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A. Oslcocvlcs
II. Oslcobfasts
C. Chondrocylc*
D. Oulcodnsls
E. Chondrublasts
5. A 24-year-old man undergoes a surgery
g -2 ^ -2 s

and during the operation, an organ is excised

and sent for histological evaluation. A light
.B ? 3

microscopic examination reveals the organ

encased by thin connective tissue capsule
that enters the substance or the lobes to
further subdivide the organ into irregular
A. Diphtheria-tetanus loxoids-accllular lobular units Ha eh lobule contains a cluster
pertussis vaccine (DTaP) of follicles filled with colloid, follicular
B. Tuberculin epithelium consists of low columnar, cuboidal
C Bacillus Calmcttc-Gucrin (BCG) vaccine or squamous cells, depending on the level of
D. activity of the follicle. Which of the following
E. Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids vaccine (Td) organs docs this tissue most likely belong to?
2. A 20-year-old female comes to the clinic A- Pancreas
after missing her last 2 periods. Her cycles B. Parathyroid gland
arc usually regular, occurring at 28-30 day C. Thymus
interval with moderate bleeding and some IX Parotid gland
abdominal discomfort. She also complains of E.ThyToid gland-
progressively diminishing peripheral vision.
Her doctor reveals loss of vision in the lateral 6. Ihc doctor evaluates his patient’s
halves of both eyes. Involvement of which spyrography. One of the evaluation
parameters represents the normal amount
of the following structures would you most of air displaced between normal inhalation
likely expect to be the reason of bitemporal and exhalation without any extra efforts nr
appointments. Which of the following is being
A. Optic chiasm evaluated in this ease?
B. Right optic nerve A. Total lung capacity
C. Ixfl optic tract B. Vital volume
D. Right optic tract C. Tidal volume
E.I.cft optic nerve D. Residual volume*
3. A 25-ycar-old male presents to an E. Inspiratory capacity
emergency department with sudden- 7. A medical student studies a waste
onset right-sided pleuritic chest pain and disposal system in human epithelial cells.
breathlessness. On examination, he has During electronic microscopy he reveals
arterial blood saturation of 9(1% in air and is the spherical vesicles, surrounded by a
afebnle. An X-ray shows a lung edge visible in membrane and containing many different
the right hemilhorax. beyond which no lung hydrolytic enzymes. The main function of
markings are seen. Which of the following these organelles is to provide intracellular
conditions has most likely occured in this digestion and protective reactions of the
patient? cell. Which of the following organelles is
mentioned above?
A. Pneumonia
B. Acrophagy A. Centrosomes
C. Pleurisy B. Mitochondria
u). Pneumothorax C. Lysosomes
E. Rib fracture D. Ribosomes
E. Endoplasmatic reticulum*
4. A 14-year old girl presents to the cmcrccnc)
department for evaluation of an infected 8. A 38-ycar-old woman, who was diagnosed
leg? She states there is no history’ of with systemic lupus erythematosus (SUs) 3
but mentions she had a history of sic c years ago. comes to her physician with a
disease. On physical examination, .httr.uPP~, complaint of facial swelling and decreased
part of the right shin is very pamlw. r„e°’ urination that she first noticed 2 weeks
swollen, and hot. Her temperature is J -

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. unholipflsc A2. Which of Ihc following

ph rEiilciPl5 * precursor of an inflammaiou
.go She “KSmenLed above? *
a corticosteroid Her lippj
blood pressure “r rdfe ■«? A. Arachldonic add*
- 91/min., temperature - a*" K'h'icn\
respirators' rate • 15/min. ^n JV^ UJ n. TJrnrtinc
examination, the doctor notices crylhgnaioui
rash on her face exhibiting o h \
pattern the laboratory studies
hypercholesterolemia. hvperlfiglyccr‘L L ,

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and proteinuria Which of Inc following «

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most likely mechanism of SlT/i comphcati

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in this patient?

