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Complex " health Protection»

In this complex

1 create a modular system of determining state of health

1.1. Modular system in the environment of OS WINDOWS - 1–th stage from €125.000

1.2. Modular system in the MAC OS X - 1–th stage from €135.000

1.3. 3-D visualization of a modular system in the environment of OS WINDOWS - 1–th stage from

1.4. 3-D visualization of the modular system in MAC OS x-1st stage from €150.000

2 development of EHF correction technology for diabetes

3-1st stage from € 125.000

4 Development of EHF technologies of correction when the disease prostatitis

5-1st stage from € 125.000

6 development of modular correction systems for children with cerebral palsy diseases

7–1st stage from €130.000

8 the Development of UHF technology for correcting the change of the vegetative status of the state
preexisting to the norm - 1–th stage from €150.000

1. Creation of a modular system for determining the level of health status

Modular system for determining the level of health – a comprehensive method of visual diagnosis of
the blood drop and analysis of the main indicators of the General analysis of blood using as a base
hardware and software package.

The modular system consists of software and hardware:

• Notebook type "TABLET»;

• Visualize a drop of live blood;

• The control program for image of living drop of blood;

• Express blood analyzer system "CITO» ;

• Management of the analytical program the results of laboratory data.

What does a modular system implement?

1. conducts research by visual scanning (through microscope) the living drop of blood taken from the
finger and analyzing the data of the General blood test;

2. creates and visualizes the data on feedback is under the influence of various factors (the accepted
medication, environment, etc. factors) and body ;

3. visualizes levels of influence of various factors (the accepted medicines, food diets, external
influence, etc.) on an organism ;

4. objectifies and predicts the impact of various external factors on the body on the basis of the
received databases.

The possibility of a modular system:

* the system allows you to objectively assess the level of health of the patient and the effectiveness
of the impact of drugs on the body;

* can be used at any stage of the doctor's communication with the patient;

* allows for rapid data analysis during patient consultation.

* can be implemented in the treatment process as soon as possible and is fully compatible with other
clinical studies.

* * does not require long-term clinical trials, as the basis is the clinical data obtained from a standard
laboratory study.

Where can I apply the new technique?

* During treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of the population in medical and other institutions.

* Can be used both in hospital and in polyclinic, sanatorium and field conditions, as well as at home.

* Allows you to objectively determine the degree of influence of the drug on the patient. How and by
how much, is affected by the therapeutic drug on the body, positively, negatively or not at all.

* In the treatment allows the doctor to objectify the state of health and the degree of its correction.

• * Modular system will allow to reduce the cost of diagnostic and therapeutic part of the treatment
process by reducing the use of expensive equipment.

How relevant is this?

The current standard diagnostic methods do not always:

• reveal the true cause of the disturbances of the organism, the degree of deviation of the indicators
studied from the norm;

* determine the degree of influence of the drug is judged by indirect and not always objective
features. And the selection of medical and recreational programs is often subjective;

What will the implementation of the system throughout the country.

The modular system will create the preconditions for maximum coverage of almost the entire
population of the country, regardless of age, sex and place of residence.

It will increase the effectiveness of treatment with a decrease in the duration of therapy.

The period of operation from the date of receipt of the investment is from 12 to 18 months.

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