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Pituitary: The pituitary (pronounced: puh-TOO-uh-ter-ee) gland is at the base of the brain, and is no

bigger than a pea. Despite its small size, the pituitary is often called the "master gland." The hormones it
makes control many other endocrine glands.

The pituitary gland makes many hormones, such as:

 growth hormone, which stimulates the growth of bone and other body tissues and plays a role
in the body's handling of nutrients and minerals
 prolactin (pronounced: pro-LAK-tin), which activates milk production in women who are
 thyrotropin (pronounced: thy-ruh-TRO-pin), which stimulates the thyroid gland to make thyroid
 corticotropin (pronounced: kor-tih-ko-TRO-pin), which stimulates the adrenal gland to make
certain hormones
 antidiuretic (pronounced: an-ty-dy-uh-REH-tik) hormone, which helps control body water
balance through its effect on the kidneys
 oxytocin (pronounced: ahk-see-TOE-sin), which triggers the contractions of the uterus that
happen during labor
 The pituitary also secretes endorphins (pronounced: en-DOR-fins), chemicals that act on the
nervous system and reduce feelings of pain. The pituitary also secretes hormones that signal the
reproductive organs to make sex hormones. The pituitary gland also controls ovulation and the
menstrual cycle in women.

1.I am located underneath the brain,just beneath the hypothalamus and behind the bridge of
the nose.I am the master gland because I control many different processes in the body. Despite
my small size, I can make hormones that can control many other endocrine glands.These
hormones are the growth hormones, which stimulate the growth of bone and other body tissues
and plays a role in the body's handling of nutrients and minerals.The prolactin, which activates
milk production in women who are breastfeeding.Also the thyrotropin , which stimulates the
thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones.The corticotropin, which stimulates the adrenal gland
to make certain hormones antidiuretic hormone, which helps control body water balance
through its effect on the kidneys.The oxytocin, which triggers the contractions of the uterus that
happen during labor.I also secrete endorphins and hormones that signal the reproductive organs
to make sex hormones. And lastly,I am the also one who controls ovulation and the menstrual
cycle in women.The hypothalamus will always help me, it sends signals in the form of hormones
to me, telling how much hormones are needed to send to the other glands. Then, the I will
secrete hormones that signal to the glands how much hormones they need to secrete. Without
me, the body wouldn't reproduce, wouldn't grow properly and many other bodily functions just
wouldn't function.

2.I am very small but I am the master of all glands and I create hormones that can reduce the
feelings of pain.

3.Favorite song or quote "We are very,very small, but we are profoundly, capable of very,very
big things. " stephen hawking


5.My greatest achievement is my production of hormones that regulates activity of thyroid

adrenals and reproductive gland and balances water in the body

6.word that sums me up:leader

7.most likely to be a:captain or a leader

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