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Compulsory School Uniform.

For and Against

We have dress code everywhere. Dress code can be paid attention or not. It’s depend
on the place. We have an official dress-code, on the work, in most, on different
specialized events etc. Nevertheless, some time ago, when Ukraine was a part of
Soviet Union, we have a compulsory uniform for every class of people. It’s very sad
and the same.
However, compulsory uniform has reasons for and against.
Reasons for.
It is very practical, because you know which clothes you need to buy.
You do not need to think what to wear tomorrow.
Reasons against.
You have not opportunity to express yourself. It is very bad. Because we should take
care of our soul. Our soul want different colours, shapes, feelings, which heart can
take from it. Moreover, for young people is very important. When we do not know,
what we like, we have experiments with our appearance. We will know which colours
fits us, which we like and understand which type of person we are. It will help you to
choose a profession, if you are a creative person.
Sometimes you don’t know what you want to buy.
We have a big choice of clothes and that’s why we don’t understood what we like.
In some situation we don’t know how to combine some clothes.
In a result, I can say that we don’t need a compulsory uniform in school, because
children need to develop their own style.

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