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The plasticless strategy focuses on different angles :

 Remove / reinvent : switching from plastic packaging to packaging free
products. In many cases, this implies reinventing the formula, as a solid
shampoo for example doesn’t have the same properties as a liquid one.
 Reduce : lightweighting of packaging to reduce the global quantity of
plastic material used.
 Reuse : design reusable / rechargeable packaging, to move away from
single use & disposable packaging.
 Replace : switching from plastic to other more sustainable materials. We
can consider both recycled plastic and other materials such as carton,
tetra pack, bamboo, sula pack etc. While switching to alternative materials,
we have to guaranty that the new material has indeed a better
environmental footprint all along its life cycle. For example, we know that a
glass jar for a 50 ml skin care product has a worse footprint than a plastic jar
for a 50 ml skin care product. In this case, we will not sponsor glass although
it is plasticless.
 Recycle : design packaging which are recyclable, to make sure that when
disposed of by consumers, they can reenter the loop of packaging
materials in a circular model, and not end up in landfills or in the ocean

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