Friday. How did he do it?
24.What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
25.A man was outside taking a walk when it started to rain. The man didn’t
have an umbrella and he wasn’t wearing a hat. His clothes got soaked, yet
not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?
26.Name four days of the week that start with the letter “t”?
27.What invention lets you look right through a wall?
28.Which travels faster? Hot or cold?
29.What is the capital city of France?
30.Your uncle’s daughter is your……………..

31.What is the name of Peter Pan’s enemy?

32.What time is it? (write the whole sentence)
33.Who discovered America?
34.Write question for the answer: They live in London
35.What is the capital city of the USA?
36.What is the largest planet in the solar system?
37.Write the short answer for the question: Does it snow in summer?
38.Write down three things that have wheels.
39.Write down three pieces of furniture.
40.Write down 5 uncountable nouns.
41.What is the longest river on Earth?
42.Write down three things you want to eat for breakfast.
43.Which is the biggest continent in the world?
44.Which is the largest desert in the world?
45.Write down the title of the movie by listening to its soundtrack.
46.Write down the title of the movie by listening to its soundtrack
47.Write down the title of the movie by listening to its soundtrack
48.Listen and write down the type of music.
49.Listen and write down the type of music.
50.Listen and write down the type of music

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