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Business Risks Objectives Strategies

1. Increased competition in a. To be able to attract  Use some recent

the market that LDV is more customers in industry researches in
currently part of resulting to order to compensate assessing for the
some losses on the revenue for the decrease in current trend to
of the entity. income due to improve competitive
increased competition analysis.
within the industry.  Gather intelligence
b. To set a more specific and assess the risks
target market to focus

2. New product to be a. To expand the sales  Review some

introduced in the market (the of their products in marketing materials
venture LDV to selling of the market through and strategies
halal cow’s milk) that might taking advantage of appropriate for such
increase the liability of the the awareness and product.
product as well as company positive response of  Identify the unique
expenses. consumers to the selling point of the
health benefits of product and focus on
halal foods in order to strengthening that
address the one.
decreasing amount of  Identify new and
revenue. potential
b. To try a new product stakeholders.
line in order to give  Analyze if the right
more options for their customers and
target market and to location for the
diversify the range of products are
the products they can approached.
offer as a solution in
garnering more sales.
c. To cope up and
address with the
quick change of the
preference by the
consumers and
satisfy their demands.
d. To expand the
activities of LDV and
enter into a new field
within the industry.

3. Low Receivable Turnover a. To improve the credit  Review why the

ratio of LDV which might and collection staff of receivable turnover of
hinder potential investors in the company in order the company is
putting a good investment to to have an effective worsening.
the company. Also, some way of timely  Re-assess the credit
receivables are uncollected collection of policy of the company
due to the defective goods receivables. to guarantee timely
returned by the customers. b. To improve the health receivable collection.
security in making the  Check for any
products in order to unsanitary
not have any sales procedures during the
return from customers process of making the
through rebranding product to ensure
and giving of excellent quality
discounts to affected safety as well to
consumers. consumers.

4. Recent changes in the a. To be able to adapt to  Conduct some

Personal Income Tax (TRAIn the changes of these compliance risk
Law package 1) and accounting policies. assessments.
Corporate Law (TRAIn Law b. To provide  If possible, invest in
package 2) that might still be appropriate strategy some compliance
incomplete and so increases in complying with the consultants to help
costs incurred by the requirements needed you.
company and might also once implementation  Consult with other
lead to material of such laws and companies within the
misstatements in the regulations start. industry as to how
financial statements. they are going to
address such change
and analyze if your
company will be able
to apply the same

5. New technology in a. To save time and be  Continuously review

improving the milk more efficient in the the market and
production process for the production process of technological
new halal product to be the company as well advances.
introduced in the market as for the advance  Canvas for different
wherein the cost is unknown technology needed in types of such
and cost of hiring an external improving production machine for the
specialized firm to help with process of milk. production process in
the process. b. To improve the health order to not waste
security of the time, opportunity and
products so that money.
lesser products are
wasted and returned
by the customers.

6. Customer attrition due to a. To reduce  Empower employees

quick change in preference dependence on to share feedbacks
of consumers resulting to a bigger chains and and solve problems
low market share for the focus rather more on about the matter to
company as well as low obtaining small retail encourage
income for the business. companies to departmental
Also, the loss of one or two compensate for its collaboration and
of the chains which consists loss. team problem solving
almost half of the sales of b. To improve the that might create
LDV greatly impacts the customer retention structural
revenue of the company. rate of LDV in order improvements.
to gain more loyalty  Ask for some
from such customers. customer feedbacks
to help the company
understand and
address the problems
and to monitor the
triggers why such

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