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a) assess OH&S risks from the identified hazards taking into account applicable legal and other

requirements, the effectiveness of existing controls and considering the hierarchy of controls
set out in 8.1.2;
b) identify opportunities to eliminate or reduce OH&S risks.
The organization’s methodology(ies) and criteria for assessment of OH&S risks shall be defined with
respect to scope, nature and timing, to ensure it is proactive rather than reactive and used in a
systematic way. OH&S opportunities

The organizations shall establish, implement and maintain a process to identify opportunities to
enhance health and safety taking into account:
a) planned changes to the organization, its processes or its activities;
b) opportunities to eliminate or reduce OH&S risks;
c) opportunities to adapt work to workers, as applicable.

6.1.3 Determination of applicable legal and other

The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process to:
a) identify and have access to up-to-date legal and other requirements that are applicable to its
OH&S risks and OH&S management system;
b) determine how to apply and meet these requirements.
The organization shall maintain and retain documented information of:
— applicable legal and other requirements, ensuring this documented information is updated to
reflect changes;
— how compliance with its applicable legal and other requirements will be achieved.

6.1.4 Other risks and opportunities to the OH&S

management system
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process to assess the risks and identify
opportunities related to the establishment, implementation, operation and maintenance of the OH&S
management system that can occur from the issues identified in 4.1 and 4.2.

6.1.5 Planning to take action

The organization shall plan:
a) actions to address these the risks and opportunities (see 6.1.2 and 6.1.4);
b) actions to address applicable legal and other requirements (see 6.1.3);
c) actions to prepare for, and respond to, emergency situations (see 8.6);

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