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def f1(I,S): # I(1-S)

return np.multiply(I, np.subtract(1,S))

def f2(I,S,H): # I[1+(ScosH/cos(60-H))]
r = math.pi/180
a = np.multiply(S, np.cos(r*H)) # ScosH
b = np.cos(r*np.subtract(60,H)) # cos(60-H)
return np.multiply(I, np.add(1, np.divide(a,b)) )
def f3(I,C1,C2): # 3I-(C1+C2)
return np.subtract(3*I, np.add(C1,C2))

def hsi_to_rgb(img):
zmax = 255 # max value
# values between[0,360], [0,1] and [0,1]
H = img[:,:,0]
S = np.divide(img[:,:,1],zmax,dtype=np.float)
I = np.divide(img[:,:,2],zmax,dtype=np.float)

R,G,B = np.ones(H.shape),np.ones(H.shape),np.ones(H.shape) # values will be

between [0,1]
# for 0 <= H < 120
B[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f1(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], S[(0<=H)&(H<120)])
R[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f2(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], S[(0<=H)&(H<120)], H[(0<=H)&(H<120)])
G[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f3(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], R[(0<=H)&(H<120)], B[(0<=H)&(H<120)])

# for 120 <= H < 240

H = np.subtract(H,120)
R[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f1(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], S[(0<=H)&(H<120)])
G[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f2(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], S[(0<=H)&(H<120)], H[(0<=H)&(H<120)])
B[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f3(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], R[(0<=H)&(H<120)], G[(0<=H)&(H<120)])

# for 240 <= H < 360

H = np.subtract(H,120)
G[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f1(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], S[(0<=H)&(H<120)])
B[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f2(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], S[(0<=H)&(H<120)], H[(0<=H)&(H<120)])
R[(0<=H)&(H<120)] = f3(I[(0<=H)&(H<120)], G[(0<=H)&(H<120)], B[(0<=H)&(H<120)])

return np.dstack( ((zmax*R) , (zmax*G) , (zmax*B)) ) # values between [0,255]

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