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M1 is The One

“A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.”

Alfred Tennyson

Since I began my own journey of awakening I have travelled down many carefully paved rabbit holes of
half-truths. They are the femme-fatal of war, the honey pot whose nectar draws one in, and the
sandwich where the bread is the truth and the filling the now palatable lies. All carefully crafted to draw
an awakening – and frequently desperate – soul into energetic exhaustion.

Since reading Mary Crofts seminal book, many years ago now, explaining that all banking was the
greatest scam ever perpetrated against the people of this earth I have strived to find remedy. Why?
Because once you SEE you cannot UNSEE and what I saw was evil.

Interestingly the word “Evil” is the word “Live” backwards. This is indeed what has been done (or we
have allowed to be done) to us. The divine creator, often known as God, gave this domain to us for all to
share and enjoy and to leave it better than we found it for our children and our children’s children in
perpetuity. What those with nefarious hearts have done is to take God’s law and words and to invert it.

Within this construct they created money (moon-eye) and the financial system that was designed to
enslave our very souls and therefore the vessels that carry them. They did this by creating the Birth
Certificate and “tricking” our kin into handing us over in false contract and creating the PERSON. As
many of you know the PERSON is a Dead Corporate Body (where the Corpse in CORPorate MEANS
Dead), a fiction, with a name that is in All Caps which in Roman Law defines it as a slave and also dead.
This is why ALL tombstones have the names in All Caps.

The dead, fictitious, corporate body, the PERSON, identified by the Birth Certificate is a BOND. A
Financial Bond in a fictitious system that is run by man’s commercial laws and NOT God’s laws.
Everything to do with the NAME and the Birth Certificate and the Accounts created from that Birth
Certificate are both fictitious, nefarious and entrapment at the most serious level of our existence.

I studied remedy and the Birth Certificate Funds many years ago and after many painful experiences
realised and saw that it is:

1. A carefully constructed trap that only a few will ever discover.

2. That those that do discover it, only a few will be “allowed” to access these fictitious funds in
order to draw the others further in and thus beLIEve the technology works.
3. That most of those will find their lives dissolve into chaos or end up in prison because the “Just-
Us System” will not allow truth or fact in a court designed - at so many levels most could not
comprehend - to prevent truth and facts being ever “heard” and thus, good people, with good
intent fall to the dark corners of prison cells and broken families and relationships.
4. And THIS is the KEY POINT!! That this fictitious, evil, slave/debt system can ONLY survive with
YOUR ENERGY!! It can’t be beaten, or possibly understood and then “worked” to the people’s
advantage because it is NOT OF THE PEOPLE it is of the dead PERSON entity system and it wants

Having discovered this some time ago I set about even more convinced the solution to debt was to make
all wealthy and create a new financial system based on real asset backed currency to allow mankind to
transition through the Godless trap of needing money/currency to exchange and back to remembering
that this is ALL for us and our duty is to create, and create with the intent of all benefit. It is at this point
I was ready to find Hon Bapak and M1.

Since finding Hon Bapak and struggling through the initiation process of “seeing” he IS M1, as much
deprogramming had to occur (at least in my case it did after years of Remedy and
correct document constructs) I came to see how wise Hon Bapak is and complex this mission really was.

To this day there is MUCH I do not yet know, or see, but what I do see is that Hon Bapak is M1, he is
“working & negotiating” at many levels of existence and with beings seen and unseen who have all had
a stake in the old slave system and do not want to give that up easily. This is his divine genius because all
are creations of God and thus all have fallen and all must come back to divinity for it to be true

This for mere mortals - such as myself – can be a real quandary at times, and take us through many ups
& downs as we deal with bills and keeping roofs over our heads, families, relationships and “life” where
ever we are whilst trying to maintain dignity and honor as a trusted and appointed officer of the

However, the truth is the truth, even if no-one believes it to be so; just as a lie is a lie, even if everyone
believes it to be true. Hon Bapk is M1 and is the ONLY ONE who can create a new (not a reset) financial
system and free the people from the Dead Corporate PERSON and Bonds. EVERYTHING else is false,
fictitious and NOT of GOD.

To invest any time and energy in any organisation or technology other than UNS and P1-11 is actually
harmful to the mission, an insult to Hon Bapak and, one could go as far to say, as feeding the very beast
you wish to destroy.

I write this NOT as HM Dr Jeremy Ayres Act, WPM of Diplomatic Community but as the Man, commonly
known as Jeremy of the Clan Ayres who has seen that many good UNS officers and the like are being
drawn to the false light. I implore you to now take stock and again remind yourself of the foundational
truths of who M1 is and what UNS and P1-11 is also.

If you cannot remedy that within your minds and hearts then perhaps this is not the time – as yet – for
you to hold a position as officer of UNS and within that support and honor Hon Bapak as M1?

I trust this “note” will help aid you make the light decision, stimulate a moment’s pause and soul
searching and be seen for what it is? There is ONLY ONE way. There is ONLY M1.

All the best

Dr Jeremy

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