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R. Decrease in renal blood flow (ischemic






C Acute infection of the kidney
tO. Increased plasma oncotic pressure „A. Salmonella
E. Immune complex-mediated glomerular n. Leptospira
disease C Shigella
D. Helicobacter
9. A pathologist studies a specimen of the K. Listeria
small ocan-shaped structure which is the part
of human immune system. In a cross section 13. A 16-ycar-old girl concerned about
it consists of an outer layer (cortex) and her sexual development comes to the
inner layer (medulla), and is surrounded by physician. She mentions that she has still
a fibrous capsule and subscapular sinus and is not had a menstrual period However, she is
about 18 cm long. Which oi the following is otherwise a healthy girl with no significant
being studied by the pathologist? medical problems since birth On physical
examination, her vital signs are stable. She
A. Parathyroid gland does not have pubic hair and her breast is
B. Thymus# slightly elevated with areola remaining in
C Lymph node contour with surrounding breast. Which of
D. Spleen the following is the most likely cause of this
E. Salivary gland abnormal physical development?
10. A 46-year-old man presents with fatigue A. Hypothyroidism
and joinl pain in his fingers and wrists
for the last 2 months The pain is present •B. Ovarian insufficiency
in both hands and the wrists arc swollen. C Adrenal medulla hyperfunction
Furthermore, he describes morning stillness D. Pancreatic islet insufficiency
in his joints lasting about 2 hours, w'hich E. I lyperthyroidism
improves with use. Mis past medical history 14. A 72-year-old female patient suffers from
reveals he has been successfully treated a long-standing heart failure. She presents to
for //. pylori related ulcers last year. Me the hospital with a cough and dyspnea on
denies smoking and slopped drinking when
his gastric symptoms started Which of the exertion for 1 week. Her symptoms worsen
following drugs is the best choice for his joint at night and she has noticed that her sputum
pain management? is pink and frothy. Chest auscultation reveals \
bilateral fine crepitations over the lung bases.
• A- Cclccoxib The physician prescribes a drug that reduces
B. Paracetamol preload. Which of the following is the most
C Prednisone likely drug prescribed by the physician?
D. Morphine
E. Aspirin A. Triamterene
B. Spironolactone
IL A researcher is Investigating the C. Acetazolamide
relationship between inflammatory mediators. D. Clopamide
He performs an experiment, Investigating *E. Furosemide-1
the effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) on patients with high-grade 15. Physiological solution is an isotonic
fever. His research indicates that certain diluent used to maintain cell integrity
NSAlDs act as competitively reversible and viability in procedures that require
inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase (COX) preparation of test suspension of organisms
enzymes. It is known that COX catalyzes This steriVe solution in water provides osmotic
the formation of prostaglandins from a protection for microbial cells. Which of
certain molecule that itself is derived the following concentrations of NaCl is
from the cellular phospholipid bilaycr by considered to be physiological?

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.110620 3

A. 0.09% organic compounds Which of the following

B. 9% substances under these conditions is the main
G0.5% source or endogenic walcr?
J). 10% • A. Lipoproteins
E. 0.9% B. Llpius
C. Carbohydrates
16. A patient suffers from a condition which D. Glycoproteins
is characterised by a restriction in blood E. Proteins
supply to tissues which leads to inadequate
oxygen delivery to cells and contravention of 21. A 21-year-old woman who is a medical
cell metabolism It is often caused by partial student is undergoing evaluation after sticking
or total blockage of arteries. Winch of the herself with a needle while drawing blood
following is developed in this patient? from a patient. In this ease a medical
professional is at high risk of getting a blood-
-A. Ischemia transmitted infection Which of the following
B. Hypoxia diseases is least likely to be transmitted via
C inflammation blood?
D. Spasm
E. Embolism A.HBV-
17. A 28-year-old male patient presents to C.IIIV ~
the physician with pain and discomfort in n.iicv
his right Jower extremity On physical exam, E. SLE
palpation of the patient’s pulses reveals the
absence of pulsation in the dorsalis pedis and 22. A 37-year-old man is admitted to a hospital
tibialis posterior arteries, while the pulsation with mental confusion and disorientation. I lis
on the femoral artery is present. The skin of wife reports he became more irritable and
his extremity is also pale and cold. Which of forgetful in the past year In addition, she
the following artencs is most likely damaged notes that he became a vegan a year ago, and
in this patient? currently, his diet consists of starchy foods
like potatoes, com, and leafy vegetables. GI
Descending genicular artery symptoms include anorexia, diarrhea and
B. Deep femoral artery vomiting. He has glossitis and skin lesions
GTibial artery that appear as vesicles over the extremities.
D. Popliteal artery Eczema-like lesions around the mouth, as
E. External iliac artery well as desquamation and roughened skin
over the hands, are also present. Neurologic
18. This action is an involuntary and nearly examination reveals symmetrical hypesthesia
instantaneous movement in response to for all types of sensation in both upper and
a stimulus. It is made possible by neural lower extremities in a "gloves and socks’*
pathways which can act on an impulse before distribution. Deficiency in the diet the of
that impulse reaches the brain and does which of the following amino acids is the most
not require conscious thought. Which of the likely cause of this condition?
following actions is described above?
A. Threonine
A. Reflex B. Arginine
B. Neuralgia C. Tryptophan %
C. Tetanus i D. Lysine
D. Initiation E. Histidine
E. Defense
23. The healthcare provider performs a
19. The main function of the human glands complete blood count to find out if the bone
arc to produce and release substances that marrow is making the right number of blood
perform a specific function in the body. cells. He studies a blood cell that has no
According to the classification there arc nucleus and has a function to react to bleeding
endocrine and exocrine glands But also there of an injured blood vessel by clumping,
arc glands that may be classified as both thereby initialing a blood clot. Which of the
Which of the following glands can be endo- following is the main object of testing?
and exocrine simultaneously?
A. Prothrombine
A. Salivary • B. Stem cells
B. Parathyroid • C. Leukocytes
C Lacrimal D. Platelets
D. Sebaceous E. Macrophages *
E. Gastrointestinal
24. A research group is investigating a
20. With total starvation the only source of complex of three enzymes. They have created
water for the body is the oxidation process of

