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Coronary heart disease is a major cause of death and morbidity in humans.


Coronary heart disease is a heart disease caused by abnormalities in the coronary arteries which are the
arteries that deliver blood to the aorta to the tissue that protects the cavities of the heart (Yenrina,
Krisnatuti, 1999).

Etiology of Coronary Heart Disease

One of the coronary heart disease is the habit of eating high fat foods, especially saturated fats. In order
for fat to easily enter the bloodstream and be absorbed by the body, fat must be converted by the lipase
enzyme into glycerol (Yenrina, Krisnatuti, 1999).

Causes of Coronary Heart Disease

One of the coronary heart disease is high fat eating habits, especially saturated fat. In order for fat to
easily enter the bloodstream and be absorbed by the body, fat must be converted by the lipase enzyme
into glycerol. Some of the remaining fat will be stored in the liver and metabolism into cholesterol
forming bile acids that function as fat digesters, meaning that cholesterol levels in the blood also
increase. This buildup can cause (atherosclerosis) or thickening of the coronary arteries (coronoria


This condition causes the flexibility of the arteries to be reduced, coronary heart attacks will more easily
occur when the arteries are blocked when the blood carrying oxygen to the heart wall tissue is stopped
(Sulistiani, W, 2005).

Risk factor

1. Age and Gender

 Heart disease, like other diseases, increases with age. In the UK, for example, half of heart attacks occur
in those over 65 years of age, and the number increases with average age.

Factors that increase the risk of developing CHD

Can be changed

a. Smoke

b. High cholesterol
c. High blood pressure

d. Diabetes

e. Obesity

f. Stress

g. Lack of exercise

a. Genetic factors, such as high cholesterol levels due to heredity.

b. Gender problems: more men get CHD than women

c. Age

2. Family History

How can CHD be decreased in the family? Part of the answer depends on genes inherited from parents
that make it easy for us to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes. In addition, the
similarity of family lifestyle also determines, for example eating the same food and if parents smoke,
children usually also smoke.


3. Food and Cholesterol

As said before, atheroma is a major cause of coronary heart disease. Fat deposits, especially from
cholesterol called plaque, form on artery walls. This is what makes it narrower so that it blocks blood
flow. If the plaque ruptures, blood clots form in the affected area and block blood from the heart
muscle. This is what causes a heart attack

4. Stress

Many people who have had a heart attack claim that stress is the cause, but scientifically this is actually
difficult to prove. There are a number of other triggering factors, such as sudden exercise and
overflowing emotions, can result in a heart attack although this rarely happens. Believe it or not, during
World War II which caused much stress to civilians and the military, the number of civil warrians, who
had a heart attack actually declined

 Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease

1. Chest pain

a. Angina

b. Angina is uncertain
c. Heart attack

Overcoming a Heart Attack (Countermeasures)

1. Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after a heart attack is very different than usual. If the pain and lethargy have passed,
usually within a few days the effort is made to return to normality for the next 6-8 weeks.

Most hospitals have a section on cardiac rehabilitation, or abbreviated "rehab". The goals of cardiac
rehabilitation are


2. Return to Normal Life

3. Maintaining Heart Health

4. Improve food

In addition to reducing the amount of fat in your diet, use polyunsaturated fats (polyunsatu-rated fat),
usually derived from plants, or monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil. If you are not sure which oil is
good for health, check the label or ask a nutritionist because how many oils are not good for the heart.
Coconut oil is as bad for the heart as fat from animals.

5. Stop Smoking

The benefits of quitting smoking are enormous and start when you stop it, and in the next five years, the
risk of recurring heart attacks is reduced by half.

6. Reducing Stress

If you have angina for a heart attack, this is a chance to consider priorities in your life. You may feel that
work has taken up so much of your time and energy in spending time with your family, friends, and
other interests. Although there is no scientific evidence that changing lifestyles will reduce risk, this will
clearly improve the quality of life


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