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Historia feliz

En la navidad pasada en el año 2019 fuimos con mi familia a Ibague, yo dormia en el sofa,
comimos tamal y abrimos algunos regalos con mis primos. Nos acostamos a las 3 en punto de
la madrugada, hizo mucha calor y me cambie de ropa. Todos estabamos muy felices de
habernos encontrado alli.

Happy story

Last Christmas in 2019 we went with my family to Ibague, I slept on the sofa, we ate tamale
and we opened some gifts with my cousins. We went to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning, it was
very hot and I changed my clothes. We were all very happy to have met there.

Historia triste

Estabamos en el 2017, ya habia pasado en año nuevo, mi mama se me acercaba y me parecio

muy raro, ella estaba seria. Yo le pregunte que pasaba y ella respondio que se habia escapado
nuestra mascota a la calle, que la buscaron por todas la calles y no la encontraron. Yo me puse
muy triste y nunca la volvi a ver.

Sad story

We were in 2017, it had already happened in the new year, my mother was approaching me
and I found it very strange, she was serious. I asked her what was happening and she replied
that our pet had escaped to the street, that they searched for her all over the streets and did
not find her. I was very sad and never saw her again.

Historia de miedo

Cuando mi mama era una niña, ella vivia en bogotá y tenia una vecina que se comportaba
extraño, era una bruja o algo parecido, ella le lanzaba gatos a su casa y un dia aparecio un
gato enorme y ellos intentaron alejarlo con golpes, al otro dia la vecina tenia moretones en el
cuerpo y todos pensaron que fue ella.

Scary story

When my mom was a girl, she lived in Bogota and had a neighbor who behaved strangely, she
was a witch or something similar, she threw cats at his house and one day a huge cat appeared
and they tried to drive him away with blows, the other Day the neighbor had bruises on her
body and everyone thought it was her.

Historia de verguenza

Era el 2008 estaba con unos primos mirando unas vacas, una vaca se va detras de mi primo, el
salio a correr y el se tropezo y se cayo en un hueco, todos nos comenzamos a reir, despues
todos lo ayudamos y el lloro un poco.

Shame story

It was 2008 I was with some cousins looking at some cows, a cow goes behind my cousin, he
ran and he tripped and fell into a hole, we all started laughing, then we all helped him and he
cried a little .

A: Hi how are you?

B: Hello! You´ve made my day. Fine and you?

A: I´m feeling a bit under the weather.

B: Too bad, shall I take you to the doctor?

A: It’s not a big deal, it’s just a grip.

B: Ah ok, do you know Isabel?

A: It rings a bell ...

B: She has short hair.

A: Ah Yes, What a pain in the neck.

B: Look on the bright side, I like her.

A: Are you kidding me, she is not for you.

B: Mind your own business.

A: Sorry, I'm feeling down.

B: Don't worry, I forgive you, bye.

A: Bye.


A. Hello! You get on my nerves.

B. Hello, I´m having second thoughts.

A. Yes, It blew my mind!

B. Turn over a new leaf, be yourself.

A. Well… Keep your fingers crossed.

B. Are we going to have a drink?

A. It´s not my cup of tea, better take a ride and leave me at home.

B. Kill two birds with one stone. Let's go! You get on my bike?

A. I put my foot in it! I forgot that I have to do something else.

B. Ahh ok, are you going to pay a service?

A. You just hit the nail on the head! See you later.

B. Okay, bye. Pull your socks up!


A. Hello friend, how are you?

B. Okay, I moved house and I had to start from scratch.

A. Oh, why?

B. I haven't done that in donkey's years and also my house was going to fall apart.

A. Don´t cry over spilt, it is a new opportunity.

B. Yes, but my boyfriend went ape.

A. I smell a rat.

B. It's because I moved a little further.

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