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The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 Pattimura street on Sunday

afternoon. The burglars broke into the students’ room while they were going to a football game.
They never thought that while they were away, burglars would break into their boarding house.

1 . The communicative purpose of this text is………

a. to retell events for the purpose of informing

 b. to present perspective points about an issue

c. to describe the way they are

d. to acknowledge readers about informative events

e. to share an amusing incident

⇒ the answer : A

2.The text is in form of a/an………

a. description

 b. report

c. anecdote

d. recount

e. news item

⇒ the answer : B


My Best Friend

You love me for me.

How is it possible that-

My very being, you understand, you see.

In my mind, you shall remain-

If something should ever happen to you,

My sunshine would turn to rain.

You will always be in my heart,

For that is where you belong,

That is where you were from the very start.

Thank you for being you.

Thank you for understanding.

Thank you for always being true.

I love you.

3.What is the title of the poem?

a. My Best Friend.

 b. My Beloved Sister.

c. Nothing.

d. My Girlfriend.

e. Someone.

⇒ the answer : A

4.The first line says, “You love me for me.”

What does the word ‘you’ refer to?

a. writer's mother

 b. writer's father.

c. writer’s friend.
d. writer's cousin.

e. someone


⇒ the answer is : C

5.What can we learn from the poem?

a. we need someone special in our


 b. we need an enemy.

c. we don't need someone in our life.

d. we need God.e. We need friends

⇒ the answer is : E

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