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310620 1
oross examination or the cerebral |cfl
I1 m,sphere showed brain swelling, widc'Jj
cultures of myocytes derived Jr0P\ • f-j r? and poorly demarcated gray.^
performance college athletes and sim
Action. Which of the fo lowing is the
starvation conditions. After the cxPfr\ By cause of Ibis P«t*nl * deatli?
they concluded that dunne starvation
amount of this complex in Inc muscle lis
was higher The complex converts pyruvni A. Timor
into acctyTcO-Cazyiuc-A, which enters » B. Abscess •
citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) under aerobic C. Ischemic stroke •
conditions. This reaction also Involves tnc
further reduction of NAD* molecules into
NADI IJ An activating effect of which of tnc

nc ^

a- 3 *
following enzymes is described above?

o o
p .,- i o c o tJ

A. Lactate dehydrogenase

B. Hexokinase

3 oa. o5 § 2 e3
C Phosphorylase
D. Pynivalc dehydrogenase


E. Phosphofmetokinase

JJ m
. X. o
25. An 18-ycar-old girl comes to her physician

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with concern about her health because she

has not achieved mcnarchc. She denies any
significant weight loss, changes in mood,
or changes in her appetite. She mentions S
that her mother told her about mild birth A. Right hemisphere
defects, hut she cannot recall the specifics. B. Substantia nigra -
Past medical history and family history are C. Red nucleus
benign. On physical examination, the patient D. Cerebellum**
is shori in stature, has a short and webbed E. Reticular formation*
neck and wide chest. Staining of buccal smear
reveals absence of JLlcl bodies in the nudeis 29. A biology graduate student is performing
of cpiLhelial cells. A unne oTegnancy lest an experiment in the immunology laboratory,
is negative. Which of the following genetic lie studies a blood cell count from a patient
disorders is the most likely cause of this with acute appendicitis, which shows an
patient's condition? increase in the number of ceOOs having a
mullilobed nucleus and multiple cytoplasmic
A. Timer syndrome granules. These cells engult patnogens or
B. Edwards syndrome necrotic tissue and help in the degradation
C Klinefelter syndrome* of foreign products. Wnich of the following
D. Cri du chat ("cat-cry”) syndrome procesesses is seen in the cell described
E. Patau syndrome above?
26. A bone manow biopsy of an 8-year Phagocytosis%
old girl shows a group of cells which has B. Pinocytosis
undergone the process of pyknosis and loss or G* Osmosis
the nucleus dunng its diffcrcfltlatron Which D- Parietal digestion
of the following types of hemopoiesis is
characterised by the morphologic^ chances Passive diffusion
described above? 6 a°se^r,27-yCar-old femalc presents with
A. (iranulocytopocsis swallow,nOSO^,,^0al- ^oar5eness’ Pa’nfu
B. Thiombocylopocsi5 examinnh8 and34ow-grade fever.membrane
On intraoral«
C Monocytopocsis StaffS*!.
D. Lymphocylopocsis membranr* l^C °r°pnarynji. Removal of the
E. Erytropoesis nSSS ^lCih a deeding oedematoui
likely diagne,1^?01 lhc fo,lowin8 is the m°*
27. A 60-year-old man with a history Dr
hypertension, diabetes _and hyperllnwL.-
had a sudden onset of right-Jed S '™a A Vi.____
By the time the ambulant* aS*?1 5§pC"raiph*'>“suto i
had difliculty speaking Unfortunate^ .fc
patient died within the next 2 hours’
an autopsy was performed ImmeSauSj

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